3.
C.
Published
at
Canada's
Most
Strategic
Pacific
Port
"Frrince
Rupert,
the
Key
to
the
Great
Northwest"
Phone
u.ll)
No.
B.C.,
24,
1fS
,.
j
fuller,
oldtlmc
resident
of
Prince
Rupert,
has
nl(,l
the
city
with
a
series
of
pictures
and
a
history
of
the
IrlJ
ginning
in
1907.
.
City
council
has
decided
to
purchase
an
album
and
have
,,,-
st()ry
and
pictures
suitably
arranged
in
it.
.
t
if
'
City
Approves
.'
.
.
Loading
Zones
Workers
AAayor
Whalen
Objects
Citizens
Prepare
To
Evacuate
Homes
By
The
Canadian
Press
Hundreds
tf
Edmonton
citizens
are
tensely
awaiting
the
crest
of
the
rain-swollen
North
Saskatchewan
Hiver
which
is
expected
almost
V;
if
'
.
'
If
'
;r
'
.
-
j
British
Firms
Seek
Contracts
For
Seaway
(.VP)
The
office
of
High
Commissioner
Norman
Robertson
of
Canada
said
today
a
large
number
of
British
firms
ivvm
Refection
Vancouver
(cp)
fter
heated
discussion
and
over
the
objections
Savor
Harold
Whalen
city
council
last
night
de-I
to
amend
the
newly-enacted
traffic
by-law
and
;,ish
three
loading
zones
or.
Third
Avenue.
i
If
.
miirs
win
db
in
irum
oi
International
Woodwork
hourly.
Council
Moots
Twelve
families
already
have
ers
of
America
said
last
night
that
its
members
are
seeking
equipment
contracts
bark
to
the
hilt
the
policy
City
Police
Force
for
the
projected
Canadian
sea
way
to
iink
the
St.
Lawrence
sea
way
with
the
Great
Lakes.
Planes
Continue
Air
Raids
committee's
decision
to
its
Prince
Rupert
may
form
and
Dairy,
Prince
Rupert
i
B.tkery
and
the
Dally
,,r
Whalen
bald
It
had
the
opinion
of
aldermen
uslv
In
"at
least
give
the
iiailii:
by-law
a
chance"
;
am
very
much
opposed
;;
actum."
statements
followed
read-I
a
letter
from
Pat
For-the
Co-op
Bakery
seek-.taljlishment
of
a
loading
;n
front
of
the
bakery.
spokesman
denied
reports
these
preliminary
contacts
with
reject
the
provincial
La
evacuted
their
homes
in
low
areas
along
the
river's
banks
which
runs
through
the
heart
of
the
city.
Meanwhile,
in
other
parts
of
central
Alberta
other
communities
also
are
watching
devel:
opments
In
rivers
and
creeks
which
are
bearing
the
runoff
from
weei-long
general
rains.
Edmonton
civil
defence
0r-gani7.ation
is
gearing
itself
for
general
evacuation
of
law
areas
bor
Relations
Board's
(CP)
Air
Force
and
Navv
fighter-bombers
teamed
Governor-General
Vincent
Massey
welcomes
his
guest
and
predecessor,
Earl
Alexander,
British
defence
minister,
who
came
to
Ottawa
after
a
visit
to
Korea
for
talks
with
defence
and
government
officials.
The
two
men
chatted
on
the
grounds
of
Government
House,
official
residence
of
Canada's
Governor-General,
which
Earl
Alexander
left
last
February.
up
again
today
to
hammer
four
own
police
lorce
atjain.
Mayor
Harold
Whalen
told
council
at
its
regular
meeting
last
night
that
Inspector
W.
V.
Chlsholm
had
Informed
him
that
the
would
refuse
to
renew
Its
contract
with
the
city
unless
Prince
Rupert
supplied
them
with
'proper
barracks."
Alderman
George
Casey,
quick
of
five
Communist
hyaro-eiec
British
businessmen
had
produced
any
concrete
results.
Hp.
said
there
had
been
no
official
talks
in
London
on
the
Canadian
ship
canal.
The
spokesman
added:
"Canada
is
always
ready
to
encourage
British
imports."
London
newspapers
carried
optimistic
accounts
of
the
negotiations
looking
towards
an
esti
trie
plans
smashed
yesterday
in
the
biggest
air
raid
of
the
Ko
a,s
pointed
out
that
the
along
the
river
In
event
of
a
major
flood.
v
had
made
requests
prev
back-to-work
formula.
More
than
loggers
and
mlllworkers
met.
in
the
Vancouver
Forum
for
a
Local
1-217
rally.
Business
Agent
Lloyd
Whalen
said
there
was
only
one
dissenter
to
the
policy
committee's
stand.
The
committee
Saturday
rejected
the
board's
plan
which
would
have
sent
lumberworkcrs
back
to
camps
and
mills
and
reopened
negotiations
between
rean
war.
Nearly
Navy
planes
from
big
fleet
carriers
off
Korea's
Snag
Boat
Watchman
Drowns
and
they
had
been
re-
i
tiinan
George
Casey,
in
First
warning
came
from
to
rise,
said
"there
are
still
plenty
of
good
policemen
not
In
lhe
Mountles
and
if
conies
to
the
point
where
we
have
to
take
Rocky
Mountain
House,
miles
rting
the
bakery's
request,
the
dairy
and
The
Dally
east
coast
joined
Air
Force
ulanes
from
dozens
of
Korean
bases
to
hit
the
shattered
generating
stations
for
the
second
straight
day.
The
Air
Force
said
F-84
Thun-
mated
$420,000,000
in
electrical
and
heavy-engineering
contracts.
British
officials
said
they
were
encouraging
and
consulting
with
the
businessmen
trying
for
the
St.
Lawrence
seaway
contracts.
City
Fathers
Seek
Way
Out
Of
Rat
Menace
the
union
and
coast
derjets
"completed
the
destruc
Allan
Marshall,
38-year-oid
watchman-fireman
aboard
the
snag
scow
Essington,
ls
believed
to
have
drowned
last
night
after
he
slipped
from
a
ladder
while
boarding
hl.s
ship.
His
body
was
recovered
this
morning
In
about
feet
of
water
directly
below
the
scow.
Captain
W.
F.
Robertson,
skipper
of
the
Essington
said
Marshall
i.s
believed
to
have
struck
his
head
on
the
side
of
the
scow
tion"
of
two
power
stations
near
Changjin
reservoir
and
two
on
west
of
Edmonton,
where
th9
North
Saskatchewan
begins
it
long
journey
through
the
prairies
to
empty
into
northern
Manitoba
lakes.
At
Rocky
Mountain
House
the
river
is
about
three
feet
above
fiood
level
and
flowing
at
three
times
Its
normal
rate.
Report
from
the
coal-mining
centre
of
Caaomln
says
"hun
3ongchon
River
hi
east
Korea
The
board
said
that
if
no
agreement
was
reached,
a
government-supervised
strike
vote
would
be
held
July
16.
Operators
have
claimed
they
cannot
bargain
while
the
union,
which
walked
out
nine
days
ago,
United
States
Eighth
Army
orders
from
the
we
must
think
about
formation
of
our
own
force.
"We
are
not
compelled
to
take
orders
from
the
Mountles.
We
had
our
force
once
before
anil
we
can
have
It
apain."
The
city
contract
with
the
R.C.
P.
expires
in
December.
The
Mountles
tank
over
policing
In
mast
centres
throughout
British
Columbia
after
the
Provincial
Police
were
disbanded
in
August.
1951.
,
Under
the
present
contract
the
Aldermen
got
involved
in
a
spicy
discussion
of
condttic-ns
at
the
city
dump
last
night
ifttr
it
was
suggested
that
a
box
of
re
in
ttie
same
position."
j
Ttre
is
no
lane
and
no
,e
ol
constructing
one
be-ihese
places
of
business,"
he
irtdiiii!
that
"council
6hould
.'.a
these
places
as
excep-U)
the
bylaw."
think
it
is
part
of
our
busi-lo
help
these
people
and
iff
no
necessity
of
deprlv-m
ol
their
livelihood."
.
itrman
Daggett
said;
'this
t
same
old
argument
we've
i
oe
fore
and
am
heartily
in
reported
Increasing
patrol
action
along
the
155-mlle
battle-
blasting
powder
be
wed
to
rid
But
they
added
that
no
official
Anglo-Canadian
talks
have
yet
taken
place.
Poison
Grain
Used
to
Rid
Cricket
Pest
Iront
today.
the
area
of
rats.
itudy
of
gun
camera
films
from
the
Air
Force,
Marine
is
carrying
on
illegal
strike.
President
Stewart
Als-hury
said
the
truce
proposal
put
forward
by
the
tabor
Relations
Board
was
"absurd."
and
sank
almost
immediately.
Dragging
operations
did
not
get
underway
until
daylight.
The
Essington
,a
Dominion
Department
of
Public
Works
boat
employed
in
keeping
channel-
and
c&rrler-based
planes
which
dreds
of
thousands
of
dollars
damage
has'
been
done
by
the
rampaging
McLeod
River.
Cad-omin
is
miles
west
of
took
oart
in
the
Korean
war's
biggest
air
attack
showed
the
strike
was
a
virtually
per
agree
to
police
this
city
Several
aldermen
told
of
visiting
the
dump
and
seeing
the
"place
seething
with
life."
All
urged
a
clean-up
compaign
to
"make
the
dump
look
respectable."
-
Alderman.,
George
HUls
suggested
that
if
some
action
were
taken
"perhaps
the
health
de
He
said
the
board's
terms
were
with
a
maximum
of
men
and
clear
in
the
Skecna
and
Naas.
is
setting
up
loading
zones
t
three
parties
mentioned.
a
minimum
of
12.
Of
the
total
had
been
scheduled
to
leave
port
Nev.v
(AP)
Forty
tons
'he
as
those
the
operators
"trtpd
to
force'
on
"us"
before
.he
strike
deadline.
Loo
more
than
five
are
to
be
ingU:
Srr.iire
tacmore
.
important
of
poisoned
barley
arrived
In
.
The
river
has
washed
out
approaches
to
the
town's
three
bridges
and
has
carried
away
three
river-bank
houses.
Ho
Injuries
were
reported.
rtxi
iii
s
ad
move
that
the
nick
of
time
yesterday
to
save
the
silver
mining
town
of
cent
success,
the
Air
Force
said.
"
An
official
spokesman
said
direct
hits
were
registered
on
all
fivi!
targets
and
the
world's
fourth
largest
hydro-electric
plant
at
Shiho
was
a
"pile
of
junk."
The
plant
lies
only
half
a
mile
south
of
Manchuria
on
the
Yalu
River.
partment
would
lend
us
some
assistance
In
getting
rid
of
the
this'
morning.
Because
of
an
Inquest
into
the
tragedy,
she
will
not
sail
until
tomorrow.
Marshall
had
been
working
aboard
the
Essington
for
the
past
three
months.
He
leaves
hts
men,
who
would
be
housed
in
barracks.
At
the
present
time,
there
ate
nine
single
men
on
the
city
detachment,
some
of
whom
live
in
the
old
comfort
station
opposite
Austin
from
a
mammoth
inva
raffle
hvlaw
be
amended
al-i
the
(Tali
y,
the
bakery
and
Dally
News
to
load
arid
un-thcir
goods
at
specified
of
the
day."
i
motion
was
seconded
by
sion
cf
ravenous
Mormon
crick
rats."
"We
should
be
proud
of
our
ets.
Only
a
quarter-mile
separated
wlte
and
a
son
at
Second
dump,"
said
one
alderman,
after
he
flayed
"those
responsible
for
dumping
refuse
at
places
other
Albany's
only
water
reservoir
Avenue
West.
the
city
hall,
otners
live
n'
private
homes.
Mayor
Whalen
said
he
mentioned
the
Inspector's
statement
to
aldermen
so
they
could
think
nd
tne
vast
horde
of
crickets
-moving
in
an
area
miles
Co-op
Sues
$50,000
For
Packer
Loss
Suit
for
$50.-000
damage
for
.
loss
of
the
76-foot
fishpacker
Kanawaka,
owned
by
Prince
Rupert
Fisher-,
men's
Co-operative
Association,
and
its
cargo
began
before
Mr.
Justice
Sidney
Smith
in
Admiralty
Court
here
today.
Senate
Delays
Bill
Passage
Opposition
members
In
Senate
Monday
delayed
the
passage
of
a
bill
to
revise,
the
capital
structure
of
Canadian
National
Railways.
The
bill
would
relieve
the
of
$22,000,000
In
annual
interest
than
from
the
ramp.
Some
aldermen
thought
fire's
should
be
kept
burning
in
the
'side
and
miles
deep.
House
Approves
Workers
fell
to
In
feverish
Halibut
Landings
More
than
260,000
pounds
bf
halibut
were
landed
here
this
morning.
Here
are
sales
on
the
man
Kreuger
and
then
was;
"i
by
council.
w
to
the
endorsatlon,
Ainu
Kreiiger
argued
that
i!g
zones
for
the
three
places
tar
more
necessary
to
city
vis
than
taxi
zones."
WhaWi.
in
objecting:
to
efforts
to
spread
.
the
killipg.
over
ine
situation
aim
i
.
n'll
bring
the
matter
up
again
at
thej
Ulll
dump
and
Alderman
Prusky
said
"our
garbage
burns
better
than
next
council
meeting.
district
garbage."
Mayor
Whalen
couldn't
ascertain
how
Prince
Rupert's
gar-
(CP)
Commons
Monday
approved
the
renewal
of
Federal
taxation
agreements
with
provinces.
bait
lure.
state
agricultural
official
said
the
poison
would
stir
up
a
stench
"like
millions
of
dead
fish
rotting
In
the
sun."
Had
the
crickets
contaminated
the
reservoir,
the
resi-
t
bage
could
burn
any
easier
than
American
Alaska,
57,000.
22.9,
22.6,
16,
B.C.
Packers;
Glacier
Bay,
40,-000,
22.6,
22,
18,
Atlin;
New
Era,
The
vessel,
one
of
the
largest
Rail
Unions
Seek
25-Cent
Members
gave
third
and
nnai
reading
to
a
bill
authorizing
the
and
best
known
packers
on
the
district
refuse
and
so
after
lengthy
discussion
Alderman
Casey
suggested
the
matter
be
coast
for
the
past
J5
years,
was
dcnts
Gf
Austin
feared
they
government
to
conclude
agree
charges
and
of
other
mterest
charges
amounting
to
$3,000,000
for
the
next
years.
Senator
John
T.
Haig,
opposition
leader,
adjourned
debate
on
the
measure
until
he
could
read
into
the
record
figures
showing
debts
at
the
time
of
amalgamation
of
several
lines
which
make,
up
the
in
collision
with
Union
Steam-1
would
have
been
forced
to
exac-
taken
under
advisement
oy
ine
ments
with
provinces
lor
live
year
period
ending
March
board
of
works.
hips
vessel
Capilano
off
Gower
uate
their
village
miles
55,000,
22.6,
22,
16,
B.C.
Packers.
Canadian
Alverdy,
65,000,
21.9,
21.6,
16,
B.C.
Packers;
Mina
H,
50.000,
50.000.
21.6,
21,
16,
Pacific.
.
east
of
Reno.
1957.
The
measure
now
goes
the
Senate.
n?
up
a
zone
for
the
bakery
if
you
Rive
it
to
one,
you'll
"
to
grant
It
for
others."
:
believe
our
new
traffic
by-t
least
should
be
given
a
trial
before
anything
ol
nature
is
done."
'toman
George
Hills
agreed
the
bakery
request
and
Al-
"in
concurred
In
his
arts.
'y
Clerk
William
'Long
was
'ic'ed
to
have
the
necessary
"'Intent
drawn
up
for
pres-"
council.
Wage
Boost
Represent
a
-
Duke
Confined
In
debate
preceding
adoption
of
the
Bill,
George
Drew,
Progressive
Conservative
Leader,
With
Jaundice
George
Schwels,
director
of
Nevada's
plant
industry
division
of
the
agriculture
department,
said
eight
other
areas
were
infested
in
Nevada.
Nevada
experts
foresaw
a
probable
ap
Wives
of
non-operatingrall-
Point
last
May
24.
The
six-man
crew,
including
Captain
Tom
Dalzel,
was
rescued
by
the
Capilano
crew
after
they
took
to
their
lifeboat.
Ths
Kanawaka
was
returning
to
Prince
Rupert
after
discharging
a
shipment
of
halibut
in
Vancouver.
The
collision
occur
suggested
a
Koyai
uommussion
be
established
to
recommend
Duke
of
Edinburgh
has
Jaundice
and
cancelled
all
Immediate
engagemeuts
it
was
officially
announced
today.
Jaundice
is
a
disease
of
the
ways
to
reallocate
taxing
powers
among
Federal
and
Provincial
way
unions
agreed
Monday
on
new
wage
proposals
for
presentation
to
Canadian
railways
next
week.
At
a
nyetlng
behind
closed
doors
representatives
'
heard
chairman
Frank
Hall
outline
the
pay
rates
drafted
by
an
executive
meeting.
Union
officers
all
red
shortly
before
midnight
on
pearance
of
the
insects
l
Washington,
Oregon,
Montana,
Idaho,
Utah
and
Wyoming.
They
got
their
name
of
Mormon
when
they
swarmed
in
May
24.
governments.
Man
Injured
At
the
time
of
the
crash
co
on
early
Mormon
settlers.
Only
op
c
facials
saia
it
wouia
cost
more-
than
$100,000
to
replace
weather
-
Forecast
'-ii'ly
today
with
sunny
per-
'his
afternoon.
Mostly
liver.
Official
bulletin
from
Buckingham
Palace
said
the
31-year-old
husband
of
the
Queen
will
be
confined
to
his
room
for
several
days.
rierlined
to
make
public
the
the
picker.
She
was
equipped
to
millwright
at
Dominion
Grain
Elevators
suffered
minor
an
unexplained
appearance
of
leaguiis
saved
the
settlers'
menaced
grain.
amount
of
the
increase
sought
hw
125.000
workers.
pack
135,000
pounds
of
iced
salmon.
Initirles
this
morning
when
!y
tomorrow.
Little
change
struck
nn
the
head
bv
a
chain
However,
it
ls
repotted
the
.
ti
-
-
rr
i
:
l-.
i
f
:
...
v
t
i
;
jfi
'
perature.
Wind
light,
in
hi.wlc
N.
A.
Beketov,
agent
for
the
unions
will
ask
a
cent
an
hour
,nB
to
northwest
this
ti,o
uxirker.
Murdock
MacKen-
Department
of
Transport
here.
'moon.
Low
tonight
and
high
le
of
Eleventh
Avenue
East,
left
for
victoria
by
air
today
on
boost.
Present
contracts,
made
effective
in
by
a
compulsory
arbitration
award
by
the
Supreme
Court,
expires
Sept.
1.
"Tow
at,
poiS
Hardy
and
Sandsplt.
and
Prince
Rupert
was
treated
at
Prince
Rupert
departmental
business.
He
will
General
Hospital
and
released,
'return
Saturday.
:
:
;
"in
tit).
Wednesday,
June
25.
(Pacific
Standard
Time)
High
2:47
19.7
feet
15:47
18.1
feet
Low
9:21
3.0
feet
21:27
8.0
feet
Typhoon
Hits
Japan,
Many
Dead,
Missing
tf)
The
edge
of
a
typhoon
hit
Japan
today,
killing
at
least
persons
and
the
toll
was
rising
a
reports
came
in
over
battered
comunication
systems.
2in
lock
of
Fresh
Milk.
Vegetables
Grocer
Tells
Council
City
Suffering
(CP)
The
surpiua
of
Norwegian
men
over
women
Is
steadily
extending
to
olde
must
be
augmented
by
only
about
4.500
people,
we
have
ond
round
in
the
movement
"With
delivery
-
of
milk
and
f
nd
"it
-..
;.....,
,j
vuiwiinver
"
t,rauniB
area
m
:u,uuu
(jruprc.
ul
ay
boat
boat
service
service
from
from
produce
produce
rpxumpri
resumed
'
Kv
bv
Union
Union
Fridays
Fridays
"-oti.Kiay
oniy
....
w.-u..,B
..u
'",''
",-'
rPuercusslons
are
Mr.
Lyons,
after
stating
that
Miiiver
it
means
tne
cost,
oi
nv-
,ot
v,
ror,t.
Another
are
missing
and
the
Japanese
coast
guard
said
fishing
boats
with
persons
aboard
also
w?re
unaccounted
-at,..
i.s
-
.
.
"
....
.
'
-.
a
i
nmnn
flTf.
rr.ur.
M'
ishhi
lug
kiik.cii
wiic
cn-m-.
.,.-..
.
.u
"mlW
."P
ing
in
rrmce
mipe.t,
is
Bu.,1B
w
caiuse
it
means
merchants
tion,
city
schools
and
the
hospital
groups
so
that
fewer
women
run
the
risk
gf
dying
as
old
maids,
according
to
Johan
Vogt
of
Oslo
University.
He
warned
Norwegian
men
that
competition
for
wives
is
getting
keener
all
the
time.
must.
fiL'iire
our
reaulrements
here
"are
complaining
about
the
b'n
wtiBrj
council
wia
cay
rise.
w
G.
P.
i
.von
in
net
a
"The
health
of
this
community
m
chpari
the
cost
of
living
milk."
asked
council
to
take
for.
Some
may
have
been
blown
to
sea.
'lp1
Petition
from
businesses
Is
going
to
suffer
.
.
.
u.
,,inr
in
rise
and
the
health
some
action.
of
our
community
ls
going
to
In
answer
to
a
question
from
la
and
present
It
to
the
ppmiii
k
'
RtsH
nuE
nming
for
discussion
and
isioii,
"The
new
scheaule
means
Of
"
,
$
'
f
.t
':;...'.
v.":-'.
:-:-.
?
.
i.-
:
-
v'
,-fcv
'his
action
afipr
there
ls
no
fresh
produce
on
our
Alderman
Casey.
Mr.
Lyons
said
the
aldermen,
"as
the
elected
representatives
of
the
people
of
Prince
Rupert
could
bring
pressure
to
bear
on
the
steamship
company."
suffer
.
.
."
"I'm
asking
the
city
council
to
bring
whatever
pressure
to
bear
that
they
can
to
get
a
boat
in
here
at
least
on
Mondays
...
to
remedy
this
situa-
linn."
Lyons,
owner
of
a
store
shelves
from
the
beginning
of
rlnK
ills
name,
told
council
each
week
until
Wednesday.
elimination
of
the
Sunday
Union-
ships
lave
Vancouver
lval
here
"has
rut
off
riellv-
with
milk
and
produce
for
Prince
Mayor
Whalen
suggested
the
!..of
fiesh
milk
and
produce."
Rupert
on
Monday
and
Wednes-"lscussinK
the
situation
with
day
each
week.
Council
Accepts
Queen's
Picture
As
Gift
from
Imperial
Daughters
City
council
has
accepted
the
offer
of
the
Municipal
Chapter,
Imperial
Order
Daughters
of
the
Empire,
of
a
portrait
of
Queen
Elizabeth
for
the
Council
Chamber.
Fact
that
no
picture
of
the
Queen
was
available
was
brought
to
th
attention
of
the
public
May
at
the
conclusion
of
the
official
mourning
for
King
George
Motion
to
accept
the
gift
was
made
by
Alderman
H.
M.
Daggett
and
seconded
by
Alderman
George
Casey
at
last
night's
council
meeting.
rnn,
he
said
"many
of
our
"This
means."
said
Mr.
Lyons.
;
mcrs
are
complaining
that
"that
milk
which
arrives
he
e
'K
ls
imlnr,
i
.
lPrlrfnV
TTlllSt.
last
Until
101-
In
answer
to
questions
from
grocers
get
together
as
a
body
aldermen,
Mr.
Lyons
said
prac-
and
present
their
views
to
coun-tically
the
entire
refrigeration
cil
since
the
only"
complaint
he
space
on
the
Union
ship
arriving
had
heard
so
far
was
from
Mr.
here
on
Sundays
had
been
taken
Lyons.
,m
hv
Prince
RuDert.
It
was
regularly
moved
iry
Al-
SnoiltniT
nn
v,
bHuIvps
"
lowing
weuntutty
mi"
ne
n
a
vp
mil
foil
ha
Im.
Keep
long
wk.
h
-
-
bem
thrown
over.
dermau
Daggett,
seconded
by
Al-
"t
ton
hartv
m
low
!.;
nf
Bill
Martsch,
20-year-old
cowboy
from
Wallenstein,
Ont.,
rode
his
horse
1,400
miles
In
days
to
Halifax.
The
trip,
he
says,
was
just
a
warm-up
for
a
coast-to-coast
ride
he
plans
to
pass
the
time
while
recovering
from
a
Vang
illness.
Photo).
""I
W(alhpr
..1.1
1U.
.......
exnla
ined
that
farmers
in
board
for
these
new
develop-
derman
Glasscy
that
Mr.
Lyons
,h.
n!
ki
v
vallev
are
unable
to
menu
down
south
(Kemano
and
obtain
a
petition
and
present
it
"I
a
Sllilrto
.
..
....1.1
-.
......
,i
u
Dll
4Ve
a
very
serious
affect."
supply
enough
milk
for
this
city
Kitimat)
and
white
ifiey
nave
i0
councu
at
uie.mni.
uwewu