ft A STAR A CABS j RADIO DISPATCHED ORMES , DRUGS r.'i ii. to; DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 1 VOL. XLI, No. 13 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS n nRFXHRPFm fir if AirrCc A nfJO V 4 Mil 5 IJtl 11.1 .S -I I : ' A ? J5 17 f?rfz h n f aa: Railway Clear Pulp Male Heir at Last is Born And Wires Up Railway line was cleared and i communication lines were re-1 ttored this morning after having j been plagued by slides and drift-1 istrict .or uu esme CAIRO (CP) Queen Narri- Illinois Senator Would Make Group Of Fresh States WASHINGTON, D.C. Senator Timothy Shee-han of Chicago has revived the proposal that United States might annex Canada. He proposes that a special committee of five senators and five congress-, men be named to consider the idea. - I Canada, the senator suggests. k ; roil t New Industry for Central H.C. Involves j Ing snows ui the lower Skecnaj man, teen-age second wife of Egypt's King Farouk, gave birth today to a son heir to the throne of the Nile kingdom. Egypt rejoices for a male heir to the throne had long been awaited. ; vauey since uie enu oi ine wees. Fighting To Keep Road Open The passenger train, which was clue from the East at 10:05 last n'pht, got in at 9:20 this liut It .May He l.usinj; Baltic, District Engineer Fears By the same time Canadian i $1,000,000 Power Plant VANCOUVER (CP) British Columbia is to I- another multi-million-dollar pulp mill linked i a major hydro-electric development. Plans for -,,nio,0(H) development are being drawn up. They for construction of a $19,000,000 mill by Western 'ood Company in the Quesnel area of Central Columbia, a short distance south of Prince Emptylife Boat Found National Telegraphs had a 'slow' wire working after having had lines down since late Sunday. Meantime, a big backlog of traffic had accumulated in excess oi urgent business which had been handled during the wire breakdown through Digby Island x'. .-less station. Provincial Department of Pub- lie Works snow f tenting equlp-i inent may be fighting a losing battle although a valiant attempt ti. Mill being made to keep the highway open between Prince , Rupert and Terrace. There is about three feet of ; snow on the road now between Labor Asks Resignation VANCOUVER The Vancouver and District Trades and Labor Council, at a special meeting today, called for the resignation of D. K. Penfold, chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, for "meddling in trades union affairs." could become a group of new-states or a territory. If any financial settlement with Great Britain was required, Sheehan suggests that consideration be given the amoun's which have been advanced to Britain. U-ipsird Craft Sighted On I'arific )( run Near Scene of Pennsylvania Abandoning Rescue Crews Reach Train COLFAX, Calif. Rescuers, snow plowing through deep drifts, pushed within two miles of a blizzard-trapped train to- , null will bc supplied with v from a project planned by j British Columbia Power; i ,ilsslon at a cost of $16.- j til (! s; VICTORIA-A lifeboat, riding i ' Vve and Exr-U-w. The situation upide down, was Sighted far i has been further complicated by i ..ill. in the Pacific Ocean north-' cvere drifting conditions with I vet of Vancouver Island, yester-; almost continuous winds lashing' day by two American coatguard -the fine dry snow in the clear j planes searching for possible sur- ro'd weather. Then there have j vlvors from the freighter Pcnn-, been slides, during recent days, sylvania which was abandoned ; including one large one near rt week ago by her crew after she Kwinltsa. New B.C. Tax Deal ; VICTORIA r British Columbia will receive an additional Weather Ship Is Called in VICTORIA -The weather ship Stonetown is being recalled to port following her search for the lost freighter Pennsylvania to the northwest of Vancouver Island In the Pacific Ocean The St. Catherines is being sent out to relieve the Stonetown. The council takes exception to day but are still faced with much to reach and bring out 222 a statement made by Mr. Pen-wrk fold at a hearing of the British j stranded passengers and crew Columbia Railway Co. for higher ! memuers. rates, saving there was no ex-! The passengers have been tern Plywood now nag a (too plywood plant outside el. pulp mill will u.s-2 waste; from Uie. company's other) ions and salvageable tlm-.;;n i's forest leases. e than 200 workers will mploymenl In the new mill! other hundreds will find :i the woods and on other acked own and started to sink. I "d meie is cunicuuy ior me $f .000.000 or $10,000,000 this year !The life, boat was not far from ' P"lic works department in its under the Dominion-provincial for the high rates of wages j !?"w"!llrsnncl? 'tl.o puir.t v.-ber- he Pennsyl-; snow plowing operauons in the taxatlon agreement, Finance Vancouver. i,S nt nf n tVaSn i i-aniu i nnmwi t hnvp left ' area nhete the highway skirts To War on Predators Special Assistance Being Made Available By Government A special allotment of funds for predatory animal control m Prince Rupert area has been obtained due to insistence of the Rod and Gun Club here. Arrangements were presented to a club . - ........ ... . .- .- , The train is in Donner. pass. .11 them. anway anu v,nere me ran- riounccd Tuesday on his return! an iiiUiuue 01 (Wi leei. way is also engaged in plowing. Gen. Simonds from Ottawa. In fact, according to the district engineer, it is almost useless to In the 1952-53 fiscal year, Mr. Anscomb said British Columbia' The rescue train still has lVj miles to go to reach a highway where it will pick up the passengers. The railway quoted Dr. Lawrence Nelson, who reached the At Calgary inns. null, under present plans, rovidc 2(W tons of bleached te a day. truelioii of the big power t likely will mean that other Industries will locate . The lifeboat was approximately fi(H) miles off the Washington coast. An error in computation led to an early report that two of the lifeboat craft had been seen. With the lilebout was debris believed to be cargo from the hold of the Pennsylvania which last seportcd it was "down by the bow" 125 miles to the north plow the highway until the rail- rPCfivc in between $41,500.- wav gets lis plowing done. 0o0 allu $42,000,000 compared to "Tlie highway is still closed $3c.250,000 in 1951-52 for "rent- for an indefinte period," said the lng its tax Iields the federal engineer, leluctantly admitting E0'vernment Costelfo Case Disagreement NEW YORK Afl.'r fifteen hour.".' deliberation, a combined Jury of men and women disagreed In the case of Frank Cos- CALGARY Lt.-Gen. Guy G. tmin V... rlrw.t-lo.-l oc ft. r.rt 1 1 n CT I mPet-lnPT lllSt. niirtlt. hv W Wlll- Simonds, Canadian Army chief of j th t u Dassenirers were able to ! ston Mair, provincial supervisor from today : !i; yuesnei aisirici. This Is between $1,000,000 and staff, arrived here of predatory animal control. walk to the highway. He said uncertainty as to when it might be reopened. "But we are still working on It," he said. "We have i -' 'iner Byron Johnson, in a Korea $5,000,000 more than the existing Ottawa enroute to on a ! all of thcwe who were made ill Mr. Mair. who arrived here ' revs'' or, bus vast industrial west tello. charged 'th contempt. agreement would have provided, visit of inspection. He leaves to- i bv as umes . days 0 had R.mdilw hv mvil, of lhP .-,i.,h. The sighting of the empty 1 ,u'1 Si" UP" : niM.-iyn. said Monday night Althougl Costello claimed a vie- Nature of the changes was not morrow for Vancouver. recovered : t..M th mmm of hunters trim- Hi Mr. Smith had just received disclosed. I 1 , nrrs nnrt unifiers that, sn far no i a Kit.it industrial growtn is in ! it-ire for Quesnel and Prince too, the district attorney announced another trial would be nailed for Friday. . drifting llleboat brought a grim blow to hope that any of the sea-' men from the missing freighter ; might survive and a reduction , today to Uie c,o(a? of the air and some first hand information as to exact snow conditions from a tractor which had got through. ' It's pretty grim," he said. Are Graduates thiough, t lie nearly com-txiension of tile Pacific Eastern Railway between if renin s P0W Bombing Unconfirmed Cold Snap Near End The road Is open from Terrace ; sea rescue oci ations. . . " r. Vancouver Has ! lunds had been specifically allot-1 ted to Prince Rupert district for I predatory control but he Was ; convinced now this was mses- sary. This year Uie Casslar dis-1 trict allotment would be . split I with Prince Rupert area, he said, j Reports showed that wolves j and cougar were fast increasing lit! Tnrrjrp florrlnpr rurrnl aro-.i J Tlio Pennsylvania, s radii Miit'as far west as txstewnnd by 'jPTTlfjn jOil " i out feveral "SOS" apiMals antT night Mr. Smith hopes lo have-T 1ATOU TAFT then said Its "45 persons aboard j were leuving. tlNG COCKY r Driving Danger i 1. clear of snow from this end to j 1 vee which had also been ed. Last fiighl Not So Cold-Southeast Gale Coming , VANCOUVER-Too many unl-l TOKYO General Matthew i vcrslty graduates want white Ridgway did not deny today that i collar jobs, savs Dr. H. V. War- there might have been bombing UNWIND. Va Senato u.-n of the University of British by United Nations planes of a! Notwithstanding yesterday's and on coastal j.siancjs j vicw TIDES Taft. in the field for the iii iiti presidential nomina-a k (1 yesterday if he (Columbia Denartment of Geol- Communist prisoner of war weather forecast which predict VANCOUVER Below freezing i temperature on toy of an Inch and a half of new snow brought i hazardous driving conditions to j of this, the following arrangements will be made: 1. A part time predatory ani- jc(gy. , I camp. If so, however, it was be-1 ed colder temperature last night, In an address to the Kiwanis cause it was unidentifiable. He the low official reading at Digbyi it he would be able to Thursday, January 17. 1952 More Fighting In Canal Zone 4:27 19 2 feet Vancouver today. The snow be-, limit isiana mcieoroiogicai siauou ior ma nunU;rwiiibe stationed here. riiine packed down . and froze: Club he declared that of 7.000 coma not coniirm or deny yet students, there are only 22 grolo- whether there had been such gists, 16 mining, 15 forest and bombing. 'He Virginia stale prlmar-niist General Eisenhower, eci eontidenre that he tieat him anywhere. the night was u.i, more man a j 2. A trained hunter 'Will be degree higher than Uie night be- ! , , ,. Xjrrace district with 16.23 182 feet Low 10:29 7 6 feel 22.38 5 6 feet down for an iry surface. More snow is on the way. three agricultural engineers in Communists claim that twenty j lore which Drougnt iu apove in a few weeks. 51 A two-werk survev nf the .'ion inuoiiT en i;ir imx wniir tlw final two years of studies. ' prisoners were killed in the He asked if the young men of the bombing, province are too soft, to be thus, I Meantime, clouding skies today ico..sl and Gi.r.ncr canal area and forecast of a southeast gale bc und,,r,aken by Mr. Mair moving in from the Gulf of Al- mtl au assistant with Game ,aska indicated that the current warden Ed Martin in March. - CAIRO (CP) British tanks opened file today against Egyptian Miipers at Tel El Kebir In the Suez Canal zone, a British spokesman said. At least five Egyptians were killed. Between 120 and 160 Egyptian police were taken into custody. cold snap was ending and wouia letting down the challenge of the country's expansion. The indus-j tries mentioned are all impor-j tant, and thv number of trained, men equipped to give their ser-; vices does not begin to come up; DIPLOMATS FETTERED IN MOSCOW , probably blow itself out with ! more snow possibly wet by to-I night. POISON PERMITS Permits by trappers to use poison on trap lines also had been made readily available, said Mr. Mair. Formerly, only he could issue permits, a factor which often caused delay dur- I to the demand. j Truman ppIc dip-' the MOSCOW Travelling of lomatic representatives In WEATHER - - Moscow area has been further restricted from 31 to 21 miles 1 ing his absence from the Van Big Tax Hike !ianes!-Joys! adius. If it Is desired to travel further, special permit must be obtained. oeiung ineap Sj nopsis A weather disturbance ts developing over the Gulf of Alaska and is expected to move .touthward over northern British Columbia today and to affect l he rest of the province tomorrow. The cold polar air mass which couver office of the Game Commission. At present, permits are Issued directly by the office and can bc received here within. 24 ' hour:; of notice. ' Sinclair Pierce, coastal trapper, reported on difficulty lie had in obtaining poison. Wolves, he said, had lid his trapping ai oa oi deer and had turned on his mink, while In traps. Mr. Mair spoke of the problems Don Ritchie -Library Head WASHINGTON, D.C. In his annual economic message ' to Congress today, President Truman called for a budgetary tax increase of tuearly 5,000.000,000. He did not detail In what classifications of taxation 11 was proposed to make increases. He predicted shortages and precarious pi Ice problems. MELBOURNE Low priced 1 Japanese toys are selling in Australia on a scale that has hit Australian manufacturers exceedingly hurd. The toys from ; Japanese sources were admitted over strong protests. Retailers j is covering British Columbia to- day will bc gradually displaced j by milder maritime air with aj consequent moderating of tem-ueratures tomorrow. I report a rush of business. coniuttled Willi predatory animal and of ircent accom- This particular storm will ulsoi control - ' I ' L"7 - 'I'tmmmipm mm .wmnmmm v ..tmfmi m- mt.-!v .-t.iiuiiiwppt.!j $mrtt?y .i"'uw.i.nww ' ' ' , .' jT . ' i o I . , , f V- V "-r ' L ' . 9 0 I I ' II n "-i 'r iii, ,1,11m, n'tTttnr.r r-ii--iwOT.mn-.in-ioiiif iniii.i ' 1ii.iwinmil' T m imn irwnn l TODAY'S STOCKS (uuHfM M. I. Jiiniimi f.'v. Ltil.ii biing snow lo most sections of pil.shmcms. He said a budget 01 the province as It moves across. I $150,000 a year had bceji gained ' Forecast lor his department, to bc used North Coast Region ' Clear! for paying bounty and to employ this morning, becoming cloudy ! a staff of six men besides him-during afternoon. Snow tonight. . self,. 1 Cloudy with snow flurries to-1 NATIVE TRAITEKS morrow. Milder tomorrow. Wind i ,,' ,, ,,r ..,.j, -Light today, southerly (25) to-1 ,A Jc J" V VANCOl VEIt .2! American Standard Uialorne 0.10 Mrs. George Hill Secretary Annual Reports Show Increased Activity A. D. Ritchie was elected chairman of the Prince Rupert Public Library Board at its annual meeting last night, succeeding Mrs. M. M. Roper who has resigned from the board. New secretary Is Mrs. George A. Hill, taking over from Mis. Basil S. Prockter who resigned horn the office although continuing on the board. Other members of the board this yeaf arc Mrs. W. S. Kergin, convener of the book committee; Miss May Macdonald, librarian; Mrs. Basil S. Prockter, Aid. John Currje and Thomas B. Black. Annua! reports Included that of the librarian which showed increase both In membership and night; southwest (20) tomor-! ..' 7 V .? : ' 7V Ed Martin, local game warden. ONTARIO - Athona Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian .. C M & S Conwest Donalda , Eldona ... .09 ... .21 '4 ... .19 .73 ... .20 ...191.00 ... 3.(i5 ... .49 ... .20'-, B R X Cariboo Quartz Congress Cronln Bablne Giant Mascot Indian Mines Pend Oreille .04 1.15 .Oa'j .57 .07 .22 8.05 row. Lows tonight and highs tomorrowAt Port Hardy, 25 and 35; Sandspit, 25 and 38; Prince Rupert, 2a and 35. He said that about 95 per cent of j traplines in the Prince Rupert area were operated by native Indians. In the past, Indians had not readily accepted a plan to poison wolves or cougar on I their lines; neither had the game i oil ice issued poison permits to 1 1 .hem except in special cases, j A comprehensive program of education, however, would be "East Sullivan 9.10 Giant Yellowknlfe 10.65 Capt. Carlsen Back in States Pioneer 1.82 Premier Border 32 Privateer 08' Reeves Macdonald 6.00 Reno .1)4 Siieep Creek 1.70 Silbak Premier 06 Vunandu . .19 Salmon Gold 05 Spud Valley 20 Silver Standard 2.4) Western Uranium 3.40 book circulation, a healthy aug-' mentation of books on the NEW YORK Capt. Kurt Carl-1 shelves, setting up of a child- sen. skipper hero of the episode j 1 reus coriver and special enori oi uie sinning 01 ure ireigmeri started, said Cpl. Martin, to get native trappers to co-operate in controlling predators. He outlined the use of movies to show-ways and means and benefits of such control. Club vice-president Tommy to encourage juvenile reading by Plying Enterprise, arrived In New. holding a school children's essay York by air today from England; contest. ' 1 enroute to his home for a visit i God's Lake 36 Ilardrock 11 Ilarricana 14 -Jollet Quebec 48 Lynx 12i Madsen Red Lake 2.00 McKenzie Red Lake 46 McLeod Cockshutt 2.80 Moneta 35 Negus - 66 Noranda 82.50 Louvieourt 29 Piekle Crow - 1.60 San Antonio 2.52 Senator Rouyn .' 08 Sherritt Gordon 5.30 Steep Rock 7.00 Silver Miller 145 Golden Mauitou 6.83 oeiore lasing a new cominana. Boillt(,r was in the chair in the The book committee reported an active year. Hope was ex ft 1 ine piane in wn cn wru,en re- : ab.sence of President Norm Chris- li'IDLAU HALL Prime Minister Winston C.mrchill renewed old acquaintances In Ottawa pressed that the library would turned to Uie United States had tensen. ! Oils 1 Anglo Canadian 9.10 A P Con 60 Calmont 2.05" C 6i E 15.00 j Central Leduc 2 95 j Mercury 27 j Pacific Pete 97 1 Iiuyal Canadian 25 1 ho arrived for talks with the Canadian government. He was welcomed to Rideau Hall vernor-ceneral Viscount Alexander and Lady Alexander. There was a warm feeling In meeting 0 two of Britain's greatest war loss as they met each other on the steps of the ''"re of the eovernnr-trnnrrot wheio the Ri ii,ii,h Prime Minister will be a house guest go on giving greater service to to turn back to Shannon airport the community. in Ireland yesterday after hav- List of periodicals for the read- ing been out for an hour and a ine room was approved and the half when mechanical trouble Reg Childs returned to the city 0:1 the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver. t,u4.:g his stay iu Ottawa. CP niOTO) budget for 1952 was drawn up. ; developed.