s war 1 lu..k. Kiulles are aiiuc-j-.t tr thai v y. Ha- tr like this wh" ray Prince Rupert Daily News- uiMi.ip.uie were concerns WcdiK-sday. January 1G. 1952 nana wiuiln tne r-a.st f surlout lie seems to h.m sinned some poor sou'.s (f warrant, o.- can n lh has a secret? " i I Reflects and Reminisces 4 i NOT EXACTLY M iy Presumably, Winston Churchill Britain's Prime Mhii..J In independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Kupert and Northern and Central Britifh Columbia. Member of Canadian Dress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: H carrier, per w.selc, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, -f"?"'? $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year $8.00. "-Wtf f Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd A venire, Prince Rupert. -: ... since his arrival in Ottawa, has Ottawa, Monday cvm,j,, -; t-j not pronounced the word "Dom- ed the nations of the t)- ' inion" once. Possibly he was wealth wilt have to makeup warned. uwiihumis ii a nreakrtown ' In Jlnuncially, is tu b? a a..i a.hilc the citv Ls about 1L, I, wouldn't be tor lack,,! why nit recommend inclusion of lilr"y lln uch Ptw-.n; a press room in this group or " new municipal buildings w oo v nnMnias duhuio. Ji 4-,.,.i.H') Pnihiihlv no where cIms '"Jl I'mltea, was novpp t?" .ii Canada has convenience lor s.-rved in some ol Brita'c the i.up'1's been K:-s mentlonoa, bia's most exclusive cluis V S if even Uunuht of Piiucc Rupert. tluin here hi n-iei. Horse n,nt waj i Ji'". Vast herds of tlnVi).. never known to be huiii Before Korea commenced woi- western plains. Their .-kirs way, were not worth j as robes or coal :;. Yvi Mr-- V: there was no desire fi)r tr, lock, roast rump or b-iiw rying the world a lot of us ii; Canada thought of China as a wlnterlcss so. f of land. That was hr-.-ituse .f i"norance. lly seme. China was visionud as a llowi . maiden, lily-pond, or misslonaiy kind of country, with soft air and There were only 34 cars - W trucks and buses parked j ond Avenue betwwn Siv S A.. I,. .. r..,n,.nU -V ... X. .-one. auixuoiw. u v.nu Thir(1 slreiMs bmit ,.M infantryman whui iie thinks ol afternoon last week 01 the 38Lh parallel in January? ,h, wr ,.. ,,. ; It could be a description of thiny thpy m S(..ltu,r u unuw .Minirur,u llme r place for .'inyonp 0: a.iu 111,11 a. Incidentally, repeated k L Value of Service Clubs LIVES can ho enriched by the spirit of self-sacrifice and sense - of fellow ship in community responsibility, and good citizesnhip which are the keynotes of the men's service clubs with which Prince Rupert is well supplied and one of which is holding its annual installation ceremonies tonight. Faith of the members in their association and enthusiasm for the public service are indicated in this particular club through the fact that eight of its members had perfect attendance during the year and the large majority missed only one or two meetings. Here in Prince Rupert we have the Rotary, Gyro and Kinsmen Clubs, each of which is contributing more to the public welfare and well-being than may be realised by the citizens at large. - The healthful development of youth, aid to the needy and the ill comprise some of the most publicized activities of the service clubs because of their nature and the fund raising which they require. There are also the other less tangible functions of the service club through the exchange of ideas, development through fellowship of understanding of others' problems and the practice of basic democracy through joint and united. effort for the benefit if others. These are benefits which come not only to Ihe members of the service clubs but, by their nature, are passed on to those with whoi they come in con does not Increase comiwis--i'" f SOW MAY KNOW SOMETHING Perhaps he looked ravc fuisT i aiMia f;i William Cax; ,h r (M-- cnou.'h when ordering the In li vasion of NurinuiKly but, wh'-'ts fir -it printer, hi facing a camera. General Eisen- duccd at least I'j.) diller how; does have mi amiable um-s of varylnjs-jiwii k lahinwiiwlilii '!i:i;ii'Me;tii,(.' "llli'lil'liHU'HI'jlM! NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS of America, and George Schmii.T, Senior Vice-President of Ce'ancse Coipuralion of America. Preliminary planning on !lu. project is being xushed in order to expedite construction if the forest management license which t'.ie company is seeking, I: granted. Mr. Blancke and -Mi. Schneider were in Prince Rupert la:-t week. CELANESE PLANNING Plans for a multi-million dollar lorest cl.velopment in Ihe Arrow Lakes district were discussed in Vancouver last week-end when senior officials of the Celanese Corporation of America conferred with local representatives. Pietu.ed above an?, left to right, D. G. Stenstrom, who is in charge of planning for the Celgar Development Company Limited; Harold Blancke, President of Celanese Corporation If you have missed your poper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newiboy's name, call the office before 5 p.m. d r As I See It Coal Bins Low Here Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nesbitt r-" F Iv nti nOVTE I Alan l.iiinl. C.rrrn 155 The "lioss" Is IJoss Position of Johnson and Anscomb Tribute to Harry Terry Wills and Nirkersoii'.i to Prtaell's Mclors: Fuiton i Prince Rupert householder!) fvlt the pinch of sustained cold 518-HOU; Bth Ave. West 800 and 700 Iilorlu '. ..-inthnr ntnrc srrinuslV tOdaV as VICTORIA. Premier Johnson came out of tho many were low in coal supplies recent Lil)eral executive meeting a strong man. He f' ";",hncD" ps,umbPrs t J Clmore P14...11 Manning-Lain Mistake came out the undisputed leader, the boss. He was One fuel company said this . l 1 ur, .,.f 1,; . mormon there was 'not. a lump ItOl'TK 2-Kalph Olsrn, Hlue 718 Herman Street; 1480 f.th East to Seal Cove ROI'TE S Victor Maskulak. 1st Ave. West 248-1077 ; 2nd' Ave. West 941-1028 ill. hm Sth Street; 3rd Ave. Kri'.'.ell's Motors to end West. KOt'TE 4 Alvin Nystcclt, Blue 638 7tl, Ave West 704-1427; 01 h Ave. West 103-61)9 V Fulton Sii'cct 70U Biunlc; Tallow Street iiu.,-&r', C Ave. tact, making the service club a firm foundation for good and solid life in the community, the nation and the world. -. Prince Rupert has always showed its appreciation if not pi'ide in the good work of its service clubs by supporting their efforts and activities when appeals for such support are made and that is as it should be. 'Speeking of Speling' IN A RESENT educational magazeen too skolars ! point out that, contrary to poppular beleef, speling luugn, d.iu ui uav, . , 0t av iM i-ft in our bins. We That, of course, is the way u - ure rit,nt out of coal." Another s : Oil snouiu ok. i pny leuun j'"sniuuM. hi, uu company said It had soma supply I WA rather surnrised to'cannot httVe constttnt sn'l)i!1 '-i been an empire builder. He sat hul wa8 out of stoker coal. , ' inim- He must- in Ulne' move t0many years in the House here, . Relj(.f o( tne shortage, due to 1 l k 1. t read that Arthur Lam?;, ; liquidate 'his enemies. There is!. served a term as Mr. Speaker, lack o tri.iKht train service held M P had taken UP one Of no other way- PoUUcs is a touh 1 was for lour years a no-ahead by slktes some 50 miles east here, is expecf? today gaiuv. 1 Minister 01 eaiucuwuh. the woi'st, weakest ideas ; ... . . . , ' . Thnr, aiH Annil.H After B. gOOd Ion? lCSt ftt t hi, hi. ROl'TK 5 Jimmy Mclean, Ueil 812 4th Ave West 100-445; !th Ave West 105-515: f-t West 3UB-M0; Dunamuir Street 211-424: Tall' . li. Emerson Place: ,At;iicw riace. ItOl'TK 6 Fdward Skalap-ky Ivi. anwhile, city plumbers ans-we ed "quite a Mew'' calls this morning and yesterday as low - recently - thrown OUt ..by have.now DI.etty well indi-rad i ne la -Victoria., with its Al. ih ii,. . f ho ..pnwl'Sea view. ana its lutu guiueu, Premier Manning of election in a great hurry. Tlrfre Mr. Perrv perhaps will be well hovering temperatures cuuscu pnniitrh tn oct. hni k int.n the frav frozen water Dines in homes. herta. f it I : shouldn't be, of course. Any gen- 1 is one of the eiul election before mids jnim-.-i ' Arthur Laing 1 lie . lH-uii 50(i:t once more. Everyone hopes so, Temperatures, however, have even his political enemies, fo.- not been too severe as yet and B.C. political life cannot be quite heavy layer of snow on the the same without the active ground is protecting the pipes, presence of Hurry Perry. av plumbers. SHERIFF'S SALK I to Ca I'.k '- IT 8th Ave. West 105-5:17. 9'h Ave. East 110-2"); ME Slieet 113-708. UOITE 7 Peter Hrown, Ulue 91 Alknf Section 2 HOI TK 8 Jimmy Johnson, fireen 6G1 Waterfront and Pacific Place; (CNR-Fthfr Jj'iOIlt.sl . UOl TK 9 Melvlll Bjornsnn, fireen 113 8th Ave. East, McHiide to Hays Cove Circle. UOITE 10-Richard Mat -Donald, Ulue 339 4th Ave Kast 237-73; .Sth Ave. East 301-710: Cth Ea.st 119-245, 301-020. Hays Cove Circle 82-tifi7; C Street 511-516; tireen street 411-410; Kbert Yuiing S'.ree'. ItOt TE U Leslie Murdoih, lllack 83 Piei;oti Ave ; 1st and 2nd Overlook: llerniao f PiKStitt Place. I'tUNfE Kfl'l'.IlT. sounder, more liberal men in the of 193 would merely be poiiiijai B.C. Liberal party. In the event j squirming Liberals and Con-that Premier Johnson clings too ' st rvatives in a desperate attempt long to the coalition millstone ' to get control 01 the govern-that is dragging B.C. Liberalism 1 ment. toward election, Arthur Laingi When the people of B.C. went would be an excellent man to to tne polls in June of 1949 tiiey lead a revitalized re-liberalned , overwhelmingly endorsed Coali-Liberal party. -I think such a tion and they voted In a Legis-man could lead the Liberal party lature that they intended to last to victory in B.C. j lour sessions, f hey didn't vet Hence it seems to me a shame ' for another election in two or that h is saying "me too" to one three year an election of p;-ol the Social Credit Premier's litical manipulation, which is IN THE COUNTY COl.KT OK KUI'KUT KOUJhN AT HKI.NCR lucl- - -riETWEEN SOCIAL. SKCUHITY ANIJ MUNICIPAL AID TAX ACT a:ul At flKflT At Mi-CAKHiltY LIMIThD. llllU P H. 1.1N.EY. Pl.AlNITKrS. - AND AGAINST 1'ltANK YANITSKI. olhirww known iw frank Julin YuiiluKI. rarrylnn aifaong American students has improved grately in the passed censhury. But they ajso point out that "many great writers often misspell words" and that mispelling does not nesasarily prevent understand- r. We agree. " The Elizabeethans showed a fine sense of in-tlependans and individjualism in their spelling. Later came the tirany of the dikshonerry. Artemus Ward and his fellow-humerists rebelled in the 19th censhury and acted cute with the alfabet but got a hit tiresome. Bernard Shaw tried more seeryously to make speling funkshonal and left a lot of munnv promote simplified Inglish. Z Yet o.ur children put on the cloke of uniformity and spel the convenshonal way even better than their gratc-grandparence. Speling improoves while inishiative faltres. Where is the spirit of Francis Drake and Daniel Boone? Are we reering a race of men or of rowboats? Christian Science Monitor. s.mi. o la ItM' HU14 ..ml I'KNOIIIN llOHHY SHOP, oil bUMlu;.s I'K.NC.UIN ItOHliY .SHOP, In o UEKKNDANT i worst, mistakes 1 wnui any eiri-uuu urac i That mistake is the proposal .summer of 19a3 will be. Johnson that British Columbia and Al- : and Anscomb, much as they hate i-nitn ifcTti iv t; tii'I-tti,-1 r,t U.''ii-v.. ..1 1. ,f HwririilU.n mill II 1 f cr..V3 berta should combine into one i Coalition, are just being honett WAHIiANT ri-i.r-cUvriy tsiui from tno ! Cuurt una v h Uny.,-- ; when they figure they have a I siuvitiv. ami tu me iim-cuxi iwaiiiM mo umt i. tinuwm ol .h" 'i contract with the neonle to .serve 1 rteicutlniiis. trunk Yanltski. otlwrwlse known iw Krimk John Yiuilukl. -w . .. ... .. .! . .... ,, H..l,t,v Kl.n I h..vc K,-y,-l ! ii.tintrrH. 1 hltr iMjuml 1)IV.KI is. ItOl'TK 12 Sunnily Alexander llth Ave. East 333-1815; Frederick St.; Shcibroiik .' Ilk! lout tne me oi me ui.siuia.er. .; ..i ui i,ii.o- 1 (,.u.i.r tuiiu. t B1UH vast province. GRANTED that some of the arguments advanced or implied by the present Piinior of Al KOITE II Kimny iCby, (.ru n 25R 1st East. 22.V247: Slid Ave West 137-341: 1st S for which the people voted. Tl. trn K-irl U-irru Pdrr' lalluiK lf:il liilili', 1 BlasK showciuie. 1 Kawowt T.irrnl Oil lieu tor. chulrv Win Mta. tiovltie. oupi-iil.Ts' toil... wood Mmk. 'i i-lvclrio tutrim. cnluneU :inu sundries t.w numerous to mfniion, uml mi l lunula . II"1 I'.IU i'.v Jiinii:ii l.-, '. :il tin- li.iiir nf (.: P.M.. ul Hit Kinol Hunk. i-rai-r MMli I shi'll ..Her lui- mile m pillsho r ,iii, I nil. .11 Miwl. I'liini- ltiiMTl. liiicliim all the riRlit. title ami interest of the imul ai IcnUuiits in the nnuvc HIMKlS. berta and one of the passible ; hea,-th ls such that ne had to 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave. Daily New.s-Nu'i I Motors. j HOITK 15 Robert Jensen, Klark !.15 . 5th Ave. West 35-735, 741-745; Borden Street F Street Bigsar Place. future Premiers of B.C. ar sound. give up presidency of the B.C. Liberal Association. His resignation f-ninp n- a shock, even to TKKMS OP SALE. CASH, and this siite nhi.l! b. miuject to the Social If we were trying to set up an independent nation, a combined I those wno haven't aareed with S""ty " Miimcpul Aid tax. ROI'TE ifi Frank Kilborn, (Ireen 977 Scripture jpaS.UHje Jiula ajMtae jor for sonait B.C.-Alb.'ita would have all Ihe i him on internal Liberal policies. and I havb also seized l usk: a seau urnwprs: l hetini stove: l 4!h Ave, East 124-231; 5tn Ave. East ini-24fi; m East 108-658; Bowser Street. means ol sc -sullicienev. me i .... ,,.. uunoutwrca cnir. tuni ini. "" J'"-. "" However, Mr. Perry said ne , , b..nrtsaw n bench, motor nttacheil; 1 shupwr, motor attiiLlu-it; 1 samicr. "Let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation. area is destined to become one UTiiilft crintimip a T.ihcrnl f-tn his: no,hAH- I ininur mntnr Hi.t:iehi-(1 1 tabli sa. motor and bench: Psalm 95:1. of the most productive, most !,, i ,i,i ho ovnilnhtp! i lathe: 1 electric motor: 1 bundle enbM': 1 Iki tools anil mturhmenu: U ROI'TE 17 C harlie l.indstrom, Cireen 924 r - - -- - nrosoeieus on all the earth. That I . , , ii,i h f oi.res wall bouru. sundrire; anil on ThiirMlay, Ihe 'illli iU ol Janiiurt. Bth Ave. We.st 210-539: 7th Ave. West 120-537 It p S St f'J' al llic hour ol l.-lo In lite iilleriiooii ut I.IiiiIsmv'h I arias uiid sloruKe. r,Tr i.Tr.rnn 1 1 ,h, v,i s r . t, t.t . . ... . i 1 1 t O flip DIM irt hilt, beside tllP i. I. ,i..u. 1 ill. West 221-S28: l.otbinlere St. 721-728; McBride e Iiiei Hupfl-t. III ., t Milt oner lor aaie pn-r 704; Tatlow St. -025-133. ' ftcuiieivtr urtu, .iiiuiiu , iv-inoo tJUNULlij, untjianu vi : : D ' oni i-ougii m a uuuuurss win England's lev remaining historic Winnifred Martin, 59-year-old ! P'nt- in days to come. windmills are slowly breaking author was given suspended sen-j The point is, we are not trying T(. ... tranue without i at pviblic auction all the riaht. title and uitw.st ol llw laid delendant in I the nljovc wxxl. Terms or sale. CASH, and this sale shall be subject to. tho Social .Security and Municipal Aid Tax. . Dated at Prince Rupert, B C, this Unth day of .lunuarv. liS2 ItOtTE 18 Teddy Careless V,rs nth Ave. Ea.st Block 800: Sth Ave. East 915-!V1G; Wi down. One local mill was closed tence when charged with steal- I tc set up a n independent sov-iMr perr ln the political fi:;ht. i i bvrause the stock which holds 1 ing two books from a shop in this eroign nation astride the Rockies. Fo years h(s political sagacity ; j Bust 1000-1144. 10th East 000-1130; Alfred K-fc, M. M 8TCHHKNM, Shci-iu" or th County uf Prmi Rujiert. , IJU.I8.19.S3) uw aus cannot oe repiacea, ue- neruoiasnire town, ene nad j we uie pai i. ui iaaaua, mm on- , an(j njs oratory have been orna- PC-M eaune oi iacK ot spare para. i wniien tne oooks nerseit. ;aaa remains tne veiy co"lr'-1 ments in the BC rjolitical firma- till stone oi the uritisn worm torn-! heard ment Ariyone wn0 ever monwealth. ! Harrv Perrv raise his voice in Bacon Strevl; Donald Street. ROI'TE 19 Jimmy Johnson, (ireen 6fil -0th Ave. Ea.st 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. ROI'TE 20 Jack Rudolph, Green 131 8th Ave. East 1036-1044. III it Over a Million Women agree the Daily Dipper am "INGLIS" AUTOMATIC WASHER IS THE FINEST YOU CAN BUY No bolting to floor Flexible Cycle Partial Loads Top Filling Agitator Action Seven rinses SEE THIS AMAZING WASHER AT ROI'TE 21 Jimmy Moorehead, Red 333 . 2nd Ave. West 1135-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2279: Street; Water Street; Beach Place. ROI'TE 23 I.arry Parent, fireen 481 8th West 015-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. ROl'Tri 24 Brian Roberts, Black 480 :?nd Ave. We.st 718-3rd Ave. and 6th Street: 3rt West Daily News-Watts and Nickerson's (5t!i ' ROI'TE 25 Gary Parkin, Green 6B0 Cth Ave. East 1141-1478. G.E. WASHER p. It theiv; were no British Com- j the legislative chamber will monwealth, the British Isles Ijiever forget him. could survive, physically, as part j He has given good service to of a united Europe. But if there ; this province, this nativt ! oi were no Canada in the British I England, this good Canadian Commonwealth its break up j -- would be a matter of a few years ; or seventy unit, Norlhrn 0n. at most. ; , ari0 might form one or two. , i Little Prince Edward Island, NOR ARE the indications valid our ieast populous province, is as that a combined B.C.-Alberta weu governed as any of the would be able to "stand up to" : bigger ones, and incidentally, far Ontario and Quebec within the m t,re economically governed Canadian federation. The place lnan any other. Ths last time I to "stand up" for the rights of , had tne chance to check up down ' the people of Alberta and B.C. is j tnat way there were only minis- , in the parliament of Canada. We i ters drawing small salaries. ! will do that as our population j increases, anyway. ; CONSIDERING the kind of prob- ' Moreover, as B.K. Sandwell j lems with which Canadian; showed some years ago in Toron- i provinces must deal, the provin-I to Saturday Nleht, the smaller j cial governments are already far ( j the provincial unit the better, too far from the people. In B.C. ; cheaper government the people ; our government hides behind a feci I ROCTE 26 Frankie Stewart. Blue 116 M 7th Ave. East 981-1080; 1103 Kldiey numi. Ave. 928-1154. DO ''.I a-t fl,.:,i,.H.Uii llnnxu f.rAw 91 A RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC What a difference is riqht! The Daily Dipper is a small tub that fits riqht inside the tub of your G.F. washer which can be used for daily wash and the larqe tub for weekly wash. Uses only a fraction of the soap and hot water. G.E. Washer with Daily Dipper $-1 fiQ.gO Only M.fU Northern B. C Power Co. L tel. Prince Rupert - Phone 210 Stewart, B.C. 6th East, McBrWe-JIays Cove Cirtle. Hays cove THESE ARE THE DAILY NEW LITTLE MERCHANTS I THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOU g'jt. Instead of combining our salt-water moat, 70 miles wide! VNDKR NEW MANAGEMENT ... SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 37 present ten provinces into, say, ! five bigger chunks, the better, i wiser trend would be to divide i the provinces we have Into sixty Tlie mei ger of B.C. and Alberta would make It. even more difficult for the people to get to their (Continued on page 4) fll!!jt:!!iiiji!iiraHi- jr imiiiiiiiiuMi'