V PROVINCIAL ?r.3VIS3IAL LI2?.A?.:'t QRMES .icrrm, 2. c. Hi DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I dispatcher VOL. XLI, No. 44 , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1152 PRICE FIVE CENTS , - y-ff I v wmmwi ifl 4Bk iH W Citizens Slay Bank Robbers MIDDLETON, Conn, ff The often-robbed Middleton Bank was held up again today by two gunmen who were cut down by mass fire from Irate citizens as they fled. The hold-up men were severely wounded as they tried to escape. W. B. Sasser, Jr., whom they held as hu.lage, r.ot wounded. GiGHE : u -IK. ... PREMIER JOHNSON SAYS I V Exemptions For Lower Pay People Farm Workers Compensation to Central Interior Hi Cannot be Deferred VICTORIA (CP) The J '. .. Chief Justice also Recommends Medical Appeal Board VICTORIA (CP) Report on the British Columbia Workmen's Compensation Act, tabled in the Legislature Wednesday, recom- VICTORIA (Special to Daily News) Premier Byron I. Johnson, in his policy speech yesterday. em-; j XO OTTAWA Viscount Alexander, Lady Alexander and their 12-year-old son, Brian, .U to Ottawa as they leave for Hall ax -ltroute to Britain. The Alexanders were jt ing send-off by thousands of Otta vans who turned out to see them leave. The ji rnur-generai sailed from Halifax Stmdiiy to become Defence Minister In Prime Jim-chill's cabinet. ICP PHOTO! British Columbia Hospital 1 Insurance Service inquiry board this afternoon rec-ommended to the Legislature that scrapping of "co-insurance" char ires. 'SZZSTZJ'b the province's 32,000 farm work the ' that Provision will be asked for! further development of the northern transprovinciai , hjohwav ers. The repct recommends in- ! creases in compensation cover M mi o r PRESLNTS REPORT ,. . .. ,,, , . . . Hun. a. d. Tumbuii eliminating co mp ulsory i age which would cost all British Conventional First Move Under Way Towards Ridley Island Airport Survey Columbia employers $3,021,142 Dnng Oil in i year. j If accepted by the govern-; i ment, this recommend ation 1 "We no longer can delay the improvement of this highway in the light of the great industrial ; jxpanson that is taking place , in that part of the province," said the Premier. "We have an ; obligation to meet the needs of ; the people in the vast territory Weapons From West Germany ' Liz-Mike Married payroll deductions and a crackdown to catch up with thousands who are svading paying of prem-i ums. i The report of the eight-man board which inquired into the i j.iw.c in "y'6 ",u"v i would make British Columbia ' Island here as a possible f uture airport is under way ! the first province in Canada to . t ,.i; i, t V- ! rin& ar hands within the orth Workmen' Compensation Act. j aiong me Nonnern iranspro- district airways engineer's office, Vancouver. ! LIOBUN West Germany Will ""'' mniifny niiu nave cmei Ohlpf Justin- justice Oorrion Gordon f?lnan Bloan , . . ... an oblieation to Itrni ahrwist of. LONnOM 0--Mnvle stars Eliza Eli (P-An Ameri- also recommended the estau- ; . vu'"5""u" ,u. ,5....,, .. ui.i,.j wim. nmvtnr-. rnmnulsorv hosDital estern defence, it wttr inuutiiai ucvciupiunii, ui urut idiui onu ,vnc - - . ! ! lishmi lishment of a medical anrjeal weapons to we T t f . I m association with i companies, has in:s province wnicn we nave m vere marnea ioaay in lire msuiaute to which " claimants might ! was intimated at tne Norm At- Mr. Keith is making investigations to a detailed survey which will likely follow within a few months, he said. Such a survey, conducted by a 10-man S12.S00.0ltU in tne rea. was laoieu VWIO O iw-rvJ , i -l"t lantir Trpatv Oraani-zation con- sought so earnestly to encour- midst of a lively mob scene K) 000 acres in Nor- ll. .ohi"tin Cii. 1-11.) fprpnrp which nnpnpd hprp vpx- age. 't ne l-year-oiii Dime ana sv- ui ine isis"""": ' l Court Cohimbia for gas decisions of the board's doctors. of D. Turnbull. minister terday. No atomic weapons or The Premier also said that year-old groom, arriving separ-'A i .it ion party, would examine soil for If acted upon, this 'ecommen- ately, slipped almost unnoticed health and welfare. v guided weapons will come from generous provision woild be ask hi d here Wednesday matio'ns and oJ,ner character-- a rnr ormrtar rn0rfi t , i into the registry hall through a The Liberal government has VANCOUVER American Standard , Bralorne companies Cen 25'2 v Germany for the time being at such ..Vh appeal .noi tribunal i ( in n Canada, a g j j jeag( and D1 Rio Proof Calgary, and istlcs pertinent to airport re- j quirements. Department of Transport an-: nj-tmwori lact mnnth thilt tt was. lne government nas already: Smelling and Re Pvc acquired the lnlcrCljlcd ln tne possibility ol out the province as well as the d,Jor' but a crowd of hund- already said it will not act on construction of the highway from ' "ris descended upon them as the report at this session but Squamlsh to Vancouver giving emerged after the ten- that it should be dealt with by a land hook-up with the Pacific minute civil ceremony. the new House this fall follow- Great Eastern. Railway. ! Elizabeth radiated happiness ' tag this summen's general pro- In announcing that a highway as she was jostled by the enthus- vincial election, would be built from Squamlsh to- hundreds. She left the United 60.000 WORD REPORT North Vancouver, Mr. Johnson Elates without divorce papers. The 60,000-word report, result said that such a hl"hway was The registrar insisted on proof of of a nine-month investigation, jrwnial .a rf i-w wsw? on divorce before marriage. The , recommenced, th extra charge said It will not act at this session on these recommendations but will place before the House several other recommendations included ln the report providing for increased allowances for widows and children. , an airport on Ridley Island and """" : would conduct a survey. Snow Beaten; Road Opened under permit. r (our miles of the 1 30 miles north of Snow Buries JH tub. wax. i.ia t-he. ' Itiehway Closure Lif tnd Ib-tueen Terrace and Prince Rupert railway traffic moving through f15 iauiujjiiui.ut:u uuum oe aroppea aitogenii'i unu un cerium of the block. i i,ne Atlantic there be no Increase in basic H n A .04 UH-.4 , , Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Congress 05 I Cronln Babine 46 j Giant Mascot .97 Indian Mines .21 j Pioneer 2.20 j Premier Border .34 Privateer , ,.... .09 Reeves MacDonald 5.70 Reno 03', Sheep Creek 166 Silbak Premier 60 Vananda 20' 2 Salmon Gold 04 Spud Valley ll'j Silver Standard 2.55 Western Uranium 3.15 Oils-Anglo Canadian 8.50 Squamlsh to Vancouver. lor complete V tin n rails rails I survey y w CNR Train followed by i English Woman Skating Champ work. Drilling i Provincial department of pub- 1 'Tnere are lumber mills and lie works has won the fight otner industries along the line against deep snows in the lower of tne Paclc Great Eastern ci,o viio orf h hMt-' Railway desirous of stepping up announced later. kt THERESE. Quebec Forty - Canada Wins Hockey Again premiums. The report noted that 445.000 persons now pay premiums. A spokesman for the inquiry board ' said that around 100.000 persons i were now evading payments. An its ' administrative crackdown could OSLO & Dick Button won his h.(,mn d,i do t, production." the Premier said. lollows recent dis-' (our pussengcrs are stranded uid gas by Pacific near this Oaspe Peninsula town the Fort St. John wltn tne burying of a Canadian i National Railway train ln snow-; : "Tnls has not b,een Possible due race Is officially open again. OS! Ci C a n a ri a Rprpri econd Olympic gold medal tonight for the men's figure skating nnnf firial ralculat.ions show- . , . , . a uui viinvm a, it uuuniiiiiiii by cars waiting to be fifth straight victory in Olympic lnto f rn,at tne hospital 'eas,t, ff fold, (A fA total to Vancouver." 'hockey tonight, defeating Swit- Diizzaras uiikuarua cd i cany January wneu barged v.f0..,.o m, Tono.f., ah J overwhelmed the government's ; zenana n io i. ine tamonion " : ; Mcrcurys have yet to be de- to al.500,000, has been paid by hospital service.) ' feated. on Well Oil Freiqht Rate iwegg won the women s figure skating championship for Qreat Britain. Barbara Ann Scott of ! Canada won this title in the last I Winter Olympics. A P Con 20 Calmont 2.10 C & E 15.50 Central Leduc 2 85 Home Oil 16.25 Mercury 26 drifus following an excessive snowfall since the first of the week. Women and children have been taken to nearby farmhouses while men are remaining in baggage and express cars. No one is suffering. Snow plows are digging in towards the stranded train which may be extricated today. " " " ,. ..... . ..... D : the section where the Canadian National Railways line skirts the highway. The department warns, however, that the road is still nar-; now and icy at several spots j along the entire distance for it j The inquiry board made fifty-or.c recommendations all told. .MAIN RECOMMENDATIONS i I Married persons with incomes of less than $1,200 a year and single persons with incomes of less than $720 will be ex Boost Coming lpects Under Liuauciu II The railways are has not been possible to clear OTTAWA (P Man. (f The. :ty.s today that a 1 t'o. of Canada test 1 - west of Reston, . reportvd to have substantial quanti- j the channel through the snowl planning to increase their low Ceiling Falls; Many Injured Major W. C. Poulton, Salvation banks to full width. i transcontinental rates between , ... . ' niuiv WXK ynp.si. snfHKpr hi. flip Okalta 3.80 j Royal Canadian 21 '2l TORONTO i Athona 09 j Bcvcourt 78 i Auniaqtie , 21'2 Burtalo Canadian 22 Consol. Smellers 38.25 Conwest 3.65 ! Donalda 44 eastern banana ana me west: ; Necessity of caution ln oriving Rotary luncheon meet-is 'unciieon meei emDhaslzed coast- 11 as learned today. An KU'dl. is inipiiasiieu. ine todav. His tome was "Our Phone Charges Being Increased CINCINNATI P More thai. I 1 ne, snow " irozea ana soi a " ' , Prospects UnBer the Reign of the lsiw is reported to i els an hour. s on the farm of I't'. who owns the Ne Queen ' A good number of members were in attendance. fifty persons were hurt Wednes-' maae piowmg aiuicuu,. i : " ,h,rh dav night as a larce Dortlon of i While the road -Is only today! Transcontinental rot rates, which nSlfV-Ri.S'oflclallv ooen. cars have been are at a low level to meet com- 18'2i 2 ' S.J , . !( getting thm.mh through fr for several voroi days riavci petition, Peuuon. do ao not not need neea a a prior prior Eldona empt from paying premiums. 2 No group will be exempted on religious grounds and current exemption for members o( the Christian Science Church will be discontinued. ; a long-rai.ge program of financing will be developed with any deficits being made up out of consolidated government " ' revenue. 4 Daily per patient grant to seventy-six British Columbia hospitals In the scheme will be Increased from 70c to $1.. (The service now collects the mony aryi allots it to hospitals i. collapsed coiiapsea and ana fell on on the me audi- auai ,Bte, nd drivers haye ot com. ; authorization from the board for m?.' .niainpri ihnt. th nnditinn increases within their ceilings. East Sullivan 8.50 Giant Yellowknlfe 10.30 v. Iather- BIG WAGES FOR COMMON LABOR , OTTAWA Board of Transport Commissioners has granted thoj Bell Telephone Co. permission to 1 ; Increase monthly charges for ! business and commercial tele-nUnn in nntnrifi nnd Ouebec. ' .38 i "it "'e-iiie is in me ucan ui Th transcontinental rates cover I WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. D DC C. Wages 13 ' ? downlown negro ! ! a fairly wide variety of articles of $13,000 a year for laborers and -13 1 i j ' , ,. . , .V L- E- Cuthbertson, comptroller ; 0f the type that could be carried $17,000 for mechanics are being MHIUSIS 1 HvJ 8"I1 lllst Long distance tolls remain the J. " . - ui uiumuia veuuiuse v,o. . m snips around tne Panama maid in United States defence God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Jollet Quebec Little Long Lac Lynx been increased T f"usn same, having 1 fc'Ul 48 I y " ,' "1J""" uul several ieft Dy piane today for Van-1 Canal route, including canned i Droiects in polar regions, it was " ntoa were hulinUAH believed tn to be ha lr in serious gai line t i . ' j couver on a business trip. goods, steel and automobiles. I disclosed today I .67 .12' COI1U1L1UI1. ; Al! the injured were negroes, j Joseph R. Miller, manager of the theatre, estimated there were -Possibility will be studied of ii" ail last f aU- ! in re V" was Uie boldest ' PcmJlssion is also granted for j while Victoria re tne increasing of the minimum., the interior should station charge In larger j noy sunny weather cities from 5 ct'nU to 10 cpnts' frrease ln clouds ls wnlcn wi" be Put lnt0 cffcct as woaslal recion, n.t o,son a the "ew coln registers Madsen Red Lake 1.94 McKcnzie Rod Lake 41 MeLeod Cockshutt .. .. 2.75 only between 200 and 300 patrons in the building when the ceiling began to fall. Huge Bills itk Pacific storms can DC msiauea. , coast. I ' ! '"recast I t region - Sunny I f OIYinV0 I Moneta 38 Negus 65 Noianda 80.00 - Louvicotirt 30 Pickle Crow 1.52 San Antonio 2.45 Senator Royn 18'2 Sherrlt Gordon 4.10 Steep Rock 7.25" Silver Miller 1.58 Upper Canada 1.70 Golden Manitou 8.35 " ilods tndav A fpw W I W v w 's. Cloudy Priduy. bringing 30.000 members of the Canadian Pacific and British Columbia Telephone employees' medical service associations under the plan. They are now exempt. Both associations have vehemently opposed any such move. Federal government to be responsible for premiums of Indians instead of the hospital service. Cases diagnozed as chronic to be treated free for a maximum of sixty days. (Such cases now receive only fifteen days' free treatment). Under thj - current scheme, Continued on page 2) Margarine P' In temnerature. LllWS t,r,i,rl 1 .unihll . UI U i fwAi Port Hardy, foll-l T Rntl ! J" and 40: Prince awiwi For Arms LONDON Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in a white paper to Parliament, announced an armament program for the coming year which Will cost $3,855.-000.000. Half the expenditure will lid 38. 1 j VICTORIA There may bo : three bills brought before the; ri ' Legislature at this session calling j Russia Barred In Truce Police I be for tanks and planes. ! The Prime Minister said there Two lllg maigurine. ine government, lias announced its intention. So hiive D. J. Proudfout and Mrs. Tilly Rulston, members for Vlc- MUNSAN 'CP United Nations would be speeding up in the command told Communists to-, drafting of men for the services. I I.A DnitDTi., r. . t.iii-in anri Vnnrnnvpr-Point, GreV " . . - wninc iwor day that "Russia's record of past( participation. In Korea bars the pn Air Force pilots j respectively. sin the crash r,r .a : I r v 1; JapCommies Under Arrest TOKYO Twenty-two arrests Ihing plane at West-1 r here, yesterday. ! "not disclosed pend-1 'km being notified.! t Casualty List In Korean War OTTAWA (f The Army today issued its 95th casualty list of the war in Korea, reporting one man kilied In action and two men wounded. This was the first list issued since January 30. It brought to 702 the number of casualties suffered by Canadian troops In Korean action, this Including 130 cad. 507 wounded. 60 injured, four missing and one captured. Dean Calvert Named Bishop Soviet Union as a neutral fit to hc'i a police truce." j Col. Don Darrow said the Uiit-1 cd Nations command-would reject; any nation "In close proximity to! Korea" or any nation which had' IDES- r A I n a n v ft Virv Rev . . i were maae in uommunisi nois in 1 n: , r nfvir.!a ' recora 01 " -'P"V ' five Japanese cities today. Dem- i fbruary 22, 1952 MEET GERMAN CHANCELLOR Two Canadian cabinet ministers, Finance Minister Abbott and Justice Minister Garson, visited the head of the West German Republic, Chancellor Adenauer, when they were ln Germany recently. They wre presented by Canadian Ambassador T. C. Duvls Shown at Hiv recent ion. left to right, ore: Mr Gut-son, Mr. Davis, Dr. Adenauer and Mr. 20.4 feetltoria. was elected' fourth bishop . ln Korea " lonstrations were staged against1 f- 10:49 feet! of the Anglican Diocese of Cal- A Red staff officer said the government co-operation with 9 1 fwtiffary at the special synod held United Nations reasons were not western powers, particularly the, 3.0 feet in the Cathedral here. satismutoiy. ' . ' United States CP PHOTO' 4:45 '7:38 Abbott.