try dim Prince Rupert Daily News Monday,-June 30. 1952 Bravery, Service Win S cout Awards j I Red Cross To Meet In Toronto courageous action in assisting h.s uo br.thei.s from their burning h mie. Cub Duane M.irvinc, Noko-mi,5 Pack. N",, for the commendable manner in OTTAWA CPi-C;', Raymond! has been awarded the Corn well Etinson. 8. or th? Sydenham ; Badge for Scout-like dcte'rmina-'ack ydnn,m. Or,!., has been j ' Hon and fortitude. This badie wiici.! the Ght Cross, third is an exceptional award In re-highest .outing nw.-ird. (or res- spect cf pre-eminently hjgn tbmg hi.-i Msr from drowning " rturacter and devotion to duty, in a ( trek near his home. ! together with creat courage, en- The award was one of 32 Do-.' durance or gallamrv. iuuot iepitetitaUve gathering i'ine ol Q.piomau) in trie worm naay ana me omy one at wfnea . i-ieaatt. aie i.l ilfiiteineiH 01; maui pnncipita unat-r ui.-- j which he as.-i.Ued another boy when the bunt in winch they l were piayin.-r s.'mk and he wis se ' ty - ? cu-sjion coital-itco ui Xuiuiitj on j j the the V 1 v. iJ ' r -: ( . r . x ' 1 1 v h I f ' . . i I' ,',.."'--'!!" (? " ft ft , I- - - - i s ;,-.. i - ' . ' I I t i t - iK ' K ( , T, - - . r V " , a danger of drowning. Certify -ate ot Merie. Scout Wiyoe Drury, 12. Westminster Ti iop. R'-f ini. fur trie prompt. ne oieotiiis will be. ihe i minion way noe-irs and awards! The Silver Wolf, for senders anno,, nretj today by the Oover-! of exertional character, has nor-G'-neiai Rt. Hon. Vincent 1 fen awirded to Esdras Minville Ma-wy. in his captcity as Chif of Montreal, and the fiilvr .Vout J'., Canada. Arorn. f-r distinguished, serv- The (Jilt Cross is granted to ice. hi been awarded to Kov these wh do exceptionally we a . Wilson or St. John's, Que. tn t;,Af- of emergency though' Other awards announced without special risk to them- were: stives. . Medal for' Merftorius Conduct Scout Roriild A!Vrt Furness, Scctu Patrick Hogan, 12. 11th: IS, of the 13ith Troop, Toronto. Toronto Troop, for his prompt. ! lmeiiau(jJuii ilea cios.s cotiter-j c li .t a wn.ih in ie man iua uci-j ia.e.5 iii attend. Int" ine i-Oiiicnnci, conKn itei, -sccoiiu -second wori world - H - " , A 1 f . 1 " tv,.g? f wiue meetrng la U; iua in Nor . I America, wxu Dnng together rt ' i - resentatives ol all Kea Crass tn P- j .uent manner hi which he f cued another boy fro.u a,-,, nir.g in Wa.scana Creek. Letter of Commendation Scout Patrick Allan Balsiilie. 14, 1st Yellowknife Troop, N.W.T.. for presence of rcind displayed i when he assisted in extinguish-: ing a fire in a furnace room. i i Scout Harlry Beaver. 17, 1st' o or- yal miiiiiiiHaiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii ! York Ho.ei, 'ioronto. from Ju'y , 23 to August ! Red Croio work, which brgai: in 1839, Is ren,iieti tnroughout FOR A REAL BOY'S SUMMER 3 -. fcTTUi MWBT , the worid and each society l, ; unit? Troup Lanty Siding, N.S.. foi assisting the fire department when a house was burned and two lives lost. Scout Melvin Groeutt and Scout Joseph QualUerci, 1st entirely auknoiiious and inde-penuent. Each national society is a ber ol Uie League of Red Cros.. BIGGEST SN'IKE The bluest snake ever to come to Canada, U.:s 16-foot anaconda, has been bought by FTank Darroch, left, a Toronto public school science consultant, a snake fancier for Yzzrs. Mr. Darroch bought Xour anacondas atitd boa ic4,or from C. E. Trachouo of Weiland. Out. The snake arrived by mistake when Mr. Trachout orcrered monkeys and jungle birds. i Societies wnw h m establishjv' Mufcc; Troop. D.C, for the distance they save at a highway accident when a passenger m 191 after the Firit World War wnen tlie need for mercy woik on an intermit imi-.i I hut,.; re"i At right is D'Arcy Le Ray. former curator at the biological build was senousty injured and quired immediate attention VIMIORIfs Winter uh , . Scout Allen Hart free. 17, 20th .... " our tlM,pS Trtr I... ing, university or Toronto. Anacondas, while not poisonous, can inflict severe damage by biting. Mr. Darroch also hays they are ticklish in the taiL cp PHOTO year-oia Janice Heath, a visitor fmm . , """" f. 1. difficulty i in .ji...... . ,. . " teaiaiid. ftnds I "vVhiie the International Committee of the Red Cross is primarily concerned wiUi protection and assisting the helpless i: adjusting to Canada's Toronto Troop, for his presence; of mind in going to the assist- i ance of a man who had hifl left : leg badly broken when struck j the cik.1 waters of a wading pwi 'J .. .'' r mi n,. nana; toii o i i lime of war, the League of Red by a motor car. 'CP ph07 ( Scout William J. Sinclair, 14. X f m Disease Forces Wild Tribe To Hunt Out Civilization cross Societies is concerned will', tneir welfare during ?.ace. It w the League that advises Canadian women's work groups Personal Proof Faithful Dog ESTER. 8ask. f .... A dog's bark. It's Wallace's Of Course! TEE SHIRTS SWEATERS SWIM TRUNKS SHORTS PANTS JEANS OVERALLS SHIRTS SOCKS UNDERWEAR JACKETS PAJAMAS Ages 2 years to R years ',..- i '"jj m y XSa--jv -i m I 1 i - ,W i jLi , J 1st Eramosa Troop, Rockwood, j Ont.. for assisting in the arrest j of two men who had broken : into a school and also stolen a j CALGARY a p.rv,.1H,i dence of a re....... , , , st"r'" . lMi "? ing saved the life of three-year- where the need for blankets and .clothing Is greatest and stands RANGOON, Burma, Reutrs infected. rotting bodies in old Lome Brunner when he fell I uresviltJ' L ,1. into four feet of water at a dis- j chairman "he u M f: A trict dam. The dog s barkUm .,M.: the j ready to act fast in time of crises. motor car. An outstanding example of Red For good services to the cause ; tribesmen of northwest Burma, The Nacas which means i Cms.--, work in R (T ..iiSrlin-o.l attracted the rxty's mother, and htone h ,"i . h she fished him out. !iZ f 10''1! ... ..j K,.0 au!omr , nerce neaonuniers Known as the j naked number about 150.000,- j during the disastrous 1948 Fraser wdrld's toughest tribesmen, to 000 in Burma but there are also ' Valley Floods when more than open the door to civilization. jNaga tribes in neighboring As- 16.000 persons were made home-More than 5,000 tribesmen ! sam India, and Tibet. leas. of scouting, 13 Medals of Merit were awarded and also four bars to previously awarded Medals of Merit. One person was awarded a letter of commendation for his services to scouting and another a Certificate of Merit. nave died since the epidemic i During the Second World War It was then the Red Cross that began two months ago and doc- they helped the British by'moved 10 as-si;,t in tne housing, tors have been rushed to the ' builc?hig a string of observation ! feeciig and caring of the evacu- na mil territory to fight the .posts across their territory and ! alQ- 9lg I scourge. sending inteiligence reports on I anauian itra cross oo- Japanese activities bv orimi- i clety wi" host in Toronto to s -1 4 !the various other national or- tive jungle drums. Vaccines have been dropped by air on Naga villages and Prime Minister Unu recently flew to the territory. TKi,Th M,i'., .u . Ba""""-luus wriusc aims ami Urn administration until now hasL'.' 7,.u I 1 Modern refinements, hvaiene ! Dept. Store: Wallace s iwvc ueen aiow . .. u .,aic ic- ,.Mri, Hiff,.i-r,t ni fifes-- rn n reaching the tribesmen and I mote areas where the Nagas! akimI fhfferent ianua"M the epidmemic is believed to "ve to nf orce 1 aw and order. tSr'tlnXth: have taken a grip on the Nagas Most of the tribesmen con-lconvenUon roonw oJ th Royal because of their habit of j bum to practise headhunting : Yorit, one of Canada's mast beau- Oddfeiiows Holl Monday, JuneJO FOUR DUKES ORCHESTRA Admission $1.00 . Hiiu jiuinaii saciuice, maimain- Itiful hotels. ing ago-old clan feuds on the Delegates will be representa- ' -"-.K-TV-K- , LfllHii Iftf ir'''.'l"c "K "ma wua lne.tive of 69 countries and dipk r UUU. If Ol IICU f h 1 'T1 nan8'ne m nis hlaUc repre.ntauves of 72 gov- OTIC ..-., iwo. lernments signatory to one or oung braves usually creep more 0 llle Gcneva Conventions up on a rival village in the dead nave inviu.d to discuss mat-of night and go in with the;ters relating to the welfare of knife to chop off as many heads who suffer as possible before the alarm Is! J . ra'iT' I Fm birth to the aie of six- At if mat 1 nrkfl mon n.mnn n4 . .... . . , Against Black Widow Spide - STEI COCHRAN -0WllDFIRIJH! r DFIRKJHI WONSEX WOriOIR KORSf KORSl I TOTEM i TODAY and TUESDAY Evening Shows 7: - 9: p.m. While no t trying to alarm the'v, i wr; " - . - u " " ' teen. very child neects vitamm citizens, Dr Duncan McC Black . M J 10 OP n D to protect him against rickeU medTctl aith offL" here by NaeaS in the ,asl five ntal trouble., by deficiency day warned the oublic to 'take' n..' ' In this vitamin. Vitamin D may Matinee Tuesday 2s p.m. A Famouit Playrrs Thfaln, 04 444f4 Vir care against bites j,y a Black ni l V.Z , . " . Kl" ?iven in li(uld- MP-lts COMING HEDM.SIIAV ONEV "THE BM'E VEIL" with Jane ttjnun - Charies Lauxhton 'I Widow soider : . ... ""Ktfs.iaoiet lorm REHT 1 70 The travelling public is hereby advised that effective 7 a.m. June 30 the allowable gross load over the COPPER RIVER SUSPENSION BRIDGE opproximtoly three miles east of Terrace will be TWO TONS. This regulation will be in effect until further notice and for approximately two week.. ' (Signed) L. E. SMITH, Divisional Engineer, Dept. of Public Works. SHIrtmithWit'itri k'"1 HIDIOUT FOR ,, .. , , ave given up eating the flesh He said tne Black Widow, of tei ' of their victims. alied North America's most . pasonous spider, is not. as com-! The man who works at a mi T, LI Teta; aa sreat entary Job and then goes all out ueature, but is very retiring in as an athlete at the weekend, nature and reluctant to bite un- may find he needs the rest of the itss .u privacy is disturbed." ,Week to recover from the tattle .stressed that -except for igue of his leisure houn SELL BUV WANTID iu.:iiuiS, mere is no completely 1 satisfactory method of killing these spidem since tlie effective Picons are extremely poisonou.i nl amma.s and humans. " Elack Widow spiders have bce.i nswrted in many areas .in B C. NKHS several years and certain nre- TODAY and TUESDAY 7-9:00 :1 caiitions should be taken, e-spec-':iiy wheie there are children.: Usually found m relatively (fry areas, the Black Widow, said Mr. Black, Is best identified by its t nmy blackness. "Since daik cfirners are inojsi SEE US FOR ... fVrs :' i m nr- AMI desirable, outdoor wa;hrooirus, i and numphouses. unilerneat.-. KVT0A MVP .stone piles, and the base of fences, walls and tree stumps are ail places favorable to the Biacl: Widow. "Creosote i.s an effective re-pellant ... but care .should 03 taken that no spiders are present at the time of the spraying therwise they become irritated iy the creosote and tend to bite anything or anybody they hap-en to encounter." Dr. B!ak said death from the Lmifc-...,, J ' WMI I, ! i'4 SERVE 1-1 tfiti FJPST WAR ACE Funeral services were held in Edmonton for W. R. 1 Wop 1 May, Canadian ace in the First World War and prominent in bush flying in northern Canada. He died while n i holiday near Provo, Utah. The famed aviator was manager of the Canadian Pacific Air Lines repair depot at Calgary before his death. (CP PHOTO)" &y X-RAY liUiMf In fact, Mi dangcrout o nov yom child ) ihoei fitted in any other way. The fender child loor with M of bones and pliani mucle ton be com-ptessed into elmosr any type of hoe. The child, feeling no pain, cannot tell if the ihoe fit properly or not. bite of a Black Widow is rare but1 hi a person is bitten he should see a doctor quickly. I I'll'l ( 'hrtrulrt. (wilnii I I'ir.ii Aii-ti" TIM I k -I irwi imitgf a-Tn rru'li 1 till llllflDMtllHInl ;li-10 I IBS - I Ifl.VI MtiHi-luikiT sedun, t'liaiu- lllM Kgitl IipIiip I 'Kill Mnrrl I 1!1!1 AllMIn 1 ItlH toini; Mtaiitlurtl 1 !IS Tlnniiex mi Try Daly News Want Ads rm I iti.'il All-till ,S-Tn that 1 why w in- - titt upon fitting ILTefll "W A children', ,hoe, D.C3 7 f byX-Ray.Thaf, fASIZOjJ the only way we, s"',-f i flf null Jtf n ill famous since S il and you, can be I'jre that your child'i $hoet will hulp to develop normal, health LIMITED Phone Green 217J 3rd Avenue W. msm it fset tor a lifetime eVfr ot loot health and comfort. U 1 .''-w v... ; I 5 S 1 ; -.. , x i-,' U JoHnvtPKtnn r,rbf ::i i . . . j i - ' ' VICKHS' ION0ON BY OIN &fA li S "".t.T..""'" ''!? 1 t V C ? l littlllll II Clllli III llltllklltf kl ffl -- 111 ii inn mi 111 .. I. i... t , FOR A BETTER FIT SEE FASHION FOOTWEAR A 1 . . Submit n HJ This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board f tftiCfc '' ........ ...i.,.,,,.,. BOTTOMS fP-Scrapper, left, and Sailor, foundling squirrels, sit uu and take bottle nourishment. They were raised by Mrs. Harold Olinskie, Kitchener, Ont., when the mother of the two young rodents was killed. , (CP PHOTO) or py tn; sjovemmtnt ot jtsntun U3iumbi4. Ibis advertisement Is not published or displayed by the LIq Control Board or by the Government of British t'olnm" !!'-'-""'"'J'""J' "'"i i SffffftmmmmvfmmmmmmmmwmmmmL