R n i. Monday, June 30, 1952 Uu Su less Cf JIPS) Mud 1 i BLACKWOOD on. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ' v . ; , BOATS FOR SALE BiiJL 6 r IN 7- Y X FOR SALE 32 ft. troller, Vivian engine, and gurdles. Cow Bay Boat Works. (155) few Classified Rates Closure tiie 4:30 p.m. day previous to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word pel Insertion; minimum charge 50 Scottish Cows Shipped To B.C. Farm By EASLEY BLACKWOOD I AKS FOB KALIS cents. FOR SALE 1950 tj-ton Stude-bufcer truck. 1425 11th East after 5. U"8p USED CARS and Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, A shipment of possibly the rar- Funeral Notices, Marriage and Ford sednniest cattle in Canada passe (153p) I through Edmonton today bound FOR SALE 1937 Phone Red 752. Engagement Announcements $2.00. Special Display double price. TRUCKS A-l APPEARANCE A-l SAFETY A-l MECHANICALLY Count on Mr. Ileinsite for Analysis Every Time You have probably played with Mr. Heinsite at one time or another. He is fomethin less than consistent. There is one thing, however, you can always count on him for and that is a complete analysis of every hand after it is played. It may not be a coi-rect or reasonable analysis, but it'll be made. ANNOIME.MENTS A-i VALUE uh MLi-j-wn UA : . p, The animals two heifers, a S 4-f Dai.yCNew? , 15tV 1 bul1 a!ld tW0 calves-are m-BOXI-" .uaLri:: bers of the hardy West Highland FOR SALE Small trailer, sleeps ; breed from Scotland. Only one three: rock gas stove and tank -other herd of the type of cattle included. Phone Green 614. & known to exist in Western (156) Canada that at Lloydmlnster, U F A W.U. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, July 4. Rebekan Bazaar, October 4. BOB PARKER LIMITED In today's deal the knowing Fall Bazaar, Oct. 8 one opened the nine of dia Catholic end 9. FOR SALE 1939 Dodge, A-l,Sask-condition. Radio, heater, j Actually only three were or-leather kpholstcu y. four n-w j dered but when the cattle arriv-tires. Phone Blue 830. U56p ed in Canada they were placed In Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 15. FOR SALE-1949 Ford Fordoor. i quarantine at Sr. John, New South dealer Both sides vulnerable iirt ti (lr. Kn-11) 8- 5 4 H 7 3 D - J J 10 8 C 0 7 4 2 Full Bazaar, Ncvem- SI. OHO mi pa.fh .Good t res. Rhie Blunsw'OK, wcause oi a B. I.O.D.E. ber 20. embargo on imported cattle 930 after 5. il56p) (Su'ncJr 2)jf'j Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p..n. - 2:30 a.m. Piestyti'iln Bazaar, 27. KKAI. ESTATE SPECIAL ( Mr. Miiij ) 83 H - 9 fl 6 DK 7 B 8 2 C K 10 8 5 (Mr. IIHll-Hr) S J It) H K J 10 4 u y 3 C Q J 3 Wartime four, completely fur BIRTH NOTICE caused by the outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in Saskatchewan. They arrived in February and during the four months in quarantine, two calves were born. In appearance the cattle are shaggy-coated and smaller than more common Canadian breeds. monds on which dummy's queen was played. "Not through me," said Mr. Muzzy cheerfully, as he went up with the king. As Mr. Dale won with the ace, Mr. Heinsite looked like he had been stabbed. Of course, he had. Mr. Dale now led his three top spades and followed with a fourth spade, which lost to the jack. He won the club return, discarded a club and a heart on dummy's diamonds, then finessed the queen of hearts. Tills lost, but he still made five-odd. "Surely you could read my nine of diamonds as the top ofj nothing. Muzzy," snapped Mr. nished. Fridge, electric range, washing machine. Immediate possession. Price $5,500. Terms arranged. HAUGAN Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haugan in tne Prince Rupert General Hospital, June 21, 1952, a son, 8 lbs. 1 oz. lti HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 113 Si. Hill Olr. Half) S-A K w 10 7 H -A Ul D A 4 C A (1 The bliidlnu: , 1 They are domesticated descend Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197 evenings (153) ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Ian Elrick Fras- South West Nrth ants of Scottish mountain cattle. Their habitat is in the outer islands of Scotland. Flint Puss Pliit er announce the engagement of j FOR SALE Unfinished 3 bed- 3 S Puss 2 N T 3 S Hons 3 NT 4 S Ail puss their only daughter, Mary Wini room house with cement basement. P.O. Box 155 or call at 426 8th East. U53p John F. U. Huffc?s, D,C. t ' chiropractor I FRED E DOwrf' Tin. 10:30-12 W), 2:00-6:00 '. OPTOMETRkI 1 , Eves.: b-r ppolmment caly I Successor 8UCCfMur t to x. 21 - B4KJr Block Margatet Pt :ne Bdie 442 j Room 10. fitone jj,.,' scott McLaren ; PH0N CHARTraED ACCOUNTANT ! CLUE 59J James Bldtk C083rd Ave. W. 1 PO BOX n.. Prince Rupert, B.C. m Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 HANDYMAN 1 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ' HOME SERVic ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS 1 ERAL CONTRA Besner Block Phone 387 ! BulWl"B and Repaits P.O. Box 130 kinds ROOFS -CHimnfI . -UBURNKHai j FOR YOUR ROCK j - - I ; AND CONCRETE WORK PHONES- ' I SAUNDERS BROS. PQ Eo w n. We Pour Cement For Less. Phone B!ue 939 li . 1 1 i MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINC. PRECISION SAW FILING .,. ; Phim Phone Blue 10fl 128. B P0 m I awn Mowers Sharpened 224 3rd Ave E 21 5 1 St Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B I ' 1 Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 j . H. G. HELGERS( ' HELEN'S limited BEAUTY SHOP ; real estate imsti; Prmfuwnt Waving Phone BO, Evenings B! Beauty Culture In all j Us branches 204 -4th Street Phone 655 i . LING THE TAIL I QUALITY REPAIRS Tailorinj - iller.ti For Downtrodden Hels 4 anil Wurn Boles CMhn Madt-te-lM Box 774 Becond Ave. 220 Sixth St. Phi MAC I SHOE HOSPITAL . I 1 ' j PORTRAITS I i ... . I ' Films Developed and ft Shipping and General PROMPT SERVK t Moving. Facklnr. Cratlnf CHANDLER'S STWI Cartage and Storage ; m4th Street I Complete. Reliable and EM- ! Phone Oretn 3i clent Service. Also ajrfnts tor Prlnfp R'"rt ST Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. i for Oxygen. Acetylene and all I wading supplies. Train Sched, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE standard tiv! & STORAGE LIMITED For the East- , . . I " Daily except Sundaj..4 I ,Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues E;, , , Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 , Daily except Monday For the MEAL that REFRESH FOOD C00Kr FOIt TAKE OIT ORDERS PHONE !0fl BROADWAY CAFE ( More US Tourists was that you just told Muzzy about the use of the words 'always' and 'never' in bridge?" fred Elaine, to Mr. Andre Joseph Menage, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Menage of Edmonton, formerly of Prince Albert, Sask. The wedding will take place on Monday, August 4. 195J. in St. Anthony's Church. South Edmonton. (Hp) FOR SALE Furnished house, 735 1st Ave. West, across from Elizabeth Apts. Blue 468. (153 OTTAWA (P Canada may get more tourists from the United States this year than ever before, Heinsite. "How could you go up with your king?" "I always cover an honor," said Mr. Muzzy, almost proudly. Thus he stated a position from which the advice of hundreds of players in 20 years has not been able to budge him. "There is no such thing as 'always' in bridge," continued Mr. Heinsite, as if he were addressing a room full of students. FOR RENT PERSONAL FOR RENT Room -and board lit was indicated today, for one man, single bed. Phone I The Bureau of Statistics Te-Red 192. (153)! ported that more automobiles entered the country on travel- ler's vehicle permits in May than WE PAY cash lor burnt mt motors, ai?v size or make. Wil-f'trd Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) LADIES Why take chances with fire? Get Presto and it's out in seconds. Dave Owens, agent. Phone Red 751. .(153p) FOR RENT Sleeping room with lieht housekeeping privileges. 221 1st St, Utp) FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Blue 433. (155) in any other May on record. A total of 179.441 cars entered for periods of 48 hours or more, compared with 153.B83 in May last (All Times HayllgM Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coqultlam 8 p m. ALICE A KM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Friday. Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH MlEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS June 4 and 18 ' SS Coqultlam, midnight FOR SOUTH UUEKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam June 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 FOR RENT Fully furnished j year, bedroom for gentleman office! For the first fivo months of "You must learn the exceptions as well ,as the rules. The only way to beat this hand is for me to open a diamond and for you to play low." Mr. Muzzy saw no flaw in this statement but Mr. Dale came to his rescue. "What about your opening the queen of clubs, Heinsite?" he Inquired. "If you do, I have absolutely no chance "NU-LIFE" Duracleaners. Upholstery, rugs and car cleaning. Free estimates given on request. Address 1228 Beach Place. Phone Black 433. (171) Summit Apts. 1952 there were 428,886 traveller's vehicle permit entries, a gain of 13.7 per cent over the some period of 1951. (153) board. (153p) FOR RENT Room and 171 3rd East. LOST AND FOUND lip 654 WANTED TO KENT LOST Coat on Terrace High Hardboiled eggs, cheese or for the contract. way. Wallet in pocket. Finder j wanted Three room apart- peanut butter sandwiches, raw I never lead. from a holding ment for couple, no children, j vegetables and fre.?h or dried ; of queen, jack, small, Mr. Hein- Phone Red 271. U58p) fruit, are nourishing foods that site replied. "ine nana on your o vr,rl tn n ..-.. n V, i I. ilcft alaQVc Vln t 1 rpo tr trip WAINXtU J.U KL.N4 Any ac- kinir-tpn nnri elpr has m vtfU fllicrl u-itv, hnt arpr nce- LOST "Lone" lady's watch with cord strap, near Super-Valu. Valued gift. Finder , please leave at Daily News office. Reward. 158p commodation for family of: , .", , "' tnree. . .Larson, commercial , " """" ""t- ""o ------ Hotel. (157p) HELP WANTED MALE Uc pf doun fi4 l caplMl. tU.m Im itwia idy V Jrnw ul- Mate Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business WANTED TO RENT Room, with or without board, for one man. Non-drinker or smoker. Within 5 minutes of Prince Rupert Hotel. Box 426, Daily News. (154o) WANTED Two carrier boys for Daily News routes. One for Summit Ave. and Taylor St. district, one for 7th Ave. West. Apply Daily News office, ttfi HELP W ANTE I) FEMALE a chance on rural drinking water j Mr. Dale smiled. "I hate to that may be polluted. be obvious," he said, "but what Mohammed s Descended Farouk El Sayed' . By HAIG NICHOLSON SHEET METAL PLUMBING. Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Roofing. Phone 543, 630 6th West, Letourneau. (tf) Did it eve occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter lor your particular business? WANTED Experienced stenographer. State qualifications. Apply Box 425, Daily News. U57 CANDY BAR attendant Part-time evenings and Saturday afternoon. Apply in person to Totem Theatre. (154) TENDERS SUNSET CABINS BOATS and CABINS FOR RENT ED WHALEN Terrace, B.C. STORE IN CONNECTION Box 411 CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Pasha, father of El Sayeda Nazli, mother of King Farouk. Ex-Queen Nazli's family had for long used the title of "El Sayed," but this was only recently recognized by the Union of Ashrafs. Those who wish to become CAIRO. Egypt (Reuters King Farouk is a man of many titles but his latest one El Sayed makes him a member of hi. country's elite. It means he is a proven descendant of Mohammed. Right to use the title follows Tenders for Gunite Lining of Water Reservoir. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned at the City Hall, WORK WANTED Type facrs give you this outstanding distinctiveness and these can be supplied by our modern printing Prince Rupert, B.C., up to S o'clock in the afternoon of 4TH CLASS engineer desires part-time work. Box 421, Daily News. (154p) members of the Union of Ash Monday, July 14, 1952, for the j a study of his genealogy by the rafs must submit their claims' SITUATION WANTED JOHN H. BULGER if'omeirisl IDY-tcIp'rJ? recently, from Brit-iish. Civil Servh' desires work- wratmI Photo Finishlii: M', v ,,.:( DEVELOPINO, PfU'v ENLARGING I EXPOSURE METC" AMATEUR SUPPlf gunite lining of a concrete 1 Union of Ashrafs (descendants water reservoir located in of the Prophet Mohammed) Prince Rupert, Plans, specifi-Jwvich establishes that he is a Engfne'erTofflce ai fV cS ltvhroh Nazli. his niotner' that they are direct descendants of the Prophet in .January oj each year. EaclJ f laim isfT.are-fully investigated and irrefut Dibb Printing. Co. Popular Steamer Prince Rupert Willmgo accept; responsibil-1 i uy. box 4-8, Daily News. (155p) Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., and able proof must be found that the applicant is a direct de scendant of Mohammed. FOR SALE Farouk was informed of tne Ashrafs' decision by El Sayod Mohammed El Biblawy, Nakirj one copy may be obtained on payment of the sum of ten (10) dollars which will be refunded on return of the document in good order. The low NATIONAL Machinery Co. Urn John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue It was after such investigation that the Union decided that King Farouk should.be recognized as one of the estimated ' phone Green 136 J (Head) El Ashraf, who was received In audience at the Kotiu-beh Palace, the royal home in Cairo. ited. Distributors for: Mining, oawml'l, Logging and Contractor' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intrrmeuiate Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIG1I1 Comfort and Service est on any, tender will not necessarily be accepted. R. W. Long, City Clerk. City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., June 17, 1952. (155c) 13,000 descendants of the Prophet living in Egypt. i .i . - FOR SALE 2 -piece blue cheg The Ashrafs' decision is the result "of research which began in Istanbul in 1922 when the late King Faud, Farouk's fath teifield suite, $50.00. Phone ACCOUNTANTS Green 398. (154D) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furlt, Stone Buildine. Red 593. (20m) FOR SALE Used doors, windows, nails, flooring, tools of all descriptions. Call 120 5th West, or Blue 610 after 5:30. (158) For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT WANTED PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 Land Sinks 40 Feet Near Sask. Town NIPAWIN, Sask. (CP) Residents near here are baffled by Mother Nature's latest quirk. Land running parallel to the north Saskatchewan River 18 miles north of Nipawin, sank between 40 and 60 feet, taking with er, sent El Sayed Mohammed El Biblawy there to, fetch some rare books for his library. While in Istanbul, El Sayed Mohammed El Biblawy made researches into the ancestry of prominent Egyptian families, among them that of El Sayed Mohammed Sherif Pasha. He discovered a decree by the sultan nominating EI Sayed OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. RC. DINING PLEASUf WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron St Metals Ld., 250 Prior St.. Van FOR SALE Monitor washer, apartment size. Like new. S80.00. Must sell today. Phone Black 998. (Up) J I General Construction 9 Floor Sanding O General Repairs l Cobinet Work Greer & Bridden LIMITED Phone 909 15 1st Ave. W. P.O. Bo 721 couver, BC. Phone PAcific IN CDAPKI ING FOR SALE Overhead garage door, fittings. Phone Black 168 anytime. U55p) it two miles of unimproved road. Ahmed Said, father of Sherif 6357. (tf) The section of land retained its Pasha, to the post of judge in For Repairs and Alterations SURROUND Mecca with a salary of 16,000 !'shaPe when it sank and the road urdebs (an ardeb is 5'2 bush FOR SALE Combination wood, coal and gas range, excellent condition. Must sell immediately. Phone Black 446. (156) Commodore Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 1Z7 WIRELESS SETS WANTED No. 19, MK3 CASH paid Immediately for this type of set. Wire collect to Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd., 1400 Weston Road, Toronto Ontario. ( 153) appears smooth enough to drive on. The edgf of the cliff formed 'is about t iri e-quarters of a mile from the ilver bank. At one point along the oliff, p. person can look down without seeing the bottom. A theory that the earth was carried away by the river was els) oi wheat. During one of his visits to Cair about 150 years ago, Ahmed Said met Mohammed Aly Pasha, later Khedive and founder of modern Egypt. Ahmed Said was accompanied by his son Sherif. Mohammed Aly was impressed FOR SALE Refrigerator, two Hollywood beds almost new. Marconi combination radio, chrome kitchen table. Rear, Stone Block, after 6 p.m. (153) BRINGSRE C ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BvCHlYC BLONDIt Unfroizen Assets FOR SALE Spring chickens (discounted by Nipawin firemen Dy tne boy's intelligence and asked Ahmed Said to allow his 1 wno have been Investigating the (fryers). Apply M. Buller, Gordon Rd.. -west of Hipps, Terrace, B.C. , (153p) Incident. COOKIE -WILL VOU HfRtS A DIME GETTING ' I ThEV'F.'E J iCF-ClSf nl f RUN OVEP TO THE ( FOP EACH OF VOU ) M TO THE AGE NOW f. l O rOM 'l CLEANED FOR ME FOP HE ING SUCH fcT VJl ICRC THEV i A ( nVjW 0"'- KM ss5iXi sr7 itj son to live in Egypt. Ahmed Bald CASH for scrap brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West City. at) The land In that area Is sandy and generally covered with BOATS FOR SALE agreed. Mohammed Aly sent the boy to study in France where he made many friends. He quickly learned French and was soon known as "El Franc-Saoui" (Ar Improve Hotels WINNIPEG P' City Engineer W. D. Hurst says that in five Busy Clock-Wotcher WINNIPEG i Allan Dennis Barrett of London, England, has abic for "The Frenchman"). When he returned to Egypt, FOR SALE Sturdy 16 ft. clinker boat with inboard engine. Phone Red 594 between 8 and 8. ' (154pi FOR SALE 40 ft. diesel troller. This boat is fully equipped for almost any type of fishing. Would make a good drum seiner with very little alteration. See the Co-op Credit Union. (153) a lot o Itime on his hands, but o , . .. ; i . , , ... years AVinnipeg's hotels will be the safest on the -continent. All hotels have been given five years to conform to new regulations involving certain alterations and complete lire protection. Soliman Pasha, a Frenchman , Winnipeg recently with a display P t'e ln EyPt- auS- of 80 clocks which he U taking ZrrL n L?,nZt Tawflk11' arroa Canada as representative married Abdul Sabrl1 Rehlm 0I a British clock manulacturer.