Lnkt Savs Yellowknifp Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, October 27, 1953 Ham ii ff en Changes in Unemployment Benefits Affect Holiday, Separation Pay (3o"AII Out" for Duke er - Thousands of water buffalo The early Chinese made a sort are still shot each year in the of paper from flax and ra?s ccn-open. spaces of northern Aus- turies before It was adopted in tralia. j Italy.' OTTAWA Important amend William J. Whiff en of 708 Tay iv HARVEY Dan McOrew, predicted "there'll be a hot time In the town of Yellowknife.N.W.T., when word The Duke of given an Eng- of the duke's projected visit gets ,view 01 wnav uc pay, received at termination of employment, will not deprive a claimant of benefit. ' Another amendment provides that when an employer does not require his employees to work on the day before a statutory holiday, or on the day following the holiday, or on both, benefit will not be paid for any of the days on which the 'employees do not dnd when he visits n north next year. lor Street, left by last night's train for Notre Dame, Indiana, to visit his sister, Sister Mary Leonessa, who is a member of the order of the Holy Cross at fit. Mary's convent there. Another sister, Mrs. Eva de Mattos of New York will join Mr. Whif- ilumnlst, writing of the midnight aun mrougn. Macdonald Hastings, who visited Yellowknlfe 18 months ago, said In the Dally Express that the Duke will probably stay at Ing-raham's Hotel "the last place with a bath before you hit the ments to Unemployment Insurance Benefit Regulations with respect to holidays, and money received on separation from employment, have been announced by the Unemployment Insurance Commission. Under the new provisions, which are now in effect, benefit is not paid to an employee for the first week of a plant or factory shutdown for a general holiday, regardless of whether the .employee is paid for the holiday or not. However, if the shutdown ,try of Dangerous LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. (Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local. Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 - Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. fen in visiting their sister. Hold .1 .i " Ir'-il j, - 5 ' ' A t " " ,'' . . . ,. V ' '. i . 1 '-,v : H - 1 'l " I . . i - , ; 'f C ' -M V , i ; , r . I v ' ri - 1 . " :. ' - i i t Y J - V . "X !-,, I J U: i work. Formerly, when a person received money from his employeer on termination of employment (other than money representing getner i 0inaiIMn-aK-- for holiday lasts for more than a week benefit is paid for days fewcomers jd.iy night a party (other than statutory holidays) pension payments or for overtime) that person was not paid benefit until the period represented by this money had elapsed. Now all money received on termination will be disregarded In determining whether or not a in the second and subsequent weeks, for which the employee does not receive pay. Holiday the Wren division itham. The wren s used as the group was too large to North Pole." "Yellowknlfe to me was the surprise of a lifetime," added Hastings. "I went there dressed like a hairy caterpillar, ready to dig myself an Igloo. Yet soon 1 1 was sitting In a centrally heated hotel suite.- THE WOMEN DID IT The fact la, Hastings confessed, that the arrival of women Mas caused civilization to come to the country .Britons know chiefly through the works of Robert W. Service. Meanwhile, the duke, who recently returned from a holiday In Scotland with the Queen, Is big news. Almost everything he does causes a flutter. The other day he spoke of the need for an improved road system In Britain, and shares of road-making companies promptly experienced a stock exchange boom. About 250,000 was added to the market Mrton ted by it. Wins at Whiil the party was to with Select and Mail Your Overseas Christmas Cards EARLY! Wrens together nrrasion so they Mrs. A. J. Curzon won ladles' person is unemployed, unless paid In consideration of the recipient undertaking to return to his former 'employer when required, in accordance with a guaranteed wage plan, for retirement leave credits, or In lieu of notice. If it is paid in the circumstances Just mentioned a person receiving it will not be entitled to benefit until the period represented by know one another first prize as 13 tables of whist RON ALLEN , . , back home j Ron Allen Takes Over New Position A man who began his bunking career here 23 years ago has returned as manager of the Bank of Montreal. Ronald J. Alien, won of Prince Rupert's first photographer, succeeds Ernie Paulding, who has been transferred to Duncan, Vancouver Island. Prior to coming nere, Mr. Allen was assistant manager of the bank's Main and Hastings branch In Vancouver-Born at Kamloops, he came to Prince Rupert while still a fpermanrnt staff of were enjoyed Saturday night at Dibb Printing Co. lam and tneir wives I- (veiling of dancing and a buffet lunch the Moose lodge. Second was Mfs. Helen Tweed. Men's first was won by M. Martinson and Mrs. George Scott (sub) won the second prize. The pool prize was won by Mrs. Mclvor and Ted Ror- the money has elapsed. ays mm n ne Wrens took this to welcome back ioungman who has vlk won the door prize. j value of six firms. Historian Roger Fulford, In a i Naval training. I division now con- R rons and the full issigned to Chat- 1 30. Anyone Inter- pen portrait published this week, called the duke a man "of outstanding vitality who Is In step with the modern world." The duke will visit Vancouver next summer to attend the British Empire Oames. boy and received his education liiing a reserve wren to i touch with HMCS here He attended Westvlew, Borden Street and Booth Mem orial schools and was graduated If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody f eta bit run-down iww and than, tired-out, hearr-headed, and maybe bothered by backachea. Perhaps nettling seriously arrant., just a temporary Uik condition caused by excess acids and waste. That'i the time to take Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and a Kelp restore their normal action of ranoring exress acids and wastes. Then you (eel better, sleep better, work better. Gat Dodd'a Kidney Pills now. Look lor the blue bat .with the rod band at all druffiata. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 , from King Edward High School, TTEA BAGS rre full particulars i fnas the first actlv-ar under the direc-ewly-appointed ex-jditertalnmcnt com-1 Wren's mess. He Joined the B of M here In 1930 and subsequently gained Ketchikan with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and oil ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office most of his early banking ex perience In Vancouver. Ke was first moved to Vancouver in October, 1933. He Interrupted his career in 1942 to Join the RCAF, FIRST APPOINTMENT itermela if Shower Mr. Allen received his fir-it appointment as accountant at-the bank's Kelowna office in 1947. A year later, he took over as assistant manager at the! IJImI I iTln BEEeoIr Simciuicia nice I was the honored same branch. Witnesses Plan Meet At Smithers The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Toronto will sponsor . a three-day assembly of Jehovah's witnesses In the Elks Hall at Smithers this weekend. The assembly which opens Friday night will consist of morning, afternoon and evening sessions of Bible talks, discussions and demonstrations. It will be the first assembly of Jehovah's witnesses In Smithers. . A similar circuit meeting representing seven congregations was held six months ago In Terrace. J- H. Nathan of Toronto will be featured speakeV A number of Prince Rupert delegates plan to attend the sessions jl-nupiiai snower ilhome of Miss Olga ;2 Fifth Avenue was spent playing nkh the bride was MORE ti4L( 77fAf) EVER! 1h decorated bas- mlscellaneous gifts. also received a cor- leite roses, similar to In 1950 he was transferred to!l the Main and. Hastings branch;! In Vancouver as assistant man- j ager. An outdoorsniajl, he en-1 Joys hunting, fishing, trap-shooting ' and badminton. He Is married and has two daughters, Sharon, 10, and Kerry, 6. i His father, D. J. Allen, opcr- : ated a store here for many": years until he went to work at the drydock in lMO, remaining ; (here until his retirement in '' 1049 He and Mrs Allen now reside in Victoria. j Mr. Paulding, in the two years he served here, was active ini community affairs. He served as ; chairman of both the Chamber I bridal bouquet. Re-oncludcd the even- cnt included the J. W. Interrrtela; Mrs. V. Lewis: Mrs. fc. Mrs. N. A. 6. Pctt, B ile, Mrs. J. Zabud- I Olga ibuday I read ers i of Commerce finance ' commit-1 Hi loni Elks; Hallowe'en ; Masquerade Ball, Oct. 31. ' J. ' 3M 'LcgKm' Card Party,' Wednesday, 8 p.m. . . . (251) Navy Hallowe'en Dance, Frl-day7TKrC30. Evrrytmttjf wdee-mr: (2511 ijee and the Rotary. Club metn-j I bership committee. ' .,y j He- was also on the Library j' Board and the Public Relations i ' Council, and held memberships ! I In the Civic Centre Association "She-Prince Rupert Club, "and the j ' i "27" Club. . j! fir ir1 m (CP) BritLsh Copal competition In fmlnion Drama Fcs- at Trail Nov. 20, fn iraian Mrs. Jessie announced here to: THE FARMERS' DAIRY INDEPENDENT . . . AND PROUD OF IT ! iardson said Trail lie will launch the rt ' , ' I i w-. r- n T T tl a. " : . , - " 4i "11 J ) ... . i- V i i 1 " . i .. m i.5 "" . S " t- 4 i ' V It i 1 t . ; if I - i i 1 1- . . "iiinallon when It ir Love or Money" 21. HY-DRIVE NO-SHIFT DRIVING FULL-TIME POWER STEERING AMAZING BALANCED RIDE . . . t Strwt, Lodimn. lm ' yJSt. 11 "'al home r British ,wJ0 TA HT8 since 1735 1l5jrC''aHl!T" i M ' w MIR WITH ONI riNOItl DRIVI WITHOUT SHIFTING! Plymouth's now Hv-Drivs WilK Plymouth Full-Time It's Chrysler'j greatest Plymouth! Here's exciting new beauty . . . longer and lower lines . . . new gem-bright colours and sparkling chrome . . . new striking interior ensembles in the latest two-tone fabrics. Brilliant new performance, too! A powerful, lively engine . . . the sensational Plymouth Balanced Ride, now even smoother ond softer than ever . . . Hy-Drive, for no-shift driving at its simplest and easiest.. Full-Time Power Steering, so effortless you can park with one finger ... all add up to a great new driving experience. There's much that's new in this greatest Plymouth ever . . . in beauty, performance, famous Chrysler Engineering and downright dollar for dollar value. Plan to see and drive this , iti you drive through tfaHtc stop. go. Climb hills without touching gearshift or thiteh! Pick-up H fower Steering, you can park with one linget steer without eflort. Hydraulic power does 45 of the steering work lor yoii. You'll be omazed how easily, how safely, you cae handle your car. )ing trailers wonderful with last, oil-cushioned fluid-torque. To baotrup or for . enlro power in ond or snow you change gears in the familiar way. beautiful Plymouth that your whole family will love! 'PPU thoiiahl .i.,. handle fr;.k. . j LUXURY, T00I ' b nwam of alu-Fs ic ire Voided, rind there lift- " f'om their chasau nil thi niw powim Thu newest and finest til MOW SMOOTH IOU0H IOABS IICOMII The qmoring Plymouth Balanced Ride is. e4&qgrM$"..'' kalonced against roll 'ii3S5S?-i Ot flymoutrt engines ""old. Saves slot of "'"1. damage and pa- ""a can he jBH:i , has 108 H.P. and higher 7.0 to 1 The new Plymouth interiors are luxuriously soft and comfortable . . . with chair-high seats . . . deep bo' sters .. . fine fabrics in beautiful two-lone colour combinations and contrasting vinyl. THRU MAUTlfUl PLYMOUTH tUllft PO 1M The luxwriooi Selvederesi Four-Ooor Sedan, ' ' Special Club Coupe (Hardtop). Convertible Coupe. The Oifir.fluihed Scvoys.- Four-Ooor Sedan, ClubCoupe, Suburban. The Pradkal Ptoioa Four-Door Sedan, Club Coupe, Suburban. ..M,u,!n, rnllA I r "f refrierm.J .get peak performance from standard or $ .wrf.wvL Hrgoes,too. riouand different ' p.rcn ana jounce. I -,,.---t JTJ It gives you a ride 'lrTJ t so soft, so steady, Ci i..1- ' r1 that it seems to repolr rough rouds as you drivo. . It's a Plymouth with a built-in boulevardl -"Paniej keep bus, premium fuel, tt Hoots , on cushions of live rubber gives you wonderfully smooth, quiet, long-lived performance, i . ii let, iIX"3L . o. " -n-made , alumi-1 evrythini frr.. ...I. NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR CHRYSLER PLYSAOUTH-FARGO DEALER'S A'anufot'urvc m Canada by the Chrysfor Corporation of Conaoa, limited Kmeapcrt. And it f Bwtr StMring emf HyOWvo 9f naihh-b a mwlfh. , U55 nndering how Ml1 use ;hk n,.,.l NORTHLAND DAIRY Phone 18 Limited NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS f eglu,0l iimti0r l"arsfnr . -i 2nd Ave. and 1st Street RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Phone 866