I Ittii clU.eli.- ol Hie couou ; represent. Kiiiice Kupeil Uuily (Ne. Thursday. February 2,1. 1152 c Train For Olympics 5L -DAILY NEWS I Hundred Lady Curlers ng Into Action Soon sophomore last year when his only quarter-mile defeat came when he placed sixth in the NCAA. Price, 22-year-old Oklahoma freshman from East London, quarter-milers Jack Carroi and Al Rankin; and sprinU-r Ross Coats. Gordon Dickson, sophomore at Drake, is a Canadian hopeful at 10.000 meiers. Seven Countries Have Athletes Readying In Chicago Area By JERRY LISKA There are some lively Olympic prospects in the foreign set on miilwestern campuses. Take Michigan's Don McEwen, Drake's Jim Lavery. and Iowa's Richard Feiguson, all of Canada; Purdue's Denis Johansson of Finland; Oklahoma's Neville Prico from South Africa, and Illinois' Cirilo McSween from Panama. McEwen, formerly of Ottawa and Halifax, has won seven NCAA and Big Ten distance titles with a 901.9 outdoor two-mile clocking to his credit. He y curlers, one hundred or more stronp, will throwing the rocks at the Prince Rupert Club. Organization of the ladies' club is Completion. Indeed, nineteen rinks have al-1 in drawn and others may be in the making. I South Africa, holds the British Empire broad jump title and also is a sprinter. Ferguson, slender 20-year-old Iowa freshman from Toronto was Canadian three-mile champion in 1949 and 3950. 7& CHICAGO (API Midwestern United States is a busy training i ground for foreign athletes hope- j I ful of representing their own countries in the 1952 Olympic I Games at Helsinki. An Associated Press survey ' disclosed that at least 17 ath-1 leles from seven different eoun- i tries are performing at colleges . :n this area. on The ALLEYS Teams j Michigan's Canadian contingent also Includes sophomore j John Ross with a 4:12 clocking in Civic Centre Activities was 1950's all-college two-miler. Mrs. Edward Boulter, Mrs. W. 1 C. McKenzie. Mrs. James Roger- I ' son and Mrs. J. McLeod will be receiving entries for a short : time longer. There will be ladies' Instruc-j tion classes next Monday eve- j ning. Here is the draw of rinks: , his tirst collegiate mile try; George Lynch, a 10,000-meter hopeful; shot-putter Roy Pella; l;iV? je up Canada with 10 natives, seven Executive and High School MEN'S FIVE PINS J. Thompson, of Rupert Butchers, bowled high single with 29ti at Monday night's meeting of Men's Five-Pin League. M. Halvorsen, of Moose, took; high three honors with 143. The preceding week's honors went to Representatives go into Huddle f them at the University of Tie Mrn VI MrKwinc (skip!. Mrs W. I J. McInni'S dhirrli. Mrs. Pl'rcy JSffrg . (second I. Mrs. E Maiison ileiirli. Michigan, tops . the list which What can the Civic Centre do also includes two South African to give more service and stimu-: athieL anrt one each from n.. IN VANCOUVER Mrs. Murine MaUiiewti, Mrs. A. Rlv- 4(K (CP) A fluke long; Ptt Mr II n-!iri Mr 1 Ui-hi,,..uH lata mnvo Intnpact In thu atiu -J , . ... M. Just as McEwen captains Michigan, Lavery is Drake track captain and one of the fastest 440 runners in the U S. His best clocking is :47.6, made in the NCAA trials last year. Johansson has learned a lot about American running as a sort of third-place chaperone in the Don 0hrmann-Fred Wilt Jue leuci. Kc hopes lo Qualify for the Finnish Olympic t' am in the 1500 and 5,000 metres. McSween, 22-year-old junior, won both the Big Ten and outdoor 440 championsh'p as a I Jv Gordie HOWe, Wlin; Mrs. C. Moore. Mis Thelina Mc-feo minutes left, gave I-'.. Mri wm H wrfh. Mr. A ii.hc an Viire for fur a a 28S single sinale nnri ucu, nuiay, new .eaiana, rin ger ana;mM needed for tne teen-agers? ! land and Panama r","1"li- T. ,, ,.. .i , . lu Harvey Harvey Copcland, Copcland, bowling bowling1 ci Wings a i-i nt; Mrs. a waira. Mrs oi nn.i. Mr 'highest three game total of 7 13. tmmmm mn I m at r tions were asked at the meet- titors to be nationals or natural Hi w York Rangers In w a Arnwtrone. Mrs. w MrHroom. ; Home Oil took last week's ".,g,.,!,lnht h! bWLJSX. mZ: i':! honors In bowling high single mg oi tne executive ol tne civic Centre Association on Tuesday " - " uorniuy ; aim iiiku uure ui a,tu. I niht when the evepntivo nf th . , ,j "'B "e" fom Just inslft Mr,, r Pr,,triUT. ' Mrs. Lorame ; Tills week honors Ml to Rupert i el?Z. I J"? itv appeared easy for, nn'mwr. Mr,, bcou McLaren, m. 1 BuU.her, with . W) ' nd 3 i i Association and members of the nViThe C-Ui Franc's H ""i"nK. I "J luf ,H'n Scho01 Student Council f Mis J Mrs Ounrxir Results (this week) , he , let , the ,ui I Hnsmon. to 10 discus. wavs ways and ana mPans means 1 However, Ai,.rso,.. Mrs. h. Radford. Mr., j. i Section A Moose 1. Rupert!., , MUSI IN U UHIUL: Special Low Rates for day, week or month For reservations contact: BROADWAY U DRIVE LTD. BAyvicw 1616 Broadway at Oak VANCOUVER 9, B.C. ugh his glove. ,u cms,. , Butcher. 3. "' Cook's 4. ' Bulger's 0. " ""'B more tin Mrs j. Webster. Mrs i.ci McKnv. i I ,.i'. . j, ? obtaining more members for the held on Saturday nights were discussed and a committee appointed to Investigate advantages. Teen dances, organized and run by a teen club, were suggested and received and approval of the 'teens present. An athletic club wa3 expressed as being desirable to sponsor track and field competitions but an organizer is needed for this. Patron drive, membership 1 Howe's ninth in i,s and his thlrty-jthe season, was the by the Red Wings Mrs. A. K linrr. Mrs Kid cikins. , i CPU "UP . "ua s u. umn one ; Civlc Centre Mrs Hurley Lewis, M.s. L. o Bby. : 4, Hot Shots (erifaulti. Prince; ', t . i , . Mrs. w. ,ol. Mrs r,,, M,TOy i Rupert Amusements 0, Home Oil I Jh fl"fBnc'nB f r0ller tskat; mis w ji-imnigs. Mrs. K:iy smith. L rj,i,,.. oh,.., , ln nE was given endorsement and Mrs' 1 ""in shtit Metal 3, Maason s m s. d jonns.oue. w a awaUs fjnal approval from the Lnniloll, , , I. f rfit. .v.it. i o. N M.,rr Mrs Kim And. North-i . . " Section Section BFiremen H Firemen 3. 3, North- Mrs r;rson . Mis. Hay Johnson. Mrs. w. ..., i rMD p.im a rn i meei eany next week. Director John Stirn gave a FOR : COOKIUG-' fees, rental rates, land lease Mrs e. Turner. Mrs oo. Mncii-' Legion laeiauiii, biioit circuits ell. Mr.s. Kdtlu'iluc l.aurte, M Joe , 3, Royal Fish 1. Kaien Industries : 1 ul "1IS recent trip to van- atnietic clubs, teen clubs, dance fcrolt. 1, Paramount 3. Javcees 3, Bulk- eouvcr during which he made ; clubs, roi.ler skating, entertain-lcv Market 1 arrangements with artists of the 1 ment programs and many other irk ice in 188 minutes ; ffoiuls of hockey be- tl alllS. k appeared headed I early ill the third j Ed Slowinski worl:- j !g play, vlth Gaygj iBd Don Raleigh. to; Hawchuk while Ted' .s serving a penalty; . The tie boosted De-' 5 place lead over Tor- t USED CARS Cnon a$ett, mstmiiiau rjne nns iiuo, i suojects were outlined, discuss,-wrestlers, and interviewed Jackie i ed or left to be investipaterl hv Standings Mrs John iV!.eod. Mrs. H Tliom Mrs. liarncy Kyoli. n. Mrs. K U iim-nato. Mrs Jens Munttw Mrs, II Paulson. Mrs F. Slieir. !Ain. V. lJoMinnn Mrt B Evarn. Mrs Jl Wilson, Mrs D. hrli'ell. Mrs O. J. Br-nneu. W U HSWIETf NtD :i Section A Moose 21, Home Oil, Jensen of the Burns- Chuck various committees chosen at 2C. Sport Shop 19, CNRA One 19, ! Wagon Show with a possible en- the meeting. ,Manson's 19, Rupert Butchers 17,, gagement litter in U; year. W. F. Stone presided at the iAfj r w u It sn: siiruwiown. Mrs. Mrs.' 11. 11. Kei- KeiJ "'.y " . . i Information remrJinff the 1 meeting in tne absence of Dr. ' Thorn Sh.'et Metal IB. cooks t points and enabled Mr. h lo take a two point 'louuh, jewellers 16, P.R. Amusements 8,1 i standincs over the' Mrs B Rkaimcrui. Mrs T Mi-'Hot Shots 6, Bulger's 3, Bud's J., roller skatinu vas uresfnted bv i R- - Large and members of the Mr. Stirn and. nrnvlnsr to he student Council of the High Willi. Hay. Miss r.iuiruil Section B Firemen 21, Short Nelcn. M M'Mire, Mrs T. CI, Iiateman. Mm. N Will- Circuits 20, Jaycees 18, Para-mounls 16, CNRA Two 15, ley Market 14, Northwest Const. son. Mi 11. Melx.nalcl. Mrs. C What- 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1950 Austin Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Sedan 1950 Studebaker 5-passcnger Coupe 1948 Ford Panel f a-ton 1937 Lincoln Coupe 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1910 Plyn-. Hith Sedan i man. VAriiiiu BArKEP I satisfactory, was passed on to School who were Introduced by . ithe board of directors tor their ; Mr stirn were Ren Ingram, I i final approval. Don Martinusen, and Paul An-; The Variety Concert held trbi. j jointly with the Symphony Or- , ichestra and the Little Theatre; A half billion dollars is cur-i j was very satisfactory financially. rently being spent to double i I! 11, Royal Fish 11. Kai n Indus- Spr.res- Mrs George Cook, Mrs. A Kt 1 1 U D Vance. Mrs John a. Maeimai:i. tries 9, Canadian Ler;ior. 1 Mis. .'Krre LeRoss. Mrs A. E Smith.! .Mrs. Thomas Parkin. Mrs. John Me-; MIXED LEAGl'E 1 lieod. Mrs. t' Quast, Mrs. K. llowlter. ; M . . :i,v t Boston Bruins. i ey Scores I National 4 New York 1. -if ic Coast I. Sa.skatoon 5. if New Westminster 11 tn International 6 Nelson 2. iOkanacan 9, Pcnticton 3. I Square Dancing on alternate Canada's production jf alum-! MrU Cli. L'1..U ILI.,.. I .! Orn &" mtAITI 1 Mrs! Trevor john.Mon and Mrs h plav, Jack Sedgwick, of Daffy ! nights with public dances to be inum. n a i Dribblers, knocked over highi ' Waluljuuer I . Pacific Milk dds extra I flavor end nourishment to t recipes. f Superior Auto Service Limited BUT B.C. fKUUUUIS unbelievable foot ease and walking comfort Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 SKET IJZZES single score with 241, also taking high three with B37. I.aura f-raham, of Kaydettes, bowled VH for the ladies' high, while Marly Olson, of Hot Shots, took high three honors with 40. Hot shots were top team bowlers with an S(i0 single and total of 2,36?. Season s high single scores are still held by Hal Windt of Daffy Dribb.Jrs, and Joe Long, of Hot Shots, each with 298. High averages of 205 and 201 are held by Windt and Jack '.Veise respectively. for the first time this season e tie. game was bowled in tills league, when Daffy Inibbi-'rs equalled Kayettes 766. Tie breaker was taken by the Dribblers. Results Kaydettes 1. Daffy illation of circum-id just bad luck has ftrince R'.ipcit Basket-it ion this season in k.npts to attract good itais to play the local ?his has resulted in r a as '7 Syfsco f ' . t ...for regular spare-Hme Naval training. ..full naval pay for time spent. Now is the time! fit- I . 1 It IV I I little opportunity to 1 .Dribblers 3. Nunels 1. Dingbats 3, hoi Shots 1, Screwballs 3. Standings Daffy Dribblers 12, Hot Shot.- 11. Kaydettes 7, Nun-c'e t, Screwballs 6, Dingbats 6. pi i t fans to sec the fiengcrs in action, fs were licre but ar-4 for appearances of Globe Trotterettrs, n All-Stars, and the Mohawks have all Siih. FO fUU PAHTICUUtS ON HOW VOU CN fNJOV THE ADVANMGfS OF H.C.N.(lt) TRAINING, APPlf TO: NAVAl RECRUITING OFFICER your arches on a ,fcioud-$oft i i . .' cushion Canada's defence production for 1951 included one million pair of wool socks. n N j i! B-ir d 11 ! iiaa i. III!, J Ami i ft. Hone ! . k., . (his f .Hi' h m M ft 0 1 ., ill s -1 "- nirl-r- H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, PRINCE RUPERT PHONE: 526 of spongy foam r u b b f N J4 FLYING hook shot by Rainmakers' Norm Sat her was caught by the Daliy NVws cameraman at the Senior League semi-final playoffs between the students and CCC 300. Students lost the two-game series after an all-out try. V, st of this "bad luck." fauy Angus Macphee, j i k of response from ! basketball circle. ! 4'nciican teams will1 y can get their ex- j pt it, but a couple, of I won't do it. They. k on playing several 1 8i tercnt places fairly I "In r. Alaskan circuit ' ad to visitors this : sji Macphee. i . ii new all-star team by Ketchikan Eagles ! Otiiucnts to be here j Uut that, too, has c wayside. The Alas- 't get the transpor-1 ' tentatively arranged. on a private boat 6n it while in Prince i 61 ti have cut travel-i xtremely. That was : tin. flu't get the boat, i I '-all off the deal al! Duracleamng Troubles! Only One Room To Rent and Ten Replies To Her Advertisement. is r e c o m-mended b y Canada's leading fur-nitiue and dept. stores. I ' V bvDESCO &. $7-95 rr ( There's Still a CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Complete Insurance coverage by Lloyd's of London. 3: I. Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form M i !) tj IN SIZES 4-1 1 AA - EEE If V. v. h ute. f"t. Macphee got a i I California Mohawk , lying the team could jH north this veni- Carpetings, Twists, Orientals and Feil your orct. . . . (est tJ.vme , . . ond look divine. I too. Th nearest tiling to Hooting on clouds. Spring spong. loam rubber cushions I your foot Item to!. 0 he.l with on txlro spong. rubb.r 'lulling could be ob- 1 '"s area outside of trt. ' forts will be made wkan and Metlakatla Her the Juneau Gold j ft'ament and before! Fine Upholstery x "?ave for Penticton, ! t under your orch. No, bulging leet. No mon imped feet. Gtov. soft iers sr. so ll.nible, yet. heir trimness as long as sr Ih.m. Actually mat. (Our loot 0 smooth s.? smaller. SALE on at Fashion Footwear . . . and I'm glad you want to go in, dear, because there really are some extraordinary values." Children's Slippers 99c Women's Shoes 1.95 2.95 "d 4.95 Men's Shoes 6.95 Fashion Footwear certainly should J the team which will Vie provincial Senior Jnship for the city l,,',-iSWaia, may now be safely cleaned and revived with consideration for their life and textures Duracleanlng restores resilience to wool fibres Pile unmats and rises Colors revive . Furnishings are Dura-cleaned ln your home No inconvenience in having them gone Also mothproofed, If desired Phone Green 328 A World-wide Service D. J. Duradeaners Number of Times .'. Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, '5c. Six insertions for pnee of four. Minimum charge, 50c) Add futir words if bo number required I Name Address Phone No FAMILY SHOE STORE CHARLIE ROBERTS tt.itf&& ' 1233 Water St. Trinee Rupert, B.C. ' DAVE JONES I J