. .v rii. Prince Rupert Daily News 1 Friday. January 18, 1953 bassing readers Moose whist drive, Saturday With SanJ.j DISTRICT NEWS TERRACfc Commissioners, in the company of their wives and Mr. and Mrs. L. G, Casey, enjoyed a social hour and supper together at the Motel after their first H ": City Pupils Hear Famed Forest Man A forest ranger who Is reputed to know the north country of B.C. better than any man alive Is In Prince Rupert to give talis s the extreme cold so muny people, t Jan. 17, Moose Temple. Every-1 one welcome. H4i j Fifty per cent off on toys, j children's books and boxed s Christmas card.-;. McRae Bros, j Regular monthly meeting! 1 Prince Rupert Branch Navy League of Canada will be held Friday, Jan. 18, Ward Room, HMOS. Chatham, 8 pm. (13; lux-key enthusiasts noyed. now the kids meeting of the year. Arrow "Par" It allowed at present. There were 457 when Mr. Vallee arrived in November 1950. you ran t satisfy all Iho time. . i i, a the oujecuons. Mrs. J. Valdcrhaug of Prince ?, '"' ..,-, v . s . ' 4 Jt ( -rV-li, , - i j ? I v?f r v t, ' i , V. i'Vl8 A' h. . to all the schoolchildren In the area. He Is Ranger W. K. "Rusty" Campbell, who is on assignment for the public relations and education division of the B.C. Forest Service. Officially sworn into office by Stipendiary Magistrate Will Robinson In the municipal council chambers were: Emil Hauu-land, Sam JCirkaldy. for two-year terms, and Oeoff Lambly, Harry Philip for one-year terms. Dudley Little was the only commissioner whose term was not up this year. Mr. Haugland is entering his 21st year as commissioner and - ! SO N. whist and dance, Friday, Jan. 16. Whist 8 p.m., danca 10-2. Oood prizes. Refreshments. ; Music by Mike Colussi. Everyone welcome. (13) Special annual meeting Shoreworkers' Local United Rupert was a week-end visitor in Terrace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Toftager. Mrs. Tommy Fraser, editor of the Omineca Hrald, was winner of the prize in a "Name the I" 4 - , A legendary figure who has carried the gospel of woods conservation to every town, village ll)C ruili' w which incidentally ' i with some gusto in ,. m the Jiost two )UVi r radio unnounr-.,id citizens In the ,,.t o( southern B.C. : that 4 -"J inches of , dripped over Van-, far tins month. He that only llK'1 ', ail that s been re-n Rupert since New i and hamlet in northern and Band" contest when the Terrace Fishermen and Allied Workers Band invited the public to sub- Union. Legion Auditorium, Sun-mlt suitable numes. The name I day, Jan. 18. at 2:30 p.m. Busi-chosen was "Silver Jubilee Iness includes discussion 1953 central B.C., Mr. Campbell lias formed some definite opinions at the meeting was named chairman of the commission for the 11th consecutive years. Members appointed to the, various committees were: I Finance Harry Philip (chair Band" in honor of the band's I agreements. Election of officers. I fbout the countryside. v ill 'A: "The countij south of the j will be present. All members are Terrace's Silver Jubilee. rtttn1! CNR line between Prince Runei't and Prince Oeorge offers wonderful opportunities for develop requested employed Judges were Einii Hauguaiid, C. L. M. Giggey and E. S. Laird. urgency whether ployed. 4 u -J man), Sam Kirkaldy. Waterworks Emit Haugland (chairman), D. O. Little, Sam Kirkaldy. Sidewalks Sam Kirkaldy (chairman), Harry Philip. Streets Geof Lambly (chairman), D. O. Little. Sewers D. O. Little (chairman), Oeoff Lambly. ment," he said in an interview today. "The whole block east of Bella Coola and west of the Fraser watershed has almost everything a settler could want. Terrace ambulance, operated by the Terrace volunteer fire department, made 44 trips during 1952, travelling 2100 miles. The fire department answerea T It is moderately rolling country which is easily traversed and has great possibilities for min h all tiv talk about .rw seem to realize c.y s midst lit a tunc player who has ;v rounding out play-, tln ir stulf on Kun-li,r permitting thi' flits Club w It p it quiet that th" ,-n.irli of thi lr entrlc:. Hull - is a former lll.te. ;itn! thiough the would find that Oar-lonior professional Parks and street lights D. O. fin; whit Broadcloth shirt Smart, (lotted spread collar Per has loft. wiiipiod collar wilk liMpHiMrt oy. Aod H took to hondtom Willi pur Wlnduw-knot tick! Arrow toilored ol fine Soofor. izod broodclotti &hrinlro9 Uh thoo 1). Mitogo art (or body toped fU. Dvral), oncKortd-on buttons. SWe rK "Por" koio todayl WATTS & NICKERS0N ing and ranching. It has all Little. kinds of waterpower resources IIHX HANS A. R. CiRAAE. Jet pilot from London, Onl., who flew 100, minions with the United State Air Force down "MiO Alley" In North Korea, shows hi mother a Japanese klmona he brought home as a souvenir. He received two medals from the USAF for flying unarmed recornaisatice plane, sometimes within sight of Communist air field alone the Yalu river. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Efcrj-berfjr get bit nm-down nw an-4 then, bre4ut, heary-he-i-rie-ri, and auvbc bother by Uducttca. Perhaps aethmf Mri-Miljr vranf, fust a Uniiiwry tout candition caused by csreas aod and waste. Thai s the time to take Ded-d s Kidney Pill. DmU's atmutate the kky, and beta- raster their iwrmai actMfl af reaawiof net arids and waste. Then jmm fed better, sleef better, wark better. Get IbtM i fc.doT Patts new. Lea tor the blua bat with the red band at a drugpsts. Yaw can de-peed an Dadd'a. 52 and a high timber alue." 20 fire calls, eight in town andi 12 outside the village limits. ! BURNS LAKE Betty Beedlc anc her brother Ronald had a narrow escape from freezing to death last Saturday when their car stalled near Wistaria, Ootsa Lake, in 20 For 230 mlies west of Williams Lake, Mr. Campbell observed Funcral services were held for William Oliver, Terrace old-timer, who died at hit home at the age of 72. Born near Loru.ua,' England, he came to Terrace in 1926 and the land is as level as country in Ontario. He added that an- a: n I 1 u . I it i.untu luii prime .mist such greats BS otner advantage of the area U below zero weather during a t tit. frank IrriirirM j Try Daily News Want Ads driving snowstorm. They were forced to take shel- was employed for many years by i I vvien5-Keynoias .Nuptials j Performed at Burns Lake (in.. I r tn. to mention that it is surrounded on all sides by population and industrial growth. 'The development of this country is one day going to emaze the world," he declared. .is a well-known the Public Works Department. He retired a few years ago. He was well known and respected In the community. Flowers filled the Pentecostal Church Bpll to The Unllv Ntwi ROLL-AWAY BED i ter In the car, but could not j start the engine, j James NeUon and Gordon i Law-son happened along and j took them to the Lawson farm. ! When they were reported nu t learned to play j lu, .lomr town of Ontario, and an a i With plans u address every HUIJNS LAKE. The U-autifuIly-decorated An- where Rev. A. C. Sliindel rhiwil oh well nn nlher nrnnl TIlll' UC itUif pcr 7aUiiRX in tills recion. Mr. ! ! giioan Church here was the scene lat, Saturday of Camnbell doeji much of hill Mr. Oliver is survived bv his 'overdue. RCMP left Burns LakO ,1 ...i.i; , r ....ip.. n i i ii a nt Uaue In Mani- , mi-uiihio; yji .Mrtinaifi ijUl'lia nevnoiUS 10 1 t'lt'l travelling in a jeep of British widow and daughter. Noreen. j to locate them. The police buck-manufacture and is at all times! Palltx-arers were Chris Haug-i ed heavy snow and in a blinding ViVm cauioDcd with a nortable movie' land. Ralph Corey, Greg Seiber, i bllzard overtook the missing projector. parties at 3 a.m. and after resting up at the Lawson home, re- td Finlayson, Oeorge and Ar nold Best. Complete with spring-filled mattress. Finished in Bakelon Aluminum Enamel .... Designed especially for easy storage Easy to handle. , turned thtm to Burns Lake late Girl Golfer Chosen as Top Athlete Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Reynold), the bride chose a long gown of white satin with laee jaekrt over net, and a lonii veil. She carried it bouquet of nws and carnations end wjre a necklace of iM-nrU. The ceremony was performed Uy Kev. A W. Atkinson. The jeep, whieli has aa infinite variety of gear and can climb like a mountain goat, in a concesMon to modern science. Previously he was formed OI out Vlrden. HotirU. Purt.it:.' la Prairie, and Winnipeg mz'd a IraRue In the electoral district in and was manager nn ot several teams reuit. Altogether he y,; pro ames being t.x ttaiiie in lDla. nn- wi t in years ao ip rt ,n 1M lie )ll-l HfXitlt com-' the .Sunday Kanie be- K!ks ind Gyros and IH-ctaUirs identify the (irorcr Murray will .c puulU' address ys- . ' Saturday y night g suffering from j j 1 u Terrace Rod and Gun Club m Ialr condiUon. hopes to obtain a better method ; " of transport for anglers and others who have trouble getting .11 . their boats through the small' I PKV3 jOlflS passageway over the fisheries j fence on Lakelse River. CLoona I Irtii It was decided at the meeting JNCC I Id Willi to send a letter to Tom BUton.j official confirmation of the in charge of the Fisheries Ex- i incorporation ot the village of perimental Station at Lakelse j xelkwa Into the Skeena Health Lake, asking If action would be Un.t was received during Decent- tovrtrd the urnc routes on foot, on snow shoes, by dog team, and b .anUMng else lliat was bandy. Tall and post .(sint; o wry The bi ide.Miiuid. Miss t.sther! By HKt ( K I'lllM IPS Hiiltkrwni. rousln of the bride.i t-niiii Pre. Hu.it nw of iU)-e Lake, wore a mauve. .95 $29 PRICE satin die ji with white net ot! TORONTO W-Marjenc bltw-Iv r klrt end a white velvet art. the Foothill. Ont,. younit;T j outdoors humor, he a! ;o has a i riKoureefulnesA born of ntct s- ' w 5 't v 1 1 -.v I . . ) tl-V . "i - j- - y ? ) 4' i s ' s Ik " : "V. ' ?. -(: 'V, rj v i : ! X - i -4 , s i v . V ' r . . , I s : " f. i .i' in -r,T '' tit,', j - ' i i " i , i V H V'K ; k' l. t- h-t ' f . l . ' h t , ' . !' t v. tw iK ' -J , i hat. fine carrtea white and pink-whose meUorlc rise to stardom i eiv One Dredlc.uncnl he sur- A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. , carnations. .stunned the golfing world in mounted cume on a bitter in- I Flower mrl was little Loretta hat rhllM.n rmiudas i ter day In a tiny wilderne. taken this year. j ber, it is disclosed in the monthly .... resume of Dr, Duncan M- Black, i .Ii,l axlw.rA wm mnirirkiv itf Hirst Reynolds. younKer sister of th- -For Ow a Quarter of a Century" Thone 773 "A Good Place to Buy-327 Third Avenue ouUtandlng woman athlete for ..v.. v . 1... ......., director. i had ever been shown. bilde, who was channing In a VS 1 11 u,t 1 1 viu ia u y juuug K J ' . . . . , ! - . I jkHiR dress of pale green satin the setond year In a row. pie is the mall bore rifle ran3e ne rep . . Finding the o.t:y available herein biouKht wine k Iiohi the s.u!h jiul carried a txiuquet of pins. Trie 19-year-old s.'nsatlon won ; u,illom'? too .smnll to toni 'iii operated at the Civic Centre. 1.. 1.11 1 I t. cAAlirin i-lfil i Heavy army training rifles ar? "iy jaii aim u. '"c ' ' "" t and white carnation going away in the annual tana-; ,)0ln pi.0jrC(or nd screen, the " . " used for practice every Wcdnes- si man was jnnnny tsa-v- oiaii nr.-s inni in irn i una ..,.,. .fated ,iK audience. rhuk, also of Hums Ijike Ush- and broadcaster. She polled 81 day evening eretted the white backdrop. from 6:30 to 3 Queen , o'clock. I In charge of instruction Is; .Announcing Official PRICE REDUCTIONS Charlotte Island for a portion! of the month, considerable cur- Jack Williams, aided last week! I then went out Into several feet of snow, set the machine on a f.iblc and aimed it through a AllKlOW. During the running of thy iers were Teddy Hultkrans and votes on a 3-2-1 voting system. 51 lAbe and Duve Wlrns. more thun her closest competitor, jmt l PTION , - Youth was the keynote in the j After the ceremony a n-cep- 1952 lutings The tep three j lion was held In the Community place were taken by aihleies 20 I Hail, where Mr Atkinson pro- years of axe or under. Several itailment of nursing duties were by Ueoif Lambly. found necessary. 1 first reel, the projector niotur and Mrs. Krrdn (roin the Pi nice rtu-MHi .tllan h.is derided h hiiiiM II In surgiral in New Westminster, i-iitly was awarded a ,) In the Royal Col-trKeor. And. said Dr. .is daugnter Dorolh. 'i a public health renticton. BC. The 1 1 Ijmted Christina .ii Vaneuuver. . ivor of Douulas. Al-sr fusii h has re-'Nio aftvr visiting his ties H.ll, and hi sls- 1 posed the toast to the bride and other on the list were aio In stopped, apparently affected by Telephone now for full information on this substantial saving. Bcntly George Benoit, son of ; Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Benoit. wis ; the first baby born in Terrace: Hospital New Year's Day. Also born New Year's Day was a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Houlo. jit was responded to by the the teen-age bracket. ! the cold, and refused to run any I grtiom. . .... - ! further. Commandeering nn as- Guests included E. RPy..M IM ht tlv? f Mrs, Ri:tar.t. Mr. Campbell hart I nolds. grandmother of the bride, Miss Stewart's selection' was j man stand in the snow ocslde Mrs. Olof Hultkrans and Mrs. umni a foregone conclusion.! the machine and turn the rc- i William Clark, at present in gnc raptured the National Worn-1 retaining reels by hand, wlule he ; Gordon Vosburgh hits Uiken j hospital here, to whom the bride en's Close golf rhamplonshp for ; hi 111. "' If stoud just iuside tho : 0ver his partner's share of th presented her bouquet the second year In a row. and her window and relayed instructions : iBW nrm Known as Collins 5: I Refreshments were In charge a. round performance in 1952 1 ag to whether It should be run j Voi-buigh. Darrell Collins, who Man Christmas holl-Sam Hill, here over The show was came here in 1950 to open ths of Mrs. Tom Gourley, Mrs. Alf ftjodin and Mrs. Lars Nelson. was only slightly less amazing , fastPr or slower than her first year In the big a success, leagues, when she gathered in ' FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. the Ontario Women's 0)x-n. the: National Open and the National ; Close Typo Union t isV(ond-p!aoc wi-incr was City Air Cadet Group Presses For Uniforms S1953 hoe Officers other golfer. 20-year-old Oav of Kitchener. Out . busiiiess. left for Vancouver Saturday to locale elsewhere. o Terrace Social Credit meeting was well attended when officers for the new term were elected. They are: president, Fraser Mc-lichlan; secretary. Mrs. D. D. Walker: treasurer. Wilfred Toopc. Mrs. Walker Is head of the entertainment committee .and Harry Haugland head of the public relations committee. Dawson & Hall started rock n-iirlc Inst MolldaV on the WCst performance In the 1952 Open eclipsed even Mlsi Stewart's. She DRIVE IN STYLE. ..FOR LESS PER MILE HILLMAN TTLLruc HEPPNER MOTORS Installation Officers for the coniinj year o.r the Prince Rupert Typographical Union. Local 413. were Installed at the monthly mectlnq, last night In the Civic Centre. rrnnn, on his tors to K'.Us Air Urns, nald r left (in the eom-sulnr fllKhl 5(12 on V. i Free plug i re Mr I'usich was an s)ectai.or at the i - Huiiert basketball d Laid with a Klin: cmiid give you guys Hrsldis being mayor; 'Kir of the Douglas 'e team. "JH! his (llKht to lure he addressed the ' Chamber of Cum-"rlon Viiunis said he they weren t trying to ut of Ketchikan in I'a'k. but Hob F.llis Ruiiert lllRht 4.', mln-'' could make ronnec- l)e lure Wednesday McBridc Street Donald Mefoi kindule. n pa:t , .1.1,, of th(. skeena bridge in Phone Black 60S forged through U the final , A ;pMiul mt cling of the Air match, losing out to Fdenn An-1 Ciuii't group coinmittt'e was call- derson of Helena. M t. Mies, ed last night in honor of V R. siewart was eliminated In the iCIerihue. chairman of the B C. srml-flnals. Committee of the Air Cadet . league of Canada, at present In 10- r. iii-wi.n the city on business. The third choice was 10-year- . i While members were dclluhl-d old E ililey Campbell of Fergus. o have Mr, Clerlhue as a guest. Ont., winner of the 1952 world's they made a stroig request to ll"o fer thij women's th'-ec-ml!( him concerning supply of unl- ""- m the Canadian Nutlonnt forms for 559 Prince Rupert Air Exhibition. 'Cadet Squadron. Olympic stars were favored. Mr. fieri hue regretted the tie- N ic of the 24 names gaining a ;lay but said he hoped that the berth on the IK were tin Cana-unlform situation would be clarl- da's Olympic team; in 1340 or fled soon, and he also made note igj2. , president of the locnl union, ronncction with the Kitimat-read the obligations of incom-1 Tcrrncr. ran nng and road, lug officers In pcrfoniiiinr ihej . . . ceremony. Ncw customers ot B.C. Power installed were Mcl Scott, pies- j Ccn,mission here during 1952 icent: Mike Montesano. vice- ; tjtallt.(j 295. According to Lloyd president; Clifford Jonkms. Valler district manager. Ter- 1 retury-trea-urcr, and Vincci race has 900! power customers OFFICIAL OPEIIIHG FRIDAY, JANUARY 16TH 1953 9 r li K 1 01 i:ie lael inul me msuueuns . .. snrinler 11 iv. seieennt-.it-nrii!.'. NOTICE Effei tive dut?s for prices in Tmlcpeiideut Food SI ores advertisement In yesterday: paper should have rend January 16. 17 1 and 19. Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Ito'im 10. Su-e Buili'iivj Vhoi f H;ue 593 here are In -iced of up-to-date training manuals, j In addition to being piovinclal chairman. Mr. Clciihue Is one of the original founders of the Air Cadet movement In Canada. I Jim Taylor, chairman of the Prince Rupert group commill.'e. Hejiior rtli Kenie of Vaneou-vrr. hi(-putler Mary Law-ranee of Toronto. Iiur-lle-Shirley Erkel ot Toronto ami swlniim r Irene Strong of Van-couvei. , .'.-. Tennis, which usually i;lves several women to tlv? list of out- for those who have 1 "'' with the Rotary "irus was Issued today ie Ralagnn. ,IIe says to at rehearsM at Tuesday night. Charlie I'uld a concert In Feb-J ant.s 100 per cent "c from here on. iigements worked jut " 'd by the Rotary Club 1 Lngland, a larg : cake sent by the I'upert Uotartans was announced last night that the annual general meeting wl'l b? standing athletes, this year plac- THE PRINC RUPERT HOTEL COMPANY LIMITED WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE RE-OPENING OF THEIR bluing l'oom and Coffee S)!ioj UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF MR. AND MRS. F. H. CLARK, LATE OF RAMSGATE, ENGLAND; Catering To Suit Every Taste BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH A SPECIALTY held Feb. 10 at ths Canadian ed only one. Mie was. wianrue i Legion and all those Interested Lafrombolw ot Mi tilre.il, Cmia-are Invited to attend. (Han Junior champion in 1952. I - jr t .i W -: f- 'M;V, ., 'ij.' i ' 4. i , j' U : s -. Hii' a, '. . Z mi.:- ' "... H f r '' -. ', iV " !. '' ' S: 1- 5 ' ' " ' ; t , , V'' : : f Mr-' s ",(. ( i . " ' ' Hi. -J- F r fr' If.-' I passed around Inst ATTENTION 'MOTHERS Arc you having trouble keeping your children dry? DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW RAIN OUTFITS. Same style as snow suits, zipper up front. First time ever to be in Prince Rupert. Sizes 1 to 5. "siLeiit of the club, "row, In a leller to "'lent Ired Headden cake arrived In good "1 he planned to pro-ast to the Rupert club wnds the gift to the '"Mans every vrarut day gathering. MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 LEGION AUDITORIUM Music By PKTE HEGG and HIS WESTKHNAIRKS OPEN 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SHARON'S SHOP j IT PAYS O AliViDTitr Price $1.00 Dancing from 10-2