Prince RuDert Doilv Nws Monday, December 21, 1653 Vespassing .. Willi SanJy Truck Loggers Plan Meet In Vancouver j Queen, Duke Hearing Shores of New Zealand mm Top logging experts will poU their knowledge in an all-out drive to reduce operating casts; ' - t .' " ' - i -- . ,. r 4w By Tire Canadian Pifes ABOARD S.S. GOTHIC Cooler weather j-jr j in Briti.ih Columbia's legging in- f rtnatnj it tha 1 1 Dnnni pnn.l ' mm overcast skies today heralded the approach of Newjvention of the Truck. Loggers'! Zealand as the Queen and the Duke, of Edinbureh!Ai'at'on ln Vancouver Jan"-. . . , . ... . .. : , ary 13-lo. i r rrrn i steamed southward in this royal liner heading for sice's Through Better Pian- Grf,.tings from all sources ,( gi:in the rounds as evny-f prciiaros for Christmas jv And while a number of 'iens have friends and relays coming here for the holi-season, muny others are '.'line fr other points. j;frry Martin- has gone to jnluop.'j to spend Christmas I, her parents . . . but will Da- k !'r New Year's , , . l)n p u;ain Dons Guyatt has ;ie a wat job setting up the , atop I he Legion. gow.iict.s also (jo to the boys the ring" has been chosen as I theme of the convention. In announcing plans for the convention Don Mackenzie, as.-sociation president, said that In the next major stage of the Commonwealth tour. As jovial Queen Salute and the - - South Sea paradise of Tonga bt fine flax which Tongans wear faded in the background, the a a mark of respect for im-roya! party prepared for the . portant persons. ' Thai nt Auckland Wednesday. IX'N'CH WITH SALOTE If the last year keener competition on the world lumber market had rnvnl jj -i . , - incj win t,ijriiu the uie Christmas VyiiiiHiinas After iYif Kprvlcp th f ------ " " unven uuwn ine price 01 logs. holiday there ine oiiern and the duke have estate then drove to the lacoon been watching movies and read- where they boarded the Gothic, ing books on New Zealand so, . -A i Slf fjA'. t, - f ' - ; '- -" ' ? A, "In some cases these prices are below the cost of production," hj pointed out. "One of the proD-lems facing the forest Industry of this province is how can we re- ; auce costs to meet the lower re- : turns on logs and lumber." Mackenzie .said the Truck Log- i gers' Association, whi;h has an extensive membership of logging operators within the forest in- i ri'istry of B.C., was tackling one phase of this proolem by devoting the forthcoming convention 250 Children Enjoy Legion Christmas Tre? ' r'"t w aMMMlMUn')fl A SalUES f)F SEWING-MACHINE CLASSES fo the blind, first of Its kind ever conducted, has wen inaugurated by Ann Necchi, nationally kno m sewing authority at the New York Guild for me Jewish Blind. The purpose is to rehabilitate vocationally blind people, as well as to teach women home sewing. Above, Mrs. Marie And im of Jamaica, N.Y., learns by touch some of the Intricacies of the sewing machine. Lemon-Topped Mincemeat Cupcakes Perfect Ending to Christmas Meal the chill i i,ou.c- wuu OVer-nP roriinlenible difficulty in un? up l'le ,w0 DS Christ-,s ui'i'-s ut the main en-!!pp Government agent vard linit and public i pn'mcer Hill Mcishen nod forces on the job early : wifk, but the 60 colored .its on each tree gave them bad time, blowing fuses !U and left. The lighU ..Kd ("-operatlns Thursday iht, and h:ve been on -nt every r .'M since. trthur Itlafcely, columnist In Montreal Gazette, had i !p m his column last week atrrest to Rupert. He said hp Minister St. Laurent's ointment of Ted Apple-- hat they will know what to look for on their 39-day tour of New Zealand the first by a reigning sovereign. j On board the Gothic,- deck awnings are being taken down and tomorrow the swimming pool, most popular spot in the .ship for the last month, will be dismantled. ' Befbre the Gothic reaches upland, an escort of Royal 'tov Zealand Navy warships will join the cruiser Black Prince to bring the royal couple into har-! bor. " 1 to the pooling .of the practical i erperience of some of the be About 250 youngsters were entertained yesterday afternoon at the annual Legion Christmas Tree party, staged in the Armories. , Mrs. Myra Gilchrist was convener for the party which saw the youngsters enjoy commun- ogging brairs In the province. f 1 For people whose eyes lleht uo doublv temntln LONG TASK The 12-mile tunnel in the The Queen and the duke left Swiss Alps took eight years to of 'l,lSU"df1yaCl;eerJnJ? Tonga headed bright Christmas' tree, and a construct. Try Dai'y New want Ads uiic as deputy chairman of natives, by six- vantiy y 01 of E games, rne f v,t-th,-, r.,,n ci. .v. led by Mrs. : add a tiny candle, set upright in a life saver as holder. If yours is a traditional sort of household about the holidays, faitnfully having turkey to- t -haps goose?) and mince pie for Christmas nere's your cnaiioc to stay loyal to tradition, but with an appealing difference. Especially alter a big ni--' at the mere thought of a mince1 With this treasure of a recipe ole dark, rich, moist and full of you can make three dozen small flavor this will be like getting cupcakes, or a dozen and a half i coveted Christmas present. For larger ones. If you've been won-here's a new way to enjoy mince- dering what to give some friend meat. Cupcakes made, wrth it! as a really personal sort of nd talk about gilding the lily. Christmas gift, why not do this cupcakes are frosted with Pack a pretty, festive-looking a creamy lemon icing, their per-j box with these little creations -vv wnvi. uLu uaiuic, WJ1U followed this royal liner in an open launch to the harbor mouth to wave farewell. In return, the Queen and the duke threw floral garlands into the blue Pacific in iei-i cooi, complement. You can decorate the pake tn mese little mincemeat cuncakes. . . . . Guy Bruce and Mrs. M. Karas-oski. with Mrs. J. S. Black at the piano. Gifts were distributed to the youngsters, from babies up to eight years of age, by Guy Bruce, playing Santa Ciaus. The children also enjoyed refreshments, including Ice cream, served by Mrs. Keith DeWitt and Mrs. ossum, and as they left the party, were handed bags of Not only do little cakes vour llkinir. for even mw r,ru,Z served with a Bo,m ... .'. ' B" un bca geslure of farewell. rejoice in having mincemeat in mas atmosphere, with colored , of coffse, make an Ideal dessert CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenne nd McBride Street Ttefnrc sailing, the royal couple attended services with Salote in the Free Wesleyan Methodist inem, dui tney re crammed with gumdrops, cinnamon candies or other good things to make them bits of angelica. Or you might candy, nuts and oranges, by Mrs. 'right Davies and Mrs. D. Guy-att. . MINCEMEAT CX'P CAKES l 3 cup Crisco 1 cup brown sugar (packed tightly 3i teaspoon salt ; 2 eggs ?4 cup moist mincemeat 134 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon church at Nukualofa. Queen j Elizabeth turned out ln a whitf I frock with a flower design and i an emerald green hat. Salote had on a cream-colored creation. ' All the island women wore their , Sunday best, covered by an apron !! ; : : ' I Commons committees has .usM speculation that he's n primmed to succeed Rene Mudmti as Speaker. Saifl Arthur: "Applewhaitc Is 'rrully conceded to be one ;he nio it capable of (second-m Lintels. The promotion s him In line for the post :057 or 1958 if the govcrn-nt ran acid to Its string of . ;f es in the next general Hun . . ." k A'ivn it come; to local tal-i the Men's Club of the '.(d Church here doesn't - to t;,ke a back seat. A re-t variety concert which ir'd everything in enter-:iir,tit from a barber shop to a beauty contest ved ) that. trt Williams, for instance, H : only glib with his vocal is. but ran finger guitar ;rds iut as glibly ... Keith l augh would go a long y in a minstrel show with blackface lake-off, and ; rr.r i 4mhi COMMUNITY'S ONLY CARS WRECKED IN HEAD-ON CRASH POINT BARROW, Alaska ( The only two motor vehicles within 350 miles of Point Barrow, America's farthest north community, collided head-on here recently. A. U.S. Weather Bureau tractor and a WIen Alaska Airlines truck met on a narrow trail between the airport and Point Barrow. No one was Injured in the crash but it left dog teams as the only means of ground transportation until completion of repairs. Vi teaspoon cloves cup milk . i cup chopped nutmeats' cup currants or raisins nrlif Itoherts would brinsc m At . ' JVa ";: ' 1 . I Km J in, day out of your thought- 1 Annual Christmas Carol Sing Draws Near Capacity Crowd " "Carol. Sweetly Carol" was the sing, telling the crowd some-theme at the Civic Centre last thin? of the history of the timc- Blend Crisco, sugar, salt, and eggs. Add mincemeat, stir ln sifted dry Ingredients alternately with milk. Add nutmeats and raisins. Drop into greased cup cake tins and bake at 350 F. for 20-25 minutes, ice when cool with Creamy Lemon frosting. Decorate as desired. CREAMY LEMON FKOSTlVG 2'3 cups sifted confectioners' sugar '4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 2 tablespoons lemon juice '4 cup granulated sugar 1 '1 Cup Crisco 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind. Mix confectioners' sugar, salt, ; night when a near capacity crowd less Christmas songs they sang, i turned out for this city's popular Tne singjng was led by Pirnce j annual Christmas Carol Sing. Rupert's Symphony Orchestra Toddlers and grandparents. and a 1&rge mlved choir, comprise I teen -alters and parents joined lnf members oi nearly all city ; forces to sing out all of the well- cri0Irs. with Peter Lien directing !kn;wn Christmas carols in a both choir and orchestra The Boil the lemfjn juice i WSi- 1 1 fulness a once-in-a-lifecime I happy, hour-long son test, and conceit ulsa included several -nA egg. fr- n every house in the. Old, mtiy with his Impersona-M of Oracle Fields . . . Dr. l iildes is an painter provided he : the following: A willing ''vi with a rectangular pro-- preferably shooting a gun, -'ns light behind the sub-'. and a thin rnnvas at the r.t height In FRONT of the .trt , , . W'.ch Greene, with the abra--abra no-y-you-see-lt- now-'r'on't routine, the very red and a bagful of tricks, en-red himself to the young until cne sharpeyed spec-tiped six cried out: I know how to do that " we still wnuld have liked w Mitch in a hula skirt. "d talking about skirts, "t was a notable lack of i In the parade of four au ie:," There would have Mx had Art Nickcrsim and ''k Young, not suirienly defect a case of cold 'feet. 1H by MlssChief (Erl SPEHCE & MATUIKi ' mrszr"- I . Prices Frorrt General Painting Contractors j 1 yg qq , Ithev were still humming "Silent lesser-known carols, .such as were and granulated sugar together ! Night" or "Noel" as they left presented at the Carol Festival, ' for one minute, then blend with the hall. sung by the hoir ' .the sugar and egg mixture. Add I F. E. Anfield was master of communlty carol iln,t' Crisco and grated lemon rind. 1 ceremonies for the community . . oc . , ' . ' Beat until creamy. HJomen of 1Jt I papular of Christmas events for many years, this year was preceded by a two-n.irht Carol Fe- z:sf -, Z Christmas in your family I ooSe j tival, in which every choir In the i (City participated, presenting Slaje CltrislmaS Pari tcwarl 11 a I I inatnly le..s familiar carcLs. 1 ; It also called for audience pir- ' if' ' f L jHii ii I -. ,1,4"" Wui i-.-4; aii I com- sil'Wri Worn teli' d iiii,fmuaitv jjiz.ali ;a!l .nocei Mooifef-f -WTtlafiS Canal chap- and all faiths participated ''rl. the nuartnrtp rpiiser! tef No. 18 entertained1 men of. the Loyal Order of Moose and. other guests at a Christmas I Dartv in the Moose hall last week. ! rea Thomfsrn Unaware Store will be closed till Dec. ? (It) 9 Wallace's PoriK-tnrnt o'o Is oorn tnnifht till 9 o'clock for vour shopping j:!?aru"e. . (238 i rs . . W' H ... . -r-1Biii-ii e3w-. - a ' 2. ' k f t?tf7yV7J9 SQSl&S I Famous SINGER' Ftathet weight Portable, the New SINGER Electric Console Machine, equirj- V4 yViriA.tfC (StWKfS y lightweight 11-pound wondor that does the ped with the popular round bobbin. Smooth. W l work of a full-size machine. Comes cnmnlete nerTwt stit'hin.T on amv fohin njthir, wild sensation in nether-'wr.ts. Prlc went to Miss- Po ip.iH Dunn) but wes n 1 1 o n e d to wear more 'IK'S next time. . . . cm was straight from the ' siid MC Tony Crawly and went on to prove it with 1 beared tales as the one ;Jt the Indian chief on hU .' train ride . . . Jl audience, however, could ' B"f ss at who was the saw- in the skit "Major Oper-In which two teeth were !fn from a crosscut saw an amputation . . . " was all in fun, however, ; a lot of people lauehed, 'Mine R i Gi.i.. V. I with smart luggage-type carrying case. stool extra. rnnffifil Jl Only $164.50 From $256.50 Xv J 4 If-- y?!1 i S24.5CDown S3.79 Per Month $.16.50 Down $10 48 Per Month " .' Court whist was a highlight of the evening with prizes going to Mrs. Marie Burnett, Mrs. L. Meneghello. Mr. Hamilton and Henry Neilson. The group enjoyed carol singing, while Mr. and Mrs. Santa (Mrs. Betty Barwise and Mrs. Vera Lawrence) arrived to distribute gifts. Senior Regent Frances Macleod welcomed the guests, after which refreshments ware served, including a birthday cake for Miss Shirley Lawrence. Children of Moose members enloyed a Christmas Tree party Saturday afternoon ln the Moose hMl with 75 youngsters attend Daily Passenger Train Service '.United Church pastor, and f,s at the door. ing. ly8' mm (EXCEPC RTTNriAV) -FROM mm PRINCE RUPERT TO JASPER and intermediate stations from Prince Rupert: 1,1 J"mrii! M C 53- )i hi'lSfifJ , , ., I)csk or SINGER Sewing Machine A ctvrn SINGER n Cabinet k- r, w- (rrl' -X I! I r j Electric Machine, handsome double-duty model you'll be proud I Ml I l- 1 Christmas Special. Onlv $154.00 to use in ANY roorr of the house' Polished SURE IS PLENTY TO WORRY ABOUT ,1 Cost of tiving Inflation War with Russia Price of butter Korean Situation Deflation BUT IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A C.O'M) CAR . . . VOUR WORR.KS ARE OVER. 8:00 I m. h5r I 3 ' a' wamut finish. Convenient connections nt Jasper for points east and west. All tim?a shown are standard. For liJormntlon, call or write K. L. KOHEKTSON, G.A.P.D., 528 3rd Ave. U, Prince Kupert, Phone 2li0 TRY ONE OF THESE "WORRY-FREE" BUYS: m i i S f ' vnivi3H.uu From $295 00 JLr- f MM $34.00 Down $6.28 Per Month $45.00 Down $13.98 Per Month III Tr" SINaEI1 MM" 001 if J - . I 1 103 SEE . . . BEAUTIFUL MACHINES LIKE THESE . . . AND DOZENS OF OTHER SEWING IFT ,DEAS EVERYTHING FOR THE WOMAN WHO SEWSI - -j , Jg3 ALL UNDER ONE ROOF ... AT YOUR .z jv: - SINGER SEWING CENTER ' TkirJ A.oM..o Wl BL OtA ',11 rllKV KI'.MAN IIHI.IVI'.KV rtnctlo unit Nw piiint. tnrii clown ;) niKI) r'OI'PB Oood mottir, Rood heater. Rood buy. $ I KO down " WllI Vs TTIOV WKV -Lou of room . . . Iimi down 31 MI IKTRV Tl DOII Every nr(y;sKnry. A-l concll-"" down BOB PARKER LTD. This advmtuement is not Dublishp,! nr rli.n(nu. t... the liquor Control BWJ 01 by th Government cl British