It 1 I Piince Rupert Daily News Kay Reflects and Remini See it As 8 see Tuesday, October 27, 1953 If 'X - - I ) ,: a ' I ; , 1 There are elfiht morning news- gested GeorRe Morrow Thl papers in Warsaw says Frank W. i meant, in the native .tonRur, Rounds, Jr attarhed to th; J'stronu, powerful or vigorous, but U.S. Embassy. They have no the idea was not given suppoit. news as we know it; no weather Morrow had been in Rupert trom reports or local news; no re- I the start and was In the meat porting of accidents; no human- buislness. So, the public tried interest stories. The most, Im- , again. portant thing is the editorial i on the front page. i HOME AT I.A.ST An lndepenripnt dully newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Prws Ai:cllt Bureau of CiirulatioiM Canadian Daily Newspaper Assoriation. r-ubllshed by The Prlnrr R'.iprrt Dllllv News Limited. J. P. MAOOR, Prenldent H. G PERRV. Vice-President ' Subscription Rates: Bt carrier Per we(k. 25c: per month. $! on: ier vear. ticw. mpjjtt! mail - Per month. 7Sc: per year. $8 00. rfj' Authorized as second class mail bv the Post Office Deuartmcnt. Ottawa 1 (more Wi4u w. CANADA'S i This time, the canvass lasted for weeks, and finally tha name "Optimist" was turned In by 1 p4 One of the best ways to make your old car run better is to learn the price of a '53 model. United Mine Workers Union. joei rinsDury, civil englneerlli land pioneer. This was readilv!! in it:-; ' 1 , LCfj, A i adopted, and remained until the fr I. it lie Black Dog YOU were a liny puppy when a smiling boy came at supper time and handed you in as a present. . From the depths of ynur Just what would be done In the event or there being no weather to curse- for after all, what a convenience. i word "News appiared on th? building on Third Avenue, thus becoming the newspaper's first permanent home. l..TI.. WILLIAM BELL, 2!). of Toronto, believed the last of Ciinndn's Korea prisoners of war to be repatriated, is greeted by his three-ycnr-olfl niece, Belinda Lenton, as he arrives In Toronto, rsrll wns enptured Rt Little Gibraltar last Oct. 22, spent 11 month In I'vttk-tonp pilmm rump In North Korea and was five weeks In hospital In Japan. ' United Btates interests think- ' ing of spending eight millions on a new hotel for Vancouver, j They say the time has come , NEW THRL1 NewTi, I GUAR1" hound doggy belly there came a thunderous bark. You luimrd : Vtilir;.Tlf from thrtt mnment. ! Ruff, we called you. from your ; h t k You were a teintirrnienlnl lit-llle );nly, too, Willi your shiny ! .let hlnvk ronl. nnd Invrly hrnwn rye."! Von hud thr waicgllrsl .trill in all the world, nut your fel when this Is a necessity. The I same can be said for other com- 1 j munltles, but we'd feel safer by I leaving the figure eight strictly i alone. Say half a million, or Victoria ' SAFE RELIABLE SERVICE I'.ompt and Courteous Phone 5 37 TAXI Ken Nesbitt - Ronnie -Tutb Report . . by J. K. Nesbitt something like that. j I ines wriT rnsilv hurt When 1 bob m Buy From Bulkley Valley THERE is a great deal to be said for the efforts of Bulkley Valley dairy farmers to create more interest here in their products. With fresh milk arriving in the city three times a.' week from fertile farms so close to us, it is sh'anpe that many consumers in Prince Rupert con-tSnie to favor .produce from the distant Froser Valley. . As visiting farmers from the Smithers district have said, it is not their intention to run dow n their competitors but the physical facts of the situation are all in their favor. Because of their proximity to c4iis market, they can deliver fresher milk here and sjll it more cheaply. In these circumstances, it seems that the failure cjf Bulkley Valley milk to pain .'''renter w.reptane? iRcally must be based to some extent on ini'.-un'ler-.sfanding in the public mind. Pos-iblv the brand nam? (3' milk shipped through Vancouver RtK'pes't it r-produced by cows of better breed. Possibly, too, it iS not fully understood yet that the Northland Dairy iS ovl'ned entirely by northern farmers so that the lid ilk is in the same hands from the ime it leaves the farms until t reaches the consumer. The truth is that cows of the Bulkley Valley flinch are mainly Guernseys and Holsteins are as NOT A DROP No milk was dellverc .: In Vew York Sunday and Monday ije- "The Homt of rttet Phone 93 cause of a strike in the delivery ; was try to housc-brcnk you, too ' VICTORIA The strange case , If the City Hall won't have Mr. quickly, you lay for a whole day , of Percy Wright grows stranger Wright back, the government, of like a limp rag We sent for your all the time! course, will look after him. He'll boy former-owntr, and he took j Mr. Wright, you recall, was Vic- J be well looked after for having one look and said: "You must torla's assistant city clerk. Last so joyfully put his legislative have hurt her feelings." ; spring, political ambition stirring head on the sacrificial block in I him, he asked permission of the order to open the way for Mr. PUT OH the fun we hud. For j City Council to seek a. Social Gunderson. service. Its not a bad guess to say It will not last long. All ages more or less depend on this white nourishing stuff that Mini you were a imy nuie iaiiu,,mi lunneujis-i Mr. Wright was almost In ec- comes early in the mornlnr?, !.ii, i y you would grab the end lation. The Mayor and council stasy as he announced his reslg- i like the dawn. And of course we vi ,iy canes, and hung on fur said sure, go ahead, good luck to nation. "There can be no-one all love Ice cream. ; i a iilc. And I would swing you you and all that sort of thing, j finer than Elnar," he sang out. , .u:U uh1 round the room. Audi Mayor Claude Harrison let it ad social Credlters whooped This is what I found out about ; me wnole family would roar j be known he'd like a Social Credit anct hollered, Premier Bennett lellglon says Dwlght D Elsen-wr.h laughter to see such a liny ! nomination, but nobody mnde himself lead the cheering section, hower: It gives you courage toi duy getting such a joyrlde. j the offer: and one of the alder- and most of his cabinet minis- make the decisions you must We played the usual mean i men, Waldo Skllllngs went after ters were there, too, so it was make in a crisis and then the trick on you, little she-dog. We ! a nomination, bttt couldn't get It.; qUite a meetluff confidence to leave the result huU you .spuyed, and so cheated The Mayor" ran an indepen- .. j i t ,he flnlsnll tolK.heg ; to a higher power. Only by yuu out ol your puppies. i dent, and lost. Mr. Skllllngs ran , f h ,!,,, ,. CIllH w Wrht in Ood can a man can-vine r- ' $250,000,00 QUARTERLY DIVIDE! Are YOU Getting Your Shore ol This' in '' " 'I- Follow the example of thousands of other Canadiar . . . and put your extra dollars to work in IXVi Aft'Tl'A! Canada's fastest-growing Mutual Fund Get YOUR ihare of INVESTORS Ml'Tl'AL divitab more than a quarter of a million dullarj . , , tw And so, you who were just one for the House of Commons in rf , c.i..i' ! soonsibllities find renoKe walking, running, bundle of love. ! August and was beaten. : ; ' " 2r. , , ; spent it all on us. Yet, a. City Hall underling, ters lenore the Conservative.!' I How the Daily News came to Percy Wright, made It. Well and they figure Conservatives are be namd is perhaps not gen-good, even if some City Hall dead and won't stir again. The "rilly known, although some noses were out of Joint. But, ; Liberals still have a spark of life ; foUcs have managed to remem- You could almost talk. You hud a sort of half-howl speech. And when we came home late it night you would jump up on us. months. You'll have no Investment worrifs-ini 4 wnen Mr. wrigni asitea ior leave m them, and Social Creditors : Der- and witri your forelegs hug our "Call lt the "Skookum" su- oi aosfttice to taxe nis lemsiarive t ,!,,.. th.,t .,., legs And you would look up at , seat, he was told he couldn't have and for ,.. Thoy on t say mucn us and utter that half-howl, it, and still hold his job. He took about the CCF; they want the LATEST REPORT mt4 fnipctw f have the opxrtunity of making excellent long ter gains. , - All INVESTORS MITl'AL holding? art selered r stantiy supervised by skilled financial men. Thj more than 100 of Canada's finest securities . . ,rf widely diversified Industries and enterprises, in a.,-. Canadian province, Decide NOW to profit from Canada's prosperity , ,.r the one simple step that makes you a part-ota' industries. Your IWKSTOUS SVMMi'.ITC lepnwa give you fall infoimatlon, without obligation. See, w.neu a.u. a iiuii aii worus leave anyway. CCF as the sole opposition to eVer, Two days alter the recent ses-, Social Credit; they want to be "Why do you leave me alone?' sion he showed up for work at the sole voice of free enterprise , ; City Hall, was told he didn't have in British Columbia. YOU WERE always a-probJenvB j0b. That night he announced It was iuite a meeting. This when the whole family went to Sooial Crcdlt meeting that reporter 'knew Social Crediters away, little black dog. , ne woulfl reslgn his legislative sing "O Ood Our Help in Age One summer you went to our ' seat- and see he couidnt get," at their meetings. There's daughters. But when she, too, , hls job back. Mr. Wright, how- nothing wron with a hymn at lett town and turned you over , ever AMn-t seem too much con- a political meeting. Indeed, it's to a tr end, and when the friend cerned wlth hls Job; he .4 good idea, but lt CBme ail a went to church of a Sunday much more concerned with caus- shock at the Percy Wright meet-morning you took off for homv. jing by-election in the hopes of ting to hear "O Ood Our Help in - It took you seven hours to finding a legislative seat for I Ages Past," called the theme song find your .way- But 111 the elid Finance Minister Gunderson.' :1 of Social Credit. it. . ii I . jrr L i 1 t. r . - -'fe .L '-IN f" -. r A, V v 1 . ; t., ... , ';,r.:4;-...:J'I, '. "V. - . ... ..( H A . " '' 'f ;. .1 . ' T. M. (Tom) CHRIS Healthy as any in the province and feed on grass oi ffigh nutritional content. The farms there may not have the size of their Fraser Valley competitors, but tliey are more than equal. in quality. Another reason for wishing to see encouragement given to northern farmers is that development of the Bulkley Valley will add to the welfare of this whole northwest district. While that may seem of little personal concern to the individual consumer, its effect is actually of considerable importance to everyone. In its simplest terms, it means that it will bt 'come cheaper to live up here. Costs will remain high just as long as we are forced to pay freight on long-haul supplies. Writh the development of Bulkley Valley agriculture, food items in many categories will he reduced in price as local farmers become better equipped to meet their southern competitors . in quantity and quality. But the initiative for this cannot be left to the public. The dairy farmers are showing a lead which other farmers should follow. It is their responsibility to study market conditions and maintain standards of service which never disappoint local merchants who provide the outlets. We might suggest, too', jthat the experimental farm at Smithers give them more practical advice than now appears to be the case. Once good service is provided, the public can be counted on to do the rest. Phone 11 Carol Court CALVIN BULLOCK in. ..iu iimoc u, 10 1 ue ie- - Next mornine Mr. Wright tried 1 Hearing this, some cynic later lief of the church-going friends again for his City Hall job; this j said the Liberals would probably who were by this time waiting (time city authorities said they'd 1 choose "Beautiful Isle of Some-in front of our empty house. think it over. Still Mr. Wrteht ' where." the Conservatives But you gave us thousands of didn't seem much worried;: he j "There Is No Death." and the laughs. Especially the day w-' Was Off to the Social Credit (ton- - CCF, "Abide With Me " hart a search party out for you venttnn In Vnnmnwr m lh-! Novembet 1st, Office 315 Third Ave. W. 13 " x ' -only to find thau. j'tiu, haa :blood 6f polities courses through i Ten' abbev ,, at fteadtng. brateirus lo the surjlse pay a man's vehi--a City Hall jjob England; 4as foifnded for 200 lo the family. -had peerumuKt seem-plerltv dull. . i monki ii-112t - -i J invited. , - i""" ' . .!. . YOU GAVK US the creeps, liltlo lit.iek black dog. when you bc-I'.iin lo dig holes like graves, and insisted on lying in them, even in I lie rain. Wc look you to the dog hospital twice. You made one recovery. ut, we knew you were iH-ipnaliiy ill when ynur lit:e l iil would not wng, and you amid not even bark at, a slrnn- l:cl'- ... V'e hid Uio. doctor opcrnte, iiHsUili , Ave fell i,n, our Ixnics, 'tlie rrrlHin?''"!-. Ai?d ol ctiur.w your departun: Hospital Administrator Required 55-bed modern, we'll equipped hospital, owned by Board of Home Missions, United. Church of Canada. Appointment temporary, possibly permanent after six months. Excellent living accommodation at low rental. Good schools. Starting salary S304.O0. Apply giving complete record and references to . ; . ' " ... . ' ' i f. " , '' rr -.""WrrnClrMrenorhst64pitdtr-Holt6rT; B.C. OTTAWA -DIARYSi hsu left a. big blank space, l-'or almost nine years you lay at my lei t as 1 wrote these pieces. Iiut I am glad for one thine;. For wc could not hive taken you lo Ottawa, and 1 know how you would have felt at having to separate I felt that way my Tlie CCF rrr.enl. keenly the at- ' empl wliirh they f;u -.peer, om the ! 'art or I lie Conservative.", to be-j ome a (lepre;;;;lnn Jinrlv, Theyj iavc reeonuilerl I lieni;,elver, for bo -ong now to the fart that good : lines were hostile to the political -meccss of their movement, that hey considered themselves to; 'lold a U.'ltent. to Wluilrvnr ,.un ! Sign Sterling ecurities up as a partner self awfy out In Cairo when I If the CCF group remains in It present frame of mind, therc'l be precious little co-operatioi with the Conservatives on th opposition side of the House ol Commons when Parliament open: next month. That will be a major changr from past sessions. For while there has been no particular love lost hitherto between the Socialists and the Tories, the twe parties on most occasions have been fairly reasonable about Ihelr enmity. They haven't allowed it to Interfere too much with effective recognition of tht Liberals as the common enemy of all the opposition groups. But now the CCF-ers have de cal advantage a depression might i l ad to buy a new pair o canes And as I looked at the old ones, bring. They thus take a taundie and .saw hundreds of your pdppy teeth marks, w.icre you had taken 1 iiet" ride through tho air i Hated to ' throw them awy. Hut I fidd to, little black dog. 3d view of the prospect of the Conservatives muscling in 0:1 their territory. The Socialists already have hHd one experience .of being bypassed by the voters. A few years lianrr to become a partner in tlif or" rpms is your cl - fiislest -crow in concern. v,illi a lurnoer ruiuiin).' 1,110 veloped a hearty distrust of the PC's. They feel that they're try billion of dollars ycurU ! Asm-Is im liulc almost iiiilimiH"1' "'I1' jdies of raw nialerials . . . timber, mineral, oil . . . last'P'""" iiiiluslries, transport, ami power systems, millions of " real eslate, ami a nation of aggressive, pioneer-miiul;''' cilinf"' ing to steal the Socialist party's ago they were on the march in a really bis way with a com pre- Lorns ForcgiveneSS hensive social reform program I SELKIRK. Man- (CP) A young which won them successive by-'nephew of Mrs. Cyril Carter es-elections. Then the late Prime raped a scolding for pulling up Minister W. L. M. King carte plants in her garden. In tha along in a general election and J process he turned up a wedding blanketted most of their propos--ring lost by Mrs W- Burch of als into Liberal Government I Winnipeg 46 years ago, and pohcy- . identified by the inscription. political patent. And the So. 1 1 r concern .iu-prn 01 I i'm ..rl, ciallsts aren't going to let that II R till' mri i Mrihl rrtiilenlH of Cauailu, anil fwtlWl from llie Sterling Area of more than four years slamling, may arrange to realize their sterling balance ami IiKteil sterling weurities anil obtain Cantiliail dollars; j oil are invited to , COIIMill ue, , Our services anil specialized , ' J.nowleilgS of United Kingdom and Sterling Area regulations affecting (ecurities nod bliK'ked sterling balances are freely available to assist you. We are pleased lo supply custodian services and to obtain analyses and brokers' opinions resMi ling United Kingdom portfolios. Tlioneinteridinj; to tale up lernianent reMileniH! in United Kingdom or pial to any -liullcii;e (lanailu Unlimited. happen If they can prevent it. It all started, with the post tlie ttKMiient 011 IxTome an active iinrlner in this ronrern election campaign of Col. Drew's supporters to maintain him in you buy your Canada Sa inp ltomls. And, a parliicr, J" receive a -hlmre of tin; earnings in tlie form of isit" ' your investment. ' . 'I'bis issue of .TV Canada Saving Bondn iiiattiw-"1 jj " years, bill you can ciihli your Uoiids at any tin 1,1 ,,"'ir GENERAL ELECTRIC Automatic Steam Irons jMce value plus interest. the leadership despite the August 10th holocaust that had overtak- j en the party. The abject failure of Col. Drew to carry Ontario ; and especially the Toronto area. ; made it necessary to manufac- ; ture some new legend replacing the one which had portrayed the PC Chieftain as the native son who would lead the Ontario constituencies back into the Conservative fold. In the difficulty some of the Drew team fell back upon the argument that the last election had not been lost because of the party's leadership, but because of the generally good times prevailing. They said gen anv ntlier part of the Sterling Ares are invited to commit us for the purpose of acquiring ad Wuitugeouely sterling Ht"'t prior lo their departure from Canada. Buy CANADA Savings Bonds at... "M i.- ,w-5i:' -5 L.;: ii BARCLAYS BANK (CANADA) Tl ie ially that the next election al Pender Sl Howe Sn., ; VANCOUVER, B.t BANK of NOVA SCOTIA Your Partner in Making Canada Crow ' most certainly will be fought in a depression and that Col. Drew thfn will win. 3?3UTh9J RADI ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue Phone 644 ' " - MONTREAl -f- TORONTO l"ff