'led 5.000 run, ro-iNsriiAVCK .Continued from page I d A, Prince Ruoert Doily N ThuisU.iy. fVljruarv 21 VLi Norway's Fish Exports Mount , FJhh mPil f);M, f the us, 1 To Improve Kids' Camp Kinsmen Making Lakelse Kesort Available to Worthy Orcanialions News of the District premiums deducted from a worker's pav cheek by h( employer are remitted to the service. The report recommends that this scheme be abolished and that the employer and the worker ;work out a voluntary method for the first nine OSLO During months of 1951, Norwegian ex-t creased k... ports of fishery products total-: export, With a few hundred dollars, deductions. volunteer labor and enthusiastr,, Church Army Active Body Kifwanga To Celebrate On Easier Monday , f; r HIGHWAY At the same tune in service would Issue a card with a number on It to each paid-up person. Every issuer of licence (for instance, licence plates foe ears fishing or hunting lirence would ask .the perwn buying that licence for hi hcnital insurance number. If tfc person i uld not prtvil it, he wiiunl he reported to the ho-pilal service. An employer would also ask Many Villagers of Greenville Take I'art In Kvahcelical Organization. Prince Rupert Kinsmen will ei-fect several major Improvements this year on their Kiddies' Camp at Lakelse Lake, near Terrace. Then the camp will be opened to any worthwhile children's organizations here Kinsmen discussed the project thoroughly at their meeting last night and decided to let other organizations operate the camp while the club maintained it. Improvements suggested by OPENI ;-,r a v a r t t The Provincial Department d: Works announces that Highway 1 I- ' J Sheardown, chairman of an employee to proouce nia nos- Harry committec. were ap- p'tai insurance euro. nnf jtr U l the camp KIT WANGA -- Native people from I'M villuuos in the Skrena ill.- trlrt iiip bPiMR invited to ',;ixt.cr Festival celi-hnitlims which w ill be held in Kit wanna hikI tor which ambitions prc-pui utionx tuv b.iiiR Hindi'. Kilwuugu Totem I'ole Brass liand. under rondnetorshlp of Kchvurrt Tail. nnrt St. Paul's An-s'liciin Church choir, under Solo-iii-u; Ilryant, will lake a proiuin-i ni part in the proceedings. leading chiefs ' join in extendinu welcome and liospi-Ulit to the visitors. A banquet will follow the puils program on Kaslvr Monday. Kitwanga people at Port Edward are beint; epeoiully re-(ue.:ied to come home for the i elcbration. Chit fs present at the oi'i:ani-zation lnivtin;; included David 1. We'ls. Goorue H Moore, Wallace B. Morgan, Fred Johnson, Stanley Williams. Edward Tait. Arthur Matthews. Solomon Bry-i.nt and Richard Fowler. OIL FIELDS ABANDONED These abandoned oil fields are a reminder of Canada's first big oil boom which exploded into existence with histoiic farce some 90 years ago at Petrolia, west.'rn Ontario. The fields petered out after producing richly foi many years and now the district is nearlng the end of its oi era. ' 'CP PHOTO i tins two-thirds full. Sprinkle light traffic. A 6-ton gross load limit ha placed on Diana Creek Bridge, eost of Prince Rupert, which is no, going repairs. not. he would oe reporter! to me service and hi wag. earni-sheed. The report nays that the recommendations mean on increased costs. Elimination ' of eo-Uturance and exemptkirui f'r persons In lower income brackvi would reduce the lecome bu'. tnU would be made up lor by th administration i overhaul and crackdown on delinquents. FHE EXPERTS m. .,. f GREENVILLE The Greenville Church Army, in which almost all the people of this Nans River village actively participate, continues active with its revival .services. Meetings every Sunday , and Wednesday night are attended by large and enthusiastic congregations. Special activities are assigned to many villagers. With Henry McKay as chairman, officers were recently elected as follows: Secretary-Isaac Robinson. Honorary Captain Herbert Robinson. Local Captains - Joshua Me-Ka. Alex Angus. Herbert Robinson. s Field Captains- Fred McKay and Chailie Leeson. Lieutenants Horace Angus, Tommy McKay, Gordon McKay and Jacob Stewart. i.. rgeant Major- Rodrlch Maxwell. Seigeants-Charlie Venn and Wilfred Tait. Color Sergeant-Ernest Davis. Ht'tpers League Captains Terry Stephens, Albert Mooio, I eter McKay. CLE. Captain-Charlie Moore. Band Masters--Georee Leeson and Willie Stephens Jr. Orgamsts Chris Calder and Will.j Stephens. Chinch Wardens William ' i! lH 1 '' ,. J;.v. ',! wii!- 1 "J proved as follows: A new landing float will be built as well as two more huts, a stalf house, benches and tables. An unfinished hut Is to be completed and investigation made on possibility of buildin,; a shelter over a porch. A good boat will be procured and more of the campsite is to be cleared. The Kinsmen camp, located on four lots on the shore of Lakelse Lake consists of eight buildings, including bunk houses, cook house and recreation hall. Buildings are equipped with beds, mattresses and springs, stoves, cooking utensils. Other camping equipment also is included. The camp was started in l!-5 and until last year, operated by the Kinsmen, when it was turned over to a church organization. Mr. Sheardown said il had been a "successful'' camp last summer. This year, the ramp will again be offered to children organizations and it is planned to begin .vok on improvement aj soon as possible. Kin President Stan Saville will ask two week-ends of volunteer labor Lorn each member. Bv KAY REX t'Hnudliin I'ressKtatl Writer with additional grated cheese. Bake in a hot oven 1400 Fi 20 to 25 minutes. Yield: one dozen nrcditim sized muffins. MACARONI AND CHEESE SALAD: Two cups cooked macaroni i three-quarter inch pieces i three-quarters cup grated cheese; three hard cooked eggs (chopped i; one cup dicod celery; one chopped green pepper; one chopper red pepper; one tablespoon finely chopped onion; salt to taste; mayonnaise. Comb:.:e inguriients and toss l:gliU v.v.h sufficient, mayonnaise to moisten. Se- ve on crisp lettuce. Yield: six sei-'ings. ALSO WITH KRl lT FRUIT PERFECTION Or.S teaspoon gelatine; one tablespoon cold water; i.ne four-our...e A lrfing silver Co" pf Thvmot Moor, frtg'entf, tfif, A vatumd pict, now in lh O. I. AHmA cMhi, VMfwr, Y( ' r W(l IJciDHS CHEESE Britain's shortage ol dollars inevitably will mean a cut in her 19d2 imports. It already has been hinted that her cheese' contract with Canada may be thv first to go. Last year Ontario cheese producer? sold the United Kingdom ab nit 25.000.000 poundu of Cheddar. Canada's total cheese production for the year was 258,-000.000 pounds. .Mrs. Fred Knshenr "To lake Resolutions 'lo Provincial Sleeting .. .1 ItX'M !' - M m ':' ire;i f Women's Martin and Willie Azak. TELKWA Telkwa chee?e; onc-ha.f Undoubtely cheese manufac- packasre creair Institute has nominated Mrs. Fred Rosberg as its delegate to 'he provincial conference of LONDON DRY GIN Train Schedule For the East Daily except Sunday S p m r'rnu the Last Dully except Monday ::0j ? m Sidesmen Kelly Stephens. Al-fcert Robinson. Arthur Moore and Charlie Watts. Bell R r.ger Sam Gray Jr. Diummeis - Abraham Davis and Allien Stephens. Engine. t Alex Stephens. Committees Peter Calder i chairman i, Sam McKay, Henry McKay, Leonard Douglas. Fred McKay, Sam Tait and George Martin. Seetetary-Treasurer . William Stephens. IIllHII AVM siaTXSS Captain Mrs. Honry McKay Lieutenants Mrs. Andrew E-etusjp ar.d Mrs. Je'ie.v Mir..::. A di'stimjuislieii product of If you w unr w sll U, icvcruse it. Kes Uu-s&Jtcd Hirers would t'j unhappy about cup salad Dressing; dash of saii: any loss of export markets, but one tablespoon sugar; one cup housewives might benefit' whipping cream; two cups diced through lower prices. At present fruit t drained i. Canadian cheese sells for 50 cents Soak gelatine in cold water for and up. according to age and (ive minutes. Dissolve over hot variety. water. Mash cheese with fork Canada, a cht.se-producing and beat until smooth. Boat in lar.d. never has been known as a salad dressing. Add dissolved countiy of cheese-eaters. Yet gelatine, salt and sugar. Whip cheese is one of the most health- cream and fold Into cheese mix-fciving foods on the market. 'tire. Add fruit. Pour into moulds and chill or freeze until CHI tSE Ml I FINS tlrm serve 0n crh-, lettuce. Cheese in muffins, even in Yield: six to eight servings. Mijwis ar?d desserts, can be Experts at Kitchener. Out.. re.5yrr!-r;ed .-ituated in the heart ot Canada s liit.r Tinrtits of chvese are che-re-produc:ne art a, claim n.ii' ula-.-u.-f-i Car aoa. Did that decs Jd whey ren aming in ynj tr.ovr CjjceabeK,' feiair.;. th? curd is what puts tiie 'fmeir G:uSi. OCi. Rocraelcct ard Lin:- ir Limbutger. Nearly all the 3v?er are iz rr.anfartured in whey is pressed out of the Ched- :t.'i fPUEtrr? di.t. Only a small amount is re- moved from Unburger. C'EESE 1TTIS 1J4 cups sifted i'.I-; ,rp:.. Lour; three ' THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. Htm wertmimrtf, B C. Cl OlvGK UAWIS AUCTIONEER Phone t.rern 810 and Ued V 1 hi jyvel.wment if not ul,l.ned Of diftulayd by lh Liquor Contra aortf Ol by Itie Uwe'nm. M B"'. t' ELKWA Women's Institutes in Vancouver and will tend with her resolutions seeking the sending of a blood donor clinic to Telkwa and u revision of the .system of marking and rating school report r aids. , The old syiWm .of report cards was considered more ef-le'tive tflan the new in giving definite Indication as to how-pupils were progressing. The W.I. meeting received 'etters of acknowledgment, from recipients of overseas parcels and also notes of thanks from iMoneers who received Christmas cake and sifts at t'"e festive sftasn. The Lijtitute is ph.. '.ng March of D:mes box-s in li:e local stores, the proceeds to go to the sularium lor crippled children. School robins wii! be used Oien Mi.v Cross of the University of British Columbia extension department conies here to uonduct c!as:es between April 9 a:.d 19. ', TIvj Instittit?'jr?Wiposes to .'ponsor a Brownie Pack under the leadership of Mrs. Les Donaldson, assisted by Mrs. Alf Cunningham. - Mrt. Robeit Scott, a patient in the Smithers Hospital, and Mrs. C I. Bussinger, receiving treatment in Vancouver for her eyes, will be remembered by the Institute. Eighteen members were present at tr. meeting and Mrs. George Griffiths was a guest. ALKS . . H) INF LEM3! 'eaoo'i-; tak'":E pywder: one-haif teaspoon salt; two-thirds The B.C. provincial police force was organized fifteen ysars before the RC.M.P. "Oldat40;50,60?" The "Flu" bug has hit Telkwa Scores of workers, mill hands and lumber men from camps as well as residents in the town are being smitten by the germ and almost every hour a patient is taken to the Smithers hospital. The sudden change in temperature is blamed for the epidemic and the cold snap hazards the condition. cup gia'ed chf-se: one ege; one cur mi'k or Urr.ato juice; two tablespoons melted 'ihortening. Mix and s'ft flour, baking pow-dei and salt. Add cheese. Beat eg;,, add m.lk Make a depression in flou mixture, pour in egg nd milk ir.-xture: add m.'lt-ed shortening. Stir only enough to combine. Fill greased muffin Man? You re Crazy ILtlSf ai0 Bfrtn? at ?0. Ik,::, J) P! 5 V IM-I-Iiing up n.tmrir-i, rtinu,u fHn due &it'' j ImxIv's Uk ot toon (Hrtllnutf TfcKlrU tur l. ywtgrr fe-l nf. Mm I vrr iy. n" "m (- m "c: but icie al ii drug su.ru evcrj mtttt. OF Mrs. A. M Bates was taken to the Smithers hospital and Kenny Holmes also is a patient in the hospital as well as others. Ladies' Shoes and Handbag QUALITY FOODS FOR YOU AT BARGAIN PRICES ; PRICES GOOD TO FEBRUARY 28th ENDS mmm ROYAL TUDOR TEA 2 lbs. 1.49 WINDSOR SALT () APn Z lb. shaker t for WtJ' ROBIN HOOD FI.OI U -f S IS v. in. J..UD CLEAR APPLE JVICE S C Ff n Nabob k f M M I HALF CASE I ..! TIDE rc 2 Large or 1 Giant pkg. i f3 PEACHES A y9p Lynn Valley " d tins jtO HALF CASE ' 2.5:5 Memorial at Port Simpson PORT SIMPSON Port Simpson paid solemn tribute to the memory of the late King George VZ with an impressive memorial strvice last Friday when Grace ; Pmted Church.was filled to ca-Pecity. - With William George Cooper as chairman on behalf of the community, the pastor. Rev. T. T. Colwell conducted the service. Chief Councillor Paul E. Price gave the memorial address. t Others assisting the pastor wr( Mrs. E. Musgrave and David E. Swanson who offered prayer. Hymns were "Rock of Ages'" and " Nearer My God to Thee," tlie latter rendered as an anthem by the choir. Chopin's Funeral March was rendered by the Port Simpson Concert Band. Saturday Evening Feb. 23rd TOP QUALITY SHOES at ROCK BOTTOM PRICE There Is Still a Good Range of as J,;; t lid: '' .bv, i , k p -,,, fend -bi- S-unc nil bp Il'mr 1 Ul l! fiiim. tliiWrr, 1- f . Pi up; nicy I a v. FUJI I and )istilled, Blended EGGS 53c GKADE A LARGE GUARANTEED FRESH Bottled in Scotland Ibis artvertlsprneiit ts not published or displayed by the Liquor Control I Board or bw the Government ol I British Columbia. 1 Hi ALL SIZES COLORS STYLES KRAFT DINNER 2 Pk(. ''( PI REX TISSI E 2 Rolls 2"0 HEINZ BABY CEPEALS 2 Fkj. .V ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES 2."o CHICKEN'S I PORK SAUSAGE AQn Grade A Lb. O' Swift's Lb. SUGAR, 25 lb. bog 2.79 CALL AT OCR STORE FOR MANY MORE NON-ADVERTISED SPECIALS REMEMBER! Sale Ends Saturday IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT For Graduate Nurses in the Prince Rupert district. A series of six lectures on "The Nursing Aspect of ABC Warfare and Mass Disaster" will be starting on February 25th at 8 p.m. at the Nurses' Home of the General Hospital. These , lectures are sponsored by the Health Planning Group of Civil Defence. All graduate nurses are urged to attend. For further details call Mrs. E. Bartlett ot Black 322. Ph. Green . Box 638 VOGUE SHOES LIMITED 506 -3rd West BURNS BEST BUYS Phone 75S 1048 Hays Cove Ave. FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF 85.00 OR MORE. This is a saving of & on $5.00 worth -of (trocerirs i, r