Prince Rupert Daily News by J. K. Ncjjitt INDUSTRIAL nd KAfflR INDlClS (Lanrfo Slock fcn-ne- friceij BASIS. SI 12-34 100 Friday, January 16. 1953 I IDHAIN ON STIRLING ARtAil ' an Ii)itfInlent daily newspaper dFVOt4 to the upbuilding of Prince Kupn and Nortlu-rn and Ontral British Columbia. Victoria Report . VICTORIA. Mrs. Nancy Hodges, who made history as Madame Speaker, called at the Legislative Buildings the other day. Much to her surprise she was presented with the $250 silken gown and tricorn hat she wore with such dignity as she presided jover tin T ntil.lMtiil'O "' " as a private m-n,h he was defeated In t, of Prince Rupi-tt. Dr. King l. ft BC 6. In Vm unci Uecam u Public Works ln Z cabinet. Later he vi-to thr fe iiate, tr was Speaker In the p ber. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Aaaoclatton. Published by The Priuce Rupert Dally Newa Limited J. P. MAOOR, President H. O. PERRY, Vlco-Proaldant j Subscription Rates r lm n I By cairler hr we-, 2V; per month .Ul; per year, aio.00 iST.i?D j ey mall Per mairJ. J y$ -j?ar y.'nr, 8 00. 'MPSiiC j authorized aa "ton.fl oUs n-all by the Post Oflo Department, Ottawa j You could toll, though she 150 ICOID AND 0OLI.AH HeWlVES ' ' "T i i I AND TUTIU SlUVr STABILIZATION Of COLD HtblKVIS, I J 1 T RALLV IN COVHNMINT STOCKS . NB MV'VAJ-JlI't5 ?.UM" C00Bi III SUCTION iSUU AND I MO 4-1 -STtNGTH Of WALL STUUTf" V CONHDfNCE . I (XrOIT SLUM ANO V IfEAHS OF dVaH MONfY T. I y , - f g mr INDLSTMALS 1 10 T- JwfAKNISS Of fU ' i. i COLf MARKET AND I mCrl MINING COSTS I FEARS Of STERLING! ' , I I UffOHTS THAT COMMONWEALTH! HO DEVALUATION FEAS SCOTCHED - rRtMtfUS WOULD ASK US. TO r 1 tuDCtT haisc the comice I 90 A- i5-!! KAtnnt 1 r Tf T . ( JAN. fit." MAR. APR. MAY JUNt JULr AUG. UfT. OCT. MOV. CfC. Hunnockburn Farm, and George I n ans and his wife Annie who operated Uplands Farm. The day after her arrival, Annie Means, still aboard the Norman Morison at anchor In the harlMir, wrote to her parents in England: By the help of Ood I nm al 1'itoi ii ic pi 1 1 OALT, Out.. KPi h Miwon has a colli t leu that really pr(1(;j", cent weeks their eaj v has Included 12 egg-, all unitNualiy l didn't say so. that Mrs. Hodges was quite convinced wouldn't get the (own and hit. what with all the talk of EUk-I.iI Credit economy. Now, what on earth Is Mrs. Hodges going to do with this gorgeous but sombre black out-lit? Someone suggested she give It to the Provincial Archive, as an historical exhibit. Mrs. Hodges took coldly to that. lowed to write you a few lines to let you know we have ar-. rived quite safe after a passapc of five months. We are . . . ly lne at anchor in a most splen Surely she Isn't going to cut the did bay. about half a mile from gown down into a rocktall the shore of Vancouver's Inland f"""' . TV,'" . ' which has a most splendid up- The natives rame -, oil mr IlUfc, wrm . vv. IIMII4UH-uhln Ion? Mrs lloduex. Ut ftocllll l'arilllCC Boy and l.irl ' KlrJ THE STORY OF A YEAR of trial in Britain, which ended on a note of confidence, is told m this Reuters' graph showing the action of industrial on tha London Stock Exchange In 1952. The graph also shows the course through the year of South African golds or Kaffirs, which, like golds In Canada, found little ground for encouragement. , functions, bears watching. lloallng around us. bartering with us for their herring, and they are the queerest-looklnR j BOOTS, brit q mak. - How times do change In this ; thnl. vrut ever law . . . Ihev Special, pair game of polities. Here, for years, I ' " . . . . u, . . . if , was Mrs. Hodges occupying thei Men's KKMI-IlKt ss l good shades, lots o! ii As I See It they were clenned . . . but Just i almost naked, nothing on them : but a red or blue blanket." And Mrs. Deans signed her 'Speaker's lush suite, and now.i once more a back-bencher, and-for the first time in opposition,! wear. Now. pair i OTTAWA DIARY ZXZmsg' Canadians have no conception of the magnitude of Canada's atomic energy development project at Chalk River, about 130 miles up the Ottawa River "I remain yours truly till AnnW." letter. ! death, Hoys' llravjr W wllr, suitable for cold ilte. Real Value, PAIK i try , h I J y she must make do with a poky little office looking Into a depressing well. The sign "Mr. Speaker" Is back on the door of the Speaker's suite. During Mr. Hodges' i term the slitn read "The Sneak- 1 This week-end two of BC most outstanding elder states- Men's WORK SHIRT Doeskin, extra henn u S men, Thomas Dufferln Psittullo weight, OMV H Men's PAKK-.S, 'er" Though that sign would? and Dr. i H. King, w.a Dotn r.ot have been inappropriate to i mark their BOth birthdays-Dr. him, Mr. 8ieaker Irwin, appar- King on Jan. 18. Mr. Patlullo on ! ently, hud no patience with Its i Jan. 19. j neuter gender. He wanted the , Few men have had such dU- sood quality, heavy White Rock Peace Han lining. 1 radioactive material may fall without causing any harm. A QI KK Pfcf K Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., which operates the plant, has made two attempts in two year to let the public know nuue about this huge operation by inviting visitors from the parliamentary press gallery. The newsmen have done their best by wort! and pictures supplied by the project to let Canadians know more about Chalk River. However, even the most experienced newsmen have been Real kartain This atomic energy plant most advanced of its type in the world Is "BIQ" from every angle. And it Is doing a "BIO" Job In' research, leading to harnessing the atom for industrial power. At present, the plant represents an investment by Canadian taxpayers of $40,000,000. This will be increased to more than $70,000,000 after the new atomic reactor, to be known as the NRU pile, is completed in about two years. The plant is located on the mascullnity of the new speaker- i t.ngui.ihed careers a these two. ship definitely known. J They were legislative colleague i for year both Liberals, both Men All-Wool Plan And Jackets, Reg t Oovernthent House, which will Selected in 11. Mr. Patlullo be-i ABOUT once a year I get a letter from a veteran White Rock shoemaker, who is also a peacemaker. Here Is his world peace p'.an: "It shall be lawful lor any person by word of mouth or printed matter In a generally ac- $13?, NOW Men' DKI'SS ant SOCKS, big vrHj v choose from be a-glttler Feb. S for a stale j rame Minuter of Lands: Dr. Dinner and a State Ball, fol- King, Minister of Public Works, lowing the opening of the Leg!- Mr. Pattullo remained In the lature. was first occupied half Ministry of Lands until 192(1 a century ago this year. Tlw l when the t-lberal government first Lieutenant Oovernor to ; wa$ defeated. Then, for five live there was Sir Henri Joly de I years, he was Leader of the Op- hunks nf the ottaaa nr theifo'e only to wucn on me ire- Regulation: (Hinders Shipping IT IS an odd and unfortunate twist of eircum-I stances that in the past few days the new safety requirements ,for Canadian coastal and inland steamships have proved a serious setback for shipping on the west coast. Because of them, there is apparently little chance that the ill-fated Princess Kathleen will be replaced in the near future. J: Until recently hope ran high as the CPR had all but completed negotiations for purchase of an American ship aerating out of Boston, namely the Evangeline. Although she is a vessel that has seen long service off the New England coast and could hardly be brought up to the standards of the Kathleen in modern comfort, the Evangeline was considered quite satisfactory as a replacement by those who looked her over. Then one major disadvantage became apparent which cancelled all plans the Evangeline had wooden decks. Under the latest regulations, all new vessels built for operation in Canada must be fitted with steel decks. Although the Evangeline does not mi'alify as a new ship in point of age, the Canadian government takes the view that her purchase would put her in this category. For this reason, her hard-ivood decks did not receive approval. While no criticism can be made of adherence to safety regulations, the provoking fact is that the Evangeline is just as foolproof as other wooden-fleck ships in these waters which were operating before the regulations went into effect. She has all the proper bulkheads and a modern sprinkler System, as required by the safety standards. I To change her decks to steel not only would be a long and excessively costly operation, but would almost certainly upset her entire balance. Under these circumstances, in short, the deal is off. This unexpected development puts a discouraging aspect on future passenger travel along the coast. It means that the badly-needed replacements of ships gone or going will probably have to be' bj-and new ships. While such ships would be eminently welcome, construction costs have gone so high that the supply is unlikely to keep pace with ' the need. Passenger ships being a traditional and vital part of B.C.'s commerce, it would be a tragedy tc allow their trade to. languish at a time when the opportunities are greater than ever. If there is any real danger in their operations on the west coast, It is not in their structural qualities but in faulty navigation. More attention to this point would be fi greater contribution to safety than the installation of steel decks. ; No doubt the latter is very desirable, too, and should be enforced when new ships are built. Meanwhile, no one could accuse the federal authorities jbf being remiss in their duties if, to prevent a shipping shortage, they were more generous in their technical definitions of vessels now operating. middle of a plot of land meas- j """"dous amount of work going urine about 10 000 acres. How- ; u" Lotblnlere, who was sent here j position In the Tolmle Corner Newsmeu face several handi-' cepted way Intelligently to put lt mnrp than lnfl Ktmr- ever. tures of all shapes and sizes I Kv " v,su piani. ; unu from Quebeo by Prime MinUU-e vatlve regime. In 1833 he be-Sir Wilfrid Laurler. Sir Henri i came Premier, quit In I91 when succeeded Dr. T. R. Mclnnls. 1 fc refused tn coler with the occupy only 100 acres of land' lne "rsl Bna pernaps most un-1 iea oi, or rerummerumiion nr. wiinin me area. inerea-,- "- ---- - larger .., u. . . ... . - ,,n u n f . Thou J i . t rl I umm.n a a. vljui(si ! ' fired because he In- i Tories For four sessions he sat 1 (nrfkmil In nmvtnrUil rVillti.-h 1 - . - - son ior an me lana, oi course, - - --- v ......... "'ientists and do not understand , life. is to ensure privacy and to pro- j j the only Lieutenant Oovernor In our history to gel tlve axe. vide an uninhabited area around : "-- jaBu. olicuusis mm -This shall be, so that all peo- the plant into which any loose i 11 a"llt"lt w explain wnal they j pte may consider and lntelllgent- General Electric are aoing. Jy weigh. all matters pertaining A LOM.r K UKK " to our social order, for the pui- This means that the newsman pose that a well balanced, 'temo-is conducted on a big Cook s cratic government may bt lr.-Tour of the plant, and Is able ; telligently obtained and respect- J! THE '; ETTERBOX1 Today Is an Important oeea- 1 sion In BC. history lne 100th anniversary of the arrival In Ksqulmalt harbor of the barque Norman Morison, with a note't list of peopie many of whom were to be counted among the 1 to make only a hurried lnspec-; ed by all. Appliani tion of a machine which clicks "We forbid the citizen o or e and spins and has something to (rom crlticzlrn, tnc iaw INTERESTING ITEMS Editor, The Dally News: Could I express appreciation in your columns for the many uu wim uujiiuc energy, l nv scientist doesn't have very much success in trying to explain the operation of the machine In a j founders of British Columbia. , Yes, it was Indeed quite a j boatload, a veritable Mayflower, i There were Kenneth Macken-! zie, who founded Cralgf lower of other countries, for the. purpose of discrediting or condemning their domestic government. . A person may speak well but not I ill of the same." i enlightening topics you have had lew minutes. By the time the newsman is reariv to en hnmp he'll rearlilv Washing Machine, Floor Polishers, Radios, Kettles, Ranges, Vacuum Cleaners and many others. RUPERT RADIO AND ELEQl Phone 644 Boi Farm, and Thomas Skinner who started the Constance Cove Farm; Little Margaret Dwyer, who was married here to William Thomson and rode with him on horseback to the wilds of Saanlch and established admit that most of what he saw .SUPPOSE the above code wer-was beyond his comprehension.' accepted by governments, pe-This could be blamed on the! Ples alltl newspapers of all coun-.shortness tTie!i At na!f tne speeches of the two visit news- ; men have made to the nln! J made at UN would go unsaid, on your pages in the past several weeks. There have been four items in the last Tew days that are very Inteersting to me which include your editorial of Jan. 7, "No Place for Them," and your news item of ian. 8, "Alex Hunter Award -Fund." I would not leave out your letterbox entiy of Jan. 9 from the child-lover who offered help, and your Jan. 1 1 Item on the Oood Citizen's ballot day program. . and it might be a good Idea if - and tnere would be much Jlf f r-a selected group of reporters ' ent reports in our newspaper.:, were permitted to spend a feW:not 10 mention Rus.Ua'. days at the plant ln the future. ! There is one minor weakness. They would then be in a better! I think In the shoemaker's plan. position to inrorm the public on j It is sometimes necessary li the enormous amount of work i criticize bad law of other coun- feoine on at Chalk River. tries. If their adoption ln your own country mlsht happen because the peopla were Ignorant A3 good citizens, we can hardly imagine that we could find such outlandish cireumstance3 as quoted in your editorial oi Jan. 7, in this heathen wtrld of ours in our present state of plenty and freedom. MILESTONES Irom IIh- I 11m it ltie Itnllr Newa of their actual effect elsewhere. Also, crlttctsm from outside. If Justified, is a poer.ful force firr the country crit 40 Years Ago Today Now my attitude on the Alex Hunter fund I believe we could icized. A good example of hoi that works u in the raca and color question In U SA. yea.-there was not a single lynching m that country, where lynchinw T. D. Pattullo has been ilected Mayor of Prince Rupert with M. P. McCaffery, O. W. Kerr, George Leek, John Dybhavn, L. Bullock-Webster, D. Sutherland, G. n. use this perpetual award which we contemplate to far better advantage than giving someone a "tin god" when we have ao many Juvenile delinquents despaired of by their unfortunate parents. I would hope that we, were all too common a few years Naden and T. R. Maittand beUig ! ago. Moon, oecv aetokw REFLECTS and REMINISCES elected Aldermen. I Kay Skeena Highway - ih looks less discouraging. BUT subject to the above qualification the shoemaker's peace as better talented citizens, could divide our contributions among 30 Years Ago Today City Clerk Woods announced this morning that from now on plan seems absolutely sound. the students of our public schools winter vation next to the Bank of Com-Oncejmerce, burned about daybreak, Jesus Himself was the greatest for the most progressive schol- would like to meet YOU thU ars "who may not neces.sailly be k"e lotai vores wiu oe cioeeo i teacher who ever walked descendants of some political mursaay aiiernoon uistead of earth. He said: 4t used to be heard suggested; years ago. It was unlike any-ttjat the road be ''forgotten be-j thing ever seen before, in bank tween November and March. But! blocks. From its numerous and Jhat changed into an asinine large windows views, command- conservative." Wednesdays, louowmg tne decis- If we should have a surplus, we ; lon tne electors at the refcr-could apply it to constructing a ! endum last week. 4dea years ago. I lng the townsite were obtainable !Tho rae spienaia nlenrtlri harhor narDor, lawn lawns ftnfi ant, band -stand and stadium around' tha Mnnriniw, .r,H nnin nu,.. gardens and city streets had to We're about to remember Rob be leisurely criticized, to Be ap me muviyinuMi. rain, awimimii I H,lu v.l,wu pool for our Booth Memorial ! organized by Mr. Q. A. Bryant, band. I were the hit of the evening at tended scholarship and expenses, i thc Presbyterian Ladies Aid con. ert Burns again '. because we "want to. His message goes and A new Rank of Montreal office open in Terrce f Monday on ihe et side of Kalum Street, between U't-and Lakelie Avenuci. We'll , he open every w eek day except Saiurday ik 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. You ar cordially invited to make use of our icm-as may suit you heat. ' "How can you say to your brother. Let me take this speck out of your eye, when there U .1 log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you wilt see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Suppose that w In the western alliance were deliberately to apply that principle which taught. Our main task would be to set our own house In order. preciated. The blaze was one of Rupert's most severe. The Moose is heard everywhere. v Now as for balloting day, let miss It, and so do the pioneers who remember It so well. H AY TO GET WARM 3 cert at the Empress Theatre last evening. 20 Years Ago Today us do our best for those who we anticipate will make us an honorable future; and here I wish to There can still be found old The Prince Rupert Bhrlne Club last night elected Peter Lorerrzen bring to mind the great work of our past editor, Mr. Hunter, in Tk 1,4 4t. ,,lw n 1 . Buaineti accounts, perionat accounts, houtehold cM 'limers in Prince Rupert who moved here after the gold stampede and listened to them describe cold weather in Yukon. It's a good way to feel warm, after President. Arthur Brooksbank, mort ,. overnight. .,iw Vice-President, vi,,ni John m, r.v.u-.r Dybhavn, .11, No religion has a monopoly on ing accounts, low-coit personal loam are only a few " many aervice provided . , . helpful tervicet that mat' tin! easier a little (mootber. Everyone can give pleasure in some way. One person may do It by coming into a room and another by going out. Blasting Crew To Douse Fire devoting so much of his time and editorial page for the Improvement ln our literary concepts, even to Introducing our sovereign Bible to be studied In our public schools. such teachings for Gandhi, a secretary-tre&aurer, and Executives S. C. Thomson, 8. E. Parter and J. 8, Nelson. i a few chilly days hi Uiis neck of the woods . r Hindu, was the greatest demonstrator of the- positive technique f r: To save monevto borrow money for help in ' advised by Christ. And all over ' If they had yet to learn, num So in this behalf, please find enclosed $2.00 which I can pres Asia the little clay figures with financial matters, lee your new neighbour . . . ih B o'1 erous folks in Prince Rupert found out during the winter of three pair of hands covering ently afford, with the hope that . The Grotto Senior League Basketball team arrived in Ketchikan yesterday, first stop In th2lr playing tour of the north, 10 Yeors Ago Today eyes, ear and mouth, tell thel CHAUVIN, Alta. KTiA blasting own story "see no evil, hear no crew has started preparation to blow out a raging oil fire fed by an estimated 6,000,000 cubic feet evil, speak no evil." The White Rock man say "of the other 4916, how to skate. What was to become the Court House site was converted to -a spaciou rink, end if memory servea ' correct, band concerts also served. Winter sports lasted for weeks. The General Hospital Is so fellow or other nation." we as citizens can enlarge our borders and principles, and finally possibly reap a great reward from our Lord and Master. FAY B. OAMLIN. (Editor's note: Mr. Oamlin's contribution has been included In the Good Citizenship Award Fund which now: totals $273.) crowded at the present time that admission of new patlenU is dis couraged unless ordered by their MOUNTING TOLL Bank of Montreal CKtuU'i "Pint Sa4 Terrace Pranch: ' WILLIAM WtLLINCS, Mmger WOI KINO WITH CANADIANS IN I V I If WAIK OP lire SlNCt of natural gas in the last two days. The blase broke out during processing to put the oil well, four miles west of here and 100 mile northeast of Calgary, on production. doctor. VANCOUVER (CP) Complete figures show 34 persons died tn Retail price of milk has b'.-en TllEY MISS IT If the Moose Club could le-appear it would come as a genuine astonishment to a good sized part of the population. The building perched on a rocky e'e- advanced by order of the W?r traffic accidents in Vancouver In 1952, three more than ln the previous year. The Comstock Lode, great Nevada silver mine, was discovered 1n 1859. I time Prices and Trad Board to Try Daily News Want Ads 15c a quart in Prince Rupert 1i: ),.