ULOivGE TAWtS Pi AUCTIONEER Phone Black 816 and fed IT. M -Zl PREVIOUS DAY HONE MISS WANT AD AT 748 P.M. FOR WANT ADS 4:30 Luxury Steomcr Prince George SAIL3 FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN f I H j " i 1 H i . fcli iti 'iltiif)' lit f It '- - jjjSj.ifca, ar i Ajj.ajti.-fc.iiJA I B 654 .... "THE DAILY NEWS'; "CIRCULATION" TODAY :. 3370 YEAR AGO 3207 Classified Rates at time 4 SO P previous ;i cents per word per In ..,,;' minimum Jharga 60 cents. , N .ii'". "0 cents. Cards of D'-ath Notlc-p. Puneral ,,ti' MurrluKe and Engagement ,c HfBlMlU, 2 00. , DLpiny double prlos. No Refunds I not accept responsibility j,.itu'il acts Inserted Incurrectif ..r MrniiK cilllcatlon unless ,,tlnti ol .uctt errors Is reurivsd t, U hour of lln Uinertl ja. Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 21, 1953 I s-iix GIFTS FOR GALS DEBS By Savage That Cuban Heel fur style and comfort.. $10.95 In many styles. VOGUE SHOES LTD. 506 3rd Ave. W. Green 505 YULE-TIDE GirTS at your SINGER SEWING CENTRE MOBILE .GAMBLERS LONDON (CP) Police swojpt'd down on a converted truck and made seven arrests. They claimed the truck was bein used a a "mavlnrj gaming house." pi CHOPSUEY... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe Fur Outside Orders Pbone 133 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe BASKETBUI. SrOPfN'O Lineups: Inler H l.eaue GENERAL MOTORS B. Forward, B. Htanwood. J Carlson 4. M. Young 9. T. Leask 6. T 8hi nton 8. M Dean . E. Nelson 8, K. I'euersen 3. To- , tai :ta. ! NK1.SON BROTHERS J. Ncwto.l 8, M. Tunaka, M. Nukutsu. T. Nitk-atsu 2. R. Mcrvcn 7. N. Morven 8. 8, Matsuo 6. K. Mi'.tHUO, M. Matsuoa 4, S. Yamnmoto 11, B. Tsuchiya. Total 44. Inter A League FRASER & PAYNE F. Krlstmiin- son 8, H. Ciccone 14. D. Sankey J. J Stewart 7. O. Monson 15, O. Forbes 8-. H. McKay. Total 55. WATTS & NICKERSON K. Wesch 4. H. Smith 2, R. Chrlaton 13. M Sedgewlek 10. R. Macf'arlane 2. J. ; Tlewin 2. A. Shenard I, B. Becker I 7, N. ftolin 2, N. Forman. Total 43. heniiir II League ; GORDON & AN1JKRSON S J. Fla-len 13. G. Carlson 14. J. Davis 16, R. Holkestad 15, T. Arney, R. Web- ner , K. Abbey, R. Cume. Total 64. . ' MANSION S-A. Ol.n-n 12. M Web- ster 10. D. Bill 11, K. Spring 6. D. ! Hartwig 8, b. Ruteliiura. J. Waiu. ; a Duiims. Total 4i. Pearson Honored LONDON (Reuters) ireipn Secretary Anthony Eden will give a. dinner here tonight f'.i L. B. Pearson, Canadian exkr nal affairs minister. Pearson arrived heie froi1. Paris Saturday after attending the recent ministerial council session of the 14-natlon "Atlantic pact. He will leave London by air lor Ottawa Tuesday. sewing Baskets, pinking snears, WEDNESDAY Midnigh Comfort and Service - -or re-wrvatlons write 01 i.UCJtv or Lieunt Office. Prince Ruprt, B C. DINING PLEASURE SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check- up and turn: -up . . . and we'll v.iiiterize year car too. You'll be pleased with our service. Superior Auto w Service I WANT AD ; REPLIES '(e are holding replies j the following News i boxes: 507 817 828 850 m 854 865 874 ' Replies must be colled for in person COMING VEN1S BA Christmas Tree Party 21 2 (10 p.m. ipl : ins of Norway Christmas : Dec. 28. . Year' ' Bull, H.M.C S. mm. For invitations on nn'inlii'iH of Naval Reserve fane filing :rbyiertan Burns Banquet, aary 21. js' (iirl Guide Company In-stlonal Dirner, Feb. 13. (280p) KIKTH CHARFF Born to Mr. and BuD Scharff, Plcton, Ont Io 11. 1953, a daughter, nria Anne. 7 lbs. 10 oz., a w lor Bobby. I Up) ( AltD OF THANKS !rs Will Robinson gratefully nwledees with thanks the "y kind messages of sym-31 and floral tributes receiv-and also the valuable as-iine of friends and neigh-! daring her recent sad be-'ment. (It) PERSONAL HOLIDAY CLOSING CIVIC CENTRE a p m. December 24 to I pill., Monday, Dec. 28 5pm. December 31 to 1 p m., Saturday, Jan. 2 HOLIDAY SKATING FTERN'OONS: Dec. 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. 2 p m - 4 p.m. VKSINOS: Dec. 22 and 23 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. (Itc) " barlx'rshons. will and New Year's, and will be d on Saturdays after above toys. (297) fTACT Alcoholics Anony- '"'Us. P.O. Box 343, :. im "ISINhs PERSONALS TIONAL Machinery Co. lim-Distributors for Mining, Wit, LoTging and Contrac- Enal-.mipnl. Tnniilrlp- ln- CHANCE of a LIFETIME We have been favored with a listing of a looming house in down town area. Lease for two or three years can be arranged. Lessee to purchase furniture. Nice apartment is available for operator. Apartments and rooms are fuU up and yields a good pront. This is an excellent opportunity. Contact Prince Rupert Realty Co. in person. ACT NOW! Scissor Sets, Hi-Low Metal Ironing Boards. Many other sewing nlds. 639 Third Ave. W. Phone 804 Moke Xmas Merrier with CUT FLOWERS or PLANTS from PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS 300 3rd Ave. W. Phone 777 Remember your friends and relatives overseas with Flowers by Wire 11 BUSINESS PERSONALS 31 DRESSMAKING and altera- , tlons. Reasonable. Phone Red 224. (298) 5 WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, .-enuand and repaired. (tf) MAGAZINES, uove.aes. bddle's News tiUiud. ic) tO HELP WANTED FEMALE) JUNIOR clerk - stenographer, j Apply Northern BC. Power: Co. Ltd.. iioom 15, Besner Block. 12961 j . i t 24 SITUATIONS WTD. MALE j FOR odd Jobs and complete;; Janitor service, phone Green 773. (9p) SITUATIONS WTD Female RELIABLE baby-sitter. Ca'.l Blue 127. i 304 -nc) WILL baby-sit, my home, ovr holidays. Mrs. Lucy Proutt, Blue 331. (3(M)pi BUILDING MATERIALS PHILPOTT, EVITT 4. CO. LTD. Phone 651 or. 652 Tr.nnlre about our budget plan m Limited II p 1 Phone 347 DEADLINE FAMILY GIFT FARE EXCITING 3-D GIFTS for all the family VIEW MASTER STEREOSCOPE PICTURES Wrothall's Photo Finishing 20!) Third Avenue W. NOBLES YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS 308 RECORDS RADIOS APPLIANCES 201 Third Avenue West (Opp. Totem Theatre) For HER.. AUTOMATIC IRON Regular $14.50 Now $10.75 SIMPSONS-SEARS 313 Third Avenue West Phone 400 The Ideal Gift For Her ELECTROLUX Phone Blue 970 WANTED MISCELLANEOVSj YOUNG pup, male, Boston Bull preferred, but any kind ac cepted. Call 747 from 9 a.m. to p.m. and Blue 127 after 5:30 p.m. (298-nc) I ; CASH FOR J Scrap, cooper, laraas, tntterlt-s, l radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 ! 6th Ave. West. ' 'SI ROONS frOR RENT i SLEEPING ROOM, close in. 1141 Beach Place. Blue 433. (300) TWO rooms, furnished. Call at 522 Fulton, Apt. 3, . , 297) ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and board for working man. 937 3rd West. (297p) 39 HOML'S FOR KENT SMALL two-bedroom house. 1144 7th Ave. East. Blue 822. 296p) 39A SUITES FOR RENT SUITES for rent. Red 984. (299) FURNISHED suite. 621 Fulton St. (299) 1 ' rriDWIQUPn annrfmonl steam-linen; heated; dishes and telephone. Apply 218 5th St. after 6 o'clock. (298) 40 HOMES FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION !$10()0 cash, balance as rent. Five-room bungalow, living-room, dining room, two bed rooms, two level lots. Price only $3300. Exclusive listing. II. G. Helgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. Phone 96 or Black 197 evenings 1 (297) 11 WARTIME 6. Cash. Phone Phone 1 Green 205. (297p) 40A Houses Wanted to Buy WARTIME 6. Cash. Phone Green 205. (299p) 43 LISTINGS WANTED WANTED: To hear from owners who have good homes for sale. Cash buyers waiting. For a satisfactory sale consult Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 342 Eves. Red 958 12971 47 AUTOMOBILES 1952 PLYMOUTH Suburban Like new, less than 16.000 miles, A-l shape. Two spare wheels and tires. Can be financed. Phone Blue 411 after 5 p.m. (301p) 1952 PLYMOUTH sedan, low mileage, heater, seat covers. Excellent condition. 502 6th Ave. East. Black 216. (29Bi 1950 Mercury 2-door, $1550. Owner leaving town, must seil. Phone Black 937. (303p) 25c pr doicn pi4 ior cipti. F'lcsit Imvc aw n&t "n' Hit Jfrtteint m no puUtished o. 4-'.plyd by K l.Xor CoMrof Bocrd r by the OovcmiHcn. BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER ' 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupeit for Smither? Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections PhoneCXi . Investors Syndicate of Citn.isla Ltd. and 'nvestorf Mutual v of Canada Ltd. " T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 84 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for prior- ttupert Terrace and Kitrnat IT YOU WANT A i CIirDER LRIYKWAY 5 ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck fine! Equipment Ph. E!ue 929. M. J. SAUJEf.3 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTIlKED ACCOCNTAjT Jam.s Block, fi()3 3rd Ave. W. opert, B.C. F.3. Box 374 Bv STAN DRAKE 4 FAMILY GIFT FARE Christmas Shipment of CHROME JU8T ARRIVED. 5-pce. Sets Xmas Special $79.50 Colors: Red, Yellow, Oreen, Blue, Grey. Matching Stools Available. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Third Ave. Phone 775 XMAS IS ALMOST. HERE We will be open until 9 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and open until 6 p.m. on Thursday CHRISTMAS TOYS DECORATIONS Drop In and find all your Christmas Shopping Needs at THE VARIETY STORE opp. Capitol Theatre) DANDY FOR DAD SLIPPERS THE IDEAL GIFT See our complete selection NOW. AH size and styles. GEO. HILL & SONS LIMITED Third Avenue West , 0.."B.-,5i. LEGAL NOTICES HKAI.I'K TKMII.K Tlmher Sale XB24U There will be offered for sale by Sealed Tender, at 1 1 :30 a.m., on Friday, January 22nd. 1954. In the omce of the District Forester at Prince Rupert. BC. the Licence XU2445. to cut 830 000 cuhlc feet of Knriir finrl Hemlock iti n nrim jcoveilnR Lots 713 and 718, situated nine (9) miles north of Stewart. Cassiar Land District. Five (51 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister o(-Forests. Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. (D14.21.28.J4I rad:o DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) MONDAY FM. 0:00 Supper Serenade 7:00 CBC Newa 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 B.C. Prolite 8:00 A Saviour Is Born 8:15 CBC symphony Orcn. 9:00 National ?arm Racll "orum '9:30 Cafe Conttncnt.il 10:00--CBC News I0;10 CBC News , liiOil euTliei-; .Mntlcul Malf rplere 12:00 Blgn-off TUESDAY A.M. 7:00 B. C. Fishermen Broadcast Ills Miislral (lok 1:30 CBC News: We-.her Rect 1:.'l.1 Music al I Iim k BOO CBC News; Wither a-ni Here's Bill Oonrl S:l. Mornln lev1lotlH S::t Knnril Allium 9:00 BBC News and Commentary :IS Miliilcal Mar ll-Past 9:30 Morning Concert 9:58 Time Klgnal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 '.'Carnatlou Entertains" -10::iM Keh)ard and I'oiiMile 10 4S The Jimmy Shields Show 11:00 Your Ctood Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air 1 :30 Message I'erlml :4.1 Iv'iiiHliiuiviall lelodlei P.M. a :M Born X Years Too Nnan 13:15 CBC News 12.28 CBC Showcase 12:80 B. c. i aj-m Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1 :45 Today's Guest 2:00 Festive Season 2(80 Trans-Canada Matinee 3:15 Keeords for You 3:45 Yesterday's Favorites 4:15 The Barney Potts Shnw 4 :30 The Oriole's Nest 4 :48 Sleepytime Storyteller 5:011 Htmk QuulnllniiN ViH-allse 5:15 International Commentary 5:20 CBC News; Weather Report 5:30 At Home VwLU the Ler.nlcs 6:65 Have You Heard? WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to S a.m. Daily I CLONDIE Kindred Soles By CHIC VOUNG 1 -1 i ", '' l, 'I I VOL) PCOR CHUMP.' J -" "-I C QJ.CK- GET INTO I f .J 1 NJ -OVE rjfTT - - ua-ha cnvniroi ' - V; I'M JUST GOING TO f .1 ( VOUH TUXEDO-w?;cE GO'KG OUT t- ' v..t,v- y 0M Mm .; KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED t By ZANE GREY .is 10:1 Prorlnolal Affairs aK.00;WOnOM fitetyrishgUM show or your home. Improvement. No down Hkymat,: tim 21 i t in. FOR your fuel requirements: oil "Shell" Stove una rur-Phne!nace; Coal Foothills and Bry- I - .- nnc "Piielfle" Prn- v a v I v,nrv cHb trs.rs-'v. , . vci.i -rT,w'L.n'C4J -nit. i'Ti' -i 'itunr;-3 -;.; r CUVAf Alt-s-rslj AT JiMU-.. ft.-'iVi "r . 'S J' I AsrD PffiMSyl &'S Of AO . &jrQHJLft.e(jiperAiL 7rA7 we sews m '-' ;ifl v mlfWn sAft kMMjW ' 1 lrM4 Wmmmll IWtMM t LI'L ABNER. What Can It Be? , By AL CAPP I AM MAS MAO ENUFF.'.'- V" J VlWu Yf hsFf IT'S -MMX I -BuT NE.VE.R 1 ( BUT VJHY. f " AHVE BIG6EOHIMTO WasS f IJUrfaa-?? rI.lir'f ' 51.UEP On, FOREVtR.'.' V; . V, . HAH MAT.' A A PAC - TAKE THET HAT OFF.'.'- , ,T-i6t0t df WW V . 'F 0'-6--JV-'. Z JZiP'ti V rTST Uti V 3 AH'VE TRIED TO BRIBE ) & QHtf ZsF2t , ' KEEPS A-POU.IS'- SStr-X' i V ',- . MINI WlP PRESARvEO . V--, cfT' 8J& P-t- MAH HAID WILL JT . 'Ifi 14 V& .-.3, mm. TURNIP.'.-NOW, AM 1 P--"rwrn l' . COMEOKP- -3J i" -D-?i-ZT v WlM IMm tflf& i; (Vunvllle Island, Vancau-I 1 B.C. (tf)29A ! nane. Phllpott, I.Vllt CO. Lta., Phone 651 or 652 (301) 1 ii FURNITURE FOR SALE I SMALL slae chesterfield suite. Reasonable. Phone Green IU. (297p) SEWING MACHINES JALES-Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (CI J2 FOR SALE MISC. MAN'S bicycle, good condition. Tricycle like new. uan at West 5th Ave. (30lp) 120 BASS piano accordion, $80. 627 8th Ave. West. I301p) GOOD BUY Leaving town. Will sell '51 Ford 2-ton pick-up. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 535 Tatlow St. Phone Red 806. , (296p) BOY'S skates and boots, size 6; steam engine, set of boxing gloves. All like new. Lady's skates and boots, size 8. 502 6th Ave. East. Black 216. (296) FUR COAT, Coney (dyed rabbit), perfect condition. Siz 18. Apply Box 876 Dally News. CONNOR washing machine, $50; 4 white chairs, $1.50 each, snnlv Lindsay's Cartage. (296) -'--' " 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver BC. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) "fRMEN-For repairs to all 5akis of marine and auxlii-'(nmpps, call Finning Trac-a'id Equipment Co. Ltd. e 577. (299) JMNEY, furnace, stove clean's, repairs. Furniture, house f". painting. Sheet metal, "it work, appliance repairs. enable rates. Phil Proutt, Blue 331. (297p) ? ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. "'use wirlna nnri plictrieal a,rs- 149 9th Ave. West. e Red 165. . (12) BLlu nCcoUNTANT. Income specialist. 8. O. Furk, ne Buildimr. Red 593. On)" AR1LY everybody uses 99. J5? Bob Parker's, of course, "M3ING. aut.nmnt.ir nil heat ft. sheet, metal work. Phone win 630 eth West. Letour- !u (O lus FINEST CLEANE41 '-kcikolux. Phono blue 'or Parts Sales Service. (c) FILINOAU tvnes of saws. 'fn.Mon f Saw Filing, 215 1st West. (10) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES .A I "" Tj I TELL YOU l POVT T riT S-ES Ili ZJOTB V 1,'fe F 1 KNOW. ! P. PtTv OUT I - WJVAN, SO SHE 5f3 V.AS5'E-. k M3U... I E E S5 " I ' V 2 - B V CP HE? MEAC IP VOU ASK '" mm t ' . BUT it ShCULDNT W f'i Pkl MBl &Alt.TMM -t 1 ... NOtVSHESe0T : INTEVER6 (TM HESI CABSBf. ) t V?V BENS THE PEesjNAi. il ' another Picture , :V"W V yo- Quote ve to hes. , fl V fsr? )iv i im Gilford Electrical Works alpr for Ekolite Sounders. (12)