1 r provTFTcTaC LIBRARY loRROW'S . 9.1 TV VT 4 fRGVIllClAL LI33A3T. .TIDES- 4 HI 11 GIVE TO THE RED CROSS 4- SUuh IB, Wi3 s.all(iard Time 3 oo 23 0 feet lfl at 20.4 feet D 20 18 feet " n 5 0 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" ' VOL. XL1I, NO. 64 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS F I ! List of Roomers I ; Shovs 4 Missing Throe of the five bodies found in the ruins of the fire-ravaged King George Hotel, destroyed early Sunday, are believed to have been identified. They are listed ai Henry Mor- fan. Alec Megetto, it- i 7. X K . C Y 1 V says he has not seen his roommate since. Rizuk, 46-year-old miner, had been out of hospital for five days following an appendectomy and recovery from pneumonia. He had been employed by Po-laris-Taku Mines at Tulsequah. He was described by his physician as five-foot, 10-inches tall, brown hair, long, thin face, ind well-built. Third man, 60-year-old Alec Thomas Rizuk, 48. A fourth, a woman, is believed to be a Mrs. Peters. They are the only four unaccounted for in a list of 51 occupants compiled today Dy Theodore 'Fredt Prystay, pro-orietor of the rooming house. The fifth body is believed to be that of a visitor, one of two persons listed as missing here since the blaze RCMP said that because remain of victims are so badly charred, "positive identification mav never be made." The ruins are being probed further and all ashes sifted. An inquest will be ordered following completion of the search, coroner George Dawes said this morning. iwegeiio- was a steady roomer there, said Mr. Prystay. An old-timer In the city, he had been employed as a laborer by Mitchell Si Currie construction company for 20 years. He retired about three years ago. He was known to have saved his money and carried several thousand dollars on his person. He told friends he did not believe In banks. Little is known about Morgan, one of the three male victims believed to have been trapped in the fire. He was rooming with THE JAGGED ROCKS and pounding surf at Petit Passage near Digby, N.S., ended the career of the Halifax fishing vessel Lena, driven ashore in a heavy gale. The 58-ton craft brought four refugees from Finland to Boston tn 1950. He was robbed of $700 two a survivor, Jim McLean, who years ago. -Photo bj Larry BtAiiwood. Five Bodies Were Uncovered Owner Saw Magetto on Street 1 1 1 c t M 111(11 lilbTKOYt i) the King George floor have not been named but Red Cross to Bear Cost Of Relief to Survivors front attending a hydrant is one of many unidentified volunteer firemen" who pitched In to aid the regular staff of 12. All members of the RCMP force, headed by Inspector Taylor, and the CNR fire department, headed by John McLean, aided In battling the inferno. are accounted for. v Huii'iuy riulmed at least five live, bodies of which i during a search of the ruins. The 40-room apart-is aIiow n here as it started to collapse at 3.20 a m., aim the start of the early morning blaze. Seen tn Third Floor John Brillon. Mr, Prystay said that shortly i after the fire alarm was sounded at about 2:15 a.m. Sunday he saw Megetto on the street. "Then I saw him rush Inside ajtain to his basement suite. He Thomas Riiuk (missing I, Mr. Olson, Frank Borvik, Mr. Rum-ley, Jim Stroble, Henry Hansen, Heinz Langner. Pat Finley, Mr. Help for some 45 survivors of , the King George Hotel fire who mic Explosion Heralds Dawn I must have tried to get his LaxBle. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore, rjoney. ( lost most or all of their posses A body was recovered from ! Wo"8 Dock Hi. John Chastau, "The people of Prince Rupert have time and again proved their willingness to lirlp thote in distress, and I feel sure they would support a program of this sort. It would necessitate formation of a committee or some perman under a bed in the location of Mr Millrton, Lome McMuUen, Sugged Nevada Mountains - Churchill Rejects Hungary Offer sions continues to be offered from many sources. More than 15 of the survivors reported to the city hall yester William Taylor and three oth Megetto s room ers, not named, but accounted for. i 'Ui SITK. N V ? The bij? blast came at 5 20! But it undoubtedly gave 1.000 day, others to the Salvation away a thorough Jolt. This was t the closest for humans since the ent group whose personal services would always be available ' in the event of an emergency. LONDON O Prime Minister ';. explosion find ddn today it ami reverberated khI riiountuiiu of litdv.ni! grounds. a m. The detonation, from a 300-foot tower, was not nearly as tx-cUiriiikr as last year's Invitational shot. Police said a man named "Peters" told them he believed the, woman's body was that of his wife. Peters said he was in Terrace during the week-end at the time of the fire, looking for work. This was confirmed by Mr. Army. Rooms were provided for aU, as well as clothing and meals. The Canadian Red Cross Society will handle all costs incurred in providing such relief for Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts Churchill flatly rejected a Com-of 1M5 ; munlst proposal to barter a Brit- The Red Cross would do everything possible to support and First reports from up front ' lh business man in a Hungarian Inrli.'uteri llv.l all I riirirw inrf Drlson for B Communist Clrl assist such a committee. Seguin Sentence Increased the burned-out, Stan Savllle, branch president here, told As it is now, we cannot even who said the Peters : newspapermen came through : guerrilla held by the British in Prystay, . !miuu. were wcrerei mOTING' AROUSES WITS IN APARTMENT Mayor Harold Whalen this morn- ; ing. be certain that beds will be available, although it is remarkable and wonderful how quickly volunteers come to the rescue." registered in room 2 of the basement, where a woman's body was found. Following is the list of room- j ui inn siiun: ,,.mj. . Closer of two civ! defence j He said the government could ' houses being tested was believ- ' not entertain proposals advanc ed smashed, but a light appear- ,ed by Hungary's Red regime The Communists had offered !"s who lived in the King ed to be burning near the mor. VANCOUVER 0 Henry Seguin, 35-year-old Ontario suspect, today had a five-year prison sentence increased to 7.500 feet fro'n Cost of assistance given by the Salvation Army also will be borne by the Red Cross, said Mr. SaviUe. I A fund started yesterday with a S10 donation by Mayor Whalen got another boost today with a similar donation by John Mc- m!t. and sharp reporta around 9:30 last night j f '' city resident who U'lephoned the Dally i f !t..!t..i,f to ask about the 'shooting " i distant house to release Edgar Sanders nowiOeorge at the time of the fire. I serving a 13-ycar prison term on I as compiled by the proprietor: espionage cnarges n ""vain , . 7 i' ! 20 years by the B.C. Appeal Court. wouia release iee meng, ninese '. ;; . u. Em rnnvlrlnt nt Williams ' woman guerrilla held in Malaya, missing, ;! that at 9.20 p m. the fire department answered j r-t Avenue West. It was a small car fire. Police car I fire truck R,m:fr 1:i'r. the city ambuianie answered a call A'.'i.ue West also followed by the police car, which "v, ;:il times 'lie "lioollng" accompanied by the usual Hollywood-T" ii.formaiit said lie resided at the Elizabeth the tower. The two $20,000 two-storey homes were erected to help architects design houses with maximum protection. After the first fl;ish, the ch'.r-acteristic white cottony cloud formed quickly as It rose to perhaps 40 000 feet. An ice cap apixarcd ntop the big ball. The device was a 15.000-ton energy model by TNT stand-erds. onlv three-qunrtcrs at powerful as the nominal atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima bank Leonard HU-Ingi, Chinese i. Alee Megetto ,mlM. jing manager Angus Campbell. Mr. Chls- lier durln8 an attempted holdup, holm. Dave Mooncy. Wong Bing.iHe was also charged with shoot-Wong Yen, Mr. and Mrs. Myron ins t an RCMP officer when he Kowal and five-year-old daugh- iwas surrounded and captured by ter Monica. ! police posse north of Williams Main Flour Sndy Munroe. ! Lake. Lloyd Wilson, William Jackson, I In coutv court- he was sen' Rebel Liberals Break Away From Yoshida Naughton at the Daily News office, where additional donations may be made. The fund is designed to aid re-habilitation of the survivors. Volunteer helpers have donated clothing and offered rooms. The fire department stated that some clothing is still available at the fire hall. Meanwhile a move has been started to establish a disaster committee. "An experience like this demonstrates the need for some permanent arrangement whereby we can be assured of bedding and other essentials at a moment's TOKYO f Rebels have brok- I Adam Kuzmycn, Mr. Kicigeon, '"v'rn.i . en away from the Liberal party I Mr. and Mrs. Stove Mintcnka. """'T" "" ' and the owner's family. Mr. and ner appealed the sentence. of Premier Yoshida and ui i itiiik i Shigeru oiiikiiu luiiuuii wiu, .. , K,i,in'i onneol for b new trial. and NiiKusiikl. The closest liviiiu things In - i i , . P : H 7 J u . I .j , . . :.i 1 i formed iorn.en their mcir own own Janiin japan Liberal woerai " rrcn rrysuty. ' smu vmui, B . . :,uH. nrlnr th at.trrnev-Ben- jral Leader Hits Back Statements by Somers ! ' l K T Kenney, Coluiiibmns I ! 1 M-ta leader. The minister mild It would re-f ' t at a speech by ouire $23.5iKi,0W to carry nut a Mer Hi,l.erl o, , ..... . .. locmy s icsi weic iiiwi-uiur i : p , to the ri,.,.t(,n election called canca of them in hunkers within 400 IJ, UUU I V I , I . HlfU I'll! J CHI ...... I" " ' ,J oid grandson, Peter. . eral s appeal, was dismissed by Three others living on this the court ..f ..rnimd ro These lh-! lur nl" la- ... n . Vwl,OI iv 1 rn 1,x rcu.uiil eluded pigs, dogs and monkeys. 1 notice," Mr. Saville said. " f 'III- llt'HriMU HIO "While the Red Cross is always I! 4 1... ... Mr. Kenney said this would ready to give its full financial support in such an emergency it IWIIIUO Wit. V J f Vf,l".. power at the head of his party, which Is mainly conservative in complexion. He dissolved the Diet Saturday night because secession of 22 Liberals brought him defeat In a confidence vote. The 22 claimed they had been joined by two other party mem-bers in forming their own group. They said they would be led by Ichiro Hatoyama, former Liberal is anxious to do more than that. It's hope Is to be able to provide Election May Cpme in Fall OTTAWA CPi-Prlme Minister St. Laop'tit said Monday the record of his Liberal government will be submitted to the Canadian people 'Within the ,v i "V -r -. a personal supervision by which " " minister f"-.tru.V the for-K 'veriutieiit g deu. r Aiiiimiwim t'oiu- lias so much ""..by few to mls-'; M' Kenney, Y I" the last gov. sinned the co. iri"i lor the $550,-1,1 "i west-central 4 work out to $:1C0 an acre while the agriculture department had given figures showing clearing emits In that area were $30 an ; acre. j "I wonder how we can get industry In BC. after remarks we heard last week'" said Mr. Kenney. Mr. Kenney disputed Mr. Som-nierV statement that Alcan was the victims of a disaster will at once be assured of shelter and ail the comforts necessary at such a time. party leader. i V Tito Meets uext few months " The prime niinisUT made the statement in the - Commons while defending the government against charges of waste, inefficiency and of hiding be 81 . I Queen rs , paying $125,000 r year for water '! jast week in rights. He said Alcan has paid ' ' i-ulure of the $1,750,000 In taxes in the hust ' tinn to Insert two years. ""'it With A I,.- - i ' " V In Palace 1 t ii. !'iiR the . . 1 company to hind a veil of secrecy, made by George Drew, Progressive Conservative leader. It Is generally expected that the election will be held In early October. '' flooded hv th. LONDON CP) Marshal Tito : ,4 I f V, n- -- .''""ItiiiK- and a! '. to Brltlsh met Queen Elizabeth in Buckingham Palace today, serving as V a clear sign to the world the Kremlin included that the p reason Another Red Leader Sick BERLIN O East German President Wilhelm was reported suffering today from pneumonia and pleurisy, the same malady which took the life of Czech President Klement Gottwald last week. The - 77-year-old Communist veteran is in hospital in the Soviet sector of Berlin. Powerful A-Bomb LAS VEGAS The United States figures that the potential enemy, presumably Russia, may have developed atomic bombs at least three times more powerful than those dropped In Japan. Civic defence authorities indicated this to correspondents here today for atomic tests. Yugoslav dictator has made the 1 i ' . r . " ... , ... . V ; ' 'I , j S " 'CP' - Vancou- nay raein -WEATHER- ' , isynopsis A mass of cool moist Pacific air will give variable cloud and frequent showers to must sec-tlons of the province. Forecast North coast region: Cloudy with showers today. Intermittent rain tonight and Wednesday. A little milder. Winds southwest 20, backing to southeast 30 tonight and becoming southwest 25 again Wednesday afternoon. Low tonight and high Wednesday at Port Hnrdy Sandsplt and Prince Rupert, 37 and 45. Ullisdo wne Park LADY ROSEMARY SPENCER-4 III R( HILL, 23, la one of six girls chosen to carry the Queen's 20-yard train in the Coronation. Pictured at a meeting of the Heythrop Hunt at her parent's home, Blenheim Palace, Lady Rosemary is daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough. She also is the cousin of Prime Minister Churchill and the sljter of the Marquis of Bland-ford, one-time beau of Princess Margaret J curt oi t,.., ftfcsVffrVv V',V-AXA Thieves Raid Terrace Store RCMP here said today Skinner's General Store, about five miles east of Terrace, was broken into and robbed of a quantity of cigarettes and other small items. Full extent of merchandise missing is not known. The store occupies a lonely spot on the northern trans-provincial highway. grade socially in the west. It also marked the first time the Queen has sat across a luncheon table from wartime's Communist guerrilla chieftain-turned-dictator. Tito drove to the palace after taking in the British Museum and the ancient Tower of London. A heavy police guard ur- VETERAN TRAPPER ANDY TYSON adds to his bag of wolves with two victims at Tyson Lake, about 30 miles southwest of Sudbury, Ont. So far this season tt has snared 28, six more than last year's total of 23. He challenges a proposal to use poison to kill wolves, claiming his snares are more effective. Incidentally, he already has earned $700 bounties this winter at $25 a wolf. ,Elilon Park Kxhib!t.have tm'250 .jnibitinn Park will roiinded him on his visit to the tourist sights.