ri - i .... - i . - Monday, December 21, 1953 xrmistice Adequate f Enforced GflFT-HEwSK! : yCr, HJ Mlsi.- 1 Homeless Waif Rises To Stardom LONDON iReutersi A little fellow with sad eyes and a rubber mouth Is being hailed as a second Charlie Chaplin. Norman Wisdom, 33, has been a vaudeville and television head-liner here for the last lew ye ns, but the critics broke out In a ne jv burst of praise for his fitst movie, "Trouble In Store." Wisdom, once a homeless waif who had to join the army to be sure of a meal, takes the part of a luckless salesman in a big store, a Chaplinesque role he exploits to the full for slapstick and pathos. The critics commented: "A little genius . . . potentially He greatest living comic - of the AMMAN, Jordan, (Reuters) oilier Fawzi El Mulki said to-; . that Jordan's government is i .!,o;:aliy opi-' ied to taiks h Lsiael aimed at modifying : jspending the present armis-e agreement between the two in an interview, he said the licii other Arab states have in-mod Jordan that they agree i h her rejecon ol such talks. . formal reply to this effect will maae to the United Nations ar- tha ArO I T.P!1(J11A nOlhlrftl OCCASIONAL TABLES For the Gift thot is PracticoJ as well 'as Pleqiing ; . . for the Oil VyVVNaft vX- I tmmittee meets to draft a unan- . gift that odds so much to your home ... choose from our huge selection of finest tables. $16.95 up Lions note on the suDjeci. Isiael demanded direct talks h'.oush the United Nations un-iar an article of the armistice li.rsement which refers to discussions aimed at the alteration or suspension of the armistice. liael pressed for such talks after the Kibya village massacre Oct. 14 when more than t0 Arabs 'tre killed during an Israeli border raid. The Israelis blame i a-nuate armistice machineiy for the incident and have called ir talks to revise the armistice. The Security Council censured Israel for the attack despite Is- ,t-:''c'C't'ctft icmtiC!fic(ti'ii'ec-'f'C'f'ix-c'e;twt-ii-fii A GIFT MAY BE FOUND FOR '-EVERYONE ' ' ' ; ' dt , v :; GORDON & ANDERSON A BRIEF RADIO MESSAGE from the Arctic has brought word that Rev. Joseph Buiiard lcft, 39-year-old French missionary, is safe at a northern outpcst after being unreported for several months. Concern was felt for the Oblate missionary after plans to send supplies to his mission 1,200 miles north of Winnipeg did ' "!;,!. -. ' F NE CHINA screen . . . the comedian the screen has been looking for sinre Chaplin and Harold Lloyd stopped being funny." Wisdom, five foot four and 111 pounds, hit the biK-time in vaudeville five years ago. Since then Jie has become Britain's m s: popular TV comedian and now is starring at $5,000 a week in a Christmas ice show, "Sinbad on Ice." HAD RAPID RISE "I feel grateful," said Wisdom pi li' success, "if I feH otherwise, I should just think back a i mi p ot vfa'S to whn I di.l not matter to anybody." Back in 1948, he mattered only to his bride, Janet, a 20-year-olcl ( dancer. With '"""s oi u.i"' couple of pounds, they were living in one room, i t A few months a?o. t"hs Queen J toured television studios art'i i asked him: "Why don't we s?e ! more of you on television? I i "jiiiri go on l30K.iii3 it you for-: ever." His ambition is to play "the ' Hunch-back of Notre Dame." i - i-1"""""5 ,:, not work out. Father Euliard is shown with bush pilot Gunnar 'act was made bv lo-al militia , ,.,.. . .t. . Inglebnghtson in 1949 after he flew u- him out of the north u for after a series of Jordan provoca- treatment of severe frostbite. That time Father Buliard was El Mulki insisted that the pre-! unreported for seven months. Ng t'lmt the ChrLstmtis Season I.Vijis around the corner, you'll ;ent armistice agreement Is ade-i ..ate if the Israelis will enforce it. J Near-Broke Utah Prospector Hacks Mrant yo aure tttat your festive djo'tiefis th beat yet'. Add to 'thr.frniony of your meal with "The premeditated Kibya -ack did not result from a JK Away To Hit $60 fAHticn kckpot in colorf jir, f the china -dlnnerware X :r.nlstice," El Mulki declared was a earefullv Dlannerl attack by Israeli armed forces against; Bv ARTHl'R EDSON a village of sleeping Arab civil- WASHINGTON .P-The Urr.n- lans. Israel has been condemned Industry Association sn; s bv the Security Council for this some people in its business are ;-i$ets; From .. . . - $27.50 so t'Sl tlv. m'?s:or lists as tertian ore t ri-jeroe with thm. of course, but that's another story-Yes ihore nrr ori awful lo! of heartbreaks in this business." Eut there's the other side, too. Mumford guesses some 19 uran-i'linairrs have boen produced. Ho figures nnthor 510 h iv attack, anrt now she has the '""'"S " nrjury m:llion.ii:e. audacity to demand direct talks stodgy old world, j revite an armistice which heidofn t Quite fit an y more. The uranium boom, it says H Pulp and paper ;-pends large sums on its woodlands w'.?l;berately violated." producing uraniumaiies. The association cites the :a e come up with somewhat mode; . stelces. And there are 11.000 !of Charlie Si.een. a Utih pru-,- ' nprtnr .m TVnr ho Cft'ilr'n't. ti f- daimholderc and 20.000 prcs- j I ford a $95 geiger courier. Yet pectOij. IIVA local Scores Policy OfBCHIS ! he kept hacking away umil h? But before buying your owr I hit a $60.000 .030 lackpc.t an 1 pei:jer counter End setting oil 'then promptly hit. an.JK r .ler the Colorado River., b2sin. HASSOCKS I FLOOR LAMPS J worth twice that. v,iire b0 per ..ins, y.t o ii'in h -vc been 'foun3 , a "wLr. t cau.i n. .very siyie in a wioe rane of color and upholstery. A perfect gift for Dad or Mom. Let them take it easy. -. TABLE LAMPS Mode, l styles for gracious livingjust the thing for Ch'i"mas Riving. There's one for every home. From $5.95 i "Charlie Eteen is not a. PORT ALBERNI, B.C. (CP) the association says. "Others . Deal 1-85 of the International have graduated from hi.iou: oodworkers of America (CIO- to sirloin their wives f:oai : CD here is protesting the case ; kitchen sink to ranch min'.i, and '. a member who was in hos-: their children from a pane;-rtal for a year but who wasiroute to a Cadillac gadabout." '.Ued for the last six months! Before anyone could say "The rsl?- i unter isn't ver good." Mumtord s-id. "It catches only 20 of the L-ita rays an j only one per cent of the o.amm; rays. Wh?,t you neett is summa A fine array of modern l.imp.s just in the right styles tor Christmas giving. From $19.95 Complete From tion type equipment." cause he was not able to pay i "multiuranlumaire." your re- ; Which costs money ritish Columbia hospital m-, porter had grabbed his pro-! , jf ytu CJP.;, to i..e and 'U, $7.50 nance premiums on time. pectors lamp, imped into a i Muiiiforu.. 1 have a thousand taxi gadabout and was ufr for dollars jet's vel some stuff and a talk with the association's g0 prospecting.' I'd turn vou president, Maurice B. Mimforr down because the odds are 503 Mumford is no uraniumaire. to 1 against you. But if you had "Prospected all over the j $50,000, so you could get all the place," he said moodily, "and : best equipment, I'd say you had all I ever found was autunite.'la pretty fair chance of cashing which the Atomic Energy Com- in." ' PARTY GLASSES FoWnojr'Hillday Festivities when good friends call. Ideal as a 'ft.,i -OT. Bto 19 Financial secretary Jack vToore said the man has been nlled for $392 for a period in :;spital. The man was paid up cn premiums for six months in ad-;nce when he entered hospital, lr. Moore said. When he re-irned to work almost a year liter, arrears in hospital insur-nce premiums were deducted "m his first pay and remitted ) BCHJS. "The hospital insurance ad-:lnlstration has refused to pay he hospital bill for the time Mis IWA member was in hos-' ltal after his six-month ad- anee payment was used up. "However, they accepted the BE A , CITIZEN SAILOR IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY MIRRORS MIX MASTER A drc;im come true under your Chi 1st mas Tree. No better gift for Mother. Dceorative and Beautiful i "?'.ft of good taste one hat will last forever. . TOASTER A gift for Mom that will give her years of satisfaction. . , From $22.50 J ONLY ) V DAYS ( LEFT ) (RESERVE) from -rrears payment even though :hey knew that under the law 'hey could not cover him for that period." $58.95 $7.95 up Tins aanriiMjiiieiu is not pubiit-eo or displayed oy the Liquor Control Board or bv the (ivveriimtil rriiisu (.uiiininiA Pulp and papir Is the largest' leaseholder of Crown woodlands' The RC.N (Reserve) con sists of citi.cn-sailurs in training increasing their V PLASTIC TEA SET POCKET KNIFE 1 yVI A delightful oarty set with four cup, saucers, plates, $1.50 up knowledge of the skdls and crafts of the sea. Reserve training is important training and demands whole-hearted interest and vHort. IV 'f sherbet glasses, goblets, cutlery seta and serviettes, one I teapot and lid, creamer, sugar bowl. 230 ft K ft V ft sail unu pepper, sritiu, e AT THE CO-OP BAKERY Prices Good Until Dec. 24 h3 1 us ft MODEL AIRPLANE KITS 95c up XMAS TREE LIGHTS $1.90 up MANTEL RADIOS Modem styling for the most desirablo OQ 50 gift. FROM w'... htOu IP EARN UP TO ft ft . , in We invite comparison for Prices and Quality of Seasonable FRESH BAKED foods. HUD mi FDIIIT fAKFDlain Ik W& 11 VUI lkl IIXUII Vf-tllL I lUill IU. IUVt CARVING SETS Wonderful steel that holds Its edge. ( DClfERE 1AADC 32 DAYS TRAINING PAY PER YEAR Serving your country in your spare-time is also a profitable duty. You will be paid regular Navy rates of pay for the time you spend in training. IT 11-6" Purpose In a gift. FROM BEST FRUIT CAKE Almond iced BEST FRUIT CAKE-Decoraied . . I OUR If OUR 1 -'.worn lb. 75c i lb. 80c I! ft nevene rTHnb A complete selection. Pieces from Id each ud ILRIGHT HERE IN g fcij riace your order now tor special Breads, liuns, Mincemeat Tarts and Shortbread. J CO-OP ENRICHED BREAD . . . Your BEST Buy A ... now mode with MORE Milk IU HEY CO-OP KIDS! 2-GUN HOLSTER SET 'iTx.is Ranger set of genuine leather holsters wllh rosette cut out in front. Decorated with red jewel and muinp' nickel-plated spots wlthr ii"', genuine leather belt wi western buckle and rosettes. Contains two Banger 95 guns. SPECIAL ' fiy'rA VO, CHINA .. v j', VASES from $2.00 up ' There is a Naval Division near you. 'Find out how you can serve your country and prepare yourself for advancement. Write, telephone or visit) H.M C.S. Chorum P Co-Op annual Christmas Show al the Capitol Theatre Tuesday, December 2!Hh at 2:00 p.m. Tell Mum or Dad to get your tickets at the Bakery or Cow Bay store. This show is for Co-op Members' Children Only. SANTA CLAL'S WILL BE TIIEUE. We wish to extend the Compliments of the Season to our members and customers. SlfJ LTD. ' " v - - ,mm Prince Rupert Phone 52B 'A PHONE 46 AfiOi .&4rWW&Vl&ikJ : 't- .ia,'-