i urn i ' i"T "r f n i' 'i,i jji'a -U; j.jji.. ...in.', i ; , -.1 1 f I' Tuesday, Octoher 27, 1953 OEOfiGK DAVTS ' AUCTIONEER Phone Blact 846 and Red X.l CFPR RADIO ELM. 1240 fUocyciea LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed PRESS-WHILE-YOU-WAIT Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black 627 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House W9 Third Ave. West Phone Red 178 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily chop suey.:. ; ...CHOWMEIN" Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. xSohieU Ui Chanf) iWVWW V',-JJVAAVIA,VVIA TUESDAY f M. Rapper Vrntadf V:MtHmHn Hrtnlt- show R:4 V Mii.Mal Prncnm 7w CBC Newn 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leir-ester 8quar la Bro&dyay 11:00 A Word In Your "Bar :! Crying In the Wlldernnw SO Musical ProKram :00 Mr. HhowbuMnesa :30 Vancouver Theatre 10:00 CBC Newa 10:10 CBC New DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ! " . i v Hollywood Cafe ' For Outside Orders Pbone 1 33 Classified Kates 'THE DAILY NEWS" To VANCOUVER SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank $ 55.06 275 Oal. Tank S 75.04 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.09 550 Gal. Tank $110.06 8 Prov. Tax Extra All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Indusrriol Welding i urn 30 P m. flay prtvtoia 'iijhcfttton. 3 en wr word pr In-minimum jhar(? Su wnu. Today's Stocks (Courtm ft. n. Jnhnitnn tja. ,M.) BUSINESS And PROFESSIONS "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3372 YEAR AGO 2296 NotlcM, "J crn, varus ti m, iath Notlcna. Punoral MHrrUK and Kiicafmeut tiincfmentH. $2.00. 10: IS Lowe on Climbing 10 SO Here Comes Hie B-irtd H im, H eal her lli ort Mllfcicul l;,lei plei-ei 11:30 Mutlr lill Mlunlghl 12:00 Wlgn-OIT WLDNE9LM Y A.M. 7 :00 B. C. Flsherroen'j Bdit. 1:13 MllMt-al ( link 7:30 enc New; W8t!l!T Report t-MT MuM.nl llixk :oo CBC News 8:10 Here's tiU Good S:15 Mornlllt; lelilloii 8:30 Record Album 6:O0 BBC News and Oommcntarj L, phpiny double prio. Green 884 225 First Avenue 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS 1 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS VANCOUVER American Standard 10 Bralorne ... 3.15 B R X 02 Carlboou Quartz 95 Congress 05 Cronin Babine .: 08 Giant Mascot - .50 Indian Mines 04 Pioneer ... 1.50 no rcriunaa will nut accept mnonalbtllty iiltlert ada liurtJ ineivrxctlf ,,-r wronK ciawinc-atlon unli ,tlon of nucli frrort U received H Hours ol flnit Insertion. via Waypoints FRIDAYS: SS OMiuitlam, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: ' S3 Chilcotin, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm Chilcotin, Saturday, 6 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 7 and 21 Midnight 8S Coquitlam To South Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 14 and 28 Midnight SS Coquitlam FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent 511 Third Ave. Phone 568 Invftfitora Syndicate ot Cann4 1 I Ltd. and Invostors Mutuftt of Canada Ltd. " ! r. M. CHRISTIE, Ph. Blue 904 ReprcRcntativo for Prince ftuirt. I Terrace and Kltlmat j j WANTED TOP MAKK2T PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 260 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAclfic 6357. (H) S v,i -' , i . 4 ' ! LANDSCAPINO and gardening. Rock wall, rockeries, rock flower boxes, lawns and fences Garden keeping. Free estimates. Phone Red 808. (260pi AGENTS for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Phone 60. c) WANT AD .05 .03: '2 1.45 Premier Border ... Privateer Reeves McDonald 9:IS Musical March-Past I 9 :30 Morning Concert I 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit jl:l.T ltlii rol)V Hint; lll:Sll Keytiiisird and uniole 10:45 Musical Kitchen j 1 1 :0O Your Good Neighbor ! 1 1 :15 Kindergarten of the Air , 1 1 ::n Mensaee ferlnd II:4S NcamliiiHtlilll lel(irile ' I:IM Horn eur Timi miiui I P a. ROOM and board for workln? man. non-drinker. Close in. Box 834, Daily News. (251 KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST r Ml 3rd Ave. : Phone fill 33 BOATS AND ENGINES REPLIES are holding replies, the following News boxes: ri WE NEED your old tires For a liberal trade see KNUTSON'8 TIRE 8ALES & SERVICE, 811 Fraser St. Phone Red 548. DINING PLEASURE i 18-FT. cabin cruiser, Onan 10-hp. engine, 12-volt lighting system. Bell variable pitch pro-pellor. Phone Green 469. (254 07 813 819 828 in THE ELECTRICIAN D.'Guyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 185. (265) 30 835 SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS , WILL sell 30-ft. boat or trade for '2-ton truck or car. Apply 1338 8th Ave. East after 6 p.m. 252pi Replies must be 12:15 CBC New 12:45 CBC Showcase 12:30 B C. Farm Broadcast i :." Kei. Int. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Trans-Canada Matine 3:15 ReewdH for Vmi 3:46 B.C. Request Roundup 4 :1S Other Voicwi other Placea 4:30 Jubilee Road 4:45 Music Picture Larty 5:00 Stock Quotations 3:1(1 Vmallsc 6:15 Int. Comty. . S:20 CBC News; Weather tailed for in person ' Commodore Cafe PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, heet meti.1 work. Phone 543. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. (c) CO.MkNU LVENT8 Sheep Creek 35:,i Silbak Premier .'. 12 Taku River 05 Vananda 01 '4 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 80 Western Uranium ........ 1.10 Sil-Van ..' .- 26 Dorreen ' 07'2 Estella 30 Oils ; A P Con 30 Calmont 1.14 Central Leoui. 1.95 Home Oil :.' 7.10 Mercury 12 Okalta 1.90 Royal Canadiun ,11 TORONTO Athona .08' 2 Aumaque . o .. .11 Brvcourt 33 Buffalo Canadian .' .15 C M & S 24.75 Conwest 4 00 Donalda -50 'East Sullivan ... 4.35 12-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with oars. Suit 10-h.p. motor. Only $90. Phone Blue 192. (tfncl 36 ROOMS FOR RENT -adinn Legion card party, r 28. WORLD'S FINEST CLEANE-R ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue 70 for Parts Sales Service. (c) IF "SOU WANT A ' vINDER DRIVEWAY," " OCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent pf Trucfc; 'ind Equipment Pn. Blue 039, M. J. SAUNDERS H. G. HELGERSONI, LIMITED REAL ESTATE it INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Blact 69J j .. SCOTT MclREN; Charter ED Account ajjtt Jamei Block 608 3rd Av:W Prince Rupert, B.C. ,its. Cubs, parents and nds party, St. Andrew's dral, Friday, Oct. 30, 7:30 1 All welcome. ONE light housekeeping and one sleeping room (joined)- Suitable for two men sharing. Green 906. 254) WILFORD Elrrtrlcal Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf( it .j ' '-. Luxury Stecmer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Pbrts Each Thursday at 11:15 pm. For KETCHIKAN Halloween pital Auxiliary X't. 31. housekeeping for two men ;255) FURNISHED room, suitable Phone 667 days DRESSMAKINO and alterations. Reasonable. Apply 200 11th St. 12671 Fair Trade Pact To Cut Tariffs OTTAWA Canada will slash tariffs on Japanese goods in the next few months when a "fair trade" pact between the two countries will be ready for signing, well-informed sources dis closed Friday. adijn Legion Ladies' Aux- Fall Bazaar, Nov. 4. NEARLY everybody uses 99. 1 1 i 'gM'i'ii wnsJj mib" "; b ka Music Trail Concert, 16 '.sdav. Nov. 4. LOST WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service Phone 347 P.O. Box ?7 t COMFORTABLE, heated sleeping room. 336 6th Ave- E. Black 910. 253p TWO rooms, furnished and heated. Close in. Blue 433. . 1 253 HOUSEKEEPING room, 4th Ave East. Phone Red 879.' , (251 4 - 654 :umage Sale, PR. Business Prutessional Women's Club, i Open at 9 a.m. Opposite in Gift Shop on 6th St. Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Gold : v.. . Duvex . ..' 8.50 .9734 .11 .131-1, .05 .30 . For reservations write of call City or Depot Ofnce,-Prince Rupert. B C. WALLET, containing passport and papers, by Dutch immigrant. Urgently needed Finder please leave at Dally News. i250pl Custom duties In some cases ! will be cut to half, widening the potential Canadian market for Japanese goods and possibly re p wm Annual Banquet. Ite PRECISION SAW FILINi " All Types of Saws. Shcrpened i US 1st Ave. W. Phon 101 25c per 4mmi ptti (at MipiiM. PImm ktv then roV 4mn hw dVivet uN. rance Day, Nov. 11, at 1 :'i0 Joliet Quebec 2i mm TWO rooms and bathroom. 533 8th West. (2551 ducing prices to Canadian buyers I of such Items as Japanese tex-i tiles, china, cameras, novelties ! 14-FT- rowboat In harbor, Sun day. Color green. Finder phon Little Long Lai- TK dvertnm4tnt it not publithcd et difJ.yJ by tW Liqvov Conkni &4MTS m r dit CvMnl i 8trtiih Cptyirrbit. ' D2Q Red- 213 Reward. 1 2o2p i Day and toys. n t o n ;. NuV. Remembrance 11, at 10 p.m, UOO.Ib, A.-.U .IOARD EDUCATIONAL BLONDIE -Post Office is His Favorite Game : ROOM and board for working By CHIC YOUNG .( B A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. i men -in- private home. Phone- jRed 140. (255i -v j ,. l - j ; I I C WAIT-OAGWOOO.'I v " M I k! ,1 two minutes; (J 1 - n I V vou forgot J Li f. f-1-! i m Beginning TO LIKE J ' EFFEtTIVE V of the U F.A.W.U. Rum-and Himie Cooking 8aK, 14. an ROOM man. Mv wof?i aitci board for 538 oth Ave. E. working U50)i . - i, .... s , 1 f .' PDE. Fall Bazaar. Thurs- .46 .09' 2 1.60 .37 145 ""is 11 64 00 .14 i.i ; .35 .Id 4.60 6.50 .72 ts 1.70 .20-4 1.47 1.93 39 IIO.MI S i OK KENT Lynx : Madsen' Red Lake .. McKenzle Red Lake Macleod Cockshutt . " Moneta Negus .." Noranda ... Louvlcourt Pickle Crow .:, Petrol Oil & Gas ....... New Senator ..... ... Sherritt Gordon .!.... Steep Rock ' Silver Miller . Sweet Grass Oils .... Golden Manitou Landover Oils Rlx Athabasca "... Nesbltt Labine Novcmbir 19, 1953. ia Fall Bazaar, Friday, No-r 2U. FOUR- KOOM self - contained suito. central, fully furnished. Furniture for sale. Box 819, D.thV Niws. (251) i i SPEECH Commencing Thursday, Nov. 5 at 8:00 p.m. and continuing Utroiinti Nov. 12 and 19, there will be a group of three talks on effective speaking by Mr. Hanklnson at the Civic Centre. Because of a space limitation all persons Interested must register at the Civic Centre before Nov. 3. al Purple Fall Basiaar, Elks . Nov. 21. Jzm& : V i iV.rf 39A SUITES EOK KENT "iis - f i .... .ir iij r w: 2r.,eis(-,M timm T.M. Fall Uartar, Novem- II l 4: t IN Aid Ba- Ayterian Ladles' November 26. : NEWLY decorated two-room apartment and light housekeeping room. Red 807- (255) THREE-ROOM furnished suite. Central. Phone 667 days. (2551 x!XV V' jry I lit. I racd Church W.A. Chrlst- I P fiale, Iec 3. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY These talks will be 'FREE for Civic Centre members and $2.00 for non-members. Preference will be given to members of the Civic Centre. ' - (255! 1 If 7jOHHBuKKe,'72SivnA7 7H'....f tZYWU. AeZKW.Biill:'kT- A I '"dial Fall Bazaar, Salttr- lice. s. IIIUTII fOVrXOt TVtVf.' t JUiT 7fffPTED , .i , 40 HOMES KOh SALE HERE Is a house that will sell quickly. Why pay rent when you can purchase this six-room luinishea fur $2000 clown, biu-unce us monthly jrentul? Close In and in kwxI neighborhood. cons to TNtitiiPoerAroHcei' r ..lXJR Bum to Murep nnd !t HELP WANTED-IEMAI.E MWlur. Oct. 24. 1U53. JX lll4r. 8 lbs. 12 ot... n. sisti'r : MniiKKKKPER with buvixill ex- x I 1 KHOrtUS.V,., SALE Revenue' home I'-'T nut nil ,ZZ?o.-.iKt!ltus' .exfiinLp- '"..l"! yielding $95.00 month and T- li,. exDectea lo box mo, uauy nri.i -- v. i vna i i vhi .i. r riiNCil .Jr viAJvjriio FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phon 200 Broadway Cafe four rooms and bath for owner. Furnished or unfurnished. Terms to responsible party. Prince Rupert Realty Co- (25?) i RELIABLE housekeeper, non-drinker. Room and board in exchange for light housekeeping duties In modern home. Box 836, Daily News. (254p) WARTIME four. All newly decorated. Phone Green 785. (251) (it,,, r,,H(ti LI'L ABNER -She's" A Vision? By AL CAPP 40A Houses Wanted to Buy 4 w - 1 .. j, 41 .1 ..h J1 ' have a P1- makes you a part owner Fore than 100 of Canada's !' securities. For Informa-! fau Tom Christie Blue 964 l nt V A. Lawn Bowlers WlllThe lnn of bowls please pick I" i'P? After Nov. 15 they I,1 disposed of. Phone T. f'T, 3o3. -C.N.R.A., J. Mc- I (250) m Friday, Oct. 30, Legion t .?rlli!"- Mlc by Rocky "uin Boys. Admission $1.00. I (251) iRRAvon Products call f 504 or 1022 2nd West. BY a private party A two-bedroom house, with or without furniture. Box 828, Daily News. (2541 26 FURNITURE rOR SALE FIVE-PIECE Kroehler section.il suite, excellent condition. 1742 2nd West. Green 2115. (25D 29A SEWING AlACtliNES GOOD RUM for your money AUTOMOBILES 47 you.' re SO h? ( i-'h-hcs KGHT.'r y-vo' Y tipHScNSlH-nn attitude 1 1 irs s simple t-txei J I r-w that cask sue cw . SLOPPY I '4-T HECJKINT TPItDt TOWARD MER ISONE Of f THAT My LEG ) 7 fcO?- 1 GIT HIM CASX N THE ' CANY tTANDil STAND.'.'-HE'S TO put! l-OATHING,'- '- GROW WEAK- S T SKDIf HAWKHS fM fiAte? J . v, . Jir 1 FALI.IN' , "TORE yta ' , WHEN I'M NLAR ) la'-CwIV-S .V " ihlOU.. T- TOWARD ARMS 'vl K dffly HER.'.' , S II THAT SHE nOVT W.HT Mf '-'?-Vv V T X Eff.'r-Jy AROUND 1H kjPf-A , , ' f.- HIM.'f-HHlM AN 'IMfi - llP, T . tmj SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer . Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) LOW cost transportation '48 Ford panel. Full price only $485. Apply Northern Distributors at the Bus Depot- (2521 FOR SALE MISC. t (256) '50 STUDEBAKER, good condition, new rubber. Phone Blue 639 after 5 p.m. l251p) .'TACT Alcnhotlc, Anony- (260) p O. Box S4S BN'ESS PERSONALS ENCYCLODEAD1A Brit annica 1951 edition plus two yearbooks. Like new. Box 815, Daily News. (259p) STILL a good selection of popular records on sale for 60c at Rupert Radio & Electric- (250i 1941 OLDSMOBILE, radio and heater. , Cheap. Phone Bil-more. , (260p i By STAN DRAKE U THE HEART OF JULIET JONES 1940 CHEV. 326 7th East. (250p. Dr t "alea a m inw je rat irhe economical six 15 Stive h W0rd8 t0T con. iJt?? cost 1 35; 15 mess charw igiv?w McCLARY combination good condition. Green range, 697. (251) $180 TC0"s:ut ve aaj T" I HEAP AMP SAvt TW6 CHAUPPEJS 16 I J ' M BMP" tiff TAia.i1 WM t? i Dhtm. .... .nemper, you SMALL-SIZE office safe. Can be seen at 712 2nd Ave. (253 lONAr. u.-rr - - For Posterity STRATtON. England (CP) An oilskin bag containing a school cap, Ix'ret, blazer and other familiar articles of life at Stratum Grammar School was enclosed in a wall of the new school hall In this Bedfordsire town- The headmaster said the school might stand for 1,000 years and the relics would Interest some future generation. Fawcett (250) WOOD and coal stove, Phone Orcen 183. Pl, Distrlh . r,7 WO- Ajm- ti i ,irib,utor for Mining, f"1- Orunull t..in!u'r.18 n- iWMiitm 1, Bp " 'ana, vancou- tf) 4 " .f PIANO in very good condition. Phone Black 930. (252pi 34 WANTED MISCEI.LANEOIJ. v?N!iaiTy 8410 "" M-3Ail'kxrts e! was to be a "OB-OffTRX. f PeBim?""st Buildu 8. O. Furk. CASH FOR Rrlfnilii qr-:illhrl alaverv This advrrtlacnuni, la not pub!lsh?d brass, brass, Scrap, sreo.- cooper, batteries, ' ,, . . " " or disDiavad h a. i.imui fktrd Eddle'a radiators. Phone 643-Cnll 630 mrougnoui ner overseas posseo-, Board or- by ,h--0;-'i11;n, "j (C) 16th Ave. West. (OJ siuns in 1033. uritisB Columbia. srgain Hunters Are Bagging Their Limits Here . . . . Season Never Glolsesi ,- " -.v . - . -