I Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 22, 1953 'Interesting Cases' in RCMP Report Leave Out Force's Work in North Green Favorite Color When it come to carpets, , replaced grey s the ,.. , green L now the favorite color j In floor coverings ft' of Americans. H accounted for j ' architectural trend, with. 30 per cent of production in the increased of gias n flr.st nine months of 1902, says houses, color ftchcnica Uut " the N Y. J.vrnal of Commerce. with the outdoor have One of the rea-sons green haalon new Importance. port of the federul force under the headlnts 'lnterestlUK casus." The RCMP la.st year chased lied a misshlR woman after a cigarette smugglers, pot motion- survey of dental records, picture evidence of illvgal trnf-: These features of RCMP work lickint; in narcotics and itlenti- are described In the annual re- But the report, cut this year to MONEY FOR SPREE BURNED BECAUSE SOMEONE TALKED WORCESTER, Mass. 'API -Police thus week burned a thick bundle of $1. $5. and $10 bills. The tills were supplied reluctantly by several disillusioned employees of a scrapdealer. They lound them while sorting waste paper collected from the Worcester Country Trust Co. The i mployves quietly divided the loot and laid plans for a s'jree. Bu' someone talKea. Detectives quickly rounded iv -"'e l'.ot and discove.cd it was all counterfeit. Wallace's . . . : "The Store To Go, For The Brands You Know" TODAY Tt) SATl KOAY IT'S A WARM, about a third its normal size, I contained no reference t the work of police dogs, or of the force's marine and air sections or to the forces work in the nort bland. Commissioner L. H Nicholson said it if hoped to tflve more HAPPY W0NDERFU! Floating Weather Stations Collect Data For Forecasts PICTURE! a aiicnuon iu uicc sr uuiib i in lltrt it tnttruinmn for tvtrybtdy ubtlii, Anscomb Won't Run Fvery t'av of tin year i con- . A'tnougn coiictuiik me weutn- ' force in future reports, verted wartime frigate steuin hi er data is the primary Job, the I The chase of the cigarette a 10-mile square in the Pacific j sh';j at sta: Ion P also is equipped smugglers oceurrVd near St.' ocean abouj 1 000 miles west of to go to the help of dl.stres.yed Nicholas Station. Que Two cars Vancouver. Behind this routine ships and aircraft. were chatted by Motilities, on? to laugh, lltrt it 4 mt,u VICTORIA (CP) Herbert An- tive Association was told Tues-scomb has declined to stand for ; day niaht. Station P is one of Canada s overturned and another escup-chicf responsibilities to the Inter- ed. In the overturned vehicle nomination in Oak Bay for ai Mr. Anscomb was defeated In , voyage Is the story of Canada's future provincial election, the' Oak Bjv in the June 12 elec- floating weatherstations. Yarn and : Knitting Wools j GUELPH S MISS CANADA jj MONARCH J MARY MAXIM Z The 10-mile square Is the centre national Civil Aviation Oruaniza- police found 132.000 smuggled Oak Bay Progressive Conserva-: tion. bomt and kttf jour htm! JOHN ft VI -.'. tl 1 -1 j GLASS ... For All Purposes P y BEEHIVE of station P. an area 210 miles tion whose members signed treat- American cigarettes As a result square where the frigate, fitted les to provide a network of ocean of Information gained bv polic!. i v illi the latest recording instru- stations for weather Information, subsequent seizures of cigarettes m. nts and manned by meteorolo- : A day aboard the 3UO-loot ship totalling more tmui iiuO.ooO were ?ls' and sailors, collects the at station P is divided In much made, the second car was found data on which weather forecasts the same way as an land work. nd seized, n id eight men w;re are based. recreation and sleep. charged and convicted. This perpetual vigil Ls shared Living quarters on the friga.te KOUl AKKrSTrl) in 42-day patrol by tw vessels me roomier than tt frigate In The drug c:? Involved three - the St Catherine and Stone- .wartime could boast There also men and a woman arrested at town Their 57-man crews r- is a well-equipped recreation Winnl)eg by the RCMP following port weather conditions on the room whert all ranks nuv woieh ; lengthy invest lea! ..n "f their surface and at various altitudes, movies twice weekly, join in activities Two onto., nln were The reports advise airmen and sing-songs, play table tennis, seized a id a feature of the case mariners of storms or of favor- cards or games, read or listen to was the introduction of motion c.i bv Tf CMNCOtOR Northern Glass Co. FIRST AVEM E EAST (Next to Industrial Welding) JOHN WAYNE MAUREEN O'HARA . BARRY FITZGERALD Wallace's have long been Prince Rupert's favorite store for everv knitting requirement. Visit Wallace's Yarn Dcpartjnent. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE the re.dio-phonogiaph. able winds Phone Red 884 Box 562 NOW OPEN pictures at thf preliminary h?ar-I (; shfiwinB tlx movemptitx of the accused r.t Viflous times dur-h.c; I he invest iua'lon including tl,. Dctiml dellvcrlc" All were convicted thuuuh the 8A.M.to5P.M.DAILY INCLUDING SATURDAYS VieRO BOND VCTOR MtUQliN -lilDftfO N;WICX-FRANCIS FORD TOTEM A FAMOI'S 1'I.AYHtS TII'UICF NOW! At Last STYLE BEAUTY PARLOR HAS IT IT NEW CAREER GIRL WAVE A Moisture-Resistant Permanent IF XOL'R HAIR IS NOT BECOMINO TO YOU . . . YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US! : Phone Blue 774 for Appointments TOM COWAN, Prop. ciisc wen to the Supreme Court t f Canada on n H)lnt of l:w. Tlie ml.s.sinK woman win Alr William Robert Brown of Cllacc Bay. N S.. wh i diMippeured !h her husband while on a trip In Nova Scotia In VMS Their abandoned car was found O'l the outskirts of Stcwiaike, NS. but thfre was no evidence of foul plav BODY HH NI Table Tops . . . Mirrors . . . Auto Gloss Window Glass . . . Plate Glass Fred E, Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10, Si out: Building Phor.e Blue 593 9:15 p.m. 2 00 p.m. Evening Shows 7: Matinee Saturday EE f.lihl Advcniurt of the men who tonqutrk the untamed Northwtit FREE DELIVERY SERVICE TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 24 and 26 HOWARD HAWKS' Two and a half yjtrs hitrr th partly decompiled boay of a wommi was taken from the Shubenucarile river, about 11 milex from the point whee the ear had been located. Ordlnwrv Ulentiflra'.lon was impossible and the rtCMP s-t aljoiit a survey of denial offices In Nova Scotia, finally locating a dentUt who recognized hLs work ant1 i.lentl-fied the body as that (,f Nfr Brown. V No trace rf Mr. Erown has been found to date. f Ce A 3 KIRK OOliJS'i'wEf mi SPECIALS SOAP AND SOAP POWDERS DJZA3ETH THREATT-ARTHU8 HUKNICUTT y nop. wash. . . CANNED juIces APPLE JUICE Sunrvpc, Clear, 2l)-oi. OXYDOL Giant Size OXYDOL Large Size TIDE Giant Size TODAY to SATURDAY CAPITOL A IAMOI S PI.AVIKH 1111 ITl 2 , 31c Tile engine orderej frne.i the US has arrived anrt the Aero Club hopes to put it Into operation wltlun the following week. There will be no further flying on aircraft GIC until the engine is mado to operate In an airworthy manner, or a change of engine Is made Contact your flying instructor as to when flying will be CAit roos - SKWS Shows 7 - 9:27 Saturday Matinees 2-4:10 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-oz. 72c 3Gc 75c 38c 37c 25c 25c 15c ,35c ,33c 2 2 TOMATO JUICE LibbyX Fancy, 20-oz. PINEAPPLE JUICE l.ibby's Hawaiian, 20-oz. fere's kw TIDE Large Size DREFT Large Size CAMAY ltath Size CAMAY Keguiar Size Vic Grant and Joe Ooot are ready for their cross-country flights which consiit of approxl- ' matcly four liours nuul and four ' hours solo. for 2 3 for save -food dollars Ralph Matthews was in from Terrace on the week-end and completed satisfactorily two dual flight. mm I Dr. Ballard's 1 f Dog Food trv. 2 29c Dog Food srr, 3 'or 34c DOG MEAlsrs... 78c PUREX ss 3ro.u39c FLOUR $1.65 Strawberry Jam HSu c 99c Peanut Butter SFr 39c MACARONI: Marmalade Hs,,. 39c CANNED VEGETABLES CORN, Cream Style O Q7c Royal C.ily, Fancy, 15-ux. fur ' COUPON DEAL Enquire about the Coupon Oder on each of the above soaps 24c 31c 22c PEAS Itojal City, No. 3, Fancy. 15-oz. TOMATOES Cock Kohin, 28-oz. WAX BEANS (ireen Giant, Fancy, 15-oz. Hi i rial mi I I'rot i I frc-liiun tinil noiiri-li- Replies Awaited OTTAWA Resources Minister Winters, in answer to a question, said replies to criticisms of defence construction contracts will be given when the defence expenditures committee of the Commons Is re-established. To Approve Bill WASHINGTON (Al') Chairman Alexander Wiley (Rep. Wis.) of the Senate foreign relations committee expects his group to approve a .St. Lawrence seaway bill as one of its first acts this session. It was learned today. .V. rtrVVAVVVW.V CANNED FRUITS j A. APRICOTS .2 45c incut of mrul, fili, i')Si'lullcK uini oilier xrihluililc lv sturiiiu tliiin in IuimI-c-w rii licu Miii'il tuM'r. Ij fl-)itcr, tiM. k-i i 1h lli r in ll;iul-'-ni. ii ml ou'll he ilnllart Royal City, Choice, 15-oz. , for PLUMS 9 Royal City, Choice, 15-oz. for 29c 25c FRUIT COCKTAIL l.ibby's, 15- oz. . gliruil ! Mrs. Clyde Scott Puts on Blue Bonnet Says it's Best! PEARS 9dC Royal City, Barllelt, Choice, 15-oi!."l .V.W -FRESH- Fruits & Vegetables JUST ARRIVED! A Large Variety of FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES at a price to suit your purse. JUST ARRIVED . English Assorted Biscuits GREY DUNN . Coronation Tea Caddy Tin THRIFT IS THE GOAL OF YOUR TEAM Your team you and your family want to make sure you get the most for your food money. And that's the goal of our team, too. That's why every item is sensibly priced at the INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES fV l HIIVV HIXII MI SAVE WITH IIAflD-E-WRAF ! Mrs. .Ivile. bcittt inviUm ynti to com REFILLS MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 . SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 RUPERT BUTCHERS LYONS FINE FOODS I. AND GROCERS LTD. Phones: Phone 21 250 Red 465 K. 1 pare hr.hvxn bi.ua Iionnkt Marosnne with any spread t any priiKil You'll KKree with tlie motlicr of Ctnsiia's (snioas Harlisra Ann: Dki.uxk Honnbt's fresh, iiweet flavor wins afclaim from everyone! You'll lovo Dki.cxb liLer. Honnkt's nutritional value, too. And what convenienccf Dki.cxk Hi.iia Honnkt' pre-cut in golflen-yellow qimrter rMtunflx, eaeh (juarUT Hjuurf iiiiliviiliiiilly wrap)ed in pure aluminum foil with inner parchment lit. nig. No measuring cup needed 1 Ml !?. W -L a Into vow PV ri""i:''l hnjov Dki.i xk convenience and quality. t golilcii-vrllow Delvxi Bi.ra 01 ' e.rlos. You v ConUlnct (vtry U"1' . "THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE" , r3V?WtS SWW