rrince Rupen Uuiiy New Friday, January 16, 1953 Touchdowners Hear Case Of Filchock vs. Eskies SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS MAKE TREED COON SHOW HIMSELF Fight Site Argument First Case NEW YORK APi BoxinR's new board of review gets as Its first case one of the oldest By JIM PEACOCK Cnnsdlnn Pmw Buff Writer if" t. M If t Robbers' Shot Miss Probers VANCOUVER 0)-.T, station employee, S!Md shot at la ft Tuesday r,C investigating an ttf,3 a suburban grmv-ry ,L they hcari sound, 0 glu.fi. They said one f fleeing empty-handed .. store In the KlUi:.ir,0" fired two t,hots at uiem ahich minted. Tie service sUtion , jm -awifrii uaMp! 111 iiti ." ' k ' Ota i lSirO : EDMONTON (CF) The "Filchock case" did not die, it only slept awhile. fllnglns The ou at In g of 'problems in boxing: Where to' ! hold the heavyweight champion j ! were o.Try Btalty 19 . Fry. - '- t'lit'fi - - - - 1 1 9 ' fed V I JANUARY U SPORTSf ASTrR Patrick i Paddy i Burns of Montreal had never seen a microphone when hi.s wife talked him into a W III V W I Mfc bout? The board, set up by the New York state athletic commission and the National Boxing Association three days ago, will attempt to settle a disagreement which threatened to block plans for heavyweight champion. Rocky Marciano's April 10 return j bout with former champion Jer-: sey Joe Walcott. ; Promoter Jim Norris. president i of the International Boxing Club. I wants the fight in Chicago. No' Chicago, no fight, is the way he! j put it. . ! ; WANTS BK.GIR ARENA t-vrv SoMETlMCS A COON IS DIFFICULT TO LOCATE IN THE AFTER HOUNPS HAVE TKCE.O IT. HI5 CURlOSITV CAN BE AHOUS-EE By THE. IMITATED SOUNPS OF A 6OO0 COON FIGHT By THE HUNTERS' SNARLING ANO SQUALLING. AS IT BECOMES LOUP AND FIERCE THE COON WILL- EITHER MOVE AROUNL? 60 H6 HAS A BETTER VIEW, ENABLING A LIGHT TO SHINE UP HIS EYES IN THE DAKKNFS5 cm we mav jump out op THE TREE. BHC television try-out f!Mir ; years ago. Now he is a leading i leievimoH sfnit tavusicr ill Luu-i don. avvraf.ing 40 shows a yeur on all kinds ot sports subierts. A 30-year-old Canadian Army Vetera i, he u.ves a rapid-fire. wise-tracking style which has i some critics but has built an Winnlpeg-Eomonton western film). The rlub preferred to leave the matter until the season's end. Filchock suid contract talk started when he got other offers from football men. The Eskimo president said Filchock had asked for a "two or three year contract" with salary and bonuses which could have totalled J17.500. After considerable negotiations, financial arrangement granting Filchock a possible $16,000 in )!53 and Ha.ioii in 131 were agreed to. Then, Montf oinrrjr aald. Filchock demanded the SI, 004 fur signing and intimated h wuulri nut uiroinparv the club to the (.rev Cup f-xme unless this was (ranted. Filchock admitted to this but claimed he had a right to do so. He explained thut his position with the club was in jeopardy all season. SHAKY POSITION' "A few of the executives had it in for ma all season. What for, I don't know." He said his shaky position became even more t following Eskimos' loss to Calgary In the first playoff game. He aald he Frankie Filchock as coach of the western football champion F.dmonton Eskimos over contract termi came to life in detail here before a jammed house of 500 Touchdown Club members who Insisted Filchock himself be given u hearing. But when Eskimo President Ken Montgomery had given his report, and Filchock had been heard, the air still didn t seem rleur to most in attendance. Montgomery was called before the annual meeting of the Touchdowners. Earlier Filchock had been denied a right to attend, but he was called before Montgomery report. Filchock and the Eskimos parted late In December over a contract dispute. Eskimos claim Frank refused to sign the new two-year pact. Filchock says, "If they wanted to get rid of me, why didn't they Just tell me?" Montgomery presented a lengljiy prepared report on the contract dealings. He said one ot the big isues in the dispute was a $1,000 bonus Filchock had demanded before he would lgn. Montgomery aald Filchock began contract talk during the THRKE-MONTII-OI.n Vanessa looks on quizzically as her hockey-playing faOior. Ritti.- Iiv of Brighton Timers, holds the cup he received for compH.ing a total of 400 goals in scheduled English league comoetitioi. Lee. 41 -year-old native of Verdun, Que., came to Britain in 1036. His English wife Billie and 10-year-old Bobby Jr., also look on. CP Photoi But Felix Bocchiechlo, Wal cott's manager. Insisted that the scrap be in Atlantic City's con-j vnntinn linll Afi fMVl Bnntlnff 11- audience of from 3.000.000 to 5.000.COO . U K. listeners and viewer for his .sport shows. j uacity or the Miami Orange Bowl; SPORTS ROUND-UP knew for a fact that certain Eskimo executives circulated ru 551 viuiO Mi 10 mors "along coffee row mat ti- j o-'ki euimir 1 chock Is tiirouph." 1 '' p iiniuxi cfcw : h!M(' igXI'AMMiit Filchock said. "After all. I'm I.ICT "7, ltK) utr. 1 m;,a j 75.000. ! He contended the Chicago I Stadium's 26.000 seats are not enough. I The New York-NBA board then took over and called for Norris and Bocchicchio to produce contracts at a Friday morning meet-: in? heif. a business man." and In view of the uncertain poiltlon during t. un..i tm miiH By GAYLE TALBOT NEW YORK !.(AP) Sports writers are surprised to discover that Frank Sedgman and Ken McGregor not only can talk but also, in some instances" use three-syllable words. thp K--.T5.-in ihntu'ht he had a "mwmt wot ui K HIT I riKOI, VI pirfc Mti iit: ivuiu mi' 11 he could. -4 bWrV' ".MY TI R NOW" Norris was nettled over the The surprise i" understand We Dut the ctiestirms to a suimoung diock. Me nad expeot- number of high Australian ten-! to announce Tuesday thai the nis officials within the last twoif'Rnt was a11 set-week?. Each of them said he! 'If wants ,ne f'Knt In- believed the Americans would be I do0"' lt wU1 have 10 m Cnl-happier in the long run going i a0''' Norrls "He na a" Canada able, for in their previous visits, to U.S. shores as amateurs the two young Aussies were not permitted to go beyond a cautious "hello" in tneir dealings with the press. If they looked as though they , might have had something else in mind, such as an extension of their remarks. sm ; j Buy ere. 1 - serve meir casual way. his way for the fight in Philadelphia. He put the bull on me then. Now it's my turn." Today, Canada must be constantly on the alert to meet any threats to our national security. Trained, armed strength is the safe way to guard our freedom. Howe Scores ."Going into these matches," one of them said, referring to the challenge round, "I ve felt we were playing professionals against your amateurs. That isn't a good feeling. Under Hop-man our boys must breathe tennis day and night, every day of the year. Your fellows at leat the ones you sent this year are young gentlemen who play tennis for fun. You will be wise to keep it that way." j it needed only a quick glance at their team captain, Harry Hop-man, to convince them they were in error. Who knows but what Frank and Ken will be talking normally by the time they are halfway through their present pro- ; le,ssional tour with Jack Kramer? At the moment they speak J hesitantly, as though testing their new-found freedom of expression, but that is almost certain to wear off. The reason we have for pointing up this linguistic phe 2 More Goals In Shutout By The Canadian Press 1 Gorriie Howe, leading scorer in the National Hockey League, got his 26th and 27th goals Thursdav night as Goalie Terry Sawchuk gave leading Detroit Red Wings a 4-0 shutout over Boston Bruiru. In the night's pther gamt . Montreal Canadians finally moved into second place ahesd of Chicago when they downed the Hawks 2-0 with two third-period goals. . Start the New Year right with a quality A-l Used Car or Truck A Test Drive of any of the following selection will convince you that we do sell better used cars and trucks. ! 1I9 Plymouth Sedans-Just the car for the family $1413 J 1950 Ford Forclors Everything to be desired in motor ing pleasure. Your choice at $1125 TRllK MAHKtl' IB16 3-Tnnner, complete wtlh flat deck .. SfiftS 1!M9 3-T.m, 178 " W B A very useful truck il'.ti Call in t "The Home of Friendly Service'' for a courteous demonstration of any of the above and many more to chrxvse from. Bob Parker Ltd. Phone 93 "The Hum1 of Friendly Srvlc nomenon is that it has a direct AAaglie Signs New Contract For $32,000 r i 1 p. Yourself and bearing on the Davis Cup future of the United States. The problem is: should the U.S. look around and see if it can find a Hopman somewhere within its ranke. a man who could take promising young American players and, by depriving them to speech and otherwise retarding their normal de NEW YORK rAPi Sal Maglie, New York Giants' right-handed Howe, who now has a total cf pitching ace. came down from ,50 Doints in 40 eames. ..cored his Niagara Falls home for the; che Canadian Army Active Force growing rapidly, there is a great or young men "who tan qualify as New York Press Photographers develop Association dinner here and stay- velopment, gradually without assistance late in the. opening period and again durin; the middle session. Other scores: WHL Victoria 2, Calgary 1; Spokane 4, Kimberley 4. 1 ea to sign a contract lor a re them into world-beaters? 1 ported $32,000. Frankly, the U.S. is going to have a hard time winning that' 1 cup back until it does. junior leaders. Ahility and initiatisc id cjuiilc recognition and promotion in the Army. There are outstanding career opportunities for young men in Maglie, who said in an interview before the dinner that he planned to see Giant officials hV the Active Force . . . valuable training, excellent pav and Is it worth it? Would the' young American players, most of whom have had at least a nodding acquaintance with sol- j lege, take kindly to such a face-' less existence? The answer is No. i 1 1 ret lrffTwnr nunc nni.n, ,nn r l ' ..i. lSv medical and dental care, RED CEDAR LOGS WANTED Number two, sixteen-inch in diameter ond up. Number three, fourteen-inch in diameter and up. ACT IMMEDIATELY. Write R. J. L!oyd, 661 W. 31st, Vancouver, B.C. or Phone FAirmont 7599Y. acout a contract, was as surprised as anyone at the turn of events. "But I'm as happv as I am surprised," he said as Giant officials beamed. It was announced that the right-hander, who won 18 games and lost eight for the second-place team despite an aching back, received the same terms as last year. The best guess seemed to be about $32,-000. ... Purpose of the dinner was to travel, mlventurc and pew friends. I ''!l Great Fight Career Ends As Risko Dies MIAMI, Fla. AP The great present Maglie, Brooklyn Dodger 1 j shortstop Peewee Reese and New ' York Yankee shortstop Phil Riz-zuto plaques a3 the athletes .who were mast co-operative with photographers. ' Remember When Babe Ruth too!c a S15.0W sal heart that carried Johnny Risko through 187 profesijionai and amateur prize fights in a long ring career stopped last Tuesday night. ,'; Risko, 50, was attending a meeting at the Elks Lodge when he collapsed. He died en route to hospital. He had suffered from A heart condition for some time. The Cleveland "RubVr Man" never was champion, b)t he met such headliners as Qtne Tun-ney, Jack Sharkey, Max Schmel- lo 0 n the Infantry I ary cut to i.V with New YorH Yankees 19 ym.-j ago today. He received 35,O0O for the 1934 season agaii.s. $50,000 in 1933, but had seen his peak in 1930 and 1931 when he was paid $80,000 in ing, Max Baer, 'Tofty Heeney, each year. The all-time ea-ni Tommy Loughran, Miijkey walk- er and many others before he lings of Ruth, who died in 1948, retired in 1940. 't were estimated at $1,425,000. The Infantry is the backbone of the Canadian Army. Its soldiers, all highly trained technicians, are the most important men in our Army. There are many specialized jobs in modern Infantry for young men with an eye for adventure. Service with one of Canada's worId-fam,ous Infantry Regiments offers plenty of scope and challenge. 'to enlist you must be... 17 to 40 years of age and able lo meet Army test requirements. Applicants should bring birth certificates or other proof of age u hcu reporting for interview. Womeh'S Nylon Overshoes Woterproof . . .- Nylon Sheerling L;ned. Apply Right Away to: .J 1 Personnel Depot4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver. B.C. 4-ivtaX Mterw: It's richer, robust, full-bodied... jl TUj(iTimM blended to satisfy the taste of It '.''t, ,t;M British Columbians. Try it .. . jj fSfe; , Jf you'll like Captain Morgan II lA Jf Black Label Rum. 'H JjS CaptainMongan RUM R Z'S . Jt' AMI" Laced . Zipper $7.95 $9.45 Jomfie CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE flow Fashion Footwear THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT FUlUSHeO Ot DISPUTED BY THE UQUO CONTROl BOARD OR IT THE GOVERNMENT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA