Prince Rupert Daily Nsw Wednesday, January 16, 1952 'ililfir lnj Ibmtie -differ turci 1 s i r i laJio Project amount of support from the and similar community enter- 7 or FIGHT COLDS Gyro Tops' Visit City To participate in i:ie hutalls tion of President Maic Gormely lieu i-'oimlur cnurcn omciauy ana irom nidi- j prises. viduals who were so seized with Rowland Miles was in charge I Next effort, of the Miller Bay, j nnrrcationnl Association In the. ; drive to rai-.c funds on he $2000 cZZJf WAY the value of the work done and of the affair which was held at At their reuular after-church the unlimited possibilltes thac!the home of Mr. and Mrs. An-! meeting on Sunday evening the Ihey voluntarly assumed the drew Thompson. These afte.-Younir Adult t:ub of First Oni- 'responsibility for financing the church functions are drawing ted Church had one of their plan. While sponsored by the larger attendances and are par-most interesting and Informative United Church it is not limited to; Ucularly appreciated by the .-essions when the subject w..s members of that denomination, more recent rrivals in town who Pen Pa(Soujlil (ku iKifisli CJirf ft .4". h ' I V, ' ! ; 4 A '.?).; I ' uk wanaoiun Leaoersnip Train- ana indeed the wide range ot are away from home. a I Take a HOT I MUSTARD BATH in; School -at waramata. objective required to instal a rcnt'al radio receiver and public audition system throughout the hospital for the comfort and service of the patients as well as the augmentation of the signal set-up, will be a dance to be held January 25 in the commodious irec ration hall. Music for the dance , is being donated by Ernest Stevens and his Port Edward Swing Band, j President Pete Peterson of tire Classified Ads Pay and other 1952 oificers of Prince Rupert Gyro Club, two prominent international leaders of Gyro, both from Nanalmo, are in Prince Rupert. Jack Ryan, International vice-president, and Gerald Berry, former district . governor, arrived on the Prince George this morning from thb south. At noon the visitors met the exe utlve of the local Club at ; luncheon. The principal fuiic- tnose in attendance both as to racial origin and religious bc-lefs is a very commendable feature. The convictions that led up to its formation, the various stages hi for 111 first business uf the year Monday th'' home of Mrs. C. lie So' opt 'mist Club of ipert derided to again usury of $100 to a hluh I to help ht'r further A Intimate accounts of the daily A nine-year-old English girl has written to the city clerks office here in hopes of finding a pen-pal in Prince Rupert, i She Is Eileen Crowsley, 24'J Beechwood Hd., Luton, Bedfordshire, England. She says: "I would very much like you to tell a girl in your town to write to me . . . "My ane is nine . . . "I would like a photograph Dissolie 2uf 3 ublcspooululi ol muiurd in a little cold witer and pour it. into your hoi biih. After the bath... brisk rub-down. ..then ofl to bed lor J good night's sleep. Recreation Association and Mrs. -r ill Eunice Davis, R N convener of , turn ol tnelr stay takes place w-the dance committee, have ar-; night when th Installation ciin-rangements well under way with ntr is held aboard the steamer ion in the field of her A bursary committee, of Miss joy Biyanton,, mn Irving and Presi-: Kullandcr, will draw up ,d conditions of the in its development and the tremendous measure of success that has been already achieved, combined to ' make the story fascinating and compelling. Pictures were shown giving in de-tal views of present stage of . constructon as contrasted with the very inadequate phyilc.ii equipment at the start. T.rv. L. G. Sieber 'old of the early .truffles to get the scheme approved by the Uni'-tvi thuiuii ana then the amazing .access of Jie venture and the equally amazing the full co-operation of Dr. J. D. Prinze Fringe George George with with recepllo; routine were giver, by Mr. and i Mis. Bob Morris who attendee; sessions there. These accounU; were very enlightening. j Miss Anita Stewart, a chu.-ca ' worker here under the Women's Missionary Association, has alsj a worthwhile story to tell of the ; experiences and value of the. ' school. Miss Stewart had at-; tended the first course given ' ihi-ie. ! The objective is to give leadership In training for church woik preceding the dinner and danc and will send one back of my- jOalbiai'h, meuica! rfuperuilcn-4eif." ; dent, and Indian Superintendent mg party following. Tomorrow night Mr. Ryan and City Clerk R. V. Long thought 1 Al"lr"-publicity in the widely-read ! Tne MfiBiiun Daiiv News ihiiuM u.t o f, . on nani for the 1!!' already lias Mr. Brrry will return south with project some a stag farewell in the Prince Ru "TilTjiiliillpiii pert Club preceding their f fEEL BETTER FAST! f friends lor little Eileen. I270 dcrlv-'d frm a pre-Christ 1 mns rsidin Anneal iaciuiy report on the Id bcfoi Christmas , substantial sum was vards the equipping of . ,n ul hospital bed wnieh Die club's current pro-Inn Alexander reported Jlotcl Jri-ivali Prince'i H(. low dl ib'.s Christmas work.' , a Theatre Nighl, lo IJow Popular 9lc, k.trly In February, were Prince Rupert Phil Allen, R. A. Monrupet, A. A. Lahmer and Robert McWil-liains, Vancouver; J. T. Glenn, Flin Flon; A. M. Morgan, West Vancouver; W. Kraft and H Johnson. Terrace. iris Mailt. R.N.. chair-! TB. Sen! Committee, i hat, returns 'continue il t lie total sum received just over $2500. LONDON m British fashion fad of the season is Prince Charier' bow tie. Worn for the first time on his third birthday. Nov. 14, the tie has gone Into production in a oca a n j but way. Harrv Cullifoid, a London j manufacturer, said his firm lias j 12 girls working overtime on J 'British orders for hundreds of ; bow ties which will be made in ; many colors, Including tartans. One buyer requested the bows be d PERSONAL COME AMD GET 1 I W. D. Griffiths returned to the placed on elastic for easy hand-rily on the Prince George today ling. Another style features from a brief trip to Vancouver, neat clips for attaching to the . collar. E Wales RCMP rc-ihe city on llv Princ.s lay from a trip to Ver-:rt duty wn d returned to the ic Prinre George today I rift bu.siness trip to PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 17-23 Inclusive It you want to :e 't. News classified U' (in A WELCOME AND FAMILIAR CALL AROUND DINNER TIME, AND ESPECIALLY EXCITING WHEN. THE EVENING MEAL IS PREPARED FROM THE TEMPTING FOOD DELIGHTS AT. OVERWAITEA. WATCH OUR WINDOW SPECIALS n a For a Smart Figure, Wear ai tin returned to the lie Prince George this Hum a trip to Vancou- M01 1 , j. mmmi- I) w4 Harry bwallield returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief busi-. ness tr p to Vancouver. i Mr. and Mrs. Knut Ugg'.a returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mr and Mrs. George Mostad returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from c trip to Vancouver. Inspector of Schools G. W. Graham and Mrs. Graham returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver. HtJJCtW D.t'.). w ho has 'x en o.i business Ii ip 'o Vai-tiiriii d to the ci:v on Gcurxo this niornhri. OVERWAITEA No. 3 TEA ... lb. 80c OVERWAITEA No. 1 TEA ... lb. 95c FOUNDATIONS Filled by a Professional Corsetierre Phone Blue 970, Green Z19 If i kcrson returned to the s. Prince George t.-Klay i weeks' busines trip ii a I Vs 1 !i .-'' ' HA. 5 i i lucr and Nanalmo. PUREX ariivrtl in the city on Gen. I'.e this morning. on ol his petiii- IfSK Vill.'i. If if iJrsCs TOILET TISSU pi ii I$:imiu arrived in the city SUGAR 5-lb bag BUTTER... ib tin' If'Hiv urorge today Horn hvouif: . beiniz on one of his pxitff business visits here ES TOMATO 69c ItOYAL V- CITY 28-oz. tin jy 'Mfr to auttliers. Ciiili'. chief accountant for r'B r Mi-S t Ocean Falls, hi": M'lt'f in tlw. naner tnwn on t'iti i- G ue last night P i M lo VaiH'OUViT. tostumletT N ( ME SLEEP-SOUNDLY SAME WITH ME ) - NO MORE 1 AND SWITCHING TO A CAFFEIN NERVES POSTUM SURE HELPS J V FORME!- AOUR BUDGET TOO! , u 'liilpott arrived In ttu; Prince George this loin Vancouver lo pay lie local I'hiipoU, fcvitl 7, C t Si riiin.j ba,i Since he was last pring. Mr. Phllpott has n on .m P. tup to England. Mrs. Elmore Philpolt the citv on the Piinc: PERFEX BLEACH, 16-oz. botHe 17c iriiiik lay from Vancouvei. viler and ncwspupsi' tor. Mr. Phllpott is '' course of a Canadian 1st S i-Na'-i king tour. N 4 val Canadian Mounted el F n'Miucnt in Terrace has used in personnel t.o ii the recent arrival Constable Jack Ross, I from the Prim j WHITE SPRING SALMON (Glcndalc) V Lb. Tin 21c KOTEX ' 2 for 75c KLEENEX (Regular 200's) 18c MANDARIN ORANGES (Segments) 10-oz. Tin 25c BLACKBERRIES (Aylmer) 15-oz. Tin 29c ( TOMATO JUICE (Aylmer), 20 oz. Tin 2 for 35c MARMALADE (OVERWAITEA) 48-oz. Tin 69c PURE PLUM JAM 48-oz. Tin 59c SWIFT LUNCH TONGUE 12-oz. Tin 59c SWIFT HALF-CHICKEN Per Tin 1.49 CATTELLI MACARONI, 1 Lb. Pkt 2 for 29c JEWEL SHORTENING 2 for 65c PERFEX BLEACH, 32-oz. boHlc - , 29c PERFEX BLEACH. 64-oi. bolc 53c PERFEX BLEACH, 128-oz. bolc 89c SOS PADS 13c MATCHES (Rcdbird) 29c I. B.C. SODA BISCUITS ' 1 Lb. Pkt. 29c PEANUT BUTTER, MUG 12-ox. 43c LITTLE DIPPER CAKE MIX 33c WHITE NAVY BEANS 2 Lb. Bogs 29c KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE 2 Lb. Pkt. 1.19 PORK AND BEANS (OVERWAITEA), 15-oz 2 for 25c Th tlstV tl ill I 11 lirett, irurescntinu- the 1: th I'isiiernieii's Union, and 4 ic SI the Halibut. Vi.u.-t fcllTS f-ssoeiutioii. arc sailiin. horru' SAVE YOUR NERVES -SWITCH TO POSTUM! 6; Oth 1 c (: "1'Jhl on the Prlnct 'i' the south to attend f International Flsh-uni-sslon. prellmin-"iKo of delegates in will precede the fuil ith the Commission m ttiir ftlio I. B.C. - SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS , f ciders 27 49cpkt. CHOCOLATE CEYLONS Otor and PUDDINGS Postum cuts beverage costs as much as 7i Gel lh big I oi. mm ol POSTUM ... it makes up lo 100 hearty cupe . . . moie than twice a." many cups as a lull pound of coffee and yet it costs much lens. Yes. porkel Ihese real savings-order POSTUM today I A delicious flavor! 0 The whole family will en)oy POSTUM S disiinctivo, hcaity, gtain-rtch flavor. No "caffcin nerves" when you drink Postum! While lots of folks aren't bothered by caffein in lea and coffee - others suffer sleeplessness, nervousness, indigestion. Postum contains absolutely no carton, nothing that could possibly make you nervous, spoil your sleep. 't liuperl Motors. UOci PURE 1,1 one at' Annette llGcl !-o the Tliistle Club's January 24, Odd-'II. Tickets ftOe. HU" Good Luck Margarene 2for75c UPTON SOUP Chicken Noodle, Tomato ond Vegetable Iflr I Strawberry Jam lUii J i OVERWAITEA) 48-oz. Tin 1.19 2279: : (i'Sili . pet. SIMift C'lim: 'Hi t Pws' Cove C'Rii,.,.: H i: lt 1 me, ''''ysler-Plymnuih now "I nuperl, MutuM. INSTANT POSWfiA I I 100 CAFFEIN-FREE ! V j I Ittei l)U.suiess. ;ni-penler:i' ''hi;;, Wednesday, 0 "'"I'-i's' Hall. All m'ein- YOUR ORIGINAL CASH AND CARRY OVERWAITEA YOUR ORIGINAL .CASH AND CARRY 1('f-e attend. el"ral meellnsr 'Pll:,.4i . wtKcI's T;'s Local Local Unl wl vnl YOU 1 L, United Fish- 1 aid Allied Wmk.r. n. ':jo.m Iiy v, , . Delivery Service for Your Convenience 25c Charge jllim"" f Tl .re iviciropuij mrsdav m ''S - Eloetlnn . "7... ' A Prodvct ttf Ganaral Footl' i.""oercilce. I 13C)