Frlnce Rupert Doily Mews Tuesday. April 1. I0j2 Easter But Cards BLACKWOOD on PRECISION SAW FILING (CLOSl'UE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publicatfsn) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements J2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. V Blue 5!H Box 11r;, Ap;ent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders y- ge CARS FOR SALE A.VXOCNCEMEXTS By EASLEY BLACKWOOD MARGARp OPTO-STOKE B; Kit'. BLUE P.O. Br Mr. New Reserves for a 15'ig Loss Presbyterian Church Spring port SALE '51 Austin .sedan. Sale, April 3. ! Excellent condition. Only 1700 - 1 miles. Owner leaving town. Catholic card party, April 3. fall 212, 9 to 6 p.m. ttf) f P n T RADIO DIAL L l" f K 1240 KUocvcles (Subject tc Chacr John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 FOR PENT Rotary Rummago and Auction. Bale, April 5. J Mr. New, the avid kibitzer, is a preat man for latching on to every new convention or bidding device. There is considerable merit to most of these new-ideas. The thing to do is to add them to your game if POP. RENT General Electric For a wide selection of first quality EASTER CARDS order early from 7I Conrad street School Par- floor noUsher.s, $1 per day. TUESDAY John Fisher InUTiKitional Comty. Piano Playhouse nivtnr Uneboriv's Lee ent-Teacher White Elephant! Phone Blue 902. Pacific Elec-Sale, Conrad School, April 5. ! trie. UP Musical Varieues . i , X .,-. ,,.,.,. U,. elect; rr ol Commerce uic v r-cciu nui uij, Junior chamber HOUSEKEEPING room for quiet SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Jarnet Block 608 3rd Ave. W. But Mr. New goes beyond that. non-drinkine man. P.O. Box Canadian Legion card party, April 9. As each new convention "comes ; 627. (83pt Dibb Printing Co. SALES Mr Cleaners p, lWr. Motleli ft bale, Prince Rupert, B.C. Legion Auxiliary Sprint April 9. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 CliC News CUC News Roundup Leicester square to Broadway The Nation's Business The Commodores Record Album Sweet and Lively Musical Program C'W News 1'IJC News Trans-Atlantic Traveller ELECTRIC portable sewing ma-chines bv the week or month. Free delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Sew and Save. Phone S64. 81c Phone Blue s;(l J out," he devises a complete new I system around it, thus giving it more importance than its origi-j iiutors had in mind. ! One of these ideas is the "re-1 verse." Someone applied that Job's Daughters pril 10. South dealer North-South vulnerable t North (Mr. Miiitiiiioii) S K 5 H J 8 4 I-A Q 10 9 5 C-j-B 1 2 V e-t I asl (Mr. Kale) (Mr. Meek) S 9 . 8 -J 10 8 4 3 2 H K Q 9 6 2 H 5 I 8 I 7 6 4 3 C Q J 10 6 ft 3. C--A 4 Millth ( Mr. New ) 8 A Q 7 6 H A 10 7 3 D K J 2 C K 9 Queen Mary Chapter daffodil WANTED TO RENT Two young 5:15 5 :20 5:30 C:(I0 B:SO 6:45 7:00 7:15 7 :30 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 11:30 10:00 10:10 10:15 10:30 11 :00 A.M. 7:00 8:00 8:10 8:15 8 30 8:45 9 00 8:15 9:30 9:50 9:55 9:59 f word to the bidding sequence N'K-tunie tea, April 14, Canadian Lesion. business men require house 9 Weather Report and stitn-oft i where a player opens with one GEORGE R0RIE&C0. ACCOUNTANTS ft AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 WEDNlvSDAX CM keeping and sleeping facilities, .preferably self contained. Permanent. Close in. Phone 866. (78p) Women of the Moose Spring , ' Bazaar and Tea, April 17. Cathedral Spring Bazaar, April ' : of a suit and later bids a higher ranking suit than the first, in such a manner as to force his partner to go one level higher HOME S GENERAL Co Building ana b 3f A j FOR RENT Room and board for two men sharing. Separate ! beds. Red 192. tf ROOFS -' The bidding: South West North 1 H Pass 2 D 2 a Pass 4 H WANTED TO RENT East Pass All pass OIL HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th RffPft Phone 655 17. St. Peter's Spring baziar, April 24. Girl Guide tea and, sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall, Saturday, April 26. United Church W. A. Spring Bazaar May 1. Trumans Back To Missouri VICTORIA iviargaret Truman, here yesterday in the course of a .'ANTED TO RENT Sleeping room, close to Pacific Sports DINING PLEASURE-in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe PK: P 0. Bjx if in order to make a simple preference for the first suit. For example, you bid a diamond, your partner bids a i western concert tour, said that hame- WANTED Small apartment or house by well-known local couple, non-drinkers, no children. Quiet. c) surroundings desired. Green 84. itf-nc) L.O.B.A. Spring sale, cooking, etc., May 3. MATT' 10:15 10:30 10 45 11 :00 11:1 11:30 11 .31 11:33 11:45 P M. 1J:00 'she expected her father and spade and then you bid tw3 1 mother, President and Mrs. Tin- j hearts. If partner has a fairly man, would go back to I.Iis.soini ! weak hand and likes-diamonds to live after Mr. Truman retired i better he needs to go to the ! as President of the United States, i three level to express that. WE KENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSOR, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Musical Clock CBC News Here's Bill Good Morning Sons Morning Devotions 1 ittle Concert BBC News and Commentary Music for Moderns Sunrise Serenade Dorothy DouL'las Show Recorded Interlude Time Signal Morning visit Barry Wood Show This' Week s Artist Musical Kitchen Kindergarten of the Air Roundup Time. Weather Report Message Petittd Recorded Interlude Scandinavian M.-lod.e" Mid-day Melodies CBC News Program Resume B. C. Farm Broadcast Recorded Interlude Afternoon Concert My Own Mother: Comty. B C. School Broadcast Album eff Melody Tea Timo With the Stars Musical PTCfraci Solo Ouest Novel Time Jimmy Shields Piano Pop.s Muscle Mucins Stock Quotations and Int. CBC Nr 'S Rawhide .Sonja's Tea, May 10. Presbyterian Missionary Tea May 14. L'PHOLT Phone Blue !!-' 234- 3:-Prince E. WANTED ! There woiiia probably be a 1 You need a very good hand to i round table discussion as .soon as bid like this. Not because you WANTED TO BUY Used bed 12:15 room and chesterfield suites, 125 Eastern Star tea, Masonic Temple, May 15. she gets home to dLscius the; are ' reversing but simply be- . JOHN H. BULGER in good condition. , Box 339, 1 12 ::m Daily News. 78pl i 12 55 family future. cause you neea more wj mase nr.d;c 1:00 1:45 Cathedral tea sale, May 31. H. G. HE nine incKs iiuui juu uu iu iiibim-eight tricks. In today's deal Mr. Champion was entitled to believe that Mr. New had at least five hearts and Quiz Answers 0,f QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Solel? Box 774 Second Ave. MAC . SHOE HOSPITAL lOtH C FUNERAL NOTICE WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc.. Honest Grading. Prompt pay-j merit made. Atlas Iron &l Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Van- I couver, H. C. Phone PAcificI f,3.V7. tf)l REAL ES7ATI four spades, plus a big hand. His AV5WFRC!- 5 ir,f 71 7 I e.SS 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:15 3:30 3 :45 4:00 4 IS 4:30 4:45 4 5 i E:00 Phone 96 Eve McINTOSH In the city Monday, March 31. 1952, Amy D. McLeod, "Clif fsyde," Prince than 300.000 'sq.' miles, 'l. $1,650 i P t four neartfi was iusU John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Rupert. B.C.. beloved wife of ! -rr " the late Robert L. Mcintosh and CASH for scrap cast, bra cop- million. 4. 102 men to every 100 ! women. 2. 34 pounds of oats, GO ; pounds of wheat. ner batteiies and radiators. sister of Mrs. J. R. Wainwright. ! ralrvillo Or.t Rpripc txf ill Vio r- 1' Train k Phone 543. Call G29 6th Wrnne West. Citv. tf) PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE QIIANDLEP.'S STI'DIO 216 4th Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 389 Prince Runert For the East-Daily except conducted at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 2. with Rt. Rev. J. B. Gib-.srm nnrl Rpv Cnnnn Ttosil REAL ESTATE From the East- gardening Prockter officiatine. Interment ' FOR SALE 3 bedroom house,; in Kalum Cemetery followind ; dose in. Furnished or unf ur-, Daily excep: '.: service 2:30 p.m. Thursday at! nished. Harbor view, rrinee St, Matthew's Aneliran fhnrrh Rupert Reaity Co., over Bioad- (tfc) way Cfe. SHORT, STRAIGHT ROWS BEST ' FOR HOME VEGETABLE PLOT For the MEAL that REf uru. . The hand blew up in Mr. New's face when the partnership proved to have only seven trumps with the balance badly bunched in Mr. Dale's hand. The result was down three which was very sad. especially since three no trump was a laydown. "Why did you open with one heart?'' Mr. Champion demanded angrily. "Because," replied Mr. New, "I wanted to reverse to show you a big hand." Mr. Champion snorted in dis-guest. "You don't have to bid your suits in the wrong order to tel me that," he barked. "That's the trouble with you guys. You think the best bidding is the most complicated bidding. "In my opinion the right bidding on the hand Is one no trump by you and three no trump by me." I agree with Mr. Champion. Terrace. B.C. B.C. Undertakers , in charge of arrangements, iltci PERSONAL j AVOID the rush, get your Easter' Perm now. Large stock to j choose from. Phone 855. Jerry's Beauty Salon, under new man PLUMING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations kith &fl kins Lid. P.O. Box 274 BEST OF FOOD t. HOUSE FOR SALE Ten rooms, fully furnished, four rooms for owner, remainder brings in S184 per month. Price S5500. Terms can be arranged. Phone : Red 816. (79pi FOR SALE Nice home in dandy location. Wartime four, lovely condition, has upstairs and back porch. Seventh Ave. East, near McBride. Exclusive with T. Norton Youngs. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 451 or, 648. (80c) WJW '"O agement, itn WILL take care of children for working mother during day. Phone Green 894. (78p) HiR TAKE OL'T OKDCRS fHOSt! 4 ' BROADWAY CA CARTAGE AND CONTRACTING OODLES of Poodles for Easter. Jerry's Eeauty Salon, Phone 855 1 80c) WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, p.nv size or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) '7 RE-ROOF NO ' 7 KAIEN TRANSFER General contracting, lots cleared, stumps pulled, rock, garden dirt, gnneral hauling. Phone Black 503. (84p) HELP WANTED MALE YOUR ROOF may not last 0irou;h ano V SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES KE-BOOI Wc will give free estimates on '--if ASPHALT or CEDAR SHINOU WANTED Young married man to work in sawmill. Write Group Mills, Oona River, R C. (82; Cjooilift'tr "The Greatest Name ' in Rubber" Hose belting iMattin? Tires Tubes Batteries Airfoam Products Wholesale Only NORTHERN TIRE & RUBBER CO. 712 2nd Ave. P.O. Itox 1481 Phone Green 'J'J'i LaSalle Extension University 3743 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. ( 102c) i1 if GREER & BRIDDEN .1' .v "GOVERNMENT. I,TUOtt ACT" ' (SrcUon 27.) ' ': "' ' 215 First Avenue IV. Phone 909 FURNITURE for Sale Bdrrom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible nrices. B. C. Furniture Co.. Third Ave. (tf ) -V"'fSffVT Mr-Timni.. Z.i NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OK liEER LICENCE. Nutlre is hereby given that on the 22nrl day of April next, the tmder-siKned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 1074. Issued in respect of premises beinn part of a Mnvillf, f t'a'Uf; WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound ond Repaired MOTORS BOUGHT And SOLD New and Rebuilt Generator 6-12-33 volts Box 1307 Ph. P.lue 391 "nmnlptfi. Measure Rows Exactly, to Ma ke Them Straight and Parallel. 't coii cmrriens there is a vou finish it. With short row?, building known as Commercial Hotel NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill. Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island. Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) .ircity'-.'pHncc ARVupertWint'thc definite advantage in planting you take it easy, as you should; Canadian for Oxygen-welding s vegetables in short rows, zo,ana Drean up me Baraen wuin. Province of British Columbia, xipon the iunds described as Lots 13 and WELDING Government Certified Operators Hign Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Thonc Green 881 7.,, ."V .T; r ! 14. Block 9. Section 1, Map 923. uvsnnniu,!) r e e o n aiuonca PrjnC(, Rpr.rt i,ad Registration xewinri machines. Singer Sew with frequent rests, witn Jong rows it is more likely that you will become tired of garden tasks, and this in turn may result in neglectirg them. An exception to the rule for WHY WALK? It's Cheoper to Ride! CLEANING I P THE LOT These are not new hut are in good running order 1948 Monarch Sedan New marroon paint Job. Only : S135 1947 Willys Station Wagon-Nice utility and family car $1375.00 1940 Ford Sedan Doesn't look so good but runs like a clock $575.00 1937 Ford Sedan Economical transportation $299.00 TRUCK BARGAIN ing Machine Co. Phone 86V (81c District. In the Province of British Columbia, from Harold Willard Hel-(rerson to William Harvey Murray, of CDh Eiutith Avenue East. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, the trans feet or less. In an oblong garden, where the short dimension is north and south permitting rows to run in this direction, the owner is fortunate. The advantage of short rows is secondary in importance to the distribution of sunshine, 2nd arse Cor Gi:OKGIC DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red Est. 191 127 straight rows may be made in hillv country, where the wash feree. Dated at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 24th day of March, 1052. WIU.IAM HARVEY MURRAY. Applicant and Transferee ' (100c) FOR SALE 30 ft. pilkietter "Neechemus" as is. Can be seen at Dry Dock. Phone Green 489. 82p) FOR SALE Oil heater, small coal and wood stove, hotplate, pictures, dishes, kitchen table, bedding, radio, etc. Phone Red 738 after six. (82p) however, and where the long dimension of the garden space is north and south, it is best to run the rows that way, breaking the length by a path, every 25 feet. Commercial growers cultivat WATERS PKOTHfTION VWKiAltl.l 1948 Chev Pick-up Al motor, ACT RSC. 1927. CHAPTER 140 ' of soil may be checked by contour planting. .Here rows should run at right angles to the .slope, but they should still be parallel, though on rounded slopes they will be curved. Serpentine, slanting or uneven rows will double the work of cultivation, and give an appearance of incompetence to the garden. Rows are spaced according to the needs of the crop, and the good rubber. Very useful FOR SALE Trailer, two wheel. truck 1195.00 WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES ?hone Green 136 Box 478 Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Thone 133 4 x 7 ft. bed, new 600 x 16 tires, complete with hitch for bumper. $47.50 total cost. En-auire to Sgt. Haven, Room 9. Westholme Rooms. (79p) Armour Salvage (19491 Limited hereby Rives notice that It has, under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and In the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and plans of ing with power machines favor long rows, - because it lessens the time required for turning machines around. But the home gardener gains no such advantage; and when a row is longer than is required for a single planting of a vegetable, he must BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" Phone 93 Sixth St- 220 convenience of cultivation, in rich soil vegetables may be spec- a wharf proposed to be built in th3 harbour at Prince Rupert, British ed more closely than in poor; FOR SALE Set of German draughting instruments, set of spline weights and spline, large drawing board and square, heavy duty steel tripod. Must be sold immediately. Black 396. (ltc) Columbia, on the northerly 200 feet of waterfront of Canadian Govern BLONDIF WH!inq Slaves divide a row between two crops, which is inconvenient, or fill out the row with one, and thus overplant. Indeed, much of the waste of ment Assigned Block "A", according to Plan 1479 deposited in the said Land RcRistry Office at Prince Rupert. And take notice that after the ex yes. sir, this ' HERBERT VOU A MAN CAN DO WHAT HE but when spaced too close together, it is difficult to cultivate between the rows. For crops growing twelve Inches tall or less, rows may be IS THE GREATEST GET IN THERE WANTS, SAV WHAT HE WANTS J( V-V t COUNTPy in THE AtlO DCVJOOU, AND FINISH -f-ANDHES FPE piration of one month from the date of the ltrst publication of this notice WOPLD WAVING WAVING THObC THOSE , garden space and effort caused by overproduction, may be traced FOR SALE White east iron sink, left hand drainhnard complete. Nearly new. Black 154. 80p) -T- T i (wLir-r- -; To TOCOMpANn COM? Nf I I NFED HtLK V J?"VV1 Ip't GO ASHE FLOOR'S FLOORS l V WITH THE j spaced 10 inches to a foot apart to the twin temptations, to "useJ and cultivation with a wheel hoe, up the packet," when half of a ACCOI'NI ANTS tet Armour Salvage (1949) Limited will under Section 7 of the said Aot apply to the Minister of Public Works at. his office In the city nf Ottawa, for approval ofthc said site and plans. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C , this 10th day of March. 1952. ARMOUR SALVAGE (1949) LIMITED. Per "J. M. Fields" (Mll-18-25, Al) PirBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax sneeiallst. S O Fork, Stone Buiklhie, Red 59S. (20m i LOST AND rOl'ND eighteen inches is likely to be found a minimum distance, since it is necessary to avoid disturbing the roots of the vegetables, whatever tool is used. Taller vegetables, and those that make vines, large bushes, or have a sprawling habit, must be given more distance between rows. packet of seed would produce the required crop; or "fill up the row," when half of a garden would be sufficient. Short rows have another advantage, which is real, though it may seem trivial. In cultivating you naturally take one row at a stint, . and rest when T ORT TTnnpr denture nlate. March 21; one tooth missint?. Finder nlease leave at Daily1 Mews office. (78c) Classified advertising in the DAILY NEWS" bring results.