Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 24, 19&2 Co Light - Clothes, That Is . , .jin. fi imiiihi - n- -in'i fr-n iYI - I - - r - i m ,NtHiN ---Tbe "weight" of being fashionable is a lot' IODE, Legion Join in Day Of' Decoration The IOD5". and the Canadian jl used 10 ut: m &laliull,Ji'ilt- aay. an days, a light-weight summer outfit, for rdian E1'! Manitoba Couple Married At First United Church Re-UohoUtcr Your Chesterfield NOW You Plioiie We Call Samples brought to your liomc: at no obligation. Phone Blue 818 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY 330 W. !nd Legion Decoration Day was held Sunday afternoon from the Leg ion building. , weighed more Ulan scvcr' Pfuno8- Now It's Just slightly ,h;,n one pound. ligures come from Doris Langley Moore, lf c one of .,sbH-ktiown historians on women's styles througruthe kivps these contracts: fvsnii': two petticoats four pounds seven ounces in 1902 lllCI, in 1952: combinations and chemise, 62 ounces, slip , ix ounces; corset with 40 bones, one pound two ,,,11-nns, two ounces; shoes and stockings, one pound The First United Church was the scene Satui-day for the quiet wedding of Hazel Noreen Powell and 'Raymond Mitchuk. A parade led by the Shihieri Bam! left the Legion building and proceeded along Second Av j 04 " I ft I Iff ' , f..&. - - ---; " " -t.--z.rx"-i&r w, II ! " i.fV it If Rev. L. O. Sieber performed' enue to the Cenotaph where a wreath was placed to start the ounces. Willi 1'2 iff ceremonies . Over The Rug Show LW'g BUT the nuptial ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell, of Grandview, Manitoba, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchuk of The Pas, Manitoba. The bride wore a gown of light blue net over blue silk featuring a flowing ballerina length skirl and strapless neckline with pleat tire banting C)riliani Newlyweds To Reside Mrs. F. A. Flood, president of the IODE, led the prayer. Standard bearers of the Legion were Edgar Woodward and Capt. Cal-derwood. IODE .standard bear-srs were Mrs. M. Keays. Mrs. Grace Giliis and Miss S. Inalis. Li ed frill topped by a net jacket.; y n Alberta ''.V ft Pipei.s were James Robertson and Jack Ewart. Taps were played by Bill Smith. Following tne services members proceeded" by car to Fair- WE STILL HAVE THE RUGS Her accessories of pink and a pink rosebud corsage completed the lovely bride's ensemble. j The bride's only attendant. Mrs. Joan Hicks, was gowned in cream and figured silk witli Niipual vows were exchanged U(y (f Sixty square-(,,iaiis from the Cal-rj,l have won them- ' , "spni among Canada's c iici talners. Friday evening in the First Uni- lea cnurch when Betty Blllie, f . - .J aaugnicr 01 Mr. and Mrs. W. r view Cemetery where the IODE and Legion ladt decorated the Legion Plot. 1 -c-1 i white accessories. She wore a corsage of mauve lilacs. Best man was Mr. Frank Hicks. A reception will be held for the newlyweds at Victoria next fall. They will reside at 1345 Eighth Avenue East after a short stay in a city hotel. Mr, Mitchuk is an employee of the Royal Bank where he was re Canadian's Pen Pal Holf, 920 Hays Cove Avenue, was joined in marriage to Arthur Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc-Manus of Loon Lake, Saskatchewan. . Ceremonies were conducted by Rev. Seiber at 7:00 p.m. ' Given in marriage by her father, the bride was beautiful in a frock of white lace featurins a nylon net neckline. Her headdress was of exquisite lace and If yoii haven't seen these rugs already you should come in and see t'.iem at the fifst opportunity. For quality rug, perfect for modorn accessories- and colors. Gordon & Anderson Phono 46 TWO-STOKF.Y 1KA1LEK The Alistair Michle , family from Marlow, England, now living in Calgary, has a double-deck trailer that permits travelling with many of the comforts of home. The. 7.500-pound traii-er is complete with living room,-bathroom, kitchen and, on the second storey, has two bedrooms. They already have made a 3,000-miie trip through the United States and Canada. , (CP PHOTO) 49 Rupert Students Pass Conservatory Music Exams al, railed the "Do-Sl-r- (wist to the f until (fence ytep. "Do-so-do v Wp i;o." All are from irtlip Larombe Home at or ihr acombe Home, . mitMiie the city. have shot to m-Si-KH heir own locality. Since si appearance at the SinmpccY :n 1351. they ,,in demand for private res at ha iq nets, cdn-jml s milar functions, jrcaii 'l. triumph to date .(onmim-c before Queen h and tlie Duke of Edln- To Live Here cently transferred from The Pas LONDON (CP) Sylvia Colat branch. Mrs. Mitcnuk is now ai pearls. The bouquet of red roses, which the bride carried, was la Fraser & Payne Drygoods. stunning contrast to her white lace ensemble. an English girl who learned about Canada largely from a pen pal, leaves shortly to settle in Montreal. Miss Colato, a ground hostess for Trans-Canada Air Lines, flew to Toronto last February to maet Mary.McLeod, the Canadian girl lia had been her pen friend for Bridesmaid, Miss Evelyn llud- 1- ... H rnig tne royal tour last ervlch, the brides only attend ant, wore a lovely gown of pale Si -Kite--- are the brain Dlue taueta. A blue crown which held in place a small white veil was her headdress. She car- 11 years. It was just a brief visi.,, j Results of examination held here June 9-10 by the Royal Con-! servatory of Music of Toronto were released today. Following are results, wilh names arranged in order of merit: (irade VIII Piano Pass Margaret Johnson; Elaine Christenson. (irade VII Piano First class honors-Roy Gordon Sleber;. Honors Brian Roberts; Pass-Gael Redpath, Roberta Reid. Lrled a bouquet, of pink and while ,i( Mike Hu.ssey a id B'tirquf of Calgary. In R,,utqn then an cxecu-Iip Canadian Shoe Re-1 ,(-iaiion, was asked to carnations. Mr. Bert Wong was best man. The wedding music was played by Mr. Pluym. Following the ceremonies a re but Sylvia liked what she saw and decided to emigrate. In Montreal Miss Colato will work as a TCA passenger agent. She is 22 and .speaks four languages, English, French, German and Italian. Try Dafly News Wont Ads Hi Urn. ' I t ception was held at Valhalla Hal!,! where the bride's mother gowned in turquoise with pink accessoi j ies, received the guests. I Mrs. McManus, mother of the' i wps'.'m train for a 'nil Montival. . -(it'll cales drcrsed v.cst-f anil learned to square In M-mtreal they stole ,,'ininn when they re-M;k' Ihissey, a veteran ,iit'i. saw them. He and ipr divided to teach the m I" children. with a shortage of t thi-v turned to the Grade VI Piano Pass Elizabeth Jones. (irade V Piano Pass Marilyn Anderson. groom, attired in navy blue ny-; Ion with white accessories assist-i Grade IV Piano Honors JRuUh Marioric Tel- SERVE serve rr'4 l' ed In receiving the guests. The couple will leave by train ! ford, Gael Couling; FabS Dc-I anna Mae Peterson. II M f-J tiLH t"v- 1 this evening for Aioerta and Sas katchewan where they will spend ! their honeymoon. j Following their wedding trip the newlyweds will take up res- Idence in Edmonton, Alberta. i fhiiMian home, where iiiiri 30 willing recruits, and Hussey then dccld-nnild raise money for the rirMiich public appearan-! Do-Si-Eettes. "r f ft " I i S( - . ,1 1 Another . distinrri:ishcJ product of The BRITISH ' COLUMBIA DISTILLERY Co. Ltd. i r I VI LOSDOXDRY n I n 1 Grade III Piano Pass Marena Postulo. (radc I Piano Honors Carol Andeison, Margaret Sedgwick. (irade VIII Violin Pass Rolv.rt'A. Jnn.fii. Grade VI Violin PassDavid Ridsdale. ! Grade V Violin j First Class Honors Janet to; Spark; Honors Donald J. MacLeod. (irade II Violin I Honors James Ronaid Log.111,1 A!n T.niurpnpo Siphpr 'fullill) J prcien, xoung reopie rreseni ice in Pastor's Absence ill 1 1 Esfd 1750 famous since 1750 FIRST OVERSEAS FO. Lila Mann of Melfort,, is th3 first woman in the RCAF to ?o overseas on duty since the end of the Second World War. Sho will be messing officer to Canada's No. 1 Fighter Wing, now i'ationPd. In England, f ' . " (CP Photoi r, eaden During the absence of Rev. Fred Antrobus of the First Baptist Church, the Women's Mission Circle and the Baptist Young People conduek-d Sunday services. Mrs. Daniel Scncrk, president Donald R. Lewis. J ( St nt t.'......c- WNDONDRYGIN alia event for ST. JOSEPH'S AC'.lti:..Y todiy 1M bii mra 01O MIOAL IESE3SE 1 s; -nr. Grade VIII Piano I Honors Paul Ant tubus. ; Pass Sena Paviikis, Norma of the Mission Circle was chair iMiMtinrV. puiriM. LnwiMM man at the morning service. Mrs. 4- USE W. D. Smith led the devotional 1 Johnson, Ann Eyolfson. nerlod. Those presenting mis- Ciraile VII Piano VKKHS' IONOON PY CIN Z1' ii iiiiiiiM it eni hi iiittnini 11 fSA sk'nary information from differ-j pass Maruarrt Oi.sen. ent narts of the world were ivns. (irade VI 1'iano H. Elklns, Honors Victor Pryslay, Delia Calvert 0ISIIUEB1 (CANADA) LIMITED ami Drama Festival "ii ini'i'ting. Wednes-m 2b. at 8 p.m., Civic (lUit 1 ami violin recital, pu-'li s W A Way and Mrs. " on. Wediu'silay. Jim" tuminon Lounge, Clvlr (143' ''I mi'eliitc, CarM'nters' WiiliiCMiiiy. June 25, 8 P. It. Lloyd, Mis. C. Mr. Ed. Martin and Mrs. Hilda Haig. Lahti. Myrna Knut-sen; Elizabeth Oswald. Al Be re. L fiLii j AND C1T lan Ritchie (equal); Anita Ko-erson. Cirade V Piano First Cla.s Honor; Beverly Barwick: Honors Diana David This advertisement is not published -or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British ColurabuL John Antrobus, George Mc-j and Paul Antrobus made up the song in trio. Mrs. P. H. Linzey and Mrs. Robert Mac-Donald were ushers. Mrs. Henry Vanderheide, president of the BYP was chairman of the evening wrvice. Colin Sherry read the scripture, Mr. 11 p nlers' Hall. Fraser 'ENT HUS1NERJ5. M49I BC RESERVE Thi British Columbia Distillery Ci. Ltd. "ill ini'i'ting Women's v. i.'r'A W.U., at the son, Thelma Paviikis (ruuali; Pass Suzanne Kexgin, Slila.v Halliriav. Grade IV Piano Honors Gail Weise. Grade III Piano First Class Honors Margaret 'Pole Hall. Wednesday, Vanderheide gave tne nau-. and John and Paul Antrobus were nresented a duet. Ushers. Geraldlne i. IfW. B p.m. All mem- UilTC. (ltl iular Moose ff&Vt is. Tuesday. raHtl NKW WCTHIMf1Cn, .C. Mr. Sherry and Miss Wilkins. Anfleld; Honors Kay Johnson Patricia Cameron. Grade H Piano -P-r-rtTT ttT7" i 8 p.m. 6 , This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Government o( British Columbia I cUjUJilJJlLill I i IT'S THE SURE WAY! (Hi Honor Kathleen Saundeis Donald Macdonald, Joanne Murray. Grade I Piano First Class Honors Margaret Johansen; Honors Judith Fos-sum, William Saunders. Gradr V' Violin Protect Fawns NAPANEE. Out. (!' Conservation officers, reporting that many fawns have been seen here recently, warned the public not to molest the young deer. Even though the fawn may seem to he on it? own, the mother is usually not far away. r"nl;il of Mi;,s M. A. Way s Auderson will not take Wnt'silay night on ac-1 iinst pupils going away, take place in the fall. (It) Your first job! You're earning your own money, so every penny counts. And because you're a vie young lady, you'll be opening a Savings Account at your branch Pass Yolande Lrpine. tirade II Violin Honors William Kergin. 11. lWi 11 ". I HP, A'H" , Burcd treasure WH1TSTABLK. En ",la 'id Peter Cannon, 21-vear-old r sall- --'---? TIRE h" , of The Commerce right away. Vv'e're expecting you, and we have a welcome present ready. ut, is collectiiiB. diving nv,nt to exolore Roman sunk off the said to have been His father, an nma Kent coast. It's a handy purse size booklet 4eur historian, believes puuriy ril L''4V4'W SAFETY immmm,f. S . called, "It's Simple When You and weapons oh the old ships may be of considerable historical value. Know How" ... filled with helpful tips on day to day banking. It was written especially for you. - " ; ' ""XL 1 Ask for your copy at your local branch, or write to Frances Terry, Head Office, The Canudiun Bank of Commerce, Toronto. Woman i:s aMvs from Inxnlivo linhil "After trying mnny Kimls of remedies to relieve constipation, I finally turned to a daily Wiping of ALL-BRAN. No constipation nowl" confides happy Montreal woman. And delicious Kelliiug's Al.l.-BRAN may bring back your youthful regularity if ynur suffering has been due to lack of bulk in your diet. It's th only type rendy-to-eat cereal that supplies ull the bulk you may need. ALL-BRAN is high in iron and protein not habit-forming. Eat ) j cupful of Kellogg's AIL-BRAN daily; drink plenty of liquids. Kellogg's is so sure you'll like all-bran that, if you're not romplrleiu mlified aft-T 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's London, Ont., and get DOUBLE YOUR liOKEY BALkl A WOMAN A NO MM tANKINr. The Canadian Bank of Commerce . &MimMiSb fit- ISN'T IT?-Billy Brooks offers a bite of his Ice cream to Iceman Fred Rosebush as they discuss climbing tempera-Peterborough. Ont. Billy agreed an iceman had a nice ' the summer but. it's hard to beat his own recipe for !'ig off tCP PHOTO) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia,