Prince fvuptrt Daily News Wednesday, January 16, 1952 TODAY ONLY JAMES CAONEY in i "COME FILL THE cum News of the District 7 - 9:00 P.m. Price of Tin Getting High ; coming twelve months. The Iin-' lire is six cents a pound higher -than the $1.12 ceiling fixed by the Reconstruction Finance Coi-porallon, governire: monoply No Longer f Ghost Town I STEWART Across the bor-! dcr Hyder, Alaska, may soon emerge from Its status as a ; ghost town. It is reported that arrangements are about to be "" 'mi"' u- -WASHINGTON The United,:" States will pay B.ilairi $1.18 a! pound for 20.000 tons of Malaya.r If you want to aKu it, advertiSf tin, to be delivered here over tile it. News classified. , . .ii. ..... . i'Siii i . i . . . . . Bob Hope in Spy Comedy A bright breezy adventure. Involving a burlesque comedian, a beautiful spy and a roster of comically sinister characters who tangle in Tangier are Involved In "My Favorite Spy." teaming Bob Hope and Hedy Lamarr, which is the feature picture for thLs Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Totem Theatre. Bob Is unwittingly drawn Into international Intrigue when the master mind of a spy ring eludes the authorities in New York. Hope Is a dead ringer for trw escaped spy. When he finally convinces them that he is only a comic in a girlie show, they hatch a scheme to have him impersonate the missing agent and go to the ring's hideaway In Tangier. This sets the scene for a hilarious masquerade In which he lands in the arms of the woman spy, who mistakes him lor her sDVinff bov friend. When the Famous Big Four Mining Group at Stewart Taken On Option by Smelters STEWART. There is well-founded information that the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. of Canada has taken an option on the well-known Big Four mining property. So far there is no confirmation here. It is reasonable to assume that, on accjount of their examination of the property in 1951, they may have made some arrangement for a further examination this summer. ! m ' WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE - BUDGET PLAN IP? made for the housing of fourteen families there ,m account of lodging operations which it is stated will commence this year. With the advent of Am-ercan capital into the logging business in this area the outlook for the future Is much brighter for this community. This ncw business will be reflected in Stewart as the residents of Hyder do a considerable amount' of purchasing here. It Is expetfed that, in J Wallace's Department Store, the store that has everything for the home and family, offers you the convenience of p M buying now and pay in convenient monthly payments. S PRINCE RUPERT'S BIG STORE 1 WALLACE'S of Course ...Smithers... NOTES. Paramount presents Big Four property, on the top of the mountain across the heaJ I of Portland Canal from Stewart, Includes three famous old mines j Prosperity, Porter Idaho and Sll- . verado. I At one time the group was operated for a season by Silbak- j Premier when that concern was ; controlled by the American the near future, Hyder will emerge from its status as a ghost town. BOB HEDY gang and the girl get wise. Bob Is In for an uprorious peck of trouble:. Finally, he saves his skin, a set of precious pluns and takes Hedy home to his Hack-ensack cottage although there are plenty of hilarious surprises along the way. Revival at Pt. Simpson Replacement of tM board walks on Main Street with cement or black top walks will be one of the principal projects to be undertaken this year by the Smithers Board of Village fiftV SPY Smelting & Refining Co., silver-lead-zinc ore being taken out. In 1946 Transcontinental Resources had the group for a season but let it go. Recently, Consolidated became interested. There is some five miles of Reddy says: Neighboring Village ' Turns 10 Percent to Lord ! Dunne Kitkatlans' Visit Smithers is faced with a coal shortage as more severe wintry underground workings, the con PSJ Bob 75fet Htdf 7 .. TVCRES HllARiTV IN ARaSl Alpine lor lou .., . I .... ,., mm-m MOROCCAN- Wt! I City of Itall 11T ToMsers" t Way Out West in HoriUa" ' ' ''Y .1 Evening Shows mm 7 - 9 p.m. V I C W A iaiiHiu-, Players lhnln dition of which at the present weather descends upon the dls- OJJfJUs Between 50 and 60 Oddfellows, Rebekahs and friends enjoyed a Time's Up" party at the Oddfellows' Hall last night. Father: Church Army leaders from Kit- katla, with party numbering I twenty-six men and women, are heading homeward today to their village down the coast after at week's pilgrimage to Port Simp- j son which one of them declared ; has "turned to the Lord 100 1 percent." I with a modern ELECTRIC WASHER ! time is not definitely known. j trice. Bulkley Valley Collieries, i Cleaning out of the workings '. owing to its commitments to ! would have to be carried out by j Columbia Cellulose, has been ! Consolidated this year before unable ta meet the demand and i further exploration work pre- shipments of 'Alberta coal have ! p.tratory to the taking up of the I been held up. , j option would be undertaken. I I Smithers Parent-Teachers' IONDON (l-A local society ; Association has commenced a ! presented an aquarium to the I series of square dance and box ' children's ward of a hospital. soeiala. The first was held Sat- The society said that watching ! "lay niBh' and was a very suc-fish will not only calm the child- ! cc-ssf ui affair. ren, but help the doctors to re- : I;,., ! After visiting In Prince Rupert - iwith her son and daughter-in- j I law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis, I Also on the same proti'a TODAY & THURSDAY ROBERT Hty'TTOK Time kept everyone on their ' toes as the party w as put , through situations supplied bv ; the four seasons of the year. Representatives of llie Four Seasons, also in costume, weie! Mrs. J. DcLoiiK, spring; Mrs. L. j Brain, summer; Miss Betty Hood, j autumn, and Mrs. W. H. McLean. ; winter. Father Time, in long j ft VMM rfttcttt. IM and LOLA ALBRIGHT In 'Beauly on Parai white beard and dressed In white, was played ably by David Tru' evangelistic visit to rort Simpson, lasting; seven days from Tuesday of last week to Monday j of this, was sparked by Mrs. I Margaret Kimball, a Pentecostal i e v a n g c 1 1 s t from Bremerton, Washington. i The leaders from Kitkatla were Joseph Iniies and Henry Brown with co-leaders Lawrence Innes, Chester Boltwi and Paul Mason. During the seven days at Port Simpson prayers were held each mrning and revival meetings each evening in the Epworth League Hall of Grace United Chuich. STEAMfcR Mrs. W. Lewis of New Westminster Is now visiting here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al Bannister. Shows at 1 :H I at runiplrtc sho I i Owens. '. Team captains were A. K. Wood, C. Viers and J. DeLoii ;.; Committee members wore Mls.s : fi mnMiwiinuniwii P . L lHWf I . Jl KIM Him Prince George r j fQHQ L1NQFQHS i Hood, convener; Mrs. Brain, Mrs. McLean. Mr. uud Mrs. Judges were T. Priest, W. Mc-Kenzic and H. Quick SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNK.Hl Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations On the first night James Mc- j Kay extended a welcome on be-, half of the community and' church In which the resident! pastor, Rev. T. C. Colwell. also joined. ! E.'cond n'ght there was a banquet In Port Simpson Athletic Club Hal in honor of the visitors. Large attendance marked all meetings and the revivalists S K your time . . . save vour chillies. Wash llie easy a willi an electric washer. Il (liases nut the nuH slnlilmrn dirt In jig lime . . . ipiiekly, llini'llllghly, vel so gelilly il wmi'l 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ir finel f.ilnies. Conic in anil see llie l.ilesl models .. M.r sec Jour i leeliieal appliance ile.iler. I'' m Stewart Has Real Winter i I STEWART Another blizzard hit this district during the pa-t ' week with one foot of fresh sno. i A high north wind accompany -' ina the storm making it the more The snow plow of the Public Works Department was kepi ; busy for a short time clearing ', the roads where, in places, larC : drifts had piled up, making it difficult for motor vehicles to ; navigate. j , This Monday the high winds continued assuming galelikc p."o- : portions. The weather cleared somewhat with bright sunsbin?. STATIONERY WRITING TABLETS ENVELOPES PENS INK f-fannin(j f-irlij Business and Prolesslmial Women's Club of Prince Rup it decided last night at a club meeting to si age their annual card purty the first week of Match. Tickets will be sold and . all will be invited to take purt In their favorite card game, of I whist, bridgo, criubage and can-; a.s'ta. J Refreshments will be served, members decided. Members also agreed to become I r Write- or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPER'l. PC. Fancv hov Sf-arioncrv suitable for aifts in olnnr - - were well pleased with the response, also the hospitality which wr.r extended them. The party came In from Port Simpson on the Camosun yesterday and left for home today bv fish packer. Mrs. Kimball is staying over for a week here to conduct mert-lngs at Full Gospel Tabernacle. rill i nH:llM"Ti H-l milMLMi ! an all-out Civic Cent re niembvr-' , i .tjiuiiM Hi&jjt-f u:rJii:f.m ., t . ! ship club. I President Miss Mary McMillan ' was In the rhuir Stewart News i - ri-1 fah4pM31aUAiJM l J-,r-tJ-l -r- - npws pained , i , -. , : -j I , -DISHES Lc",'i:ing operations in the Bear River Valley continue in spite of the snow although hampered slightly. The temperature Is ten above, zero but the high winds luusing th, heavy drifts make the base of operations difficult of access. Mike Bii mingham, an old limei in the district and a former Yukoner, was taken to the Stewart General Hospital fo Wc hove hc lorqest stock of dishes n Northern B.C. DINNER SETS treatment on Sunday. VAM'OIVlvK VICTORIA Chilcolin 8 p.m. January 20 Chilcotin midnight Junuaiy 13 and 27 Cumosun Tuesday. 12 Noon AI.ICF. AKM. STKWAKT AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Caniosuii. U p.m. I'OR NORTH fl liKN tllAKMITTK ISLANDS Januaiy 18 ss. Chilcotin midnight FOR SOI TII Olr N 1 H ARLOT I F! ISLANDS ss. Chilcolin BREAKFAST SETS CUPS ond SAUCERS Especially good selection of TEAPOTS ond WHITE KITCHENWARE Despite the inclemency of the weather there was a good turnout at the cribbage drive of the Stewart, branch of the Canadian Legion held in their clubrooms on Saturday. Mrs. S. Klrkpatrlck won l ho ladies' prize and Charlie Jacobson won the men's first pi'tzr.. J. Bouzok took a consolation prize. Supper was served. ! ; If'J,; io conIinoit your Rmd taste jM ff'i. j . U!ii ' J . . . distinguished selection of V 4t fmc c"uditn Rye -Whiskies ) q , Cf ' nl SUrllUg Lo"llon Dry Gin' Kj T,K j 1f The British Columbia Distillery vT" &M'Si-) US' Company Limited - M 'IrA 3 M 'kM Ncw AVcs,mins,",B-c- 'MJf'JjtM ' ' Gordon & Anderso Thonc 46 Li"" January 11 and 2fi FRANK J. SKINM It I'rlnec niin t , Agent Third Avenue Phone aii(i SHIPS AND LOCAL TALENT WATERFRONT CONCER VARIETY A'7- With good-sized list of passcn- , ;;. rs and usually heavy freight; curgo, CNR steamer Prince Ueuiex, Cupt. Ernest Caldwell, arrived in port at, 10:15 this morning from Vancouver, Powell Hiver and Ocean Falls and will ail at midnight for Ketchikan whence she will return here tomorrow vvcnuig southbound. Making a series of voyages on : export jmm, t?20 Pi MnrvintuHtHi nrtmtirT tniit w loirito in honii v , 0 1 It , ! uTtZ'i-L ' r 1 1 I I iO- I r I k w SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - CIVIC BA" LITTLE THEATRE . o CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM o i boa rd the vessel to conduct In struction classes for members of he new. S. L. Harper, first aid "f TvA rnJM instructor for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters In Edmonton, is here today aboard the steamer Prince George. While here he Is paying a periodical visit of inspection to the local dry dock and railway yards. ADMISSION - - ' Non-Members Members Reserved 1.00 & .75 .80 Sc .60 Adult Rush .50 .40 Student Rush .35 .25 The Itriiish Culumliia Distillery (Company I i mi led han trow iiit deniHiiU for its procjucl.1 both Ht home and in greatly increased its facilities over the past few years world markets an eipansion program that keeps pace and has built up in stocks to keep pace with the rapidly with llritish Columbia growth and prosperity. ' ' ' 9 . This advertisement is tiot published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Friday, JanuaryW, For best results, advertise!