r ' i Prince Ruoe't Doilv Npws Monday, December 21, 1953 k - . i 'j 1 - r K ... . i -" - Sparkling GA Squad Dump Omegas 64-49 H Curling z& f- - ' ft i - $ , , j ! l I V Fjl' committed 20 fouls with Jimmy Stewart petting a technical and Watts and Nickerson were penalized 17 times and lost the- services of Bobby MacFar-lir.c when he v:ur. 'nsed out of the fray. The drygoodsmen sank 15 of 22 free shots and W & N scored on 13 out of 25 chances In a speedy Inter-A encounter Nelson Brothers took over second place and relegated General Motors to the league basement with Sunrise Grocerv when they-( lull d uij a 44-3J deeUon. (Sep Scores piiff 7) . BOSTOM '.? - Veteran Woody Dumart rf Bcfton Ilru' is, who has been in the N ttinnal Hockey League so long he's known as "the elder statesman," was given a birthday cake by his fans Sunday ni;ht. He'll be 37 TO YOUR NEW HOME OR OFFICE Commercial cr household furniture movml with rare Prompt, courteous servh-e at low cost. PACKING 9 CRATING SHIPPING I.QC.U. Oil LONG DISTANCE' MOVING LINDSAY'S ,i CARTAflE Ami STOitAGF. BE ALERT FOR ROLLS rnone i;o im. "Leave it to Lindsays" 4...:' .. ii&smmm..iMm- :.fcL:.J..3t i.-rt.. 1 I'f'ftfflf! WRWW t I i A rampaging Gordon nd Anderson basketball team played havoc with the Senior B league leaders, Manson's Omegas, Saturday night al they chalked up a decisive 04-49 victory at the Civic Centre. 1 The fastest-paced game of the ! current season saw O & A sharp-; shooters Joe Davis, Rupe Holkes-i tad, Glen Carlson and Jimmy I ""later, find their old form as !they garnered 16, 15, 14 and 13 ; points apiece respectively. To the i delight ul a faii-.sUed crowd and the confusion of Bill McChes- '. ney's determined squad, the harclwaremen out-checked, out- hct and continually beat the icwellers on rebounds. , The score racked up by Minor j "''ni.irln's crew was the hlgh-' est registered In any senior game I 'h's seiison nnri placed G ti A in j j a tie with CCC with three wins j , and five losses. j Kltiten set up the G & A lead l in the first quarter, notching 11 I points of his team's 10-polnt quarter total as G & A outseoied i the jewellers 16-12. O & A took the rest of the game 18-13, 15-12 and 15-12. ! Art Olsen and Danny Bill paced the losers with 12 and 11 1 points each and Omega polnt-Ketter Ray Spring was effectively bottled up to the extent that h didn't score a single field goal. i However, he scored 6 points out of 7 tries In free shots. Gordon i and Anderson committed 11 fouls to Minson's 12 and sank only 8 out of 10 free shots while Man-son's netted 13 points In 15 tries. In a pcnaltv-studded Inter-A league game Fraser and Payne sta"H a stretch drive to defeat a stubborn Watts & Nlckerson crew 55-43. The Clothiers edged : the drygoods gang 9-8 in the first quarter, were edged 15-14 themselves In the second stanza to see the two squads tied 23-23 BOSTON KKD SOX PITCHKK Maury McDerm ott sits In his Newtcr.. Mass., home with his wife and 13-monih-old daughter Barbara Frances. McDermott receivea i.ie news at home tht h and teammate Tom Umphlett were traded to tie Washington Senators, for CM!ti-'('.:r;-.":v'i Jensen. ; mot Article No. 10 Dull-witted, nhleirm.itic skio-ping fails to anticipate the .strategical advantage produced by'a timely roll. Positional play of your stone is all-important in firing your team to inspirational heights. If your team-mates feel that you are an opportunist as a skip and are alert in your anticipation of the possibilities of every shot played, they will display the same keenness and the same intense concentration and interest in the results of their own shots as well as yours. Lethargic indifference on the part of the skip is a contagious disease, and withers team morale correspondingly. Even a listless effort in sweeping or a lazy, Canadiens Robbed of Lead In Wild Game at New York Ex-Champion Shaping Up As Top Threat ""-hetic attitude towards capitalizing on an opponent's error transmits itself to your players with paralytic force. i ' Be alert for rolls. When you call for ice to remove opposing stones, think of the secondary yet more important consideration of offensively placing your own stones, afttr the hit. to the best position possible. When glv-: ing ice for a take-out, take the i roll into consideration. Give a j shade more ice or a little less, , depending on the result you re-I ouire j By all moans play for a roll to get vour stones in front of opposition rocks for backing, or to keep from bunching your stones to roll to the other side of the hou.se to bury your stone behind a pocket of guards to roll into : a pocket of enemy rocks, j Look sharp and be sharp on the "head" and give your players j the feeling that you have nnticl-i patcd nil possibilities and that you are trying to make them look good on any shot. Geoffrion and several other Montreal players swung their sticks ut a fan who tried to get into the act. The game was delayed 15 minutes before the melee was broken up. Wally Herveslicimer provided There's nothing like the pros-! i pect of blood and thunder to send New York hockey fans : flocking to Madison Square Garden. Many of the 13,650 fans in the Garden Sunday night .were o'o- i BV GAVLE TALBOT NEW YORK (API The word is that Ezzard Charles has Just about fought his way back as the No. 1 contender for the heavyweight title he once held. j As it is told to us. Jim Norris, the head of the International I Boxing Club, feels he Is obligated viously lured by publicity her- j 1 he scoring punch as Rangers elding the return of the Rani;-1 won their ninth game in 32 ers Ivan (the Terrible) Irw;n Christmas in Alaska FLIGHTS TO KETCHIKAN TUESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY One wcy $15.00 Return $27.00 FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS Phone 344 and quick-tempered Ma uric ; to give Ez another chance, since Richard of Montreal Canadiens starts. The 26-year-old right-winger tallied the last two goals. Deftnceman Harry Howell scored the other while Richard accounted for the lone Montreal goal. At Toronto Saturday, young Camille Henry scored twice in the Rangers' I sing performance. Toronto 'corers were rihtwinger Eric Nesterenko, centre Ted Kennedy a.id right-winger Ron Stewa't. bv the hair. Watts and Nickr-sons took the third frame 12-10 They didn't see much roumi ' fluff from Ivan and Maurice i But they got plenty of blond from New York's Ron Murphy and Montreal's Bernie Geoffrion in a game that saw the Ran;-! ers beat Canadiens :i-l t ' j bounce the Montrealers out of first place in the Nation i Hockey League. tz used to ngni ior tne iuc on virtually a day's notice when he j neld the title and so deserves better treatment than he has been getting. i Al Weill, Marclano's manage!, aLsc 's said to feel Charles should i get the next shot, providing , he scores a couple of good victories before a country-wide audience. The battering Ez gave young Coley Wallace the other night j Next article . . . ; "Playing for a Big End" B.C. Pucksters but sparked by Ron Ciccone who w tted 10 of his 14 points in the1 final quarter, Fraser and Payne forge ahead to tuke the decision 23-8 In the last period. Murphy, a 2-lyear-old left- winger, and Geoffrion met wiui was supposed to have got him'stiCks high in the second period over the first hurdle. Now all he On Point Spree By The Canudlnn Press i Western International and Okanagan Senior Hockey League clubs v.ent n a 1M five-game , scoring spree over the week-end ', hat fattened scoring averages j by a whopping 141 points on 63 1 goals and 78 assists. The Western Hockey League nrAdnnol KnlVi tVio Vi to Vioct c.nr- needs to do is win a return engagement with Nino Valdes, tha big Cuban wiio unexpectedly beat him last summer. Our thought was that Charles fought a consistently smart and sound fight against young Wallace. Aho that Coley didn't look anything like Joe Louis, whom WORLD he portrays in the movie, except ing game and the most lop-sided Both received match misconduct penalties and $100 fine;. Murphy, a 21-year-old left-with a fractured Jaw and other injuries and Geoffrion w.'.s nursing a cut on the right side of his head. Sunday night's Montreal-New York battle was the wildest of five games during the week-end. In the others, fifth-place Rangers were beaten 3-2 by third-place Toronto Map!-; Leaf3 in Toronto, and Canadiens defeated four-place Boston Bruins 7-3 Saturday. Sunday night, last-plice Chicago Black Hawks whipred the Leaf-, 4-1 and the leagi :-leadin; Detroit Red Wing., e:' cd Boston 4-2. After Geoffrion nl Murphy a little frcm the neck up. contest, the latter an almost un- In a case where he knew he had to get in tf'ere and do something drastic or say a final goodbye to the big money, Ez wasn't reluctant at all. He still is a very goad heavyweight when ,he spirit moves him. But Wallace was far from dis- j believable 13-3 victcry by the I tail-end Nelson Maple Leafs ' over the' runner-up Kimberley . Dynamiters. Three Leafs Don Appleton, Lee Hyssop and Marlow McDonald turned in hat-tricks and the Leafs picked up a total of 31 Do you sewer from Sarrfa-C(aus-fiopfxfeia ? Do crowded stores scare you? Do you he awake worrying about what to give your wife? Why not take a tip from a lot of smart huihands and give her an EASY Mectnc Ironer. It's like giving her a day-off" every week. This new tASY Ironer is portable, easy to use and easy to store away. Does all the ironing, flat things, shirts, dresses, etc. And she'll be really Croud to own it. Come in and see ow it works. 18 graced and our hunch Is that he i points on their 13 goals and assists. will be fighting for the champ- Another free-scoring game ionship within a few years. After , were separated, the Montrealor all his career is before him and i cracked Murphy across the face Saturday night saw Spokane a knockout at the hands of such j v;ith his stick .and Murphy fell. j Flyers whip the league-leadin? Trail Smoke Eaters 10-5 with J Hughie Scott collecting three ; goals for the winners. Then th-3 1 Flyers came back in the only . Sundav game scheduled for a 6-4 victory. a skilled veteran as Charles should not injure his confidence. The only question we have j heard expressed about Coley isj whether he has a real determin Quakers, Royals Score Victories ation to go all the way. Some: The Western Hockey League'i f. n. : : la Jas Kpaei Kpaei had' had' almost almost, s s bad bad ay ay he he lacks lacks the the .ofirning Horning zeal zeal re! reluctant " co-lduders ..were1 Kite ' ' ' ' -- r url.ng ithe iwdek-end,- gfvihg trie" . ruyi ti"rrb.-hei Oi-Vian that Stove LoulS jife title, 'and du V. eW'A'i Par- halt he is part playboy. If sp. fh five up 'a-7-5 verdict that will come out later. -';.' "": ja ttfTiSf.rar.ri&i f't 'yeV,':V.T!'iri- bar.adans at Kl- e", ' ether teams in the loop to m even closer to the top rung. Saskatoon Quakers picked un V.na ati(3 ;Pnati::ton V's.mvadtng :iK.anilc;op"j t3-whip the E'iks i-4. , j a point and New Westminster r- w j r- ; V.U3 VVtZOrd Pies, Royals added two to move into TOKValft''-, KinrtVM&vi? t' toV ;t itd place, just, three Bc.cn, i.a.c -vuft Canucks', br);h'iri th . hroes lunner-up In world thrce-cush- , cln! ! M - Vil t: Ion billiard tournaments. 4 Sunday i:ight. He finished second to Willie Hoppe in1 the wot d tournament at San Francisco last year, and was sixth at Chicago last spring. Quakers brought jcy to so:no Z 500 hometown fans S iturriay night by coming from behind a two-goal deficit to earn a 2-2 stalemate, while New Westminster fans saw their Royals edge scrappy Seattle Bombers 2-1. In HISTORIC SKA PORT I the only game scheduled Sun-Bristol In England received Its day night, Seattle blanked last-first town charter from Henry in place Victoria Cougars 2-0 in 1171. ! Seattle. I 1 Wholesale & Retail Phone 372 ; . d So! - 9 M i K li if GIFTS for MEN Wc carry a complete line of IMPORTED i ) I i 4 .Is mm Captain Morgan DeLuxe Rum, the result of more than a score of years of preparation, is proudly introduced in British Columbia, Canada's most discriminating market for rum. Captain Morgan De Luxe owes its distinctive character and superb quality to careful selection from a storehouse of the world's finest rums. These have been brought together by master blenders in a liqueur mm of an excellence unequalled anywhere. Captain forgan De Luxe Rum, available now in limited supply, at a premium price. t Captain Morgan RUM Cigarettes and Tobacco to be savoured with' leisurely appreciation, Captain Morgan De Luxe Rum is delightful after dessert. to add just the right nc;c of distinction to theflavourandbouquet of any favourite tall, cool drink, try Captain Morgan De Luxe Rum. axd&s$ any mixed drink in which rum may be used will taste better than ever when the rum is Captain Morgan De Luxe. and all other SMOKERS' SUPPLIES 1 gSf- and for the LADIES i -. 1 LUili . . . mi wr ...' w - tpenal Christina rift. cJU ( I mj J'S.. .....4 y u-f'rt offering thil hanclome, chrome-plalea fuUiaway stand absolutely free uilb tvery l-AHY PurtabU Inner said this unit. A Oood Supply of BOXED CHOCOLATES Ail the best known brands. Both Domes! ic and IMPORTED i" McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 6 or 3f. "The Store That Service Built" GROTTO CIGAR STORE 1811 ISH COIUMHA. 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