Knnce Kuperi uuiiy inkvvJ Wednesday. January 16, 1952 the WQRLD of SPOUT Ocean Falls Students to n It. . Re-open School Rivalry "'fiA Parents Scarcer? The old inter-high rivalry in basketball prowess I Iks Take First Loss in Tough Fight U..n TWU M .si u:"t. cu, lui-uun - A snonage ol ...v,,.. u.uiwi mii Odium ana ucean i -Mums and Dads' i nwrvino Falls has started up again and first action between ! ch'M welfare societies and gov-the two teams will be seen here January 30 and P1 crnm(-nt officials. Ci & 13. KI.KS 42 iiMiKKKN 47; iviKKc iiants 25 ' when the paper town students visit Prince Paipert. uiiun a K'jvenimeni scneme, prr.-.ons willing to look after children committed to govern- Cvic Centre Competition roller Rink Jn Dog Derby BKAVr.US 15, MAPLE LEAES i j An added attraction will give . . , , , ,, , -ii fans tr-! firsl opportunity this In as close a contest as basketball fans will ever season to see girls in action on about $800" to finance the Bo- ment care receive a small wane V4 i wBmmi f 1 HWll Me-Hi trip, says Mathews. and a 14-week training course oa nr. un,r Miirt f"!niv1r.n ,f, A nflm-ttfm hiut nio-hr pVfil I hocp court A select high oi uuems win support the cm so lew applications arc .... ..w.l nl "v" J .-, - - sdl0()1 t wUI mee, another ) He I'r show as much as possible, but being received that one of nine we can't do it alone and sure training centres set up under the I'll tiM iimmit Annual meeting unaWA o A record entry uui a tnm-puim w in uvit rirs iui me mjj rcmui cin ; seieci town squad picKea lrom I of 26 contestants their . sichts it' r-.. i e - o i.i At t past iurLs basketball teams here. I hope to ring in a good adult I p!" n being closed. .11 Hems ui impui lance aim,.d . lhe Q Cnall(,n,,e v "s- v. .vys ajks mauit ws, su-aiu-iii attendance " The foster-parents are ivauir- i'niu-e i 'i Rupert citizens will xronhv und sr nun in nriyea .. This second of a twin senior Strand. Forbes, Morri- learner, organizer oi me special series and coach of Hi-Greens. In.- anemia of the annual j wm comp,.te tnjs year In the 100P fixture was practically a- nell 2, son 4. Meanwhile, posters are being ! ed to provide a sense of home lile marie nn u-hifh iHH nnrtrrav nif. i tnr rirnhiinu unH hil.lmM i! meeting oi tne civic ,t,ilv, ,,, mn-miu. itm.- tight all through the game si -Ford 6, Webber 7 Hi -Green Team to the visitors will ' play lure o all memben, botnjnvt'.rd ! to the country's cue Association January 24. uomii dog derby, reb. 7, g, u, . ." 1 . ... ! KrLstmanson 3. Penoii 8. Rhodes be made up mostly of Hi-Green ;,, Tikt .;: :. broken and neglected fi 1 'aim luri most oil the list. rtnnsilrl r.l dcrhv ch:iirmn m unu iwn puillis limn uir i'i:J , .... , , ,., i, ,.".,i. ...... v... -, . " " aic U.n-ctor Jack SUrn. it tlieiof lhe Ottawa Junior Board of uI . ,U,e. llrL?rt,!,rA ".T1 ti' Shm nkrd 8. iinkeV 3. i makers' if Aoces.arv.savs Math- ,L.. f, 1 s,n"ns A v i hv inembeis oi exnen-, t...u u 1,1.1, ik ,.. score was za-zo wun inu c:ks " - - " iv..n..-i.ra mm m ue avanaore at the Civic Centre as usual. 'liistal n,r.(i(.'u United' ahead. j Merchants Mar arlane 10. i - .1 ... t t ..... .-...,iiinn..m a new o maple nr. n I D ". " ... that ',l ..L" ,Q .. Stale ' al Flater, ,nd HolkesUd of O & 1 Erickson 3, Jcfferics, ' Leighlon 1 For a return bout with Ocean I 'ii .......... ' K"-""- w... ...hw iK.h MflntfLkh Mnrlin 7. Waters, talis lcal Ktuftenie nnd hir-Inrl- T i .s'KUUIlg. .siv.i.iii,. netitltin netiTHin fur fnr t:an;ifiiun !nrl!iflii.n fii'iviU mivfiv " '"" uivmcu JJ - . . imii but for Elks, Don i bcdtswlcK, Bron, . Wing. me a gins' team, win travel to l.-iw hcen ri'Clim ttleodcfi I wh n h:iun litnm.H himio M'innivra pflillts each 1.CNLON (CP) A toy museum is being opened here for the lirst time. Collectors all over th p.iimtry will contribute tovs ol the nasi fiom Britain and othei countries. CCC 300 - Dumas 9, Marshall . Ocean Fails, leaving rcbruary 14. .. i,....r i.f rtlrector. ti, tw, want ai i,..,,t in Scherk carried the ,oau with 13 Hockey Scores viiH'ed of Its siicce.s in Ij.S. teams will enter the event. poinU and was high man for ' 22, Thompson 11, Hill 8. Hogti'i ; The games arc organized to t lie game. 2, Gardner, Ratchford 7. promote competition and friend- I ' i.. .. i in ... iiutj i UTIII'i- 'I L' ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS skating will oiler 'both tinn and wholesome activ- vming people wlio fiiut no Rainmakers Morrison 4, ly relations with the paper town Young 5, T.Ut 3, Ciccone, WaUon and to give intermediate stu-7, SathSr 2, Nickerson 4, Simon- dent- the opportunity to travel, son 15, Letourneau 8, McKay. , Mathews, along with the spon-, Gordon & Anderson llolke- soring student.''' council, hopes to I 33' 3-mile heals. -The course starls on the frozen Rideau 11 wasn't so much the high Cnnal in the heart of the capital, Pd but the dogged, dctermln- 1 cuts ihroui'.h the citv and l.mus fd s! niggle which saw most men t,i io in the evenings." rnss-cnnntrv In n sniitlierlv iinrl heavily lired at the end. Bi!l n St ,Jt jM-i. j-r .cr? stad 15. ' Pierce 6, Flaten 15, Currie 2, 'attract a hot of fans to these' Boulter, Kristmanson sanies. - - i I south-westerly direction before "Monk'' Sunbeig suffered a mil) ij7'j':')j'&& National Toronto 1, Boston 0. American Pittsburgh 3. Cleveland 1. Paeifie Coast Victoria 4, Vancouver fi. Calgary 1, Saskatoon 3. Western International Nelson 6. Trail 2. Okanaean Kamloops 4, Vernon 3. swinging back to the .startllig 'wisieo aiiKie in tne secono itue plans include, first, i.iti .n of a new floor in the quarter but Coach Alex Bill al 2, Hcbb 3. Elks D. Scherk 18, S. j "I''s not so much good basket-' SchCI'K h'll! hut lh-. Knirit nf tht vnnr ' II' iriuin. Adjoining kitchen lowed him on the court again equipped with locker- point. Heading lhe Canadian competitors is Emile MarU-1, 48-year-old lean, six-foot Loretteville. in the last few minutes of play.!?1 '' which the fans will-see," claims " "".-'a , run InmrmcrtliHn pftnph "AnH be used to .skald i toe libre-wheel type a! having been donated nated to to Qu( ''-. ""''' ' a five-point lead to within one ."'" now that no organized women's bis dogs across the finish line individual player high scoring would be int a Up Q & A hvM m, baiikptball is ' plaved here. entre. and more a.sed. schools will with a combined winning time of honors but all team membera t(.nadims, to hold tne leali. woul.l nine hours, one minute and 11 i played solid ball. For the Met- " " ' . ' utsiile seconds. !ltt w,Ni I chants. MacFarlane scored high 1'inovable guard rail travelling expenses Joe Louis In Golf Tourney iced around the out. from the nther's . visit Tt. uill tnke The strangest part about our business is that the less workmanship you can see, the better the job was done! That's why we're so proud of the cars that cruise out of our shop with fcha "brand new" look even though they may have been in serious acc'dents. Remember this number if in need: GREEN 217 In the first senior bill, CCC . .... ill Li p ii M'l in mil ill. U' T i I inin'E - .... . with 10 points. nt the Hour to protect theL Manei, runner-up in iu:o, win 300 walked away from Rainmak f and to give spectators ani be out to gain permanent pos- ers with 11 ' 1 points '.. to ' finish 59 ,.atiiiB room. ! session of the trophy. To do this T 1 , ,, ,. J Jl'MOK - j Beavers snugged a five-point: win' from Maple Leafs in the Junior fixture, giving Mah of the mi hulirs WOllld include a n Hrlwa rfrlu.r tYiiiut finiol, flMih fit-ct fircl Ihrita lhr.l TO' "nillK ICIIUI! maiMUU Willi Local Rink For Smithers 22 oints and RatchIord as Piay . i noon .session a week and years running. I vivi-inns itttev . i, -i maKPr, SAN DIEGO Former world's heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis will be an "invitation" entry in the San Diego open winners a high of seven, in the 1 n "li'1"""" is.i..j. rriiiuuj Liit.- iiitjvtL iiuiiut;iuit.N and appropriate lighting threat from the fj.S. Is big Bill ' " "u,p V " 7 i :XOtC- 01 i3"iU'- nwn ana be .supplied. Special art- shearri a furllure dealer from " B .1"c "-. I Morrison uea wun lour poinui each for the Leafs. i amateur golf championship Mackenzie's rink, repre- nament commencing here Frince Rupert Curling day. pin es would he East Jaffrev. N H. He will hit the , " " I rail with 11 highly-trained Si- ! INTERMEDIATE i SCORING members. i I n, I....- Vn .n TV....V. I,. 1 . ri I J i. i i Superior Auto Service I It I ISIM. game saw ot,clB imiiainuw. iay.iiM, i iuo. leaves r riuay to compete in Merchants Haudeaschild 2, .M. Tanaka 2, tie Smithers bonspiel, and fourj MASS BATHING bcrian huskies. Shearer last The intermediate year finished In the runner-up Hi-Green clean up l. NaKaisu, M. NaKatsu, Mat- cirlers hope to "sweep 'em clean. "i Three thousand persons at the spot, one minute. 29 seconds be- I " " . ! Limited 'turn oi policy as to sell-lvi-rtuing to local tor display on .skirts of hind Martel. , races. He has amazed spectators Other members of the U.S. ! fr the last two years with his suba, Mah 7, Morven, Christen- r composed of Neely Moore, same time could be accommoriat- ten 4, Peder.sen. , Wally Jennings and Roy Collin- ed in the Dioclethian Baths, the Maple Leafs Forward, Shen- son. skipped, of course, by Mack- largest of. tha ancient Roman ton 4, Mat-Kay, Stewart, Par- enzie. public baths. Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 in the main gymnas- o has been relayed by "'"'K',''t uioe ur. noianu i Urelsss efforts, finishing the labl ieeutive to the genercl """am 1 race Z7 seconds out ol tne money ; ! . 1(4 ford, both of Deersfield. Mass.. , jn seventh place. ! the last Bi" Bcllet etc. Helena, Mont and j up) l. was projKised at Milltary rWarly te shaping , i, n nrf,ii(i.,i Frank rind Dexter Sears; of Lak'si... K,,' tih TGte most DCuupllI0,MD3 RJKl f if I i even lie for the Civic I'1"''", States Air Force and the Cana-I t I KI T TRACK RI'.f'OKIJ j dian Army. A dog team from the PNf ltlS(Lllt j Dr. Belford, who finished in USAF. stationed at Goose Bay,! fi .st.nnviil pre-ent an out- Mh place In the 1951 aerby, ,;'. Mi, nd ask aonroval of form- set a truck record ill the final j "amnion, mas;.., iui un r , b" Sr'V- ln!Plal training along the New oral rh of lhe run. He ran the course M CM I i1 F ne An 2::24 and was presented with TXk t.-; Lettei, have gone out to ZVnne or.unUatlons explaining a't'n'A,gent,ne ambassador of Labrador re- i nn purebnA on and 0eiutiori of such to Canada. , v ai rt Mi . Stu n .says lie will A newcomer to Canada, Tat trtewr I Wilfred Lepine, 1950 sled dog i- ' 'ill " ODinions "plmo,w on on this tl"s Duval, president of the New .,.u. nHPR,e(1 n. Association. kiig. who finished fifth in last of the chief years race, will aeain bring, his ta i itie.s and added will rank as one I hounds to contest the event j .. m bring more mem- contenders. He has been r?Cing . 4 to the Centre. Without s:. d dogs since 1929 and has won . mmaHM mm mmami ,m f is there Is no Centre,1' many important races in tne t ie director, whn lists nres- ! United States. 'Wings ever the Interior' nbersliip at 1J00 but feels ! A husband and wife combina-.stiuuld be many more. :tion will come from Manitoba. ro,ram of entertainment I Laird Ouellette- 38-year-old CNR the meeting is being ar- 'fireman from The Pas, who fin-1 bv A. P Crawley, execu- 1 lshrd fourth last year after win-icmber, and Mr. SUrn. : nlng the Maratnon Derby at The Pas, and his wife, will both enter LONG-LASTING , teams, e lesUer goods made bv : Oldest man to try the gruell-icient I'tvpiians have sur- ing lest this year is Antonio the (eniiuir.s in .is Rood Gigticre of Lorettevllle. '72-yesr-in as when first made. old veteran of more than 150 There have been many slarlling developments in modern weapons J even talk of push-hiillon warfare but despite all of this the lAF.WTRYM AN continues Io be the most important man in our defence forces. Today, lhe Canadian Infantry Soldier is one of lhe most highly trained men in our Armv. He is master of nninv weapons. ical Cove Rink Nearly lie is lough. He has built a reputation llial i second lo none Io Terrace da:!y To Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kitimat and Kemano Daily Except Fridays from TERRACE 8.C LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phone Black 907 Phone 133 Ready; May Be in Use By End of January More young men are needed right away to swell lhe ranks of the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. The job is not an easy one. You havd lo be good lo make lhe grade as the most important man in the Canadian Army lhe INFANTRYMAN. TO INUST YOU MUST: I. Volunteer to serve anywhere. 2. Bel 7 to 40 (Tradesmen to 45). 1 3. Meet Army requirements. Wli Prince Rupert Curling Club still hopes that there i lie curlinjr uric skating on the artificial ice rink j hich it has been working assiduously during re- j weeks. President Necly Moore is optimistic. ' liP ninp fe in nfiur nnH Is ' ; it- pressure tests. These j might remain on the job at .the led. the pipe will be low- rink untu u is -seen uuuSi, it the trestles and covered! completion. uiii. " ""''.. Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot: No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 4050 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. "time, the refrigeration Ladies' Shoes FREE! listen fo "Voice of lhe Army" 7uesday ond Thursday evenings Dominion Network. 2 FOR 4 "m nearby B.C. Packers wage plant is being in-' 1 from both ends. laid and refrigeration m finished, the rink " '''ady to flood and then lu"S awaited Ice. Mime, the club members ill being urged to keep ? out with all the help o to finish up structural "" the building, enthusiasm of Mr. Moore i 'Parent yesterday when he of foregoing a trip to the y Valley Bonspiel at rs this week-end so he &P) eS-"!" ALE ',, I(4 l)ON i(PThe Duke of Ed- ,.,l'llJU'h, Visitinir IKo Trf v. if Exchange, asked a stream ri .fof tfiinical questions, evidently if ""B lor the Australiun Fashion Footwear "h Princess Elizabeth. An 1 wid "He must have been ome fairly intensive study i "W a Brent riAol nko..t STONE BUILDING " l"c li.duslry."