.V rio.ee Tupcil Daily i!c Friday, January 16, 1953 Ken Watson s Western Area PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN Fly tf f s i. 4 . Makes Record PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS (Dmiiite V - I Rail Traffic FOR SALE i V . . ' WINNIPEG The Canadian MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Deports Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ROUND TRIP $27.09 ELLSS AIRUNiS National Railways loaded more carload of revenue freight on its western region during 1952 than it did In any one year in its entire history, J. R. McMillan, vice-president, western region, said here today. The total number of cars load 1 h V-r'- ed wa 889,939, an increase of 42.975 car over the previous record year of 1S51. This record revenue traffic was only 61 cars short of making 8,200 CNR freight trains of 75 cars each, or a single train that Subject to Change) RAbtO DIAL CFPR J 240 Kilocycle JTUIDAT M. ll V.H rvtnmeutftry ruwhlde Mumc hi Erie Wild 0- Hie HhrilMn PH :.1 .::i!iniia bv Wur. W -Mimical Vurletu j la-.lmiu y lliirm-lte thow no ciu: Kiwa li- n: n, Roundup :io B.u.d jn ri oo -Musical Pr'n'ram 0 -Vi.itvuvpr i ikeatre no -fi: KiMirl .VI Armilali riMfril 1ft- H-nkir i'ltitice io -;ik; n. w 1.'. liiur l.liirn t'nnule tit Choir oo w- Her fi x,n on- Miu.i- till MidniKht. ijo-ftiKn on Anna. BATUK1MY M. ii .Mimical Clock io i im; Ni i: Wi-atiwr Rfpnet 35-Mui.lc-nl Cluck on c tic h 111- II. re BUI flood lf Hll artd Enrire :0 Mnrnlliit l'Tinioill 4& l.mlv Micrt IK1- MMJ N.-w and Commenury la fcnorll Hrrrnade SO CIIC Klump Club 4,,H,,inr i.l vhe Wrat tl,j liiw bmnnl -;r-i-i-.-. (7 ' y V, Classified Rates fure kiine : p m. day previous U publication, v.! Med, 3 fit Pr orl Pr Urtion; minimum charge 60 cents. rtn Notices, JO ccnti; Card j 1 hanks. Death Notice. fanrt.'i Notice. Marriage and Eiixuswe11 AauouwemeiiU, .wU Uplar double price, " KN(i AGEM t.NT NOTICE Mr and Mrs. Walter Dewstow jc announce ttie engac.e-: lit of their only daughter, uh! Irene, to Mr, Murray HKlt-s The wedding will take Kill ft. 1!ki3. Ml 7.30 p.m.i the First Presbyterian Church :n R.v Dr E. A. Wright of-1 laliiiK. lit) ANNOL'NT E.MENTS Catholic raid party, Jan. li '.'unrad I' -TA Ciird Party Jan- ryl- Legion Auxlllury Valentine ,nie. Feb. 13 u-H.n Auxiliary Tea and tluon Show, Marc h 18. !-i!!on Auxiliary Sprint onic rrh H5. United Church W.A. Valentine i Feb 12 Hmpital Auxiliary Valentine i, 2 30 Saturday, Feb, 14. Mm, A Mardonald, 327 5th Ave. 1 Prtibyterlan Burn' banquet, i n li lUMNrSr rr.KMLM NDYMAN and Chimney RweeptnK ServKe. Phone Blue SLIDING RIDER F;::;Winter Roses Thousands of younger curlers are flocking to the game today with misguided enthusiasm for the sliding delivery. But in trying to manipulate a heavy granite tone on slippery ice. the young curler develop many peculiar methods of delivering a rock. Too many, fascinated by watching the long sliding delivery either fail to understand the proper mechanics or concern themselves only with sliding, which is the one thing they r interested In. They fail miserably to understand that the true slide Is the result f a tujperljr executed swing. It is not the cause, because in effect the slide takes place after the stone is delivered. The sliding rider uses a powerful leg drive to jet-propel himself out of the hack, then sett the stone down under his body and rides it out to the point where his body momentum is slowed down, then Iw delivers with a forward motion o his right arm. A glance at the illustration shows a player riding the stone. He has not made the delivery motion yet, even though he Is well out in front of the hack. The rule states "The stone must be delivered from the hack." It is no wonder that older curlers object to this type of delivery. Not only does it lack gracefulness ond rhythm, but it gets players into the habit of pushing the stone at the end of the ride and "pushers" do not hit the broom often enough. Take a good, look at yourself next game and If you resemble the riding slider shown above, learn how to deliver a rock properly if you hate any dreams about being an above-average curler. Monday . . . No Riders Please ,liP FOR RENT Two-room ELftThJCIAN'D.'ouyltt.. ed ,ul nU'mT'l'? Phone 476 ... or your (SitAineiS & DELUXE PRESS ."Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40"i lefs than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Give us your mailing list We do the rest. Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating, Cartage and Storage Complete, Reiia'oie and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene nd all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910, Phones 60 and C3 GREER ii BKIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W Phone 909 P.O. BOX 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 904 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OFT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Ctine3e' UiAnei Chop Suey Chow Me in Open 6 p m. - 3:39 a.m. - Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 GEORGE DAW ES AUCTIONEER Phono Black S4S and Red 131 Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East- Daily eicept Sunday 8 p m. From the East-Daily except Monday 9:50 p ic IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE local trove! agent JPjrofeSiiomii JOHN H. BULGE I Q,i, lorn el Insl its i John Bulger Ltd. '' ' Third Avenue John F L. Hughes, D C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30 : 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment oniy. 21-23 Besncr Block Phone Blue 442 H. G. HELGER30N LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phorw 96, Evenings Black 899 LING THE TAILOR Tailoring - Alterations and Clothes Slade-lo-Measure 220 Sixth St. Phone 6!9 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 603 3rd. Ave. VI. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furniture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue 313 339 2nd Ave. W. DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore-Cafe PRINCE RUPERT Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Fortt Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. ; For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Write .c;.Cal1 CITY OK KF.rOT lOFFlCE PRINCE Rt'PERT, B.Cj Bv CHIC YOI FNG r BLACKWOOD on 3y EASLEY BLACKWOOD FOR BALE Window boxe. any size. Order now. Green UHfl. UHpl FOR SALE E-mail I)-U piano, blond finish. Call la;i.r Stconi Overlook. (3(, FOR BALE. 30-loWinchejWr P 8 carbine, lever action. 20 gauge Ktmlngton pump gun; Remington portable typewriter. I Cull Hlue 639. uai S FOR BALE- Wt-ainghouse washing machine, four years old. 7 $75. Brick -lined wood and coal 7 7 heater, fclO. Bonder canary cnge, used three months. $o Cluld woorien rrlb, stw! B spring. 15. Hii!h chair, S3. a IMI Or.hfim Ave Hliio 71') 0 fOOTHIUJl vytless coal io Phone CM. T'hllw.tt, EviU & 10 IU :. Ltd. i I II FOR SALE House trailer, ull U new equipment. Electric refrigerator, oil rnnKC, daven-ette, A built-in clipboards, Phone 1 Orern 400 for information 7 113) '( a a HK RENT 8 FOR RENT Hoard and room for young men. Blue 639. ilii FOR RENT Sleeping room, R close in. Blue 602. U4i FOR RENT Three-room fur nUhcd apartment 801 Borden Bt SINGER SEWING CENTRE portable machine. Phone 664. (cl FOR RENT Two double bed-betlH. rooms, separate Oreen 153. ( lfi )l FOR RENT Sleeping room. 536 6th Ave. East. I6pl FOR RENT Room o nhare for men. Black 800 15p J Will. ntl I l.r a. iJiur in 17pi FOR RINT One ty.re-roo:n and one two-room uite. new-Iv constructed. Partly furnished Call at 621 Fulton. , U4i WANfr.ll TO RENT WANTED House. Phone Blue 331. ( I6pi TAXIS And TRANSFERS j Start the New Year ; Right ! Change to i BLACK ond WHIIE ', I For a Clean, Dependable Taxi Service, Call 65. "Fvnitimlly . . Wv rx now?" CITY TRANSFER Long Distonce Furniture Movers CRAT1NO and PACKING FL'RNrTURE STORAGE Hoaehod Effect Moved to or from any point In BC. Phone 950 First Ave am" MBrldo (e) WANTED CASH for scrap tiass, copper, bntterte and radlntors. Pnone MS. CaJ 430 6th Avenue West ritv t REAL ESTATE MARINE VIEW LOT 65-foot frontoge on 4th Ave. East. Priced right for quick sale. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LIMITED rhone 342 or Blue 192 (eves.) (17l from town centre. Three houses: one seven-rooms with bathroom, one three-rooms with bathroom, one two-rooms. Electricity, water and phone Installed. For further Information write to Box 523. Terrace. B.C. (22) SQITRKEL I P TO 60c MINK And OTTER $30.06 TOP prices for ALL British Columbia Furs, the HIGHEST available. For (TOP grades) paying up to : Squirrel 60c; Mink and Otter $30.00; Weasel $3.00; Muskral S2.50; Marten $40.00; Fisher S50.00; L.vnx $20.00. The present, we believe is BEST time to Market Furs For BETTER cash returns ship to "SHI BERT" Immediately: Dept. 190. A. B. Sliubert Co. Winnipeg Address shipments to: 193 Hastings St. E, Vancouver would span the ten provinces of Canada from Victoria to St. i John' Newfoundland, Mr. Mc- , I Millan said. ( Of (he 41 commodity ciassili-cations handled, grain and petroleum products produced the greater part of the Increased traffic. While carloadings of live stock and coal In the west were good, their totals for the year were not as high as in 1951. Three Rivers in Quebec, was founded by Sieur de Lavioiette in 1634. Iff ONE GREASE JOB with a purchase of 1 set of Tire Chains Offer rood until January 31, 1853. SFF, SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 1 1 VAXCOCTEK Tin Waypoints SUNDAY SS. Camosun 8 pjn. FRIDAY SS Chilcotin, 8 p m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Comosun, Midnight FOR NORTTI QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Jan. 28, Feb. 11 SS Chilcotin, Midnight for sorrn qveent CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chilcotin. Midnight Jan. 21, Feb. 4 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Asent Third Avenue Phone 568 A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR . . Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now ... so you'll be ready when the southeastern roar. Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 And Thot's That For a Change, Mr. Heinsite Has a Good Point Today Against Mr. Heinsite's three no-trump contract, the opponents blitTiely ran off the first eight tricks. vr vr wir sr i m if '." 't. V V 1 1 't V . .... S ' , i IP tit It 1 ' ; I 1 . sj . V i ! 4 ." t -1 - I V Va. 44 ? . If "iff I f ' f 'M ' V. u t: 'i a f i, , -f ,.,4 .... : C - X4 , 4' i 'i ' i t ' I r.Jf . . Vt Mrfs. Kern opened xne six Need Good Care-Expert By KAY REX Canadian Preaa 8ui: Wiiwr Few houiehold decoration are! more attractive than a cluster of j ro.'ies, especially in mid-wlntcr. Dul to k"cp them vital and fresh j appearance, sfveral rules should be observed. The firs', rule, according to Paul Angle, veteran ra&e-gTower of Richmond Hilt, Ont, is to keep the roses away from hot-air register and radiators. The stem hould be cut a little shorter each day with a knife, and cut on a riant. This permits the flower to absorb moisture. more readily. The preservative which fion..u usually Include (with their bouquvt sh-Mild alro be um i. . ROSE -PINCHING" Scricity of rotes just before a time of great demand 1 caused by growers sacrificing crops so ihry wlil have enough at the right time for the additional orders. This 1 know.i as "pinching Uw rose" When the bud begins to form on the stlk. the I growers will "pinch it ofr, so that the stalk grows longer before another bud forms. This Is the reason that long-stemmed roses are more expensive than the hort-stevmed varirt They are wpte?htdw more; Roys in an old teaooi may not sound particularly fascinating, but It's amazing what can be done. During a demonstration at the Royal Winter Fair last fall Arthur Bonnett of Toronto filled an ordinary teapot with foliage rcmovrd from nwe-stems. These were packed tightly to hold the flowera in place, with a few half-bloom roses Inserted in the midst of the foliage. Chickenwire can also be turned Into permanent rose-holders. It ran be twisted into almost any shape to be put in a container to hold the stein of tile flowers. RFI.ES to follow The new year is well under way but It's never too late for a good resolution. Here are some suggestions by the federal depart ment of agriculture: i Resolve to serve nutritious and well-balanced meals. Resolve to follow market re port.? and prices more closely, so that money can be saved by using foods that are more plentiful and In season. Resolve to learn more about government food regulations in order to know what the grade marks mean and buy by grade Freeze Order x 'Denies Rights' To Employees in desperation, Mr. Heinsite put up the king. House WirUiM wti Cio'lrl il I ri.p.an 14 Slh Ave Weu. 1 i'tn.ne Bed 165. 27) 'HSNIE KNOWLE8 Fur Iirnnipt coal deliveries and! mevunfcr service. Phone! Bl.u k 433 i33pi UL PROLTT Reliable home u,rwi,'p. f h I m ti m v ivMn ' burner rleanlng, etc. Plum I Oreen Stf.6. liSpi i xGAiSRS. noveltier. iddls- Sewi fitand. (e ;F..SKMAKINO Phone Red Sl or Hi.uk 715, U8i 1LIF.CTIONS FOR ELECTPtV IXX now made at Prince Ru-. iurt hcaity Co. Third Ave W. ror parts, salej. fervice, phone1 Blue 970. (c) Mill rver.body umm 89. (e) riONAL Machinery Co. Llm-ed, Lu.tributors for: Mining. Sawmill. ljov,v,n and Con- rartor-.' Equipment. Lnqutr- li's invited. GranvUI; Inland. Vancouver 1. B.C. U )'N the Prince Riinert rmn) f Alcoholics Anonymous U- rtiiv Write PO Hot 1511. Prince Rupert, H4 LMB1NO. automa';; oil heat- inn, sheet metal work. Phone M3, 630 6th West. Utourneau (tfi I1.FORD Electrical Work. Mo-b.rs iHiuifhl, sold, rewound and repaired. (tfl 'P. Taxi Service phone 48 N n In O K Barber Shop. (14p) At'COfNTANTS "Lie ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax speciaUst. 8. O. Firk, "one Bullrtlnff. Ted 593. (20m BATTERY SERVICE HERT Battery Shop. 34 East 3rd Ave. Phono Blue 126. Re-nalrs, recharging and rebiilld-"ig- Work guaranted c HIST AND FOUND iSTMan' Rolcx wrist watch Reward Oreen 154 15i CARS FOR SALfc R SALE 1951 Prefect sedan. '"'0 10th Ave. East. (17) "IIP WANTED MALE LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLY FIRM offers ar. opportunity to a young man capable o taking charge of sales. Salary Commensurate with experience and ability. APPLY IN PERSON between 2 and S p m. '" Phone 651 for appointment. nlLPOTT, EVITT & CO. Limited 918 Second Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. a 1 i all ot spaaes ana air. adci - South dealer Both sides vulnerable North (Mr. Mum) . i i.-R Ilk 8 14 'H S 1 " D K 7 a Wet Kavt (Mr. Kern) (Mr. Abel) S K till 8 A H A 10 S H Q J 7 8 4 3 D-J . D Q 10 8 c-a 7 S 4 C 10 S 2 Smith Mr. Ilelmlte) S Q J 3 h k a D A 4 S C A K 4 1 t The bidding: South Vet North Cut 1 C Pass 1 D Pass 3 NT All pan WHITE FOR COOLNESS JOHANNESBURG, South Africa CP South African Airways Company is, changing the blue-and-sllver color scheme of Its planes to blue-and-white. Tests showed that the temperature Inside the planes could be reduced substantially by painting the tops a glossy white. WINTER DAFFODILS Mrs. Keen won with the ace.t cashed her king of spades and ; then led a heart for her part-! ner to run off the balance of: that suit. ! As much as I dislike Mr. Hein site' lectures, I must agree withi him in his remarks on the bid ding of this hand. " "Sorry, partner," began Mr. Muzzy. "I was too weak to pass." "A new system," said Mr. Heinsite sarcastiially. "Guess I'm old-fashioned, but I thought a bid showed strength and that you showed weakness by passing." "But I thought you might bid something besides clubs on the second round." Mr. Muzzy ex- plained. "Now wait a minute," Mr. Muzzy continued. "How did I know you weren't on a three-card club suit?" "I might have been," Mr. Heinsite conceded, "but even so there was no assurance that I would have to play one club. Abel was still there. If you had passed, as' you should have, he might have come Into the bidding. "Actually, he probably would have bid a heart. So he makes t part-score, or goes set if he gets all the way to four hearts. 1 may come back into the bidding myself, but certainly we won't get as high as three no . tneir necxs responning w um club on hands where they would pass any other bid?" Mr. Heinsite went on. "Sure, you hid three-card club suits now and then, but has some miracle happened which makes it IMPOS- j SIBLE lor a person to noio live. 31A HI1U NfVril-lUlU IIUU OMUfl any more?" "Well, anyway, we weren't doubled," Mr. Muzzy pointed out weakly. "A great victory," sneered Mr. Heinsite, " and one which I prefer to avoid." HALIFAX (CP) During a spell of mild weather in January i, bunch of daffodils was picked at Oanso In Amlitonlsh-Ouysboo County. Mrs. Rod MacLeod ga thered the blooms, between three and four inches in height. BLONDIE VICTORIA rj-The Hospital"'.. K. EmDlovecf Federal Union has' ? HAVE IT AT THE PBSny) (00.0 (" 1 J I fi asked the provincial cabinet to ! allow hospitals to Increase their , budgets when wage Increases are 'granted through negotiations or j arbitration. i w. M. Black, union business agent, said 11 hospital had al ready signed cont racts granting wage increases and eight others were being negotiated when the government brought in its order freezing hospital budgets to 1952 i level. Mr. Black said the freeze order denied bargaining rights to hospital employees. 13e)