ay Reflects and Reminisces i Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It In many respects, one of the , Hurst In Prince Rupert is given I It needed only Monday, December 2l, 1953 minaii of litti loveliest of Christmas carols, : exieimeu unu aiup-aiumi: notice 10 i Silent Night, is todav, as usual, In the Chron:eie, published oy Bob min its wav around the uni- the Alumni Association of the Ing, cease t.i.,...u 1 uvau,, (JULso,, jn m Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New.. Limited. r J. P. MAGOK, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President verse. The carol was written by UBC. "This man of service to his shape of cyanide gus an-v, an Alpine priest, Father Josef fellowmen died suddenly, pos-1 And then resueo the quest! InjWes Sullivan v y jf Clmore fpiJltoit that remaining $300,000 N1t ally, police should be ahle la a yarn, or perhaps go further ' vlohr, am; the melody provsaea sioiy doiwiwh sam warning by Franz Xavler Oruber, an Aus- to himself, for he never really Irian musician. It was first sung recovered from his war wounds, m Christmas Eve, 1832, in Sax- His passing leaves us stunned," Subscription Rates: .y carrier Per wetk. 25c: per month. 11.00: wt year. tIC.OO. y mall Per month, 76c; por year. 8 00. -""i uthorized as second class mail by the- Post Office Department. Ottawa One could cross Canada t , I accompaniment of such names', Ke hmuklk Mirin,i,.i,i t. ... "M NO WAR 1 1 ne cocKla.. The story so far: Steve and Nancy are busy solving Santa's problems while he takes a riap. Chapter IX seemed like everyone wanted Steve and Nancy each took off them to straighten out problems, a 'phone, which didn't quiet the and tne more problems th?re telephone tree, but it stODned were, the mere confused the iV was in full host's nuais small oiuuii Madawaskl, mauawasKl w WinnitMKk nni.u ,.. i. , J ( Thnt.' seasoned 01a warrior. : svwiik wiicu mc ; Viscount Montgomery, is at least ' daughter pulled at her father's wyan, Kamloops and KiA qualified to make a prediction, j sleeve. "Daddy," asked the puz- .And there used to be a i I Solon Low Clears Air I THE LEADER of the I Social Credit party of Canada has made an important I statement in Parliament. It reads: Ten and possibly 15 years of zled youngster, "haven't we had shaking. j children became. cmiea iioie-ln-the-Wull-On Skeena. this party before?" pood will are on the way. As The dwarf on the other end of They were hungry ny now, but the line started talking before Ahey were &usy telling people Steve could even get the 'phone ! tllev didn't know how to help to his ear, but he did catch ' them that they didn't have time guest speaker at the annual ; riiimer of the London Rowing Club, he diiiared everyone can lixik for n lengthy spell of rowing and then His Lordship went My attention has been ; enough of what the little fellow ! to eat. PUZZLED . ... called to a column . . . win.-was saying to know that some- "No more smoke?" N.mrv said ten by one Elmore Philpott. Into a lew details. No War, he says, plain enough. thing had tone wrong in the ; into the telephone. "You say the motor car division. ; trains have run out of smoke?" "It's the tacks," the dwarf said, i "Now lhe trains are out of Someone has dropped a box of ' smoke," Nancy said to Steve, tacks on the floor and all the ! "I ve 80t s0 many troubles I can t FOR XMAS GIFTS? CHECK THESE SUGGESTIONS and in that column he wrote: Hence it would appear that the Social Credit party may be getting ready to make itself the deliberate and vocal champion of Mc- Pnitliuicm in Panada A friend Is a person who likes you even though he knows you. Irish Digest. IlkHV little racing cars LHID have 1 V T W flat S.1UV tires. Cll, take tlme t0 listen to yours, too, ! I We haven't time to repair alV Steve said rather crossly, lor STl'NNEI)! The recent Wnai Snail W2 amm uuj.i mil kci quae Luna death of Alan . , . ' . : these flat tires. My question of privilege is!()o, when they are tired and hungry this: The writer or the col- .,,.., .... . : "If vou won't heir. I'll lust tell MARCONI Radio Combination . 'Emcee" S199.95 from which this sen- I J"" "V"1' sal" 01 ve' Jjsn' " umn "" them to 10 forget Iorgel their old 'a smoke make : 1 Ao,i t know 'Jt to do. I'll l,ne'r moKe; fence wis taken tries to HZTv sS?ta1tMnk " over and call you back." Nancy answered, for little girls ll appear that mat th uie , ouiiai , . . net lust as tired and hiinerv nnri : - ; i f .. i 1 .1 Credit movement is making! oieve inonea over bi nancy ana - - . - sne looicea worried, "wnats the ' trouble?" Steve asked. 'No" said Steve suddenly into "They say half the typewriters h's 'phone receiver, I don't care they have ready to send to Al- I if vour old P'ka dot horses ore bany won't writ English. They : wet and I don't care if their color just write Spanish. What can you is running. Let It run until it gets ready to champion Mc-Carthyi.sm in Canada. In this, the columnist Elmore Philpott is just as far off base as he has been in many of his wild speculations of late years. I want to make it clear to him and all others in Canada that the Social Credit G.E. Radio Combination 09 ROGERS "Majestic" do about a thing like that?" ; an urea oul. Steve hardly had time to say, Tm not going to answer an-"I don't know" before a messen- otner telephone," said Nancy, movement, of which I have i ger dwarf came bursting into the sinning lnio a cnair. nor 1, the honor to be the spokes-1 office out of breath. "Thirty of . said Steve. man, is not now champion-1 the dolls are sick," he said. "What Just then a messenger opened $399.95 11 -Tube Combination Radio i! "mb ll: i t r I Give Santa a Break T WAS a grand sight when Santa Clans arrived .in town Saturday on a fire engine. With siren ilowing, the merry old man made an entrance aleulated to thrill the hearts of young and old alike. -Later, orders went out to hold off the siren. To .doubt there was a very sound reason for this, jut it was disappointing that Santa had to continue iiis journey in silence. Since he visits us only once a year and conies with such a genial air of goodwill, there is an obligation to make the occasion as much fun as possible, even if it means relaxing one or two regulations. Siren or not, however, Santa's visit was an exciting event for Prince Rupert which provided a happy start for the youngsters' holiday season. We sometimes think the old fellow's strenuous activities must make him weary, but bright young eyes seem to act on him like a tonic. At any rate, he was his wonderful jolly self on Saturday, and we are sure that all children will wish him the same kind of merry Christmas that he is giving them. ' .Winter Turns Corner TODAY has the distinction of being the shortest I day of the year and, as the beginning of Christmas week, also one of the busiest. Yet, as winter funis the corner, it seems in many respects to be just getting under way. No doubt the Christmas season accounts to-: this, impression to some extent, but there is also the unfortunate fact that much of the roughest weather stEIl lies ahead. . ' iSo far, however,, there can be few real complaints with the climate's performance locally. There are not many cities in Canada where, at this time of year, 'one can go about without being bundled in massive layers of clothing. It has been remarked that Christmas 'is not properly festive without at least a light sprinkling of snow. That is true enough. But if the weatherman happens to deprive us of this embellishment, he is not a subject for censure provided he continues to treat us with moderation. - . ' - Prince Rupert weather is a favorite topic of criticism, but it could be very much worse. ing McCarthyism in Canada, and is not getting ready to do so in the future. I thought I had made that abundantly clear when I said in this will I do?" the door and snouted, a toy "Oh, the poor dolls," Nancy machine gun is running wild and replied. "Steve, we must help shooting all over the room. What them, but I'm sure that I don't we do?" know what is good for dolls. Do stve looked at Nancy. She had they think they have stomach her head in her hands, crying. aches'" He felt like crying too. They were ' "red dren who had found tw "I'm sure It isn't that. Miss Nmcv the dwarf -n.werprt "h. iut that being Santa Claus can be a lot of work TABLE MODELS Motorola, etc $24.50 UP RECORDS and RECORD PLAYERS (Tomorrow: Santa Wakes I'p.) chamber on November 25: "I should like to make it definitely known that I feel it t? irresponsible conduct on the part of any Canadian to try " to butt into their (United States') affairs." Mr. Speaker, we have always urged, and we do now strongly urge, that every effort be made to keep Communists and Communist sympathizers out of government departments and our vital industries. But When inquiries are instituted for screen cause dolls don't have stomachs. I must get back to them now, but ! if you have time, please come look at them." All this time, the telephone tree had not stopped ringing. ; Having a free moment, Steve picked up a receiver. "Square soap bubbles?" he said. "Whoever heard of square soap bubbles?" "Yes, that's just the trouble," Home Builders Will Provide Lumber Market TRILITES, TORCHIERES, STAND LAMPS TOASTERS, IRONS, CLOCKS, ETC. ing or for other security pur-j nrti-oc! r ldnorfo urn ctrnnT:v said the voice on the other end VANCOUVER (CP) A hiph lpvpl nf hnmp hnllrtii.a y ... .' . . . nf the line No one has ever ur?e that tney be conauciea - : under the unabridged rule of eard o square soap bubbles and in Canada and the United RUPERT RADIO and ELECTRIC law; tViat great care be taken tney won' eueve wnais States has been forecast by to ensure that men are notjmore' cnimren may gei cut on j British Columbia Forest Prod-found guilty merely by asso-, the sharp edges." Ucts, Limited, in its annual rs- ciation; and the rights and; "of a11 the silly things," Steve port to shareholders, freedoms of individual Can- said, turning to Nancy. "They've , The company, one of the larg-adians be respected and got some bubble pipes that won t fully ( tst iumbering concerns on the the dignity of our courts and 1 blow anything except square soep ; west coast sald the B C lum. 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 I legal processes be most care-1 ouorjies. bering industry will depend fully safeguarded wnai on earm ao mey minKimain!y on North American we can do about a thing like : home builders for its market? that?" Nancy said sighing. "It in 1954. j b - 1 nc lulu yiKUl y 1 1 jjui litru a 1IUI an awful lot more problems than profit of $1,923,687 for the year ! THE ABOVE statement will certainly be welcomed by every f.upporter of true democracy in Canada. While it is ostensibly a rebuttal to a column written : by myself, it is actually some-: thing of more far-reaching lm- we are getting answers." ; ended Sent. 30, 1953. an increase! ' If you could have watched of $748 593 over 1952, but well Steve and Nancy In Santa Claus's below the 1951 figure of $2,709.-1 big office you would have felt 763. The 1953 net, profit is equal sorrier and sorrier for them. It to about 93 cents a share. OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeoc ! portancc. Mr. Solon Low's state-Iment clearly detaches the party I from Mr. John Blackmore's de-: ! lence of McCarthyism in Can-; ; ada. 1 j It does not read Mr. John I Blackmore out of the Social i OTTAWA When youthful, Peter Leitch Construction Co., of athletic Bob Winters was named i Winnipeg, for a new federal pub- ii.iuiai:! ui uuuin wuiia ill iiic : lie uuuuiug a i iauuiuii, mail. 111c, , n t n... administration of Rt. Hon. Louis i riding of Dauohin was renre- ! Cre(Jlt ln PUamen,t' it docs show, with convincing sented in the Commons last Parliament by a Liberal, and it I sent a Socialist down here in ' St. Laurent a couple of months ago cynical observers on Parliament Hill wondered just how far he would and could go in August Fred Zaplitny, who had finality, that the Social Credit party has considered the whole question of McCarthyism and has refused to go along with iMBlapion ..hM-tua'l crusade' It is also worth noting that the above statement, made by Mr. Lowe in the House of Commons on Dec. 15, followed within 24 hours the visit to the House of Commons of the "Big Three" of the B.C. Social Credit party Premier Bennett, Mr. Bonner and Mr. Gunderson. Sdppers This Christmas . . . LUCKY THE PERSON TO FIND A PAIR UNDER THE TREE ' MEN'S Operas, Romeos, Felts. ' FleelceinM fA'-.v-" vv:l' '- wWMrt mtml JWVf- 'f w.1 LADIES' MoccasirlS, Wedgies, Mules, Felts, Slings Fleece Lined CHILDREN'S Adorable Animal Slippers, Moccasins, Romeos, Felts. Fleece Lined. FASHION FOOTWEAR 5 YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE S y e - I " v V rebuilding a aood name, for the j been (,CF member for the seat department mM-fftaiemfsr fkb Liiweeirlt)) 'l)d( I94f . f 4 jlj I ne.ss;and public esteem. Though . in view of these two cases the long-time Public Works Minister ! critics haven't been able to find Hon; Alphonse Fournier, now an; too much to complain about in Exchequer Court judge, was one i the granting of contracts to do of the best liked members of the , a lot of breakwater and harbor cabinet always ready with a ! construction and repairs in Nova smooth answer to any barbed . Scotia, Cape Breton, New Bruns-question from the Opposition, ! wick and Quebec areas that have the department was too often been long-time supporters of the the subject of stories about too j Liberal party. There are still many men assigned to do a ' those in political life who sub-simple job, and endless promises scribe to the idea that major wjihout much action on many public works should be done im-pnbiie- works projects. j mediately after an election in Hon. Robert H. Winters, a i areas where the government won Massachusetts Institute of Tech- ! support, and should be left until I AM GLAD to publish in full i Mr. Solon Low's statement I and hence to correct any unfair impression I may have un nology engineer from Lunen intentionally left from an earlier column. It is no secret that the B.C. Social Credit MPs were and are strongly opposed to McCarthyism. It is only fair that they should be given credit for the clear-cut statement made by the national party's leader. That statement definitely clears the air in Canada. immediately before an election in areas where the government wants to win support away from the opposition. And here's a prediction: When Hon. Mr. Winters brings in his 1954-55 budget next February. burg, N.S., was given a job that no one in the cabinet particularly envied. And his first step was" one that set old-timers on their'.collective ears: he decided to make a clean account every mojfth of how much the depart- you will see a schedule of pro- i a Summer ... and a DAILY NEWS SUBSCRIPTION too ! SMALL COMPANIES Three-quarters of the manufacturing firms in Britain have fewer than 100 workers each. mem was spending, wnere, and i posea expenditures without a with hom, on major works pro- i great deal of padding. The project. There were a lot of the old iects listed will be the ones that guar! ' who grumbled that this are likely to get done in the new distinct change of policy would ; year not strung out with a lot eventually get the new energetic !f hopes and promises. minister into hot water. But the I latest-list of major expenditures'MacMillan, B'oedel Profit $11,315,668 has passed the critical eye of ever) the most die-hard opposi tiorv politicians without no dis A gift that pleases . . . every doy of the year. Phone your gift subscriptions in todoy only $8.00 per year by mail $10-00 per yeor by carrier in Prince Rupert or Terrace. VANCOUVER (CP) A net profit of $11,315,668 was earned by MacMillan & Bloedel Ltd. in the year ending Sept. 30, 1953. the company's annual report disclosed Friday. More than 20 Canadian mills produce .building paper and boards. sent. For instance, largest item in the new list is a contract let to the Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons, Canada Ltd., firm of contractors in Toronto for $1,348.-656.15 worth of harbor Improvements to the headwall of Section I wmr Over-cooking in pre- (-iSJ 1 j M paring tanntd foodt -yvi) j M deifroyt mony vi'fominj. t I CANNED FOODS' fA Give HIM BRIEFCASE ' -K DIBB PRINTING COMPANY The Daily News 13 of Toronto harbor. The cyntc3; say Toronto did not do especially well by the Liberal candidates last Aug. 10. But that apparent- i ly' wasn't a prime consideration fertile new minister. ' i ' Then, take the Item of $302,836 fot"9' contract granted to thei Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: S03 3rd Ave. W. Phone Oreen 980