Woodsmen Invariably Alert, lerview With Canada's Potato Queen si V CROSS FRETTY Prince Rupert iaiiy Hes 3 Thursday, January 22, 1953 Co: .-er-.t name for Mexice la Es- j lados UnHos of Mexico. ! :SrBABY emoraoie event i-or Commentator V.ni'ouV'T ...IMIIV.T radio radlfl I !UlUVt-d :ultlvat-d hr her nrnn.rin - -. - Ranger Tells Gyro Members ; "Never underestimate thr? men- '"Itiey were organised down to tat qualities of people who live the last detail," he said. 'They In the woods," Ranger W. H took 40 strokes of the paddle to iRitittvi famntwll tnlrt members the minute and thplr naplM never k,,!) nobody cared. The Kdy had to qviirkly brir.K th rflif Kan to raise pot atari for market ... -nil memlxTs of of the Gyro Club at their weekly .weighed less than SO pounds. that etrvirg wt-fui r'iBfift.rt. Thoroughly VpciHi(W. N "ltVj" stuff no (fuliinir ffpct. by Mothen hx Kr-t UUi oi (it-ni ana make a ltvliK. On hpr farm she H,.u!, v. f '",' -.(-.'iadlun flub tint 1 (" 5 ..... . t....;. written Mrs. Harris a letter. Through thN contact, friends were msm found for the little lady but one day she became very ill. ; luncheon yesterday. Each person had to carry two prize-winning Vfic"tibif.v From Hen, Women Over 40 1 Feel Weaken, Old? " Want Normal Pep, ran, Vitality? FKmh vmfc, niwtowi), e-i r4 otrwmtna in le-l (AstKtal if it, (Hi! ' Try Hitrn. m (ucraJ Vi:.' . KlHiutarif. ''eti nll iwf '! jr f4ttltb ft, tU-Xatu. pi--trfwf ij. Ti!Arnn tt . jfH, , k. nl w;i'Ul Vie-, VHili y. ( t'r fittum Tiii"i If'r 4 u-'y m "SM-wtusuil " Km Wf H At ait Oriisj rt. over bh yrm. iti. r, pvmm uy K -ur irx.icsl'- lirf -1"r- "Nature takes care of its oin 'P" 01 that minimum weight and has given these people! "1 ""d boy's love for the p'x'try, virion and imagination. I north then and I have never lost J It Mrs. nam said she ca ed a ii.. Alrwe and remote, they need j MIIWT lflll!S B'U HICK OI ,lbliur W.mf.l wuu .....r Mile-" , . , k:h m Harris. 7 ;.;. -:.r CBC com-or'..n il'.- M'ndn(( Vlsll" lMi ,ulllr rrlallon ;i- 1U'. Automobile ul'l of i.','"'ivicwinK such . (HC's owl Clulif , ,.(.. A''" Scott. B -wheat rf.rl.ir a ' -p. .( (ti'-fii." and a ,lilM; .,, n i iiitj'Ts uf Far- Mr. Campbell was introduced at the Oyro luncheon by Allan Armstrong who has known him since youth. The speaker concluded his talk with a showing of ouiii arouna mem. Mr. Campbell, who travels through northern and central doctor, but he wouldn't come. There was nothing he could do. the doctor had said "fcve.i the hopHal didn't want to take her at first. That night I visited her and thouirh she could hardly talk, the little lady whispered 'don't e:ive rru" She died before morning. Mrs. Harris told her attentive and Interested audience that her tir oi srea pulatars he made, .noiiKh money to pay off Uw morlKaKe and a living for hdwlf and htrr son. iON TAKI S OVER 1 ! Then Mrs. Paul brei.i; ill and tiled shortly afterwards tin youthful win la mill at Fernle and all the neighbors, having earned to regard the hard-work-rm woman so much, turn out retsularly to work the farm which is in the boy a name. "I met this spare little lady In Vanrouver. when she came In Walt Disney's picture, "Seal Island." EC. giving talks and showing i motion pictures for the public relations and education division j of the B.C. Forest Service, said ! every woodsman has character. ,If he did not haw it, he would RETIREMENT of L M. M'llus. director of Canadian operations and foreign sal-is of H. J. Heinz Company, following 43 years' service with the company, has been announced by I reaaers 1 i ft S f , XV.. 1'. T. Sherk, executive vice- not survive. ,MHSM(IMKSS j greatest experiences n her radio career came from "gaining an Insight Into other people's lives." Mrs. Harris, who arrived on i,i n t-.. I'.iilnt! champion NEW SPRING SAMPLES Just Arrived ' WESTLOOM AND SPRAYTONE WORSTEDS ere Hr now for ladies' and gents' suits TIP TOP TAILORS P. CRAVETTO Phone Blue 4 IS for Appointments or tii-ui.ts'.i i;i her isawss. I alked to her and wrote about hir. I hul! nevr forget her." the Prince Rupert, left later for , Ketchikan. This U her first passage up the west coast. Valhalla special meeting, Thursday, Jan. 22. (181 There will be a meeting of tshermen s Local U.F.A.W.U., Thursday, Jan. 22. at 7:30 p.m., ietropole Hall. Election of dele- jates to Vancouver convention. , (18 SO N. Whist and dance Friday, Jan. 23. Whist 8 p.m.; dance !0-2. Good prizes. Refreshments, luslc by Mike Colussl. Everyone welcome. (19i "Children of the wilderness art Invariably alert," he added I "Never treat them as half-wits !They know a lot more man one Us apt to think, and their ques-j tions are sharp and to th point." j Recalling his youth In the ntrth, the ranger said It was a little-known fact that canoelsu "who worked for the Hudson's Bay 'Company In BC. at that time jwere Iroquois with a streak ol French In their blood. president of H. i. Helm Company of Canada Ltd. Mr. Melius was a director of both H. J. Heinz Company and H. J. H.'ins Company of Canada. Ltd. He started as a salesman at the Brooklyn Branch In 1909 and gradually moved up li the company. During hu term of ofiict, iie toured Canada from coast-to-coast. vLsited all sales branches and became personally acquainted with hundreds of Canadians. .,. t), ,i.,':n!i and n 1S (',.!, a'!.. irl:if'W to " .r, r, '. !! , i:;..-.' memorable i v -r mH, tit '",'v.r l-'' Mrs Everett .,! ('.matin's Potato 9 p, .jt :l ld'iw with a !.ii !itr'ifttKHl farm p H C t'Vilop-d and But of all the people she contacted during her radio career. Mrs. Harris said she had the greatest experience with listeners I KIKVHS t'Ol'ND Bhe told hi story ab-mt the "lonely listener," an elderly lady without friends and about whom ; BONN. Oermany I API President-elect Elsenhower's secre-i tary of state, John Foster Duller, ju expected here Feb. 5 to con-I fer with West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, a government spokesman announced. SPECIALS GOOD TO JANUARY 28th Where You Get The Most Out Of Every Food Dollar HAM 59c or shank end s M He. 1 Mopte Leof, whol 29c DEVON BACON Cello, ','s, Each SIDE BACON 59c Grade A Large 53s End Cuts, Lb. Doz. sTL 15oz. Tin Sir (CflDffimet!: rmmm t ' 11 e . - ! i . V " ' i 'lAb " '' 7..: . j f . . ,: . ' v .' i: t ,4 i J- ' V ' r ; f ' ' 'J ,t f i ' " ; V'f tvV. f - -1 v,; ... -' ILIEE) a. l. quarts 28c I FRESH MILK NABOB PUDDINGS ... 3 pkts. 25c ROGERS SYRUP Mb. tin 29c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lb. 99c case $7.19 ific and Carnation MILK, p SIDE BACON (.. ' Ccnt-c Cuts, Lb. PORK SPARE RIBS FRANKS LETTUCE 17f Lorao Heads I V !4c TOMATOES 20C RHUBARB 2lbs3U TURNIPS 2 lbs BC APPLES CI QQ Mclr.tosh Reds, Junior Box yll' JAP ORANGES gtjc Pad Dog Food 2tins25c BOB PEAS, size 3 25c PLUMS, Royal City, 15-oz. tin 15c OLD DUTCH tin 15c 5.0.5. 2oto.Bc M STRAWBERRY jAM.;;85c TOMATO C ATSUi? 25c JAVBt ; -: ---T-;-:-: 15c PEACHES iyn" viiey' 13c GKEENG AGES 2 tins 29c PINEAPPLE 29c PEARS is- -ci,oi" 20c JEWEISHOOTEWIWG 0)(YPOL"'si- : :- 3 3c SWANSDOWN INSTANT WHITE CAKE AftlX Ml GREEN TEA lb. 59c CantDbeH's Veaef able Soud 2 tins 29c lb. 45c LICORICE ALLSORTS OH HENRY CHOCOLATES pkt. 55c GUM 4 pkts. 19c CHOCOLATE BARS. Fry's 4 pkts. 19c Hershey's Chocolate Syrup tin 15c SWANSDOWN BRIMFUL Pork and Beans 1 Devils Food Cake Mix . . l . f ,':- v I. H - ''!' . ir '" " C .. f - i , V .U t 'i f'- v " V"" 1- f ' ' v ". - . iv . .. Ms I 10 Tim f j