it. ji j n . i . Dill. 11(1 IHI rr.1l harm i. " i i x , in. u inipnipnw 1 ii I 1 7. Only half of Hie l'llL-nn,. u.."pl,,"s of Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, April 1, 1952 Pilgrim Fathers ; were religious dissenters. Tlie vatu' l, .otlTS we.c trades lllf people and r,i hivi, . ;craftnen. h.... A s "J lv ; l-:.MI"UASIS I I.N VOVACilC j .pn tertir,' ; The picfire will take the P. iaHrcsNv,'18 . Brims into their first snrin i J'.lp. SHIPS and OF FAJHION Si WATERFRONT In Film By BOB THOMjS lUio new land but the empha.Us i, J, llas,M will bn on 'h" voyastf across the S lllnc " hp ,1 , . U11C p Atlantic. I'Mrs a.-0 t don t Ihim most wroplo b, ''!, ivallzc what a irrcat achievement ., ';. ! 1 t SIT A fsssid PRICE S HOLLYWOOD (AP A lot of it was." said producer Senary, p -lln i"k schoolbook notions about the "Here were 102 passengers coop- int ' "c a, Filgrim Fa'.hcrs are going to be ed up for three mon'.hs on a sliij feii ii,,f ,tilin k punctured by a new film lrorn that was 102 fect long with' a "t , Turs Rfloated With Little Damape Freighter t'hilliuack in Port Two Vancouver tugs which went aground near Kemano Bay at the end of the week during a snowstorm have been refloated and were able to proceed, having Hollywood. , 22-foot beam The weather waft brnn , i.. ' - a it ii m i.. seas rough; 111 povi n.,:; The picture is caUod "The miserable and tlv Plymouth Adventure." and it's ""' i not been seriously damaged, ac- the & : f w i ! cordine to word reaching being personally produced by Dore Schary, headman at MOM. Among the facts he relayed to me: 1. The John A'dan-Priscilla Viullins-Mlleji Stand'sh tiiangle V5 VJJSs 5 i city. The tug Le Mars had her ! propellor bent and rudder twist- ed but left for Vancouver under i her own power. The Laverne was a ; strictly .a flgmvnt of Long- fellow's imuglnation. Standish was a married man and much! t i not damaged. Both tugs are .-.JV .. - A ; v V4 : ',-' "'NJk I owned by the Vancouver livered 1X 7 iJ V. v ' : boat Co. and had de S Mffef 'l : Today ond Wednesday , Evcnincs 7: - 9:05 p.m. I (j1 older than Priscilla. 2 The PilarttB's didn't land on Plymouth Rock. 3. The Mayflower wasn't blown off its course, which was supposed . to . he' IQ Virginia. A heavily laden barges mano. ' Frank Watt-rhouse freighter' W'--'-i-'i'' ttt.n't ja .j-.. .t.w ! Phone Kcd 120 Today for reservations on "Curiji, Chilliwack. Capt. Ed Swank, rived in port at 4 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. She had called at Kitimat and Ke KECTAR IN SPRING -During the spring sap rjr the sw :et -tasting syrup tastes best when taken right from the mapla tree jUelf. One uniientified Montreal lad tests the liquid fruits of the annual run and. judging from his expres.ion. finds it just as enjoyab'.o as reported. (CP PHOTO i I land speculator bribed the cap-itain to deliver the settlers to iNew England. i 4. Thv Pilgrim's weren't stiff- mano with cargoes of 300 and ' '400 tons respectively. After dis-! charging 75 tons here, the Chil-! ' liwack is proceeding this after-i noon to Watson Island and from Ul I there will go to Alice Arm and: Th e alleys ciiers Lose weir zecona WARNEK Wn . ..r m "This Woman i necked stolid people. They were Waim human beings capable of having fun. 5. They' didn't dress prlnii, with square. Buster Brown hair- jeuU. Their hair styles were Isimlar ta those of today, including tJu crew-cut. 6. ' The Indians were not exactly friendly toward the settler Stewart to load concentrates lor delivery direct to Vancouver. Joe Lous of league-leading Hotshots topped the scoring di- In Western Hoop Finals Winnipeg 72, Vancouver 62 is Dangerous" ot.o.T,-r rnnnitiim vision in the Wednesday Night neis dRrti Mixed Bowling League with his Capt John Bod and of 277 and 752. single triple at . . 1 30 this ,! afternoon nf.or.r, frrm irom nei hir i " r ,. . . Marlvs Olson, also of Hotshots. ,, A1i , H weekly voyage to Alice Arm and ; - .... ,. o MM Am m i M wen aOfTKT MOHtS -0Gt WOKTHiHO Wlf Stewart and sailed at 3 p.m. fori'"' 1 ,c Z.Z WINNIPEG "(CP) Again paced by powerhouse! King Carl Ridd, Winnipeg Varsity Grads -struck '"friQUtC "fo tured the women's scoring hon Todoy and Wedrf Vancouver and waypoints. ors with 234 and 551. ror a lu-point viciorv iasi nigni over v aiicouwr Hotshots scored the highest PLUS Cartoon - News Shows 7:00 - 9:02 Nyion Editions in Print That Rote Extra Attention game with a total or 030 and are j Eilei.g in their best-of-five Western Canada senior Ray Jones LUp IdVUliU'S 111 tilU ,llflliyiJkl- f ... men s basketoall tinai. uracis lead trie series z-v, win hip roll-off tomorrow night, High tribute to the lob" wnich hAs been uone I ning 68-62 Saturday. 12.95 - 14.95 - 16.95 Ahich will be based on total-point scoring of the season. At present, Hotshots place three points ahead of Kaydettes, nearest rival team, and with a BADMINTON TOlItNEY (Continued from page 5) CPSS Princess Louise brought t";ie li'llc.ving passengers to t inc. Rupert at 8 o'clock yesterday morni lg: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Parish. H. Sykes, T. G. McKchzie and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Mallory. A heavy load of passengers leaving Vancouver were .nostly disembarked at the west .oast site of Alcan's project .or Kit mat, 101; for Kemano, 87. Departing on the Louise tonight a.c Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blakely .uul family; Mr. and Mrs. O. and H SIlverKldPs brat M Third game will be played by W. C. R. Jones in getting the 1 here tonight. j Columbia Cellulose pulp null at ' Before a crowd of 2.000. Ridd ; Prince Rupert into its present led the Varsity attack with 24 j efficient state of operation waa points and Roy Williams pot- i paid by 3. B. Robeits, cnitf en-ted 22. ginecr for Uie Cclanese Corpoi- Hansen become ud M BulRrr. 15-3. 15-1. cwo-point win. would GENERAL ELECTRI, Second Round D White and P BriKCs beat M Vleriek and F Part-tkIcp. 18-14. 3-13. 15-11: I.. McKay and P Cross beat C. Warskett and m Look at the flattery-wise stylin? . . . the elegant de-J tails of our rayon prints and you'll recognize them J as a buy that makes mueh fashion sense . . the most of your budget's dollars g and cents: .eague champions. On the other hand, if Kaydettes can take four joints from the league-leaders, -hat team would hit the top The lanky bucket duo of Ridd- ation of America, who has beer. WAS 'ith a sensational victory since Kaydettes were the cellar-dwell-. is for some time. e. Simpson, is-8. 15-1. d Pauidmi; Williams proved the Grads' most paying a brief visit ol inspection ohaVr.. BJaLr.'.d ' Potent scoring punch but much , to the ' P1 and h j. HKkev beat m. Tougn and of the credit also goes to diinin-i There have been many manv pu-ti. fiu. eiiversidcs. 15-T. 15-4. ' utive Jack Willet who scored 11 pltxing problems with which Mi. ' ; Jones has had to deal, not the mi.n not m i s points and turned in a standout First nound h. HoUestad and . defensive job least of which has been housing, " but he has been highly succeiui nnuu is-"' g" vreck and W.llet was faced with the task n Touub beat p. charbonneau and of checking Eliers' top scoring1"1 KCttlll8 the plant organized Brandvold, for Vancouver; Mr. jiicrman and Mr. Hansen, for vtcan Falls. The frigate Sault Ste Man;' recently finished an ooeano iiaphic survey of Prince Rupeit This work, performed in connection with coast defence was dont- ETTEIIBOX . -ica f.oui pad WALLACE'S : o With Pump Control iCV.HU 5) ., . . ., ,. . J sum. n-u is-8: c. Wruht ani . ,.,. Difi Mitrhell and held ' alul running iinootniy. Ana .ue mp souui. mib piacticc i, bK1, ixllt D Rcnlse Bnd E Blam. , . . . -lmc. tor which we thank those ii-i. o-i. b Williamson and h nlm lo lwo points, responsible, was not scught be-1 ,-Pa!ie btnt A vickerman and vi John Forsyth netted 15 points DEPT. : STORE ! for Eilers and Nev Munroe, 14. Normie Watt connected for 12. cause of special advantage but Second' ru,, Forbe5 a,ld i)COi.USe time at tile Centre was Fowle beat H Hoikenstad and NOT PRICE' 3 A. under the supervision of John P I Tullcy. the senior Canadian I orsar.csrapher. The force ol I !ales, on two occasions, made it 1 necessary to suspend operations "BUY QUALITY 9 unavailable. In fact, it was necessary to play across court for !ie stiange but simple reason r m for a while. Northern B.C. Power (oi .hat the hall was not designed Hieky. 15-8. 15-7; D Kadtord ana J Oeorgeson beat G. Viereck and K. Tough. 10-15. 15-10. 15-10: C. Wnelit and D. Bown beat N. Pavhkls and H. Morgan. 15-12, 5-15. 15-10; T. Carr-Harris and J. MucDonald beat ' n Villiamson and H UPise. 15-7. 15-10 i MI V'S MX.I.KS First Roiind B. Williamson beat B. with baskets. Kids Skate As Curling Season Ends there is a realiy nice staff there now," said Mr. Roberts. Meanwhile, Mr. Robeits said that business is developing rapidly and there are more orders for the mill's product than can be filled. Within the next few weeks, in keeping with the company's expansion program, tht.f will be a considerable steppir. up In the output. Company heads i.i the East ou highly optimist ic nut only about the Prince Rupcr. . plan', bdt about Canada a.-- i. whole, said Mr. Roberts. The chief engineer by air today for Vancouver enruuie back to' his headquarters in New ! York. i: These shortcomings seem odd. he Oliver, Penticton and sev- Itrsncr r.lwk rimne 210 Prince Kupett. B.C. Sll! ral Vancouver schools acquired fill Tough. 15-10. 18-17; J. Georgeson gymnasiums recently that (MM) ' I ' k 2 - - ' , r . f tl "I E. I1 (H rM I t r ., . i I . r v : 1 "'J .1 , -- ; it-" ir .'.is J' 1 hi t1 Deat k. hauisen. i5-z; t;. wrint bei.' .1. burn. 15-1. 15-3; D. Bown beat G. Poffcnroth. 15-4, 15-6. Sef.ond Hound J. Fowle beat B. , Williamson. 15-2, 15-5: C Wright beat H. Holkesta-J, 15-11. 15-5: C. Forbes beat D. Bov.n, 15-4. 15-3 A w eek or more of skating beginning Saturday will mark laic.eil to tnc culling rink f jr, its liist .sea-son of operation,; meanwhile curling will be given FRIZZELL'S MOT all our needs. Why not Prince Rupert? This is not the only shortcoming to aifect our basketball in recent years, i don't believe that Ui3 demolition of the large gym 711 Acroj: ilis was reasonably justified by the small addition at the back of the Centre with its fine maple walls. Was it not Dl-QWS la 'Tourhig send-off" when two n t:uv picked teams get into action in 7 P.M. U Graham and 11. Paulsen not a Curling match but a vs M. BuKT and a PorTejirotb P : b;oom.ijali t.a',e Friday nl-ht, Brians and H. LcPat-c vs. M and B. .. A PRODUCTS LTD. Your General Motors Dealer STEAMER Prince Rupert an Tough t lij.uwiu uy a mui.La.iiii uanv--. possible then to construct Used Car on -r l. iliic! 7:30 p.m. h. Hoikcsiaa vs. h ut . iompieiicn oi a pre-oonspiei Pac: c. Forbes vs. c. wn-ht: d. I competition takes place Wednes-Paulding and J. Cross vs. B. Mac- i , . cla a!1tl .pvpri evera Cliailcng elnllenuo . wiolrt end B. J. Kiekey; F. Crow i and J Fowle vs. L. McKay and D. ! matches, Thursday. c"0rr"2Ir,rr"l, ! H a:lin the broom-bail team, . . . 8 P.M. Holkcstad ,u m and ii, Hlckey i. vs.1 ... , , Viereck and Tough; C. Warskett and i will be Curling Club President . simtwm vs. m. Tou(?ii and H. Ted Bjulter and Past-President Decorated Easter Eggs Easter Candy Novelties 5c and up Easter baskets in gay colors, either filled or empty. addition to meet other requirements, and enlarge the present floor by the removal of the wall designed for that purpose? All this is unfortunate and I believe the Civic Centre deficit is a serious matter. I also believed this when many of the ivic Centre board led the de- GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS siiversides. I Neely Moore. Not all the players 8:30 C Warskett and B William-1. 3 . u..r.i-i,. ,. ,.. ,.,,, i been but have yet picked, strict; , vn .i era and o. Bn.wn j SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations 71 orticrs have been given; oitc against bunairis the bowi- ' '' vs- J. or?n: d. white and 1."0 AN(il.l.V2-DiMr 15.000 miles. Rial j coimmleal transuorlatlon. Full price limits vs. iviciay ana r ranees Plavsrs are now in training. hav.' ing alleys that would M. Cross: 11. Tim In and C. Forbes vs I ino aiconoi, no cigareiies, or lato l;flt - Tl:llliU. f I iH 1919 C-HKV. 5 r,SSK.N(ir.H 1 pikI O. Viereck. 9 P.M. Winner Holkcstad ond I.e Pa;:e vs. U PbuImu: Wright and Brown vs.' Carr-Harris a. id Mat-Donald. ' :30 O. Vlcrcck . a Williamson: Tl. Thaln and V Mtnnjlovlch vs. M. Viereck and F. Partrldie. ciivevs.' Ou'y l'J.OOU miles. Used car guarantee 1910 CIIEV SEDAN New paint job. Interior nights." Meanwhile, finals of the prc-bonspiel competition, delayed Clue to heavy bonspiel entry Usl, will be pla"ed down at the curling rink Wednesday night with ft? -P 18 Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OI'FICE PRINCE RUPERT. PC. 551 finished in leather. Heater 1938 roNTIAC New '51 motor, excellent tires. Body repainted " eliminated the deficit-. V.hy? Bc-'.uu.'.c they would constitute competition wllh private interest. Ac thougi. all the other activities . vrt not. Dr. Large, as a member v? the Ci..i Centre Board and the Sol" o' Board, much share responsibility for these actions. I am r.ot prepared to debate the practicability of the eugges-tions of Mr. Stirn and Mr. wood but, if they are guilty of creating a dream, perhaps Dr. Easter Plush Rabbits 35c and up Fancy Easter Egg Cups Easter Grcetinq Cards Easter Egg Dyes I ! Stewart vs Shier aud Matthe i Large is guilty of destroying one vs Rogerson competing In the i a very practical one. semi-finals, beginning at 7 p.m These opinions are my own j Winner of each match enters the and I speak as one interested in flnals at 9:15 p.m. j sport, not as an executive of the ; i Basketball Association. ! . .'. ! Thank you for the space. ! Pirn iJilOC f SPECIAL ( 01TI 1950 CIIEV DELUXE 4-DOOIt SEDAN ' " u liitf -- i accessories: neuter, racno, '" , ,., 1 seat rovers, grille guard, trunk guard, w, stupping light, chrome wheel (Uses m ( f faff f f UIW ! A. MACPHEE. I- Winning Name accessories. Come and see it. y i,',,n 1, .. . ...,,r t 1918 CIIEV 'a-TON PANEL New parimi " . ? body work and new paint Job. Heal Prize winners In a contest for ( an original name for the Prince Rupert Credit Women's Breakfast Cub bulletin are Diane Full price now only , S 1946 CMC 2-TON Long wheelbasc, i-sP motor. New low pn - axle, new partial $ 1946 CMC 1-1TON PANEL Nice sliaP"- Moke Your Selection NOW while stocks ore complete DON'T Disappoint the kiddies! Keconditioned. Now reduced " brake ' com, .vt-eY) vaeiniin 194!) FAROO 2-TON 2 -speed axle. box M work 1 ft ( f Kimi-t Ideal for dump 1) available, lias van body at present r..t .1.. . Ibase )iiSf : 1. UH..Y J Kennedy and Mary Bulger. The j name "Fwh Talcs" was consld-'Jj'ercd by the judges to be appro- , , ; pHatc for this area. i I; ; An executive meeting of the: ; Club was held at the home of J ! Mrs. Catherine Laurie, with Mrs.1 J. j Jocelyn Bolton, the president, in j the chair. J- : Many congrat ulatory telegrams 'jand letters, from all parts of I Canada and the United Stales, ': wei read. I The club now boasts 29 mem-I 1 bfrs. Three 'lew n-embers are I; i to be welcomed at the April i Breakfast. i 'm, Arrangements werj d s..ussed . I' regarding the educational pro-I i gram, and to start it off, a film 1947 FAIKiO I LAT DECK-21-b-to". mn , a,xlc, box und hoist available. anil VK TOItIA SUNDAY S3. Caniosun 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. CoquiUam 12 noon Mt'K AUM, STEW'AItT AND I'OHT SIMPSON. Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOIl NORTH l FEN CHARLOTTE I.'il.ANDS April H and 25 , ss. Camosun midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun April 4 and 18 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Only ji .s 1919 CMC I-TON PICKEP-4-spoed 1'! sion. a sounu n ucii in bUVJ" " ' Mtl and the very latest in shoes We also have privately " ,e at owner's prices for lmmrd' See ur UuiIbi-I plan for financing repair" ,k: .rePI-TKI) ON ABU on "Telephone Courtesy," loaned FASHION FOOTWEAR'! J by B.C. Teiepnone company, win be shown at the April meeting. Phone 871 : I Try a DAILY. NEWS classified