I'm ice . Kupuil Luuy nci. Tuesday June 24. l-); Council Excludes Press From DAILY NEWS 1 Nameless Sofiballers Win Fourth Game, Down Hawks The "Nameless Wonders" of softball won the . , r An m J STKlTLER, Alta. Offw-I"! of iht Foothills Flying Company i "v.inouncet the firm would in- ' augurate In July a passenger and express service between Calgary, EdmontMi and Saskatoon, with ; stops at Stettler, Camrose and HALIFAX (CP) salmon estirr. ; Dartmouth. It wn weisti-d ated to weight ,'J5 pounds alive some tln- a,ter at 30ipjunds, orie, was hooked in the Musquodoboit of the bluest ever caughe tit River by Charles Kimball o' that stream. Secret Meeting SPORTS 1 Uoydmt;ister. " 1 fourtii straight game last night; downing Hawks 1? as No. 1 team hammered' out 18 hite off pitchers Matty Sf lewick arvl Chris' Enckson. Prinee Rupert city council lasti night met for more than s.w hourj VALUABLE BUSINESS behind closed door to discuss "a Nearly- $10,000,000 worth of matter of grave importance to j leather- gloves and mittens are the eitteer-s," ' 'made in Canada each year. Shortly after 10 p.m., Alderman 1 Don S;.herk held the Hawks r " down to six hits, oni ol them, u i,v, sriKR " iniii""" . i,.iiW" IK nun n, mm,,, home run by Norman 8ather, I H.k AB HHan? M. Daggett moved that!jic were barred 0 j council hold a .secret session of ; . e WM ,n hls offlce when city Watt 3 first of tli seoson. Losers scored twice In Clerk William Long was asked to n me coniiiniu;e 01 lue wiioio, 1 L Without a dissenting vote, al- . .. I . J ...V.('n 1 bring him Into the meeting. first inning; No. 1 tallied four in the same inning, four move B. Martin 4 !M Sedgwick 4 i ucimeu agieeu iiiu ws.ra Earlier, at the onen meetin.f. in iiil second ana seven m ira 3atrlt.- , 4 nson and Scherk , jt S(rtf?wick 4 2 1 the public and PMs departed 3 . Mme aidermen criticized work 0 There was no indication of the ,,beir d on roads and sid3. 0 1 nature uf business to be dis-! waljtg 0! cussed. j Mayor Whalen said: "the mat- .But',',L tleJ?honev,!5? k! !ter wu of grave Importance to ! Mayor Whalen s home 1 shorty be- . t wfc d ln,,e tnfi aWe. ,fore midnight, the chief .mab- t considered lt important fi trate said he was extremely :-,,.,, t nt .,., .. ; itoumcinsoiv three lilt? l ehrK'ctivelyj n.nf.rKX . md MOTOR PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 871 . It Isn't The Amount You Spend. By spending too much money vou merely lose nwmey. By spendiiiK too little yu stand to lose your ctmilftt- investment if the article purchased fails in its perfftrmawee. F01 this reason it pays yw to purchase a ear or truck that's priced at what it's worth. WE SEI.I,THAT KIND OF VEHICLE USED CARS' pi47 Foitn coiTE -I'AAP heater, new paint lUtl while Sather gatheird three out' Eriek&oit ... ' 3 R 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 6 R 2 4 3 I 3 1 1 0 0 of fo-ir for the Hawk. Next Kame between tlie Hawrn ;nd COO 300 Ls scheduled foe 31 Total ' V 1 ' -V V '1 AB perturbed" over the exclusion .ol ;j lng' jtne presS should have the press. W " ' b,,, tn there tnere- Although he refused to dU- I , Wednesday, p.m., at Oyri:Nicke.MOT 5 11 1 4 If'afk, Sixtlr and MoBrlde-. j ; Christ enson 4 !print 3 Schet k 4 J R. Fcrd 4 Cameron- 5 3 o t ir i'-r.V; w close what happened during the .ession, the Mayor said "the business was certainly of public Interest and the press most definitely should not have been tarred." WasJ a WATCH, 1295 IMC CHKVROI.ET DELUXE SEDAN- Radio, heater, two-tone paint Author-Angler Tells Fish Stories On Air JVIonlion 4 B. Hill 4 Hill . 4 a RING, a DIAMOND ifhti ' .A.II.A W. H. 'Baldyi George, left, of Kvmptville, Out , VAf. HYDRAMATIC PONTIAC Chieftan Iiexlue Sedan-Ail an conditioning, seat covers. -4 WfA Exceptionally clean A 750 i tJvl Famous author and angler , ptfcU'J preslilem or me tunauian nmaicur nucKey nssocia-P (or a two-yea- term at the annual meeting In Minaki, Ont. 825 1150 PREFECT Heater 1B58 FORD SEDAN Fully equipped, air conditioner "As representatives of the people of Pi h.ce Rupert any discuss, ion or criticism by council of city affairs is of interest to the citizens and should be reported in the press. "I have complained before and I complained even louder this time." Superintendent of Works D. C. Stewart did not attend the regular council meeting but was called into the secret hearing 20 minutes after the press and pu'o- rtixlenck Haig-Brown has- re-i cently returned from South America and tonight begins a rerie.; of raUo talks on his experiences. . . . Mr Haig-Brown was invited by an airline to u to China and Argrntlne' just to fish -and lie Total 37 16 18 r Fund Sells U.S; Dollars WASHINGTON The Government of the South America. Republic of Paraguay has purchased U.S. $875,000 from the International Monetary Fund with its own curre icy, Paraguay-i guaranties, it wa.s announced here at Fund's headquai ;ers. 1575 Buy by Mail SPORTS ROUND-UP ' RadU seat covers. Four almost new tires. Ful! price TRUCKS 194S U-TON CHEVROLET with special -Home ' Type' body. This car is exceptionally clean got ps.id for it. ToniKht over CBC, he will share some of his observations 'if Bidth American trout streams with iai!io listeners. 1195 1050 1285 By GAYLE TALBOT, t-Ycor Apprenticcthip Defended: NfW YORK 1 AHi-7-There Is 1 It was discovered within a niat-,f" not thai th' ayerane Koltlttr oi minutes that Julius had 11 will ever understand thelocen a pro for only a couple of if-yar apprenticeship ruielvt-ars and would not, tlreforc, ti which Julius Boron, the j t eiiv.ible to compi'te in the and SAVE 13 You can buy with perfect confidence from our illuitrated catalogue of outstanding valuea In WATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS, ETC. all high quality only AM 13 under retail etore prices. Write for catalogue today It'e Free. Goods sent on approval, Money refunded in ten days If not satisfactory. ;WISS CAKA IMPORTING CO. 54. C2 Bate Building WINNIPEG, MAN. 1947 DODGE !i-TON PICKUP New paint, good tires, heater and defroster 1947 FARGO 2-TON FLAT DECK Two-speed I axle, vacuum brake booster 193S CHEVROLET Chassis and Cab Two-speed axle, duals. In excellent shape. ' Phone 81 C. GREGORY LEELANC, D.S.C. (Doctor of Surgical Chiropody 1 FOOT SPECIALIST 3 MeriicaMental Bid., West Vancouver B.C. 475 US om-n cnwnpaon, coi- u-uas pnvaw oiroie nuni, Sugar Ray Favorite Wednesday NEW YORK Sugar Ray This appeared to embarrass the POA, und it quickly took a wire vote of it officer to see if they were willing to make an exception In Julius's case. They Mr were, and the new open king d, und which eventually iswl tlie Connecticut star to .Mmw from the iMesent TO A event at Louisville, Ky. ;n recent days we have been nsed Uiat the statute so zeal-4y (leffrided by the profes- .nais is silly and outmoded, A have been uked why we in't lake the hide off the TO A ,- ptrmitting lt to remain on w omiks. was invited to have a go at Robinson took over the favorite's role Monday as a light rain forc FANCY DISHES Louisville. The happy appren Waterproof tice whipped over to Louisville Wishes to announce that he will be practicing Chiropody at PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL June 23rd - 24th - 25th - 26th Advance appointments will be acknowledged bhincs 1 o and shined up his clubs. But then he began hearing things over the tops of the lockers. J'Ss fellow professionals, it ieems, were violently unhappy ed a two-day postponement of his light heavyweight title light with champion Joey Maxim until Wednesday at Yankee St odium. Strong support for th,1 middleweight king developed after the weigh-in and there were indications the washout would drive the price higher, past 13 to 10. with Cups and Saucers D:nner Plates Teapots Peach Lustre Dishes Perch Row1 Ses In i:ase you didn't follow the DuiitMiis of Boros, the facts, at the thought of playing ,ff!y. are theRe. A comparative aeainst an upstart who didn't Jmuwn, the big fellow slipped belong to the lodge. He even to win the open at Dallas h e a 1 d profanity. So Juliuri :r Bin Hogan, the favorite, craw!d into his car again and sv'j' ru"1! & v L!.Va Jft MimilMMM Jf.'.-d in the closing rounds. ; tit out for home. j 33 U MiW SrtMS Know How to Teocn before Entering 'Circle' or wsilier : Phone U Refrigrrstion repair service. slLNO MACKtM AND VACUUM CU.ANKS RZPAIB soicni srwrsc curroi 1 ' i' ' . It isn't a pretty story, but blocks long. The modem star of j lure the pros are condemned ; the money circuit is expected sol hand it might be fair to i only to sign testimonials as to at ihrir side of the picture, i their effectiveness, explain why they still want still, the pros contend, there , piaytr to serve five years In i js a dt finite need for the period , wendarjr capacity before he 0f transition from amateur to ; 'ti-s la curd us a praetiring! teaching pro. The great major-! 'jfi-?Munal. I ity of PGA members .seldom ; They concede freely that, injury ,n any but their local: a-ne, the ruto- is outdated, j ' rumtments. They are respect ipiniiliy, tlxr apprentice pro (.d feiluws who devote their lives; v'j'fj tlx- five years to sweep- j l0 running their shops effici-i turt the slv)' und' lenrnina;! ntly and to teaehtng- clieir rn'Af r;olf cluiM. Nnwudavs j mmnbers Iww t i break 101K ''" tafned mi' on Mwm- rwy iae nlgli prltle ,n their yiii". in snotless ulant." two! , ,,. m.nv .f them have' MAK1JTTA hj JO CO -Uf i-jMI dset" Uemolet servtev UMfTai SMtos. Pleki M W T"f 7- ' ou- SF M I hew ai-urf-i f i es4 Moeels Ai ' Rtlnoerotion f-&f rut An. A soTI w W r J Li..' SfAWNMOWER CBsbH BAW SERVICE DO YOU READ THE CLASSIFIEDS? Most people do, and as a matter of fact the classified paqe is the most widely read in the paper. People who really waht to buy things read the classified page carefully. DO YOU ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS? If you want to sell ANYTHING fast, phone 748 and place a classified ad. People who really want to sell things use the classified ads. Classified ads always bring quick results. Take advantage of the DAILY NEWS -i-Tiui.. - - : fiiuii little use for' trie gl;unor ooy.s 1 C BALDWIN 9 , uihi ( imthinw but exhibit 1 ti-.-m Av JO Ull k mo All Kinds Hauak BA STSf Yanks Wallop in Mai Page 41 Hi rA. iiim taeir skill for money, and a silent' battle has been going on ior some time between the two fcroupo. Eventually, if nrt sooner, there might be mi open break In the meantime, the stay-at- With iv owns phone scrvtcc for classified ads. i s.-, . r - ,,' , M','n4iJ Hit Slam . 0 HONE 748 TOD A home.-, an; determined to police their aieiiilH-rsritpr'lo- assess the character of applicants for a suitab'e period and to see to it that they actually know how to teach golf belore they are admitted to the sacred circle. 1 ' r ' X. ,Hvt.- ' r t -- v ' 1 r j. NEW YORK W New York -'e', unloosed a 17-hit bar- to wallop St. Louis Browns HO Monday night and retain 2'a-game lead i.i the Am i'an League pennant race. Boston Red Sox cru-hed the "tioit Tigers 12-0 while Chi White Sox were tripped 6-4 than your atter-ciinner smoke Cheaper 1 Washington Stviutors In the For less t)an 2i a day just about the price of the cigarette you smoke 3vitri viuir rnff'ee vou can ;r games. White Sox droxd ''- third place tie with Id In lait v.::J Boston moved l ti sero'Ht plaee. Yankee blows Included two mspciitlve' homers by-Joe Col-:IS Collins and Phil' lttwuto Jh liaitcd in four runs. Score;, : National: Pittsburgh 3, Boston American: Washington 6, Chi-4; Boston 12, Detroit (I have complete protwition for all your valuables. Papers, passports, jewellery . . . all things of value . . . ftre subject to loss and theft in your own home. For complete safety and for your peace of mind they should be kept in a BNS Safety Deposit Box. Safe, convenient, available to you at a moment's notice. Protect your valuables by taking them to the nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia at the first opportunity 2f! a day is so little for ao much. GOING ON HOLIDAYS ? Havt a happy, worry pet vacation . . . put your eoVuoWe in a tuft place a BNS Safety Deposit Box befort you go away. ... -f " r-i - TslFrr- 11. ssssr - i- ---i a - ' JssV-tAMM mLrJi, t- " sssst 1 xxwrnzr-"--' w valuable discoveries Ni'-W DELHI (CP Ancient miis which are expected to "w considerable light on in-"Wtants of south India more lan 2000 years ago have been 'wuvered by a survey party 6out so miles from Madras. "ie coffins and urns made of ay were unearthed with many "n implements. itt9 r v r 1 n r-v n r ! ST s W t k e . . a s s i a I The Bank of Nova Scotia BASEBALL TONIGHT Weather permitting) COMMERCIALS v f'DKDON &-ANDERSON tPostpmied game) Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Terrace he is R. C. Sandover-Sly. US-TTEUCCC IRES Yovr fartnf In ffcWna Grow 7:00 p.m.