Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 22, 1953 Unaiionai Hockey Hall of Fame SPORTS ROUND-UP More Fishermen RiXilNA (CP) Records were fisheries set in l!i)2 lor the number ot than $T irl r.- branch reports ists Only in Minds of Its Creators .000 was i ' A i u Ity CAVl.t TALBOT fa.iC of $1".- neimle enyyed in Krvirt iLKhin'J licence fee an Lie A. NKW YORK (AP) Jersey Joe WaiCOtt haa : In Saskatchewan. The provincia' 000 over I'i endured about as much as he could. -The former I heavyweight champion kept edging his chair for-J ward, despite all his lawyer could do to hold him back., I . ' . 1 ' f , I jfc Si H - i 4 r: ,u i . -.v v. (., t- i.U 1 "j -r? .;-'; t N . t , had been The old pappy guy FOR THE WORLD'S EASIEST SHAVES USE THE WORLD'S SHARPEST BLADES t:r. listening to the head men of ..r.rt f boxing discuss, inferentialty. Whether manager Felix Boc- I 4 M 1 1 II I I I KINGSTON. Ont. (CP) Tho international hockey Hull of lamp, a shrine bom of curiosity 10 years ago as a memorial to the game's greaU, near-great and founders, is on the rocks of neglect. It exists only In the Imagination of those who created It and the nelect few who weje elevated to Its ranks. The ground for the edifice haunt been broken yet and its bankroll Is only $65,000. Organized hockey apparently is doing little about It. The move to Immortalize Hum who helped mke hockey Can ;- ; v I'm going to fight Rocky Mar-clano in April or in June. I want you to know that as long as Mr. Bocchicehio Is sick there will be no fight. I will never do . 'iWKE- It y si chlcchlo Is a fit person to be given a licence by the Chicago xmm. I .... F L. 4fK W CHflDtaOte' 1 anything without him. If he's sick one week or six weeks or six months there will be noj or New York fight commissions. Felix was In hospital with a heart attack. Perhaps that was what finally forced Walcott to his feet. 'It's not fair," he said. ''Here you men sit and talk about Mr. Bocchicehio as If he had done something wrong to boxing. I want you to know that he's not Lffhxp JUMPS Sl'TllViaANI). 83. ot Kingston, founder of the International Hockey Hall of Fame, played hockey with the old Kingston Athletics years ago. Since then he has managed and coached a number of clubs and was Dresldent of the On- fight." Walcott sat down. He had got j if off his chest. I "You've made a good case for j Felix," Christenberry said In a voice dripping with sarcasm, 'but I'm afraid you haven't settled anything" i ada's national winter sport startd Kept. 10. 1943. Construction was to have started In 1051. i i Today, the land donated for the mernuiial stands untouched. . tmrlo Hockey Association only my manager but my dear, cl-.xf Pictures of the ereat are closet- 191o. He also served it I dear f nend. He'naa never tu in whole life done one thing wrong, J;-JL Jersey Joe looked as though he thought he had settled a lot lone thing trial would low-rate executive of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association for four terms from 1915-1918, the only man to hold the office that long. boxing. SHOl'LD of-T LICENCE "It's not fair. He should be given a licence. Why should he i - I 1 I 1 I I ES CONTINUE to qrow on the plot of land in j0r which was the site selected for hockey's cf Feme. The land was donated by Frontcnac t, So Eosy-Shaving Thai Tough Beard Is No Problem At Alt Year after year Gillette Blue Blades are first choice of shaving men everywhere. That's because no other kind is as sharp, as easy-shaving, as !ong-Iating. For extra convenience buy them in the Gillette dispenser that xps 'em out unwrapped ready for use, and has a built-in compartment for sale disposal of used blades. 20blorfesS1.00 10 Maces 50c IN IMPROVED GILLETTE DISPENSERS Refwlar jHKkaja 5 blades 2 St be drug through the mud? He's i done a whole lot more lor dox- us he made his way to the dloor. We have repeated his re-narks at some length le might be the first fighter in .listory to have displayed such .'lerce loyalty to his manager. Whether he was right in de-'ending Bocchicehio might be ubject to debate, but we feel ie know the old-timer from ;amden better than we ever did when he was the champion. He's pretty much of a man, he is. 1 inn than a lot of men who ed In the home of its founder. 83-year-old James Sutherland, himself a member of the hall. Hocey M-eiud to nav turned a cold shoulder to tne deal. In 1043, the National Hockey League and the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association approved a site, after a squabble between ston and Halifax over the birth-place of organized hockey, and promised funds. The NHL said it would give $30,000; the CAHA $10,000. The CAHA has lived up to 1U obligation. The NHL has given only 7.500. And. of the $80,000 donated, about $15,000 has been Dizzy Dean Named to Hall of Fame haven't done anything except eet themselves appointed to some position." At this point Jersey Joe was i looking right down the gullet of NEW YORK r-Diz.--y Dear Bob Chrihtenberry, chairman ol the New York state commission. former pitching star of St. Louis; Cardinals, and Al Simmons, s'uaiilne outfielder of Philadel- air!: zzm i IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE spent on expenses. Money came phia Athletics, were named Wed-from Boston Bruins and New nesday to baseballs Hall of York Rangers, who played bene-1 Fame fit exhibition games here, pro-l, William H. Terry, one-time Christenberry said In a maga-; zine piece last year that he did not consider Bocchicehio, among , others, an ornament to thej game. "Why haven't you given him a licence?" old Joe demanded., j "I just want to say that from i what I've seen of Mr. Bocchic-' chio, he's a better man and more ; of a gentleman than 90 per cent ' of the others I've met in th" j boxing game." , "We do not," Christenberry j interjected, "give out licences on i silvr platter." WONT FIGHT vHicial hockey associations, ln-!jjrst baseman and manager of dividuab, corporations and thehhe New York Giants, again Amateur Hockey Association of ' barely failed to make the grade, the U.S. He missed by seven votes. The city and the county of j DiMaggio finished eighth FronU-ruic played their part. Un balloting bv baseball writers. . a-A. 4 The city donated $5,000. The - .fl ill HOCKEY SCORES MIL Montreal 1, Toron'o 0. WIIL New Westminster " Edmonton 6; Victoria 5. Sea''.e 7. OSHI Kamloops 5. Kelowna county gave the option on land iwur the old court house In downtown central Kingston. Two years ago estimates for the two-storey, stone structure were $100 000. The figure now Is 1 - . p : ! ., - if 4 VI "You gentlemen, waicou said, "are talking about whether , about $150,000 3 And, in an apparent move to get the haU started, the King- ston committee Is reported to be! dickering to buy 03-year-old f Cooke's church, a rink-length . from the main street In the ! downtown area. The price may "i 1 be 75.00 and a renovating job! , . Y it , I i . . 7 Ay, -t i if- .."v. - Mr . vC if V . . " I l I : .-. r it ., This is 93-yeor-oU Cooka's United Church in downtown Kingston. MECCHWhe World's Finest Sewing Machine - '4 Johnson Sets New Mark y ri nnd. Clarence Campbell, president t of the NHL and a member of. j the Hall of Fump's board on governors, was asked about If1 I days ago to look over the church! Mte. He said lv plans to go in Ladies' Five-Pin League if C,'vtilnil.'. - 'liii-v.a.iy iilnht 8 t i r;u'ure the L lour livita li ,.!! ,. . .,1 ion o CARDED FOODS , ' ., , , Die near future. ' )tl ..Klio 18. Holder i 18, ms; However, more money is need-1 SI.Mers 17. P.lncc Rtipert I'lu.ub-u.d Antf Jm Suln,,rand h,ini Ii.g 17. To'i;is 16 Cook 14. Mc-;U1,.a , I Kay 11. Bkrena 11. Co-i p 10. "A hex-key Hall of Tame nlitht! MIH) lfc ri - - -on ,h(, problem n(. MvS that oii Ar. t.-dMit this ;onc ntKht part of the proceeds ten-piniiris. taking both Mth i c,( 8n giimrs played could go U) ' unrv h'Kh t'Pl" ore. tnr nU ot ramc." Total pint counted 570 uxingi Forty-two men have been hcorrs of VA. 179 and 109 Olhera ! m,,,,, to the hall and their bowling over 300 were ln Hsrt- j Ranles have bwn InscriUd in ; '.,i!ii- ul mi lar !, V liv pin league. ur! WA'iruer it ul ' of 1C1. ; 3U 1-i ; i.i c.iptuie the iii'.r i r the night r I : !i s : i 111 A .l.vNi.m f-t. n. y l,n ky Kink 's hm hiiih jlntiie C ) : i i - j i & Anil'-rMin with r 'c.hii Inch Hirer TO BE AT & ANDERSON'S GORDON tc of AU M irravs wiin )-. i the international honor roll IliiiU Hrhmiilt ii ',n. . t i li..w. (I T-W lur hle.h book. The book Is secreted in Sutherland's home, awaitinK s permanent resting pluce. Photo-graphs are tri his bedrtmm. ul llinild Mumey u'imj wlUi 204 For the i;nl..-. ! Uiimb of Northern ltrtljutors rulled 12 Satui -.51 Hi rapture "iie -.--.-wliile Srherk ol MC.'s put j loi-eilier games of 172. 153 unci , 14: fur lnul) U'lal "f 70 ! Teuin honors were taken by Art Mm rnv with 801 tor a Mnule. ! Hiwl uv Cliuniiw with IiIkIi three ! of 2.217 j KesiilU Chumps 3. Spares l.i Art MOTW'i 3- M.C.-i l; D.'lnor 2. Northern UUtrlbutors 2. I Mandinc Del or 13, Chump . . II. Spares 9. N. Dtst, . Art Mur- ; ray s 5, MC 1. J '4 Son one 7 J .ml lri r i Paul of Prince j Kiiiii'imrr roiled 612 lor; -ii : .!.''!- iii, : hrr n-rord :1 vi lii ii MrK.iv'i counted i a m 'fir n.iine, Prlr.rr i'!u:i.iim( jr-red hlRh ! 1,'HI KeMilU hiv-.iiiii Ciovi I lenfo 4. i (1 A 3 I von 1. Ikim't :v Ksuke 1. Huiuise 3. .mil i 1. M.mson h 3, Stars fie 2. S.IVliyx 2 liiviMnn Co-op 4. Toller xi-'i-tf. j. Tit) Ave. Mkt 1: H:illi. 3. (.'iiok's 1; Com- 3. Hu'uer t; Pitrsre P-iiii'liniK 3. "5 T:ixl 1. i M' Kay's 2. sl.imlniK llinsitm o ii A 25. Duni'i r1'e.v 21. Cli.vrleaff' 20. 1 If M,msm's 17. Lucky 14. Lyons h. New I.aur- S iii i 12. I)il,bs 8. SW:. OUR NECCH! DEMONSTRATOR. WILL BE IN THE STORE TOMORROW AND SATURDAY TO DEMONSTRATE FOR YOU THE MANY OUTSTANDING FEATURES THE AMAZING NE-CtH! SEWING MACHINE n -.41 OFFERS THE HOME SEWER. w ' ' : 1 ' 1111 ' j i nkt f-r livis! mi 7 I'.i Ave Mi;t 20. 20. 75 Taxi V Rn- it FREE liitiieffleautifiamf canter Women's Nylon Call Us versnoes Demonstration In Your Own Home fQlcrproof . . . y'on Shccrling ncd. 0 AMD Jccd 7.35 pppcr Vafftcr hows PittwUcf LTD. PHONE 46 tram v WHISKY OF THE FAMOUS C Fashion Footwear This advertisement Is not published or dispi. yeii by the Liquor Government of Columbia. El J