Prince Rupeit Daily News Thursday, February 21, 1952 Daring Salvage Attempt Tried Lrgest $tJ Girder Shi- MONTUE.U. r,'r Says Nazi Ideas Still Prevalent VANCOUVER (CP) Carl D. H. ITintniHfil Uhu i.S A dfSCCnd- Everything in the Store "''"''a .111 ti,,..t hl' la it .ltK H.unilion. u 12 teet. 3 n, CHATHAM, Mass. Coast iMiard cutlers steamed to port Wednesday with 25 survivors from the broken tanker Fort Mercer. 'Ihtileeii other seamen pa ""(1 up rescue, electing to stick with the Fort Mercer's stern as volun- Georisc liijii , w ti,c p day lu I Law is Profession of High Ethics, Practitioner Says Enlightenment on some of the lesser known aspects (tf a "misunderstood" and little appreciated profession the law was effectively conveyed to the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday when the speaker was Alistair Eraser, one of the newer lejral practitioners of Prince Rupert. Possibly one of the reasons , why the legal profession was in and help might be advantage-a "low state of repute" in the ! ously used. f minds of many was because its C ANONS OK PROFESSION public relations were so bad and Citing canons of legal ethics, little effort was ever made to Mr. Fraser disclosed the protec-uphold its reputation. Seldom j Hon that the public was assured did anvonc rise to its defence of In dealing with lawyers. There not that any defence should be , was. for instance, recourse to a necessary court of the Benchers' Society Its brief liberty" and its in the event of negligence on the client humanity." Mr. Fraser ' part of a lawyer with a client's set forth hieh ideals and Dre- case. As a protection against dc- ant of Germany's Iron Chancel- tccrs In the salvage attempt be-lor Otto von Bismarck, says the Ini! made to tow that half of the principle of Nazism is still wide-. ship to port. Two tuR.s are slow-spread in Germany. 'y moving towards port with the Von Einsicdel came to Canada i dl'f l:, . . ihtl The F.rt Mercer was one of 1 ' yJ! fr months ago, first working as a logger in the British Columbia Prince J about the name time In u terrific northwest storm off here Monday. The other tanker was the Pendleton. Both of .her halves have ma i Van woods. He now is trying to find a job as a salesman. , A cousin of Bismarck's grandson, he fled from the Soviet zone to West Germany in 1948 and was granted political asylum. Until his departure for Canada, he worked as a teletype operator at United States Army head auujl and Inlrrurt 1 (jci. j aground. ' The latest batch of survivors hrouelit to 75 the number rescued from the fo. r drilling sections. j J-V r.-t listed dead. Eie,ht are! I missing and presumed dead. j i Meanwh'.i.' the const e.uard re- RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE Going Out of Business SALE After 25 years of opciul'on, the Rupert Peoples Store is going out of business. Everything must be soid to the bare wails. Time is short. Prices have been reduced way below wholesale. SALE'S ON NOW 30, 40, 50, 70 OFF . RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE rcpts upon which the profession falcation by lawyers, who han it II quarters in Oermany. "was founded and described it as For KETCH WILDFIRE EXHERT Dr. William W. H. Gunn, 38. of Toronto lias been appointed full-time secretary of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. He will be the fast paid secretary of a Canadian group of naturalists. Dr Gunn will have the title of Ex'erutivo Director of (he Fed-era! ion comprised of 22 nature clubs which seek to develop an active interest in birds, trees, wiid flowers and conservation of natural resources The Federation was formed in 1932. (CP PHOTO) died large sums of money, there was a fund of the British Columbia Law Society from which claims could be paid. This fund had been in existence since 1914 and it might be considered a von tinsmei in an interview 1 porU lhp MbKeA freiKhtw Hel.'ii said the present West German sirveiison had made a sale an-government of Dr. Konrad Ade-j (.,,, otf ij,rmula after naer is "all right'" but he fears ( waiiowm. in rough seas with her one of the last strongholds of the practice of private initiative. The three original professions of the world. Mr. Fraser said, had been listed as the law, medi 1 i.Xurj i. Ule ininirauon 01 me voin- mflm lic tt eraeked Klv.- -( It- is a H I" i testimonial to the integrity of cine and the church. People reg 7.2bii-ton slilp with 35 aboard. She reached Bermuda Tuesday night. j munlsts and the rapidly growmn 1 neo-Nazi Socialist Reich party, perhaps disguised as non-partisans or members of other politi ularly saw their doctor and con- I tne profession that no claim had suited with the spiritual advis-. ever becn made or Paid, ers but, oddly enough, only went ' "As 8 matter of fact, a lawyer usually is more careful with the to the lawyer in a case of ex- tremitv or crisis, despite the fact money of his client than he is that there were many routine of nis own'" speaker as-matters in which his assistance serted. - - Exploding the theory of the LUBgiMunini, cal groups. St.N'GAI'OKfc nv.uversi Try- The West German govern-! inB t0 aV01d making a trip after ment is making a mistake in'curr,,w himrs, Chong Meng Fui failing to ban the Socialist Reich croWded 11 fellow-laborers into ;'-5r 1 party, he claims, because the his tar niK nave them a lift Canada Leading In Mail Service party's actions in the past have home He was slopped by police ar.d fined $8 40 for overloading his car. shown it Is not democratic. If it should ever lead the country OSHAWA-Canada is the first, titill thfi imtv finintrv ill lhp it would only mean the revival world, t j make extensive use of of ""other dictatorship airplanes to transport first-class IXTIOKS OF IIITI.Ut mail at ordinal y postage ratvs, D.-puty IVstimsster Gtneiiil Waller J. Turnbull said here great monetary regard from the legal profession, Mr. Fraser said that, while the average annual income of a lawyer in 1948 had been found to be $5,843, two-thirds of the members of the profession actually received less than that and one-half of the two-thirds made less than S300') a year. Discussing the position of the lawyer in defending any case regardless of his own opinion, even if he knew himself that the client was guilty, the speaker explained that tlu; lawyer was Von Elnsidel said the Socialist Reich party sympathizes with the old Nazi party programs. Its fuehrer." former Mai-Gen. : AW " j Ernst Otta Rehmer, was said TB EXPERT DIES I responsible for the executions MON1HKUX, rland iReu- of many German officers after 'ters.-D.-. Theodore Stephani. the abortive plot against Hit-famed Swiss special- I ler in 1944. Rehmer betrayed the 1 If v. . 1 ri 1 1 tSrifffiu 11 ; is, died Here al the age ot 00. Hv plot. In which he was to have! to: ; was responsible .or development , participated as commander of ol one of Switzerland's leading u,c Berlin guard regiment, tuberculosis cure centre-.. ; Von Finsldel 4ald he was con- vinced that a new German army not the judge. It was not his j would fight alongside the armies duty to determine Innocence or j of the western democracies in guilt. It was merely his duty "to i any future war against commu- VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Chilcolm 8 p.m. . TUESDAY ss. Camosun 12 noon ALICE A IOI, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Cumosuil. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ol KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS February 15 and 29 ss. Chilcotin midnight FOR KOITH 01 EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Crilcotin " Fcbruury 22 I RANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert A';ei t Third Ave-.uc Phone 5U8 Kvrnini; Shows 7 - S;13 Saturday Malintnl.i JOHN H. BULGER Oj'fotticlri.if nism, but only as a national: EX( I.CSIVt! FOR TflK ITIiST TIME ON Till force under German command. , . . . "It will be hard right now to 1 The Royal Journey in color Starts Monday F.i find an officer who Is suited and zZZZLZZZZZZZZZZ I CANNED FOODS present the best defence he was capable of doing." "The primary duty of the lawyer," the speaker sumniiil up, "is to the public and not to himself. As an officer of the courts, we owe the public a duty which we try to dis-eharse to the b;si of our ability." Lawyers, he submitted, had done many great thines John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I aoic to lead a German army. he said. "To get the wrong man for the job. either a neo-Nazi 'or another super-nationalist, i would only endanger the structure of such an army." ; He is not worrying too much , about it, however. Von Einsidel isaid he wants to forget German. politics and instead study Canadian politics more closely because i want to become a good Canadian citizen." which all too often went unknown or unreeosnird. imnnMHHii!iiiiiii!i!iiiiii!niHHtii'iMiiiinMijiM'iiijinii E rrcsldcnl Marc Uonncly pre- ' ' sided over the Gyro luncheon which was attended by many members as well as guests in the persons of Dr. George Wakefield nd J. E. Parker of Vancouver. J. T. Haig anu A. A. Webster of FOR TMC THRiFTY HOUSBWtFE ' Ocean Falls. J. W. Estev of Prince Rupert. Don Fitch and Sgt. T. A. Stew- , art, RCMP, were welcomed a. i PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 22 to FEB. 27 inclusive new members. PICNIC HAMS per lb. 49c Ife Swift's Evcrswoet SLICED BACON 31c vi lb. Thriller of Waterfront A bruising, raw-boned thriller that exudes sweating terror with every scene comes to the screen of the Totem Theatre this Friday and Saturday in "The Mob," a waterfront drama in which Eroderick Crawford, as a tough detective, clashes head-on witli a cold-blooded crew of killers. Violence and suspense pervade' the exciting action. Assigned to solvu a murder case and break up the racket which the mob controls, Crawford poses as a dock worker, builds up a reputation as a tough muscle man handy with a gun and thus Ingratiates himself with the lu-odlums. Having won the gang's confidence, the detective is then hired to take the life of a fictitious person who is, of course, himself. Betty Buehlei, former ex-television actress, makes her screen debut in the leading feminine j role, that of Crawford fiancee. The story is based on the Collier.-.' serial, "Waterfront." ,w...,.uj " ' I ! I Well"-? VH I : 1 e 1 If WILL DO ll m w p. mm m x . l rk ..--"'" - WHOLE CHSCKEN 'i Jd - 47 i ,. v f J --..., r " ii' $2-2 " Viiness" llorseslioe Wizardry" "Ho'lvwcoil Scepslakes" In a con, Swift's SIGAP. II) lbs. A FAMOUS I'l.AVI KS TIIKATHE :; .Joe :;( p.m. KINSO, lai ;( size pk. . . Dl'Z, large size pk. OXV'DOL. Iaree size pkg. (JR.MIAM WAFERS, I.R.C., per pk)r HALF CHICKEN Inocon, $1.40 Swiff's I Sl'GAR 5 lbs. ."Hi" APRICOTS, Del M.mtc, 28-oz. tin He PEACHF.S. Lynn Valley, lj-07,. 2 for :t'.C SWIFT'S CLEANSER 2 for 27r SIIREDDI.I) WHEAT 2 for ;;Sc TOMATOES, Valley View, 11.. tin TOMATOES, Mowbray's, '... tin 21c CAKES, Eisht Fruit, Z II). slab H!)e MVIIMi: SAllI!!'1 i:vi:m.; shows 7 - 9 M l. SEATS IU;SI KVKI) . S" AIAIt(,ENE, per lb. RKSI ftVEl) SEAT TICKETS MI ST I5E IMCKE I) IT BICKOItK S I'M JEWEL SIIOItTEMM;, per II). 27 I l.Ol R. Rolin Hond, IjgtNTKRNATIONAT.' CINFMA OUlI.n OF CANADA ''r' ,M, MM I .-: n at' pin pose HA4'-1-'- 7 lbs. 170 a tins af I'l l MS, Royal City, 15-iiz ArmM, fitriUni 2nd sad Dr 9irj if tJC 1 peer of 'amy mom maker in (Ac worbj. 'rc A ui;rrerirrF " .muN M'CARTrH '"11 On Hie same program FREE DELIVERY SERVICE On all orders nf ami over. A savinr ir a 2:"e delivery elrirce on a $10.00 order means a 2'2 percent discount on your grocery pure bases. TOILET TISSUE Westminster 10c a roll w IE! k I I V 1 ATM I ri k' '3 . ( "Eve Witness No. 21" '"Z!Ll "Sheep Him of Wales" 1-hr F TOT FETE A Delivery Service Phone 843 A r.VMoi s i-i.,-. i i;its 'J iii:a i itr Slfelf Wirt!. )i niniaMil Lt I r 1 s 1 1 Delivery Service Phone 843 LIMITED TODAY ONLY ONE SHOWING ONLY 8:3(1 . noons open This ddvertiscrent ii not published or AllSpldycd by the Liq-JO' Conlrnl Roflrd or ' bv trie Government ol Brimh Columbia.