provincial! v bMORROW'S TIDES ay, December 22, 1953 (Pacific Stardanl Timet ily Delivery 2:44 20 3 feet 14:22 22.5 feet ' 8:25 7.6 feet 21:03 2.0 feet I Vpelii e81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" 962 ON 'mx "IOA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phon O him s$sm Hoi 1 Y':,'"- It (F n (i 1)5 11 U I! II 4 '. '.. . 1 K III LUr'"'5 , I I f Suggest Pay Boost But Rejects Check-Off aw- ) a . . . ... I .if:-' v; Deadline Nears For Interviews By FORREST EDWARDS PANMUNJOM (AP) A snarl of delays today all but snuffed out Allied hopes for interviews with 22 Americans and one Briton who stay By The Canadian Press VICTORIA. Harsh criticism of the Prince George local of the International Woodworkers of America was levelled today by Judge Arthur E. Lord, v.'ho was appointed by the government '0 inquire into the 13-week-oId strike of 5,000 northern interior woodworkers. , : 'V. W " - 'j T- ' "To my mind, it is impossible Mii-'" l))LLABS IN (.KMs revolves on a turntable in Macy's San Francisco tore, pro bed by a glass casing and a well-armed guar i. The specially constructed tiny Christmas -has a $200,000, 44-carat star adorning its to . Precious gems, Including rings; necklaces, and wlets range in size from one-half-carat to th . impressive 44-carat bauble, with some of the ti Having a historical or religious value. ed with the Communist3i Bandits Net $26,000 lit Winnipeg WINNIPEG (CP) Two bandit.-, one armed with a pistol, today held up two Winnipeg Fie Press employees as they entered the garage , on the building's MP- t;i iainland, Vancouver Island Phones Jit by Wind Storm, Torrential Rains to suggest the union is a responsible union and entitled to compulsory check-off or union shop." said Judge Lord in the settlement proposal released today by Labor Minister Lyle Wicks. j Judge Lord recommended Immediate 5'2-cent hourly wage boost for the woodworkers, but rejected the union's proposal for union security and a compulsory check-off because the union is "not responsible." The union originally had asked for an 18-ccnts-an-hour wage boost, but subsequently agreed to conciliation board proposal for six cents. Judge Lord referred to a series of allegedly unlawful acts cn the part of the union. - . "The affidavits list such a series of uniawful acts, includ- as Red explainers chalked up their best score to date. Gen. John E. Hull. United States Far East commander, indicated that the Allies have given up hope that any of the 23 will return. Hull said they have had both 'line and opportunity to change their minds since the1- were turned over to' Indian .ustofiy Sept. 25. -The Allies Only chance oi main floor and grabbed two satchels containing about $2fi.- hwOUVFR (CO A howlir' : Mi" l iM two wcvfcs. roared In mens, vhrre gusts up lo .80 e.Mew ilst'lf out over th" off the Pacific jmd cut a switi miles an hour were reported. 000 in cash. They fled out the Imor 6und:iy after snappin-; i up the S'.rait of Juan de Fuca. Thi British O.lnmbia Tele- V 3 A mtmmmmA "Times and t'ippl.ivi tir-r, blinking torrential rains In its 1 ,. ,. , . ,v the Pacific coast Sutur-; wake. . ! phene Company reported thou- night and early 8md-v I The g.ile apparently reached 1 fpnds of Phones were out on storm, one of a s?rles'its oeitk over Vancouver Island ; Vancouver Ltland and the lower B.C. mainland. Every., available tmakimr contact with the nrls- ; has hit the west co in i nd WaKhlngtun stam . coastal lront door of the building. Roger Senecal. 21. cashier, and Raymond McQuin, 17, were preparing to take the newspaper's week-end receipts to the bank at the time of the robbery. ... They were carrying foi;.-satchels- from the mezzanine-floor business oflice. As the? moved Into the garage through a lobby door, they said the two thugs forced their way in be- THE MONARCH, 8.000-ton cable ship, will lay the first trans-Atlantic telephone cable In l955v'The largest snip of its kind in the world it is named afteranother British cable ship, destroyed in a waitime accident. " ' . . j lineman was still out maktngi oners before the midnight Wed-hepairs late Sunday. More than(Uesday deadlind still appears to ; 1.000 phones were reported out j be through delivery of a 12-page ng violence, threats of violence, of order on Vancouver Island assault end damage to property on the part of members of trie union as to show a complete MRAGEMEN TAKE PAY CUT US GIFT TO MAYOR-BOSS ' ,y PRINCE OEOROE. B.C. (CPV-Twenty employees In mayor-t Cordon Bryant's garage gave hiiri his Christmas present letter addressed to each man. MIST AGREE The neutral nations repatriation commission ruled that the PoWs must agree to accept the letterfpont an Allied exolon-r (and more than 1.500 were out In Vancouver. ' More than an Inch' of rain fell on Vancouver, t A sudden storm struck Salt Spring Island-. and. drowned 27- disregard for the laws of thi; country," he stated. j hind them. French Presidential Bout Now Entering, Tenth Round VERSAILLES, France (Reutersi , Laniel's Support came almost The French Parliament failed entirely from the Conservative for the ninth time today to elect , ranks, landholders, wealthy ln- :'-rly this year. I . tlon " Lt-Gv.en- K- S' " George Jack Jack was drowned I mayya- ndlan ,nH,"'ma"I ?f thfi early Sunday morning when he rf . . cttH 1 itnmmiH nn no will rrv t.n The employees were forced to face the wall -in a tiny alcove of the garage while the bandiU grabbed two of the satchels. They left behind other bags containing silver. dustriallsts, and rightist Roman They volunteered to take a one-third wage cut for the -ration of the lumber strike here.. Garage executives followed up by taking a 50 per cent cut. Business In the garage had dropped 50 pee cent because ' the lumber strike, and the wage cuts will save the firm ;'M0 a month. , ' . . Mayor-elect Bryant said "the whole thing was completely cutaneous and management had not indicated that layoffs '.ht be necessary soon." was attempting to reaen nisi . . ' boat with hit nephew Edward the answers tomorrow, But while dimmed I prospects after the storm struck. , ,, I for the Allied campaign to Heavy fog blanketed the Call-,cn the mlnds of balk war rornla coasU' areas ; Sunday ! prlsoners, the. Reds won ck night and eai.y today, cosing i3J of 250 chlnese C8ptlves as airports and forcing trafitq AoUntervlews were resumea today E crawl- 1 after a 34-day stalemate. Catholics. Behind Naegelen was an almost solid phalanx of Socialists and Communists, representing nearly all of France's working "population.' a new president. A loth ballot will be necessary, Rich, conservative Premier Joseph Laniel went Into the ninth round of voting 22 votes short of victory. ' . On the eighth ballot Sunday night here in the people's assembly hall of the old palace of French kings, Laniel drew 430 votes from the National Assembly deputies and members of the upper Council of the Republic. A total of 453, a majority of the He said it would be unfoi--tunate - to let union members feel they had "ground out" an agreement from employers as a result of unlawful acts. "Rather should they realize that flouting the law Is only a detriment to their cause." Judge Lord said "lawful pivjl:-' etlng Is all right," but wher. accompanied by unlawful acts it Is reprehensible and greatly to be deplored and condemned." "This union must apprectate that they cannot attain their ends by unlawful acts." Judge Lord said the union "would do well" In the co'mlng year to attempt to gain support of all employees and to improve employer and union relationships. The judge noted that the i.nion claimed in a brief that employers had failed to bargain in good faith and had Marine tratnc was virtually halted, and ships used radar to j reach anchorages. iedicine Hat Widow Seeks RECORD RETl'RN This was the greatest number of prisoners the Communists had won back in a single day. In eight days of interviews the Communists have talked to 2 881 prisoners and have won back 104. Husband s Leqisiative Seat Eight of 13 Escaped Convicts Recaptured DETROIT UPv The last five of 13 southern Michigan prison fugitives two murderers, a kidnapper, a robber and a burglar are believed hiding somewhere. In the Detroit area today, waiting for an intensive manhunt to slacken. i ballots cast, is needed to elect. Heat Wave Prostrates Australians Blizzard Dims v Rescue Hopes REYKJAVIK. Iceland (Reuters) A blizzard howling over an Icelandic glacier today stilled hopes that even some of nine United States Tiers who crashed there five days ago may yet live to see Christmas. But weary Icelandic rescue workers again battled against a wall of ice In their bid to reach the wreck. Officials have little hope for the men, whose United States Navy Neptune bomber crashed Thursday on a glacier near Iceland's south coast, 110 miles from Reykjavik. ' i. One rescue team early today stood only a mile from the wreckage of the bomber but the exhausted and chilled Icelanders still had to master Che wall of Ice blocking their path. EQICINE HAT (CP) Mis., was contested because it would - Lyle Robinson Is attempt-1 be "a better thing for the prov-m a provlnclKl by-election ' Ince if the government did not to fill the Alberta legisla-1 hold such preponderant power." Compound B-3, rrom which j Socialist Marcel-Edmond Nae-today's prisoners were drawn, i geien, also backed by the Com-tppcared unusually docile. The j munists. still was Laniel's closest prisoners agreed readily to per- competitor on the eighth ballot mit Interviews with just halfWlth 381 votes, The other 92 each day, something no other ;were scattered among various compound has done. The second ; candidates. SYDNEY, Australia (Reutersi j. Medicine Hat seat, vu- Standing in the 81-seat legls-"by the death of her htia-i lature is: Social Credit 51, Lib The other eight who burrowed ' sired obiectlve bv innuendo, in zou prisoners go be lore iteu ex plainers tomorrow. erals 4. CCF 2. Progressive Conservatives 2. Independent Social Credit 1, vacant 1. There are 11.964 eligible voters. Polls opened at 9 a.m. and close at ') p.m. MST. 7(only opponent is CCr -Aite Edwin W. Home, de-by her husband In the 'Jrovincial general election. Adding to the confusion was the announcement early today frewn Pierre Montel, a 57-year-old member of Laniel's Independent party from Lyon, that he timidation and threat of reprisal to those who would dare to oppose them." He said the union declined to submit evidence to support the contention. "On evidence submitted, I can -WEATHER- Christmas shoppers collapsed by the dozens here today one of the hottest days recorded In 100 years. Ambulances raced through the streets between the crowded stores and the hospitals as the temperature soared to 107.5 degrees fahrenheit. A heat wave Is gripping the whole of New South Wales state and several towns are ringed '.y bush fires. Thousands of firefighters are by the Liberal and Forecast North Coast Region: Qaje nau enierea me presidential race. -Wive Conservative partt'-s iline contest prodiru ""pre-election, activity i. 'i ' ftnerally quiet cantpnittn:--'e two candidates. make no finding that such a Moniei saia ne tnougnt ne could cet the large majority he said out of the world's largest walltd prison with them Saturday night are back ' behind bars. Seven were captured within hours after the spectacular break from the penitentiary at Jackson, Mich. Another, cold and hungry, gave up there Sunday night. Jackson is 80 miles west of Detroit. Gets 3 Years LONDON 0i Tehran radio said tonight that former Prime Airliner Aids Disabled Craft condition actually exists," said the judge. was needed for the president "to fill his hieh mission of arbitrator Hp KllfrtreRtpH the nnprglnra -Robinson, before his Oct. and conciliator." pledge that no employee will bel HONOLULU (IF A four-englned standing by, some of them with Tath from a heart attack, warning In effect. Intermittent rain today and Tuesday, north portion. Variable cloudiness today, south portion, becoming overcast tonight. Rain Tuesday. Little change In temperature. Winds, north portion, southeast 20, increasing to 40 in exposed areas this afternoon and be southern Tokyo-bound Pan A m e r i c a n I wun rmes io put wauauies mm 'Presented the discriminated against because of his strike activity. Landlady constituency since So Stratoeruiser escorted two ais- i "8'w l" abled planes to safe landings at they try to flee through the Wake Island today in a double , umng 8t. Dies in Fire VANCOUVER (CP) A 52-ycar- Many people are preparing to Armed Guards Greet British TEHRAN (Reuters) The first British diplomats in Iran sinei the oil dispute ruptured relation, between the two countries I' months ago landed today a Tehran airport, closely guardet by armed police. Watched by mobile infantry the diplomats drove through th streets to the 14-acre Britis! yredlt came to power in in 1035. His strongest 'n during his term, dur-Wlfh he became labor mln-'as from I.l!wriil nnd In- coming south 25 Tuesday. Wind Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran has been sentenced to three years solitary confinement on charges he sought to overthrow the Shah. south portion, light, becoming old landlady died and two other Hder.t-s. sper.d tonight lying on the beaches rather than suffer the stifling night indoors. Temperatures in many inland towns ranged from 100 to 115 degrees fahrenheit. Man Remanded On Theft Charge John Donovan, Prince Rupert, was remanded in police court by Magistrate W. D. Vance this morning until December 29 on a charge of theft. Donovan, ar- south 30 tonight. Low tonight and high Tuesday at Port Hardy, Sand.spit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 46. "rescue, a Pan American spouts-man announced. One of the disabled planes was art overseas National Airways DC-4 flying under military charter from Honolulu to Wake. The other was a United States Navy PBM amphibious seaich i.i. h left. Wnke In answer persons were hurt today when fire broke out in a west end rooming house. Mrs. Hilda E. Vaillstrum was killed. Jr Hurry Velner, unsue-55 Ulieral candidate in the ( JO federal election, un-that as a "gesture of lliy" Mis. Robinson would LONDON Wv Fog closed down embassy compound, guarded b London airport for several hours today and reduced road traffic to , rested last night, is charged with three truckloads of armed guard. a crawl, while snowfalls brought stealing the sum or $95 rrom , Iran and Britain resumed dip wPTd hH pal'tV UJ ' to the distress messages from the . I" ' t for the memory M i . beaming smiles to winter resort Roland Dale Griffith on Decern-, lomatic relations Dec 5 after . uison. Prncresslve Con ber 13. owners In western Europe. 13-month break. The PBM began losing oil from its starboard engine 200 miles out of Wake. It radioed that It followed suit. ' rtITOSU , 1 """""" ' ;- . ,, y ,v '' " A ' ' v- , ,- - t 1 Levis May Make Bid as Labor Boss on New York Waterfront '"I'CF niiMi.- i-n hiivrd on i might be forced to make an Wlsory automobile insur- I emergency landing in the Pacific. diivcr-t mining programs The Pan American clipper ' advocated hospital instil-! Nightingale was refuelling at at cost. Alberta CCF leader Wake when the distress signals r Roper s;i!d the election ! came, and left Immediately. The Stratoeruiser picked up the PBM one hour out of Wake and flew with it as it limped back to base. The airliner then picked up the DC-4 and shepherded It in to a landing about 30 minutes later. WASHINGTON t Mine union president John L. Lewis may be preparing a bid to become the new labor chief of the turbulent New York waterfront. It was reliably reported today that Capt. William Bradley, newly-chosen president of the allegedly crlmrldden International L o n g s h oremcn's Association is due here from New York to visit Lewis. Bradley's visit appears obviously timed for its effect on the balloting Tuesday in a national labor relations board election between the ILA and a new AFL Longshoremen's Union. It's a crucial election show- -down between the old ILA, ousted by the AFL, and the new union which the AFL formed only a few months ago. saying Its efforts to force a clean-up had failed. Crime probers havt accused the old ILA of harbor' ing criminals, and a number of Its officials have been Indicted. There seems little doubt that Lewis has been working quietly but persistently In behalf of the old ILA Last week an official of the AFL-ousted ILA reported Lewis supplied a $50,-000 loan- to help fight the new AFL union. The 73-year-old Lewis has declined; comment, but It Is reported that his brother, a top organizer in labor sectors outside the coal industry, A. D. (Denny) Lewis, had met frequently , witn officials of the old ILA. The reported loan has led to speculation that the old ILA is destined to become part of district 50 of the United Mine Workers '.Ind.) Jose Feirier Judged Best NEW YORK ff Audrey Hepburn and Jose Ferrer Sunday were named top movie stars of the year In the annual poll of critics by the trade publication TWO HELICOPTERS are shown on the reinforced roof of Ste. Justine Hospital, Montreal, In an experiment that proved helicopters can be used to transport seriously ill patients. Three federal transport department helicopters, flown from Ottawa, bucked a stiff wind as they touched down on the roof of the hospital. . . ' , , klT" "ore l Shopping Jk If a!P "Tf XChrittmas y, T Film Daily.