Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, January 18. 1953 Motorists Warned by BCAA Of Dangers on Icy Roadways SCREEN FLASHES Clay, senior fieldman 'with the federal agriculture department. Wliile snow tuts and cltaiiu tquip,)U their car wm, , He said the all-Canadian aver 1 INE HOGS . CHASLOTTETOWN CP Feature of a record export of hojs from Prince Edward Island in was that nearly 52 per cent were srade A animals, said H. A. ige for made A hojs Is about 25 per cent. : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE : "Sprhillcld Rifle." which be-i oan be of (treat aid w In n streets or tires iiavmB f,P(,.lal pan a three-day run at the To-land road. are snow clothed oi'ltreadj thev ' can thm "' tern Theatre yesterday U a ! Icy, traffic safety experu warn j u" drama ba-sed on a thrillm epl-! motorut.i not to be over-confld- cauu"" out ih; 1; sode from the history of Amer-jent jit becatur their car are j . Mr. Tliomphon said -s ' Sea's most famous firearm, made,to equipped. tLes are an aid to tracia in Springfield, j Cnuries E. Tlioiiipson, clialr-l chains under special " The Warner Brothers .show man of the truffle and .afety ) Uu"-S- but no matter iu received iUs world premiere In committee of the B.C. Automo-1 "icy Ibey cuunot ruost 6 the city of BiM-ltiKfleld last Oc- bile Aelatlon. today urs d a dry roadway, tober 7 when three of the .-tarj lrivcr. to be extremely cautious "UikiU advice, is never i0 In the picture Phyllis Kirk, cn ro.!.u uy.. which become slip- j celerate or tlecelerutf sui t, David Brian and Gulnn Bls pprv ,1m- t0 wrnlhcr condllloits.i on Icy pavcnanU, iiiast Boy) Williams vi-slted the city to' and to "take It cay " jsfowly and nioniily participate In the stage fcstlvl-j "Homr motorUw ei ,ronemtiy audden nwervcs. anil st.iri in ties. j think that because they have , oi.d on .now and on in,u k During the p:oductton of tho 1 -- ' S j at A 1 made picture, people involved nea.s: Gary Cooper and Phyllis "' '" " r1"' . f - Thaxter. who co-tar In the film, are Hie children of t'.S. Supreme Court justices. IGARY-y-COOPER Z LADIES' WEAR . MEN'S WEAR C GIRLS' WEAR - BOYS' WEAR J WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE -.- I rJ- ; 1 Wr Cookt's father was a justice of the Montana Supreme Court.! and Muss Thuxiet ft!ur U Vul on the bench of the Supreme Court, of Maine. Georce Ross, who Mocks mor- GREAT LAKES SHIPS IV 193 carried more erio nnd mnde more trips Ihroiich the' Wetland Canal than i:i any otru-r season in the 123-year hi.-tory of the waterway." bulit to bypass the turbulent Niagara river. Total passages up an.l down the eight lock.s ti Dec. 15 were 9347 with tonnage of 17,738.515. Here, framed by tw chips already moored to tile canal bank, freighters in the distance jockey into line out kb the Tort Weller dry dock where many will be overhauled this winter. than 1.000 guns In his horn-' arsenal and Is an authority on L? 9th century rifle and pistols,' p i . i I n ' I Frank Craws haw INTERNATIONAL. "ONE-MAN THEATRE" i The acUm with the 100 heads" The distinguished British character aclor of stage, screen, radio, and television. not on:' provided some of nu cMi rueartiM for the picture. roresier Lomenas rnvaic investors Should Take Over From Government !ut l:nd. d an acting role foi himself. Gulnn Williams, a loxas ran ITODAY TODAY ond ond SATURDAY SATURDAY 'ITTP'r li cher before he went to llally- Evnunjs Evnunti 7: 7: - . J: : p.m. p.m. I lafVl lm n.rn I, c n t . ... I , ... . 1-. i. . t-. . .. .1. . ... imiv-uuvuv y ruicain n is muiisu oils io uuiiii uiai mre in many places it would i xoolj run, w ()l-a re atrawber" John D. Gilmour told delegates to just because it, happens to be be economical to Brow timber ' .an l' . s "' ni.! Ctun:y Cali-the atuiual convention of the fdiost land, the Kovminicntj crops if private enterprise was'i " Matinee Saturday t p.m. r AM(l S IM AM If Ufc gulif.-- 'TscomingF IMT" Wofch For Sorurday's Newtpoper! Ivir1 hnsn ha. always btca. In theatre roles. Ills first job ww-as a loorniun at New York" MONDAY, JAN. 19th ONLY "ONE MAN THEATRE" The theatrical experience of a lifetime packed into one memorable evening. Comedy Skits Original Character Studies Shake? pearean Excerpts Dickens Characters Thursday that private investors owners of more than 80 per cent Earlier in the convention a should be allowed to take over ; of the productive land area in dispute over log scaling methods forest lands from the govern-1 Canada," he said. erupted. merit. I "The point has been reached; Debates claMitu with For- Roxy Tlieatrc. j Gary Cooper felt rUtM at horn" I and! during fllminj amii ire snow of Mount Whitney. Chamber of Commerce Seeks More Highway Work in B.C. iesta muUnUt R. R Soiiimrii and , demanded the twvernment -go slow" in lu change-over from the board feet method of log .waling to the cubic scale i The meet ins with the minister was held behind closed doors, but it i understood the minister Spcclid to Tlsc L.i it' N told the lowers lu- would take VICTORIA Thj BritLJi Co- expanding province, the Chamber their domnnru imriPr .n.,.rtr.. TUESDAY, JAN. 20th ONLY . "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" CHAUI.LS DICKENS IMMORTAL MASTERPIECE A faithful-to-text of the world's mast lewd, most popular, nd mast widely read story during the past 100 years. Given in the Colorful Costume of the Period SQUARE DANCING SATURDAY JANUARY 17 CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Everyone Welcome J 1-jV immn mm f I IT f '4 lumbia Chamber of Commerce deplored any tendency to re- tion has asked the government to pro- ; duce such work. ; XJlP Uimbenii- n charstd 'he vide an adequate share of the Alarm was expressed at a re-cubic K(.aiing method waj lm-1953-54 for cent that B.C.' tentative budget highways report wiihoui their knowh-dite development. budge allocations for hiRhway-s and said It, wUI double the con of An analysis presented to the development for 19j3-54 would be scaling in the B C. forest Cabinet this week revealed a $22,000,000 j startling: inconsistency in road, The brief, which included 1 T(H RIST KECMPTS expenditures during the past six many other Items recently ap-1 1-ONDON iCP) The a it Hi year. Banner year for highway proved by the annual meeting of Travt'l a"d Holiday Association work in B C. was in 1949-50 when the Chamber of Commerce, was ; estimates total toui La earnings almost $39,000,000 was spent in presented by a delegation headed ; ,n Britain la t year were $ by President J. V. HUtthes, of j 00 000. This Included about $43,-Stressing tnat this seemed a Vancouver. Others In the group : OCO.000 apvnl by 180.000 viMtora more relaistic approach to the included L. O. Ecroyd of Van-j 'torn. Canada and the UnitiC growing needs of the rapidiy- couver, executive secretary. fate. TODAY ond SATURDAY CARTOON - NKWS 8:IH( p.m. each night Adults $1.00 Children and Students 50c CIVIC CENTRE f Showi 7 - 9:06 Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Rotary Club 4:27 Sorurdoy Motineei 2 SEMI-ANNUAL STORE WIDE NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES NO CHARGES My Thousands of Dollars of Merchandise Must Go Commences Saturday 9 a.m. LADIES' COCKTAIL DRESSES 9. 2i.9s Now 12.95 .... 27.95 Now 19.95 LADIES' WINTER COATS ' 35 95 Now 22.95 Rc9-'4o-95 Now 22.95 Reg. to 62.95 NOW 41.95 LADIES' SPRING COATS 9.f28.9s Now 16.95 Reg. 35.95 Now 22.95 Dress up for spring and also save 100 LADIES' DRESSES 2. for 1 Poy price of highest ond get one FEtEE SORRY ... NO TRY-ONS Ladies Smartly Styled Suits Reg. 29.95 A 1- NOW Reg. to 60.00 " NOW 39.95 LADIES' BRIEFS Reg. to 89c NOW LADIES' PULLOVERS Reg. to 3.95 Now Only 2,29 PULLOVER CARDIGANS keg. to 5.25 NOW 2,99 LADIES' NYLONS 45 gauge PAIR 9c CREPE AND HALF SLIPS Reg. to 4.45 TO CLEAR J99 LADIES' SKIRTS WIDE RANGE LADIES' ' BLOUSES Nylon and Crepe. Bargain of the year. Reg. to 4.95 ,. TO CLEAR 99 LADIES' SILK NITIES Reg. 3.95 TO CLEAR 2,99 Reg. to 6.95 . TO CLEAR 3.99 LADIES' RAINCOATS Reg. 24.95 TO CLEAR Reg. 29.95 TO CLEAR 95 LADIES' HOUSECOATS WOOL PI.AII Rig. 14 85. To C lear U.K PLAIN WOOL Reg. 10 95. To Clear 12.9S SILK Reg. 9.95 To Clear 7.95 I'lIr'Nf I.I.E Reg. 5 30 Now 4.29 LADIES' ond CHILDREN'S Wool Mitts and Gloves Reg. 69c To Clear 49c Reg 1 25 To Cleor 79c Reg. 7.50 TO CLEAR 59 Reg. 9.95 TO CLEAR 795 GIRLS'-COATS Reg. 17.50 ' TO CLEAR 19 Q5 GIRLS'BETTER DRESSES Wide RongeHcr Sizes 6 to 14X 20 DISCOUNT 3-PIECE COAT SETS Reg- 18.95 . NOW 13.95 Reg. 13.95 NOW 9,95 CHILDREN'S FLANNEL KIMONAS Reg. 1.95 (sizes 2-4-6) Now 1.49 Chenille Reg. 2.98 . Now 2.29 BOYS'-SWEATERS Reg. 4.25 TO CLEAR 2.99 GIRLS' PYJAMAS (Flannel) Reg. 2.65 TO CLEAR GIRLS' SKIRTS SNOWSUITS BOYS' COMBINATIONS Reg. 2.10 . . NOW I.49 Sizes 6 to 14 GIRLS' WOOL DRESSES Reg. 4.50 NOW 3.29 Girls' Long Cord Jackets Reg. 8.75 .... TO CLEAR 5.95 Girls' Wool Plaid Jackets Reg. 8.75 . TO CLEAR 5,95 ( Reg. 5.50 . TO CLEAR Q Finest roi?5e,incity 1- Piece, reg. to 9.95 Now 6.95 2- Piece, reg. to 13.95 Now 9.95 Made of Waterproof Tufhidc Girls' Chenille Housecoats Reg. 4.95 . .. : NOW 3.95 LUGGAGE SETS AT 20 DISCOUNT Largest range in city BOYS' PYJAMAS Reg. 3.25 NOW 2,29 BOYS' PANTS Reg. to 5.95 . NOW 2,99 BOYS' JEANS (Sonforized) Reg. 3.25 NOW 2.29 BOYS' WOOL PLAID JACKETS Sizes 8 to 14. Regular to 7.50. NOW 5 95 WOOL AND SATIN JACKET WITH ITR COLLArI-Kegular 10.93 , . NOW 3 95 DIPT. ST El BOYS' WOOL JACKETS Sixc$ 2-4.-6. Reg. 4.95 TO CLEAR 3,69