i1 f .. . UtrVt t i ' Prince Rupert Daily Newt Tuesday, October 27, IB53 Rushing Nature Finnish Immigrant Forced Out All Modern Comforts Slated For GIs on Guard in Korea Today and Wednesday Of Business by Marauding Bears VANCOUVER (CP) How a little 'piglet can be turned into a 200-pound hog in as little as 123 days was told by Dr. Alex Wood, director of the animal nutrition laboratory of the University of British Columbia. They have cut the growing time In half by using pure cane f ugar in the porker's diet. ALSO Pi avuv. ORIMSHAW INLET. BC. (CM, Mr. foreman, a 38-year-old Helles Forsman is unemployed and all because of a band of hungry, maurading bears. hunting. Wrapped in ski socks, long underwear, lined pants, a hooded parka, a muffler, heavy mittens and "insulated Mickey Mouse" boots, he's ready to wait for what he hopes won't come. And if he needs them he can "Rogue River" With RORY CALHOUH 'ETEaoHAVB riiiiiiaii uiiiuiBi axil., lua piic miv twin . daughters, came to this Queen Charlotte Islands logging centre last spring. All went well on the logging World Championship Fight, MARCIAHO LA STARZA I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE C ... , A.. CAPITOi ' job, but Mr. Forsman soon 1 found the bears too much for him. i Twice, bears broke into the kitchen and ate everything in I sight. Mr. Forsman replenished I his depleated lurtier the second SEOUL (AP) The freezing winter wind Is whipping over Korea and the United States Army is tucking its soldiers in like a fussy mother- For three winters soldiers died in the snow and ice on Korea's bare hills. This is the fourth the warm-winter. Grizzled veterans would shudder; they're even building heated "hobby shops." LINE COLD BUT Sure, it's going to be cold up on the "line" on the edge of the demilitarized zone, where troops will stand frigid watches in case the Reds decide to break the armistice But they can walk back to a tent and warm up by two stoves. One stove already has Snow Togs For Boys and Girls $7.95 ?8.95 and up. time by shooting the marauding bruin as it munched a ring of have ice shoes with spiked soles and other arctic gear. He already has his winter gear, putting it on piece by piece as the winter walks In- PLL'SHY BREAKS A while on the line, and he'll get a break a trip back to division. That's even plushler. There the engineers are building Jumbo quonset huts for snack bars, community centres, theatres, recreation halls, chapels and junior-grade gyms. DONALD C. MacDONAtD. 39 Z! garlic sausage. The same night, Bjhe killed three others as they ! prowled around the cabin. He I estimated the total number of ! bears in the area at 50. J Mr. Forsman took the bear in-5 ; vaslon- in stride until the hun- gry bruins started chasing his i filM4 hlataa MtMnt aatkaty ia la la a aaata 4mht af i aimW I r. tr-Ta.a. -via. u All Ages. INDIA wa a CAST Of THOUSANMI mvyf I national organizer and treasurer of the CCF, has announced he will be a candidate for the Ontario leadership of the party at its provincial convention Nov. 20-21 in Toronto. The former newspaper man, a member of the Ontario provincial CCF council since 1948, will seek the post left vacant in August by the resignation of E. B. Jolliffe. Selected for quality with an eye I UiUkHiillij axi toward economy. All colors, too. Smaller huts are going up js libraries and reading rooms and i daughters, lnga-uu ana mj-iBritt- That made him decide to hobby shops been issued for each tent and ! stocks of fuel oil are piled high WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE : Billets front and rear have been winterized with wooden floors. leave his job and seek employment In the comparative safety of Vancouver some 350 miles. "They were hungry and we do not think we should stay around and supply their food." in dumps. When the soldier steps out of the tent, he'll look like a combination Eskimo-skier going This is winter in Korea 1053 style. ' Today and Wednesday TOTEM A Famous Players fl "Jungle" 7:00 and 9:30 "Stolen Face" 8:15 only BLACKWOOD on U.S. Urged To Reject Bid WASHINGTON The fisheries council of Canada has urged the United States to reject New England demands for fish Import restrictions, emphasizing that thousands of Canadian workers will be hit if the curbs are imposed. , The council, spokesman for the Canadian fishing industry, told CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBrlde Street IT'S TIME Safe From Ragweed T1MMINS, Ont. (Cc Fears of one councillor that ragweed, bane of hayfever sufferers, was invading the north was allayed when Timmins town council received a letter from an Ontario agricultural department official at Matheson. He reported no evidence of common ragweed in areas north of North Bay. . Evil TO INSTAL STORM The fall rains are here and jvlnter is not far behind. Calii By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Ovcreall Gives Clue to Your High Cards today to instai storm windows In YOUR house. ., ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS ANIJ SASH MADE TO ORDfl GREER & BRIDDEN LTD1 215 First Avenue West , rhoDtW the U.S. tariff commission that the possibility of U.S. tariff curbs which would "throttle" Canadian exports "is a disturbing prospect." It could result in a breakdown in Cahada-U.S. fish conservation co-operation and raise the issue One of the unfavorable aspects . of competing after the bidding has been opened ahead of you is that your overcall or takeout double may "tell" the m Canada of how far American c eventuaj declarer how to play his hand. Your show- and other foreign vessels should . . , . . - 1 'oo? be allowed to fish off Canadian ing of strength lnlerenuauy r places certain mgn cards in your hand and also gives clues as to your shores, always Insist on. genet al distribution. $100000? ruffing a spade and led another diamond, planning to play dummy's 10 if Mr Abel played low. But Mr. Abel put up Itw queen . . and Mr. Trucx let "aA&S - -J f into a contract of five hearts. lit AkOfljl 'Tne trpy of spatt was opened flftfllV I and he ruffed out Mr. Dale's ! ace. His partner had a sound opening bid, he had tw. aces La" " " A him hold the trick. , Mr. Abel ' returned p spadu and Mr. Truex. ruffed. He led $1,600,000? his last diamond,, finessed dummy's 10 and cashed tw more diamonds, discarding two V ! ..foremost infrozenfooi clubs, from his hand. He lost club at the end but easily made 11 tricks. North dealer North-South vulnerable Vtrth (Mr. AIh-I) S K 8 3 H Q 8 Dd J B 0 O 5 3 Wast tM-t (Mr. TruM) (Mr. Mastarii) None 8 J 10 8 Si A 7 5 4 3 2 H K J 10 D 7 5 3 D A K 10 3 C A 8 7 4 C J- 0 Kim III (Mr. IWIrl ti A U 7 0 5 4 2 II- 9 8 f Mm '.4. A .in?. The New 3 - -SPEED ' IADIO-f HONOCRAPH MO0EI V-566 I ovJ VVr67 "41 J' ... V '' M. - ui mil . ,1.1 r 4 C K 10 3 This bldtlliiit: I North East South Wcit, Pnia ID' 2 8 3 H 3S 4 H Pass Paw 4 8 Pan ' Paaa ' H Dbf. All paM t and Mr Abel had bid strongly. It appeared that Mr. ; Dale's Jump overcall In spades 'was based more on distributional values than on high cards. There were two way to finesse against the queen of hearts. It was Mr. Truex's Judgment that if either opponent had a singleton heart, it was Mr. Dale- He therefore laid down the ace 'of hearts at trick two and followed with a small heart, V ?1 .t ; ' 'i" 5 V. A 1." "V. . i . t v. ; . i Vr tit v. v:a. I: I I .5 ft 4 "i T ' ;;r - r U -V. :f 3 f tit ''It, 1. ' V'-W.49-' - "fj"'" s Hov much lQ!?i- $23.00 Uown hvh" $12.00 Monlh WrlVi firrtt 3-ipd Xecorrf Changer . . offeri tkrilling "tru-to-liV quality frCMB all your records. Powrfut 6-tvbm AM ftacfio with world- intending to finesse dummy's Jack. does a vildcdff cosS? . A "wildcat" is a w ell drilled in an rct uhcre oil has never been found. Drilling costs vary, but the average wildcat in western Canada runs to more than 100,0(X). Une u ell cost $1,600,000 and found no oil! ' Oil is making an incrensingly important contribution to our standard of living. How many of these questions about it can you answ er? When Mr. Abel s queen show ed, one problem on the hand was solved. Dummy's king won lomovt RCA Victor "Goldn Throat" hM cyittm. Compact Cabin, . , . xquUit- ly Anikhad, yot complotoly practical tn dtiign. DROP IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION McRAE BROS. LTD. "The Store That Service Bull." rhonc 6 or 36 and the ace of diamonds was laid down. Mr. Trucx did not make the mistake of cashing dummy's other high diamond. Still looking for a singleton ln Mr. Dale's hand, he expected to M MM MAM M MM mW M M W mm n lilliaWP Drw PiUi n.J Dhserver in htngf ' IIow many wildcat wells find a new oil field . find it ln the diamond suit. i i m h w Jar---?M'' i He returned to his handl by s croft at Sea over Aircraft Carrier I Tht long-term it erage in utstem (nad is I in 2.t. Only I in 07 hs jnund field capable of producing as much as 2,000 barrels a day. tin 23? Moontficcnt. wry l$)m VjUkmij r Since 1939 the cost of living index has risen by 85. During that time has the price you pay for gasoline gone up by The average retail price of gasoline is only 44 higher than preuar, even u ith higher road taxes m til provinces. THINK 79. 103. IIIC Royal Canadian Navy CANADIAN A lot of oil has been discovered in the west since 1946. In that time have Canada's oil reserves increased i anus? 23 times? 37 times? NATIONAL! 'Al 1 ir a 1 illt' I ( 11 It i . mum mm ) a new course will start shortly for Reserves have increased 23-fold in the past six years. Canadian fields now supply all tht prairies and part of B.C. and Ontario. About 7S0 companies in which the public has an investment interest, as well as several hundred private firms and partnerships. And this doesn't include the thousands of privately operated service stations and other retail and wholesale outlets for. oil products. ' tm If you're going places whether for How many companies, would you say are engaged in the oil business ' in Canada , young Canadians to train in Naval Aviation as pZZI. PILOTS AND OBSERVERS business or pleasure- 174? 750? 23? .. 't to any destination near or far, keep us ever in mind. For Travel is our business travel in Canada, United States, Vest Indies, Europe, etc.! We'll be glad to help you with your plans, and will do our Canada's growing oil industry meant orders for many businesses, jobs for many Canadians. Last year Imperial's purchasing department bought equipment and supplies from Canadian firms amounting to U2 millions? 15 i millions? WO millions? 1 56 millions. About 4,500 Canadian companies sold Imperial supplies ranging from heavy steel plates to paper clips. best to make your trip a pleasant one, If yttatw bttw.en 18 and J3, or. unmarried, hov Junior Ma"itu'""j"yt! th quivaUnt and can qualify, you can b en officer in ont of t Canadian Navy's flying squadrons of Saa Furios and Avenger- OU)0rt( o fully trained in teamanthip and airmanship, gaining experience efloet and in the air, af homo and abroad. OPENINGS ARE LIMITED APPtY NOW. far M information end your official application form, see, write or NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER -tUIVV - V p'wswgri I 'A 'PS I or information, call or write: K. L. ROBERTSON, G.A.P.D., 528 Third Ave. West, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 260 7 CN'i''7 IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED II stakes m cgtrjr slrenf H.M.C.S. CHATHAM Prince Rupert . Phone 520 "'' ' ' " ' ' anwiMMiHi .')aaaiawiawjiswwMMtwwffwK :' ' - 4 v- ; i