Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 21, 1952 :nce Rupert Daily News As I See It Jamaica Jamboree Two B. C. Boys To Join Other Canadians . . ......... .Intintnil n k.n . . I I .1 1 rwt - (1 It's there bul a lot of the population find it inconvenient to go , exploring. It's hard to believe, yet it's a .act quite a few folks who have been in Rupert for a generation have not yet travelled as far as lugwell Island or anywhere else. ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces ore 0( lit UUlly liewayui-'1 uvwvvvu ij inc upijuuuuiu ui i'luiue tit and Northern and Central British Columbia. ' - el Canadian prcss Audit Bureau of Circulation I Canadian Dally N wspapcr Association. , ikli ' Managing Edltoi ; II. Q. PERRY, Managing Director I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ,; r L r wvck, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, -'J?'lt S u vi mull, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. "t&Z" published every afternoon except Sunday by OTTAWA (CP) Canadian Boy i Scouts are preparing to aid Ja-i maican Scouts at the first 1 ' t.x- -j.t mi Caribbean Jamboree to be held E ''' ' i I ! at Kingston next month j The Canadian lads will take Twentv-two below zero in the Little Is heard of flying sauc-era but a school of thought is Plowing lhat seems to encourage the idea that in another thirt.v pui" it Daily News i.ici.. 310 nvenu. h-rince Kiipert. i Ricond class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. Decline Not Fall with them 36 new patrol tents Bu'.kley Valley but people, so we us,meiu me Jamaica equip-:aie advised, do not notice it be- THE British world king-; dom has long since i n 1 Markets cause they are too busy. Weather years, a flight to the moon will u. ed to be the chief industry be commonplace. W know a principally during winter. . fellow who wiU never find time enough to listen to someone men:, some oi wnicn was lost In a hurricane last summer. Bought from donations contributed by Canada's 130,000 Scouts, the tents will be used at the ':7 i A couple of 'teen-age bandits, .eliciting business. ivarea j-17, and then having completed six weeks of DEMAND for poods and services is .;,,, 1 partly by changes in the occupational ranked as one of the greatest mysteries, even contradictions, of all time. Consider the tables published vVi, ojf the country's population, as well as, of will be turned over 10 ine ja- wrong doing, in southern B.C., maica Scouts. wil serve terms and feel the Jamboree officials are getting whip. Sometimes the term Is all ready for some 4000 Scouts from but forgotten. The lash, never! all over the world. The Cana-' , i Mrs. C. J. Norrington of Terrace is sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver to , .. t-x ,1 , 1 in uie press uie uay me imc ,..,.i.iiV -,-f nnnii hihnn Ilneimir rnn nuct . , . v, attend the annual meeting of n. Abbott, Minister of Fin- the British Columbia Red Cross ance, has been pondering taxa- Association. 'Ui'' KIU " tMtu.u... v.iv jsut't. jung was ouriea. iney gave mc n V;U the total population, including that ot' ewfourilland. has increased by about two-and- Xfut dian contingent will include troops of 25 Scouts and their leaders and 12 Rover ocouts who will serve on the Caribbean Jamboree staff. They will go to Kingston by air at their own expense and wiii auivt a. few days before the Jamboree starts. The site of the Jamboree is a 500-acre strip of land which . i,.,if luinion, of which not more than 500,000 is , states which are now a part of! ,v 1 , . . rr.i . . , , ; tliat mightiest Commonwealth I counted fur by immigration. The total working nauon. India's own 1951 census tion and among the matters ftud :d was the cigarette trade. Being an non-smoker, he lacked the solace found in the fragrance oi what must of u ki.ow so well. He did his job the hard way. , , , i'ii-nii-u nnmi'iotnra inc nr mir "w 000. Henee the true total population of the British world Commonwealth Is much more. Complaints are heard of how Alran lievelonmpnt.s will harm was made available by the army Television, Radio, Wireless Operatinq AP Offer Big Money. Trail. Jd men urgently needed. 3et details no of day, night and home-study plans. ... No previous knowledge needed. Write stating age. education, and whether married or single. Rad o College of Canada, 80 Bathurst St., Toronto 2B. ;rim -' Now consider these comparative population figures: British world total 623 million Soviet Russia l'JO Red China 494 USA 154 Purpose of the Jamboree is to the far flullg scenic charms of promote friendship between ; cenUal British Columbia. Not boys of different countries and .ricusiy, however. And anyway, exchange scouting methods. thousands live a life time in While there, the Canadian lads BrUish Columbia and see pre-will be taken on sightseeing c OHS uttle in lhe way of natural trips, including a visit to a sugar , beauty on a monumental scale, plantation. i - In charge of the Canadian Scouts at the Jamboree will be J. W. Arthus. Cardinal, Ont.; R. i J. Beck, New Toronto, Ont.: G. A. Coleman. Verdun, Que.; Rob See Our BABY DEPARTMENT for your BABY NEEDS ert Hartog, Toronto; J. v. Mouse, i i Willowdale. Ont.; H. C. North- HOW HAS it happened that: whereas Queen Victoria's reign ended with Britain by far the most powerful and influential , single power then in the world. : '. Queen Elizabeth's reign opens with the U S A. and Russia loom- J Ing as comparative giants. ; ! The whole British world Com-' monwealth is subordinate to and ! j dependent on the' United States.: I But the Biitish-American rela- j 1 tlonship Is held to be necessary ! , by all British and American ; ; governments because they feel1 ! it is necessary to checkmate , I Russian expansion. I ' MY POINT iswhy? The Brit- I ish world community vastly; CANADIANS AT OLYMPICS Official ceremonies marking the opening ut the 1352 winter Olympics were held last Friday before 30,000 persons in Bislctt Stadium. Oslo. Canada' s delegation was led by Gordon Audley, speed skater from Winnipeg, who carried the Canadian flag. Athletes of 30 countries represented at the games marched about the stadium and dipped their countries' flags as they passed the reviewing stand. In competition Saturday Audley tied for third in the 500-metre speed skating race. i CP Photo by radio from Oslol cott, Brandon, Man.; P. B. Smith, Vancouver, and J. A. Snow, Willowdale, Ont. , Scouts attending the Jamboree from British Columbia will be D. G. Butler and R. S. Hilton of Vancouver. Boby Blankets Panties Shirts Rattles I and the professional classes in other I those gainfully occupied, exceeds five and tcr million, more than one million higher I of ten years ago. But composition of this population is much different today. The ral population declined by about 350,000 in jdt-cade, leaving only one million people on is and ranches. Most of this loss has been f by industry and trade, which now employ f of the entire working population, al-ijiere have, of course, been shifts to other ultural jobs, and death and old age have In tolls of the farming group, 'preat population shift from rural to urban i apt to continue, and as city people have I tastes from country folk, to continue also yie buying habits of a considerable propor-le working population. When the re-arma-(fgram gets really under way; it and the rj resources development will need an addi-lor force of about 200,000, a good part of it, jialf, to come off the farms and from sur-I villages and towns. This movement will ntially towards the larger centres and t 'points where the major re-armament pro- to take place. Jt the same time there will be a population the opposite direction, to frontier districts it most important resources development iiavtrbi'rn undertaken. These include" the Capt. Vi. W. Mounje, who has 0i Letterbox here during the past week : I ; been Kill ( in connection with the piloting ( of the grain ship Atago Maru, ' j which sa'led yesterday afternoon ! outnumbers any other national irom the local elevator wnere : o7,rqUaara! ARMY'S APPRECIATION ,.041 Just before we were ap-.. r .. 'irHitnr rminted here. he loaded a full cargo for Japan, :,t,ZJrOV ' ! Daily News, It may be of interest to you j left by today's plane on his re-; I Within the Commonwealth Major William Kerr sent me to know ; Jhat .have four sons j urn to Vancouver OUlHi..' a coPv OI ycur Paper oi January iu u. o.i ..v.u.. j there is everv necessarv natural , rc"rce to prSnVaS ' ' hich very kindly de- officers stationed in the western voted a paragraph to the Army s territory. i !of living for all the people as 'hL ! May I take this opportunity I -is that U S A It w anniversary Purely absurd for the British Of particular Interest to me of thanking you for your km,i Quarter of "he hlan family to as the reference made to my reference to Dad and also for 'have t0 calV in Uncle Sam to aU father. Major Johnstone, .your confidence in our organ - ot course mvsrlf' fr w11 1 ; Zatl0n as evldt'nced bv tne e,dl-piotect motect itself itself agahist against the the DOS- pos- ' feel ,h. t.ion of our lorial. I cannot help but in! "Ms e sub: uction A' X7 sioie auaiKs oi nu&sia. ouieiy - - tv,, ., uv intimate l i i ' I we ao not concede uie principle '"Tll " '".Z v.,., fennwlerico of the mission of the pi'ii Bitu CKJiuc ui tiiv wuiiv -.' e - went into the stablis)ung of ou Army as evidenced by .the last corps in Prince Rupert. paragrapn oi your eaiuoutu. Since those days much has Praying God's richest blessings transpired. Mother and Dad upon you, I remain. "COOEY" Chrome Tables and Chairs Beautiful chrome pieces in timeless good taste, perfect for homes of yesterday, today and tomorrow. that one of Joe's boys can lick three 6r four Tommies, Can-; ucks, Aus.sies or Sikhs? : The plain truth is that we British subjects are to blame i for our own decline In relative world power. We had and still j have all the vo'-ur-i resources and the human beings to keep 1 us far ahead of either Uncle Sam or Uncle Joe, but we did I not modernize our social and I political organization in a way Tables from 51.25 Chairs from 12.25 jMicized projects in the new iron and titan- of the Quebec-LabradorNarea, the present $11 oil sections of Alberta and the new t development in British Columbia and I petroleum territory in Northern Alberta fch Columbia, and extending ev,en to north-r land the Yukon, where some of the biggest producers fn the world may emerge, if these frontier developments will require r and, of course, their larger working pre goods and services, though these, will ft ient types from those needed by people in litres. Collectively, these new productive fny remote from the major supply centres, J an entirely new market both of consider-nse and of many thousands of Gord on & Anderson Limited Phone 46 rno;. Jec' GEORGE W. JOHNSTON. Lt. -Colonel, Div. Cmdr., Seattle. Tune in The Lone Ranger' CFPR 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY! BOYS! GIRLS! HURRY! WONDERFUL PRIZES ENTER NOW ... BIG "LONE RANGER" CONTEST! Use this entry blank . . . served the length of Canada and In the western territory of tlv; : US., Dad being promoted to. Glory in 1931 and Mother in which would have been ade-, quale to maintain our relative world position. IN THE Bible story Queen Esther used her Influence with the j mighty King Ahasuerus" which reigned from India even unto 1 Ethiopia." Foolish politicians wanted the king to permit them to wipe out the children of Israel, because they just did not fit Into the power politics of that day. i The young Queen Est.icr's wise old uncle implores her to do so, asking the famous question: I "Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for . such a time as this?" MAYBE the British world kingdom, the Queen of Empires, had to suffer the comparative and tragid decline of this cen- j tury. Maybe she had to learn 1 the lesson that it is not just enough to fight wars, and to win them, but it is now neces- J sary to re-order the world to I make them impossible. It's a TRADE-IN NOW Do You Need A New Furnace? WINTER IS NEARLY OVER BUT.... If you are planning to instal a new furnace for next winter ... we would strongly advise ordering now for future delivery. Orders placed now have the following advantages: 1. You save a 10 to 15 increase expected in the very near future. I. You are not required to lake the normal one-third down payment. A small monthly payment is all that is required. 3. Your furnace will be almost paid for when you arc ready for installation Thom Sheet Metal Ltd. Phone Black 881 the changing market conditions that 0 meet. It may not be much of a prob- f are fiast, H11 to -fell num. (rood :md services to armament MWc: Trade-in Allowance $100.00 $ 70.00 $ 65.00 $100.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 9'i cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator .... $499.00 ZVi cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator $461.50 Z'i cu. ft. STANDARD Refrigerator . : $432.50 DELUXE Range ' '$519.00 STANDARD Range $388.50 DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 I'll.!, IN . . . M ill. . . . w n il Mil- I KOM S MK KUK- a;k ok ii ii k KiilUN noon l( u s . . . , To: Radio Station CFPR Prince Rupert This 1 my entry for the big case of "peace or perish" for all. i ' I The lesson that the decline- 1 1 but-not-yet-fall of the British world kingdom carries seems to ( be to be this: i "Lone RniiKCT" Contest. I am I attaching Quick Rubin Hood . Oats box-top. I Name Northern B. C Po wer Co. L td. i fcentnitinir mainly in a few large connner-i. These areas arc already well served by Jliutive trades and by adequate advertising fthough these should be used more exten-cach newcomers, many not familiau with tywb found in cities and large towns, cliffeix-nt methods of approach, presenting roblenis, will be necessary for the new imirkets opening up along the vast range ces development. Arrow's markets will be bigger markets Kv's and perhaps spectacularly big for the I business man who capitalizes on today's portunities by employing bold thinking and 3ng action in advertising as well as in other Orts. - . . '. - ACTIVE DUTY AGAIN The only fourrfooted member of the RCAF Association, this pure-bred cocker spaniel will Join the Association's campaign of assistance to the RCAF' in recruiting for ground observers' corps and for the Air Force itself. During the S:cond World War "Dinghy" served overseas with 422 and 401 Squadrons. He's nine now but has permission from his owner. Dr. Arnold F. Jones of Montreal, to go "active" again, i CP from National Defence! I Phone 21(1 Address ISi'Mier Itlock Prince; Rupert, B.C. Stewart, I3.C. I'rov. I No great empire is strong ' enough or numerous enough to j save itself unless it helps to reorganize the world to help save j everybody and every nation. j'That, I think, was what the great war heroine. Edith Cavell, I meant when she said: "Patriot- I ism is not enough." Is? ?!i GENERAL ELECTRIC Scenery, for one thing- At the Sylvia, overlooking Vancouver's English Bay, you enjoy the glorious panorama of beach sky sea mountains. And Sylvia Service is a outstanding as the scenery attentive, genial, with a friendly interest that makes you feel at home. If you bring the younger mcmben of the family, baby-sitting service Is provided. Accommodation is varied and reasonable. You can cook your own meals or dine in the sky, where. MODELS 5,6 and 7 AC-DC Bottcry Portables the food is as superb as the view. Though far from I u Do Not Pay Your News pscription, the Boy Loses f' ''"'" of lhe Dally News who receive their papers bj poys are reminded that these boys - our Utile -arc charged for every paper they take out. If you f '"g lhe .paper and are delinquent, the boy has to Ju This Is a reminder to people who may be in fliethcr it Is their custom to pay the boy or pay at the nut the office that loses if you fail to pay. It is the "j hnPC this reminder will expedite the payment by may have fallen behind. Prompt payment of your w subscription is a legitimate obligation. The fact f creditor is one of our boys or girls should make the I uf the obligation the more desirable. each of town tit Uie Uie noise of city traffic, you're within eas at Sylvia. Svlviso no i Rupert Radio & Electric PAcific 9321 Hillicrd C lyle, Managing Director i 115-1 GiKorH Street YOUR (iE DEALER