Prince Rupeif uoiiy iNtfv.3 Thursday. February 21, 1952 Khippinr and general Movinc. Packiiig, Crating, CarlagJ and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Serviee. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Aeetyltne and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues J BLACKWOOD on CARPENTERS (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publioatUn) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3e per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. 55 OSnik ae HELP WANTED MALE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD .Mr. Champion Chooses To Finesse On First Trick; Move Pays Off This is another deal from the team of four match between Mr. Masters' club and the team from th Uptown Club. The match was over and the scores PO t ' v' all ef ro'ir hwi ftl4 our nrrTiitin n-, Mrc-hanirtlly crural jo In. niing 1 hvy'U Mt fUUf, PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Ilrs.: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Br.iner B!oek Phone Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608- 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTAN IS AUDITORS Bcsner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 -4th Kireet Phone 655 WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden HeeU and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANOLEP'S STI DIO 218 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 3bSi Prince Rupert Phone b:s . Colussi"; Acfnlf ' in M . PIAS ANO Rtr 210 -4th s: man; mi GENERAL' Building ROOK -02.; r PO. En IF. war aw i H J Phont H Oil Hecr LAVVKiL'- B'.ue I Completf r burnt" . Stoves, ft. Repair i work i! Estimate'-"' J Est. 1910 Phone 60 and C8 Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3.30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 fori jor i ii (j Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 Spring Clearance Still On OUT THEY GO 1950 Chevrolet Sedan Ciiean as a pin. nice family car. 1949 Meteor Coupe Lots of extras CHEAP TKANSPOHTATION 1911 Chevrolet Sedan Heater 1910 Ford Sedan' 1937 Ford Sedan ALL READY TO GO BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" PLUMBING end HEATING The Relioble and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith fcElkins Ltd. P.O.- Box 274 QUAUTY W 1PRIKTIKG O If you h a v e a printing problem we can solve it. We've a printing form to fill your every need, and to add more efficiency to your operations. Dibb Printing Co. East dealer North-South vulnerable Narth IMr M.rth) S-K 10 6 4 II 8 8 5 L- K 7 C-J 10 9 West Kusl ( Mrs. Keen) (Mr. Champion) S-J 9 J 1 S - 7 H - 7 H - A K Q J 9 4 D A Q J 8 2 R 10 S 4 C - 7 6 C-Sotith A a (Mr. mill ) S-A UBS a id a 2 DB 3 C K 8 4 2 The blddlni!: ut Nolltll WtM North 1 H Puss 2 D Puss 4 H All pus was In tor 11 tricks Now Mr. North is a tricky player, too, and maybe had the king of clubs and was trying to talk me out of the 1 finesse. "Anyway. I went up with the ace of clubs and came home with tricks." "Whew! All that thinking for nothing," said Mr. Muzzy. "Beating your brains out uuuut wneuier 10 try lor aix-ouu or settle for a sure five. When we played against the hand, we set four hearts a trick." See tomorrow's column for proof of Mr. Muzzy's statement. J-Io lc( -Jlrriva (s Prince Rupert R. E. Kingston, Dr. Oeorge Wakefield. A. H. Perry, W Davidson, B. Burns and G. Pringle, Vancouver; G. hipwell, Alice Arm; S. Harper, Edmonton; Capl. E. L. McKay, Vancouver; H. Felber, Quebec, J. D. Barber, city; Mr. and Mrs. J. Day, Van-derhoof; H. Webster and J. Hay, Ocean Falls: Mr. and Mrs. A. 6. Scott. Winnipeg; Lieut. Fisher. Esquimalt; C. V. Evitt, Wellington; Miss V. Fairbalrn, Queen Charlotte City; I. Hopkins, Bur-r.aby. fADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU WELDING Government Certified Operators Hirn Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Phone Green 884 as yprxc EMKNTS Catholic card party, February I 21. j I.O.D.E. ' Founders Day tea. i February 21. at home of Mrs. j Jens Munthe. I Conrad P.T.A. "Sadie Hawkins" dance, February 22, Conrad Street School. U. F. A. W. U. W, A. Votc-aiiut: dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Febru- ary 22. Annual Masonic ball. Friday, February 22. Cud.-enjoyed. will also be Lesion Card Partv, February 27. United Church Leap Year tea. February 28. Individual display of Shell-Treasure.; craft and Nature's February 29, Civic Centre. Free admission. iPi The Business and Professional Women's Club's first annual card party, Friday. March 7, Civic Centre. Refrcshment.s and prizes. King Edward P-TA tea, home cooking. White Elephant sale. March 20. St. Patrick's Tea and Homo-cooking Sale, Catholic Hall, March 20. Card party and drawing ol .raffle li p.m. Conrad Street School P-TA card party, C o n r a d School, ! March 21. Pre-Easter parade, Civic Centre. March 27. Presbyterian Church Spring Sale, April 3. Rotary Rumnnif ;e and Auction ; Sale, April 5. Conrad Street School Par ent-Teacher White Elephant bale, Conrad School, April 5. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 9. Job's Daui titers Ei-ster tea. April 10. Women of the Moost Spring Bazaar and Tea. April 17. Cathedral Soring Bi-zaar, Aprii i 17. United Church W. A. Spring Bazaar May 1. L.O.B.A. Spring sale, home - 1 tookhig, etc., May 3. ' St. Peter's Spring bazaar, May 8. Sonj.i's Tea. May 1C. PERSONAL DRESSMAKING and Altera- Hons. Phone Red 767. 44c I TENDERS marked as to content will be received at the City Hall up to 5 p.m. Friday, February 22, 1952, for the purchase of one 1937 Ford truck. Truck will be sold on "as is and where is" basis and may be seen at the City Stores, 2nd Ave. R. W. Long, City Clerk. (44c) WORKING MOTHERS Dally care for your infants and small children: under supervision of graduate nurse. A home away from home. 238 6th Ave. West. i47pi GET your hair poodled at Jerry's Beauty Salon across from Super-Valti. Howie Powell. Professional Beautician. Phone 885. itfi RELIABLE mother will care for children. 2063 Seal Cove Circle. (44pi VELMA MARION, no word from you since suitcases sent to Dawson. Please contact me Maria Wootton. urgent, Post Office Box 972, Victoria, B.C. (49c I NOTICE I am not responsible for any debts incurred bv Helen L. Bridden. Wrti. Bridden. (49c) WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any size or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) WILL person who took brown overcoat by mistake from Catholic School Hall Wednesday night please phone Black 240? Car and other Important Keys in pocket. dto) KINDERGARTEN will open at Conrad United Hall March 3. For registration phone Red 958. . (50c) HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Reliable man as Rawleigh Dealer. A fine opportunity to step into a good Rawleigh Business where the Products have been sold for almost 40 years. Experience not necessarv. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. WG-B-166-163. Winnipeg- WORK WANTED NET salvaging, can look after 10 nets at home. Apply 612 7th Ave. West. (48p) SECRETARY WANTED THE Terrace School Board wel comes applications addressed to the undersigned and submitted on or before Tuesday. February 26th, for the position of Secretary-Treasurer, School District 53 (Terrace i. The district comprises 850 pupils in 10 schools staffed by 29 teachers. Preference will be piven to a young man po.sesine good academic qualifications i graduate preferred but not essential i. who has had experience in, this work or is equally well qualified in personnel administration and clerical fields. Character references, health certificates and statement of qualifications and experience must accompany application. Please state salary required. Familiarization period provided prior to taking over full responsibilities on May 1st. 1952, C. W. Michicl. Esq.. Chairman, School District 53 i Terrace i, Terrace. B.C. 1 47c I . HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED WAITRESS For Civic Centre Dining Room. Top wages for experienced girl. Please apply in person.' 1 44c I 1 WANTED Office girl. Sweet Sixteen. 1 45c ) 1 I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 WANT partner in old established manufacturers agency business with profitable lines. Moderate investment required to establish in this city. No selling required if not desired. Reply Box 305 Daily News. (ltd FOR SALE KEYSTONE Curling Brooms TOP QUALITY BRANDS Available at KAIEN CO-OP 1 49c i FOR SALE White enamel Enterprise range with wick, burner in excellent condition. Green 114. 409 4th West. (45c GUARANTEED reconditioned treadle machines. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. (46ci FOR SALE Two spool set Lip-sett gurdies. used one month. Pontiac engine complete. New wire line and pulleys, etc., too numerous to detail. Blue 924. evenings. 47p FURNITURE Tor Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, direst of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Fur niture Co. Third Ave. (tfli FOR SALE 6 piece walnut di'n-ingroom suite, like new, $125. j One chesterfield chair, $15. i Black 587. (44c) I FOR SALE PYE radio and Webster 3 speed record player, torchiere lamp, electric rang-ette. All in excellent condition. 1235 Park Ave. (44p) S FOR SALE Trolling boat "An-nabelle" 1 with halibut gear. Newly overhauled. P.O. Box i 1586 or Black 969. (48pl I FOR SALE Console type radio-eramoohone. Blue 810 or Red 399 after 6 p.m. (46el FOR SALE 6-piece walnut diningroom suite $125.00. chesterfield chair $15 00. Both in good condition. Phone Black 587. (ltc) FOR SALE 14-inch Drill Press, 3 Delta Motor, accessories, condition as new Baldor high speed grinder. Call daytime Room 27 Royal Hotel. (Hp) FOR SALE Radio and record changer in new condition. Call daytime Room 27 Royal Hotel. (Up) FOR SALE Livingroom, dining room and kitchen furnishings. Red 899. (49pi BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 28-foot gillnetter, complete, towing post, spotlight, etc. 6 h.p. Easthope. Cheap for quick sale. Contact J. H. Mair, Green 400 (46p) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax snecialLst. s. O. Furk, Stone Building, Red 593. 20in i LOST AND POUND FOUND Reading glasses Friday at Donald Street and 6th Ave. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News office and paying for this advertisement. (ltc) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject U Change) THURSDAY P M. 5:15 John Fisher 5:20 International Comty. 5:SO Musical Program 6:00 Canada JU Work 'lr Ken Gritlm 6 :to Musical Varieties 7 :00 CUC Nea 7:15 C11C News Roundup 7 :.t Eventide 8:00 Citizens' Forum 8:40 Citlcns' Forttm News 8:45 The Metre Header 9:00 OHC Vancouver Concert Orch. 9 HO Wmniet! Drama 10:00 cue News 10:10 rue News 10:15 Through the Lions Gate 10 : Al Bolunton 11 .00 Weather Keport flnd Sinn-off FItlMY AM 7 00 Musical Clock 8:O0 CBC News 8:10 Here's Kill riimd 8:15 Morning Sontt 8:10 Morning lwvutlona 8 45 Little Concert 9:00 HHC News and commentary !l 15 MuMc lot Moderns 9 .10 Sunrise Serenade 9 50 Dorothy Douglas Show 9 55 Recorded Interlude 9 :59 Time .Signal 10.00 Murnnii: Visit 10:15 llarrv Wottd Show 10::t0 This' Week s Artist 10 45 Musical Kitchen 1 :00 Kintlerirarten of the Air 11 :15 Hntindnp Tune 1 ;io Weather Report 1 :.')! Message Pernxl II :13 IJreorued Interlude 1 45 Scandinavian Melodies PM 12 00 Mid-dav Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12.25 Program Resume 12-30 DC. Farm broadcast 12 55 Recorded Interlude 1 :O0 Afternoon Concert 1 45 Mr Prune Minister: Conlty. 2 00 National School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 3:00 Tea Time With rXe Stars 3 15 Musical Proeram 3 30 Today's Gutbt 3:46 Novel" Time 4 .00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Sleepylhne Storytellet 4.45 Stock Quotations: Interlude CAItS I'" OK SALE FOR SALE-1946 Dodge panel. good condition. 1952 licence, good rubber, recent complete overhaul. Priced for quick sale. Phone 644 or Blue 454 evenings. (tf) 1939 DODGE coach, body and paint excellent. Engine recent ly overhauled; rubber as new. i Radio.' heater, spotlight and j foglight, etc. Going cheap for I quick cash sale. Apply 1430 Piggott Avenue after 5 p.m. (46p) FOR SALE '49 Ford sedan de luxe $1700. Phone 855 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. i46p FOR SALE 1941 Chev, radio, heater and defroster. Call at Empress Hotel. Room 7. Phone . 946. l48pH FOR RENT FOP. RENT General Electric : iloor polishers. $1 per clay. Lhor.e Blue 992. Pacific Elec trie. (tf) ROOM FOR RENT Young lady preferred. Red 879. (46pl FOR RENT Sleeping room for working girl. Close in. Apply to Box 303, Daily News. (48p) BOARD AND ROOM for working man. Biack 660. (tfel WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT For one month Eaby crib. Phone 436. (44pi WANTED TO RENT House or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, for couple, both working. Box 304, Daily News. (45pi WANTED TO RENT Small house or apartment for young couple. Celanese worker. Box 302, Daily News. (46p) iWANTED TO RENT Young couple, no children, would like 2, 3 or 4 room apartment or house, unfurnished preferred. Urgent. Phone Green 785. 45p) WANTED Housekeeping room for man in Prince Rupert before March 1. Write Josef Gregory, Smithers. (44pi C.N.R. EMPLOYEE desires small house or suite to rent. Box 302, Daily News. (44p WANTED CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop per, batteries ana radiators. Phone 543. Call 623 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B. C. Phone PAciflc 6357. (tf) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cash Wartime 4 in good condition, Rupert East, including new furniture. Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. (tf) FOR ' SALE Transfer and cartage business with equipment. Reasonable. Good opportunities for a worker. Phone Red 182. Boulter & Welter, to arrange meeting to explain particulars. (44c) For the MEAL that Kt: were being checked. J ' I save myself every chanr" on this hand," said Mr. Champion. "I suppose that's why we won it." "Here's how the play went." he continued. "Mr. South led the nine of diamonds against my; four heart contract. My first ' problem was whether or not to take a finesse here at the first trick. PLAYS PERCENTAGES "If the lead were a singleton, maybe I should go up with the ace and take our trumps as fast as possible. "But five outstanding cards of I a suit are divided 4-1 only 23 per cent of the time. And 1 know that fellow South was a tricky player Of course there was also the possibility that Mr. North had the singleton king but from the lead of the nine spot, that seemed very improbable. So I too!: the finesse." , "Brilliant," remarked Mr. II Muzzy, yawning. POSES PROBLEM Mr. Champion stabbed M . Muzzy with a stare and continued. "Mr. North took the king of diamonds and switched to the jack of clubs. Again I had a problem. "If I played the queen and lost to the king I had a sure spade loser facing me, plus the remote chance of losing a trick to the 10 of trumps. "If I played the ace and was able to drop the 10 of trumps I si 1 1 65A I 1 Ihil ldvrtlicmM Mt puWiilied or ditplaytrf At Liquor Cortrol Bows' m W lK Govtrnmoa I l Brrtl.ll Colnmbll. fl . LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Oertiflcate of Title No. 2203-1 to I Lots Nine (9i ana Tan (101, Blijek Twenty-eight (21. 6cc-1 tinn IB). City of Prince Rupert. M;ip 923. I WMKREA3 satisfactory proof ol loss of the above Cerllticate of Title' issued In the name of William 'C, j Bailey has been hied in this office, 1 noti'-e is hereby Riven that I shall, nt the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication here- ; of, Issue a ProviBinnal Certificate, of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, uiilesf. In the meantime valid objec- tiun be made to me in writing DATED al the Land Registry Office-, i Prince Rupert. B C, this H6th clay of January, l!ir2. AD. Andrew Thompson. I Deputy lteRlstrar of Titles. (50p) ! IN RE THE "MECHANICS' LIEN ACT" ! TAKE NOTICE that Edward Rell 1 of :i83 Taxi Company. Prince Rupert, i B C, having owed Albert Goodwin i Bartlett. carrying on business at Prince Rupert. B.C.. tinder the name ! of Superior Radio' Sales & Service, the sum of $428 05 for a period of over three months for labour and materials bestowed on one PYE PTC 1 13 A Serial 247. Mobile Radiophone, the said Albert Goodwin Bartlett will oiler the said radiophone for sale at ' ; his premises at 204 4th Street. Prince Rupert, B.C , on Wednesday. March 20th. 1952. at 10 o'clock a.m. unless the said Edward Rell shall swncr pay to the said Albert Goodwin Bartlett 1 the said sum of $428.05 and the costs of advertising this notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 16th day of February, 1952 "A. a. Bartlett " (52c) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Two corner lots, corner of 5th and Fulton, across from Catholic School. Good location for busiiittut or home Blue 549 (45c) FOR SALE 5-room wartime. Newly decorated. Apply 1431 6th Ktihl. (46p) . WANTED TO Bl'Y WANTED TO BUY 4-room house $2,000 down, monthly payments. BEST OF FOOD FOR TAKE OCT OltDFRS MOB k. m m. w m m M W UKUAUVYMI 1st Ave. W. i Roofing-Renovating i Foundations Phone 909 215 DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS w 1.111 Hill' CLtv lvtor"" n -...aiiiMI Kewv"- B(U'Clf Ctf Commodore Cafe J Lr. III1 I .-V,V- -S:: I I Jii:. , r-r cake vi i . m mt w i ii r i i v i ivt i i v, i f m i-.',' -J nwrmml . X ...V 1 1 I III .7 I ' t .v. v ijl . m I ' -. j. .i i-i I K m I J i mam ii i , m imi i i t i i t i ' jtM. -J It s.X 7". 1 II J I r.. I. . J