Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 27, 1952 jnce I Rupert Daily News 1 , ,;iily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Public Warning Tl Short Is in Circulation Again ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces" As I See. It (. f- ('mure a New waoIier THE ING LIS Model 13!)' Check these features X ' m. M ,i,rll atttl lNUllliviii iuu """"" VVIUUIUIfl, ' t';,i,ili:n Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ('Julian Daily Newspaper Association. i'"m"iiwS'B EJi01'; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: r Wl.rk, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year .sf'jp . '.,,! per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. t'i& ubiishcd every afternoon except Sunday by p.rt Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. ..'second class mall by Post Office Department, Ottawa. By JACK STANSFIELD ' I feel the public should be warned. FORM'tI SHORT is in circulation again. It is not a pleasant thought that one may be putting a damper on people's spirits just when Spring is stirring but then thb warning will bring its reward Those reading this article will, i now have time to start search-; warning of penalties for unpaid ing for the receipt for that dol- taxes The middle-aged see signs Gone the weeks of wrangling over public affairs. Gone for aye, the session of Legislature, when a premier coldly informed a minister of finance he was no longer necessary. British Columbia's legislature has prorogued and there dawns on the Automatic pump 0 Porcelain enamel tub 0 Lifetime lubrication Quiet as a whisper 0 Lovell safety wringer , 0 Year guarantee only $159.00 WVA Men Need $60 THE government indicat f ' ? e . v - A c prl ea in in thP tne speecn snpprh from nom June norlzo an erection mat experlenced politicians say should jar tney gave 10 cnarity last financial rcnvprv ond are v. i .u. r be a Jim Dandy. ule ulIU,le lllil " rtI v CL year. It also gives an opportu-; sllghtly off balance with the nity to compare notes with one's realization that they are not as erans Allowances Were to unity Surroundings 0r tow n can be a bright and wholesome , in-pi ring health, energy and happiness, a dismal trap, breeding sickness, leth-despair. The effect of community sur-from a psychological standpoint cannot RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Stewart would like to have It known she has business opportunities. The Portland Canal IH.-.BHUIMS, mus auuraniB uie old as they thought they were . nc.rpu Prl at thi ' Ufc! JIILI tdteeU dl UHO rp ipf that rnnwi nf knnwlnir , , .n ses- 1 1-. . . i . ... . inls gives tuem a nan lenuw. that one is not cheating any well met" attitude toward life Sion. metropolis can tell how it feels to ap- be as flat as a table, as well as u.ulc w.a.i cvnjuuuj cm. linn whicn extends even to Govern Tne Whnle country will again, these words will relieve chanee which can ben? a busv little burg, so it's ment. The old feel they migni Dr0ve this tinuited. Healthy environment makes .(iple. 1.... ni'i'jiK'ijj incl tf vi ii ri'Vi Vwo the housewife of the trying experience she has come to associate with April 30. You all know tne scene: Hubby suddenly starting up from the lounge chair where he has been very well last another year and oniy he criticized on the ground pleasant to hear about signs of that to have paid their taxes tnat it is jong overdue. revival. Stewart once had two promptly will be a good point In BUt it is alarming to hear un- weekly paper for years and was their favor when the day of officially from Ottawa that the long regarded as the mining hub leckoning does arrive. What do government proposes to raise of the north. With aviation here, we conclude from all this? Sim- the miserable handouts of $40.41 an airport developing, and a vast IN VANCOUVEK (' ' ( 1 1. L LU UUIvhm Him yj JA i uvjiiuwj use au Government Is ptr month for such "burnt out" Industrial boom blossoming. dozing under the shade of the ply that the Financial Post and shouting to- taking unfair advantage. It pe0Die only to $55 per month or Prince Rupert's logical suburb ward'thc kitchen: ! amounts to trickery. 1 point tliis j9u per month for couples. The should soon be Portland Canal uio. you sena in our income out merely to- demonstrate tnai new scaie si.ould clearly be lax Keturns? we, as free citizens, are per- Wifc, in an amused voice: "Of fectly .entitled to use similar course not, dear. It's only the methods in dealing with FORM $60 per month per person, j It looks like relocating oi tne or, at very least radical Sons of Freedom at $100 per month for married Adams Lake in southern British couples. Columbia. There must be some- thing about the place the Douk- tna oi April. ri SHOKT. AUSTIN U Dffi Special Low Rates for day, week or month For reservations contact: BROADWAY U DRIVE LTD. BAyview 1616 Broadway at Oak ' VANCOUVER 9, B. C. Hubby, in the tone of a man pPrhan thP mnKt. rii-ninv."- aui viy ti it'u . i ins uapijfiis iu Ing thing about this whole sit- READERS may recall that for "ooors "uto rK:''1 uc uie msv aay lor maimig. uation is tne complcte lack of years I have written in this " 17 t"a. ' wane ui. imagination demonstrated by column in favor of over-aU old "lc ".7"', " uie lorm. uo i nave iu reminu thn. ,hm -oro In r,f tRfi npr WSHIM HI." lu, . not going nude. you every year? One of these , extract money rom us Gn6 month at age 60 days yOU 11 have US fined. ! wnillri think t.hpv wn.tlrt nnrlnr. When I first. tn write Moose : An animal that has a ; Wife sweetly: "Don't be silly, st.anri uS n litup. hpttpr ir nil that. v manv considered $80 head and horns on one end, and i dear. You i J? d0?,'t re.a"y .mean "' threats but there's a much more Tar beyond tne capacity of the a room wa" on tne olner' certain elementary principles of tidiness unity hygiene which can be applied with iiiv, expense by individuals and families. ,ra dean home, a clean shop, a clean plant an neighborhood we are meeting one of requirements for our own health and for community. is ri' need for the indiscriminate dumping and debris, leaving it to cause eyesore, and insect and rodent infestation. t from all that, there is the effect upon ;,. df the public. If we have not civic pride, i have civic- health and happiness. is the season when we think of what could ii clean up our community and make it a ! place not only for ourselves but for those i' and visit us. ,e Rupert has much to reflect upon .along s and it is not only a matter for the indi-i.ens. The city itself can do a great deal ivn property and in the way of seeing that hu (In not do what the laws require are 1 to do so. v are many parts of this city which do not . . ill i -Ex. I ns uil uuvtinrutui.. inty mvir scnslbie way. Instead of forcing country. But since that time j mean what they say. ' a man to dcgracle himself Into public opinion has moved more Hubby sighs heavily. His voice fiv:n . m,nlmlm. ,,.ih,,f i, nnrl mnrr toward that goal. The MostPopuhrfazorinCMacfa What happened In the Pacific could be a "matter of life and death" said Howard Green, urging on Ottawa that Canada Join t a n.actarn nP!in napt similar to the common good, why not national old age pension of $40 make an appeal to the finer at age 70 was a giant stride in instincts hiduen within us all? the right direction especially A letter such as the following, with the provincial supplements ratine in the Atlantic. ' n ii ii ii innnri"! lyjuyuiiauuy razor : r if received from the Finance of $10 per month for those who And thag nQ dream wnen- one Minister, would be received with prove the need. recalls a certain Sunday morn- ; Joy and no man would hesitate ' In effect we now have the old lng some years ago, in Prince to dash off a cheque at the age pension WITH MEANS TEST Rupert, when people wondered ; earliest moment. , of $50 at age 65. But my con-1 wnjcn 'Way a Japanese air fleet ; "Dear Mr. Stoncfield Ithcy i tention has always been that we , wouiri fiy, after taking off from; would, of course, get the name ; defeat the whole idea of proper Peari Harbor betrays the strong effort made for control. Fill it in." i Wife: "Where is it, dear?" ; There is a long pause. Hubby: "If I remember rightly, you put it in the door that; bangs upstairs." Wife: "That's right. Slip up- j stairs and get it." ; Hubby: "I have enough to dol at the office all day without Wife: "Oh, never mind. I'll get It" A few minutos later. Wife: "How much did the business earn for us this year, dear?" Hubby: "Five er two thousand five hundred and" fifty-six dollars." This with the conviction of a man who Is lying. "And don't forget to put your mother down as a dependent." Wife: "But Mother isn't dependent on us." pensions by means tests. In fact ! ;the present mixed up pension' Cnarm: something people have . scheme is neither fish, nor ; until th b in reiying upon it. flesh, nor good red herring. You ; Ex ! can argue reasonably for an i ' 1 : t 1 7 1 t I : v I' ' r- 1 - . 4 1 ) very prcuy scene ana a great (icai oi it is i i i p i n. . '. i wrong I : "We, your servants in Ottawa, find an urgent need of widening the bridge between Inflation Avenue and Price Street in our capital. The present restricted roadway results in much confusion and danger both to our ministers and you as a citizen. We therefore propose to build a wider bridge and would request that you contribute toward its construction to the extent of $150.06. "It is proposed to Inscribe le. u is aiso uniair to tne many goou ho have pride in their community and ly do their best to make their home and , healthy and attractive. old liquor, and the older the bet-; But I cannot see how any per- ---I -Av v son can argue for both kinds of ', er-principle all mixed up in thej same scheme. THAT'S ALL t v, 'r,hrt; All right! Go dwell in the rur t m.c uu: j can justify a " scheme that Is the stone purchased f "'"'-''" by your Hubby, Hubby, getting petting very very Irritable Irritable: worth , re- - v. ........ ... For th tlickait thavat of your life, get acquainted with the Gillette Pocket. This mtidern razor changes blades instantly, cleans instantly, and shaves like a dream. Buy a Rocket Razor and enjoy shaves that are quicker, easier and a lot more convenient. high tax s only 27 j1" L ,7.. preference but It's ,.,.,..;' V j.,j,,,,.m n-,i.. rontrtbution with the nienwr- partly -the responsibility of -7 .v,. the l. , - iMVtmcWdc Me These 4 mingv that there J-tn? lal ..w.j.s. STONE Tl SHORT I national authority and partly, ' I know what I m doing. ,952 .. Tnus wl name as j "haVthe Provinces rate there, as well. It Wife: "Have you any other nn outstanding citizen be per cent of the nations tional income. 0 Instant Blade Changing h Real Shaving Comfort Double-Edge Economy . .1 I .) , t 1 r. .- 4 . r source of Income, dear? I all that is going on around us, with all the 9 we are attracting, this could very well be latpert'.- biggest , cleau-up. .spring.- Surely j; iciit v to work upon. Rupert's Third Boom I Tjh two false starts, Prince Rupert's third i n looks to be permanent, writes P. M. Kay, itafv of Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, iial liritish Columbia development section "I am. Sir. etc." ; FAMILY Allowances and Old rn -!n pociiv iniairin thp 1 Aee Pensions should all be ficials are forced to crack down national cn tnem anc' reduce their beg- inl.. fAriAi DnmBfhin,T lace Hubby: "Haven't I told you to mention that?" i There is five minutes silence. i Wife: "Could you help me witli this last part, Harold?" feeling of intense pride which part of the same would occasion the DromDt I scheme. The whole eXDenSC gaujr u.ii i,u ovincwuue 'too. $2? ' Complete Set Includes A ole Roror With Sfyreiu Travel Case Ana1 10 Gillette Hue I lodes in Oispeaser Yet the Minister of Finance should be borne by the na reply: Dear Mr. Costello. has a surplus of several hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars, which he is using to reduce the public debts! What about our debt to burnt outs? tional treasury. We, the workers, pay for it all In taxes anyway. In the case of old age pensions the basic principle should be that EVERYBODY was guaranteed enough to make himself or herself financially independent at such and such an age. inaneial Post. Behind it is one of British "I am in receipt of yours without date and wish to ex-P'-cis my sincere thanks for the honor conferred upon me. I trust that the enclosed cheque for $15.06. as requested, will be sufficient to Insert a plaque on my stone. "Yours truly, etc." Thus, with Just a little lmagi-( Continued on page 81 las major post-war industrial developments li'ia Cellulose's $27 milfion nub mill, now COilSTI FATED CAOY FRIZZELL'S MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Your Generol Motors Dealer Hubby snores. 1 ! SOCIAL KF.FOKM ' j Yes, this article will do moiej ' good than harm. It begins to 5 1 assume the proportions of ai great social reform. By cutting j jit out and dropping it casually I across ifubby's plate Just before I he serves himself the choicest I piece of meat or throwing it , ! aimlessly across the book he is j 1 reading, the housewife is pro-1 vided with a means of avoiding 1 i the penalties of law encumbent : upon the falsification of Income , Tax Returns. As she would be ! blamed though quite innocent, natuled by 50 per cent. I think the age should De ou 'I'ted at Watson Island, eight miles south of S'self, the mill is injecting millions of dollars Nothing better to hlp elrar out howH quickly yet gently. N "Irepy" sttiiT no dull-inr effect. Used for mure than 60 years. Also for relief of teething trouble), ilomtch upiets and i her minor atlmenm .f babyhood. Get m paekage today at drug-turea. 30, I "immunity's economy. Quick Canadian Quiz in the case of the population as a whole. That does not mean workers must quite jobs then but could quit. But in the case of the blind or totally physically disabled, it should start younger. Of course that principle is partly applied in our pensions schemes now. But it is applied on a hit-and-miss, here-and-there, off-again-on-again Finnegan basis. fabulous Aluminum Co. development at M) miles west, is also expected to have an l bearing on Rupert's future. Used Car and Truck Values . GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS 'veen them, they are expected lo provide a it is only fair that husbands be Canadian Quiz No. 63 forced to tell their own lies. j If you were 23 degrees, 28 Quite frankly. I don't mind , minutes of latitude south of the paying Income Tax. No more, I North Pole, you'd be where? that is. than the first Israelite , 2. Which of these explorers f'lting for Prince Rupert's third boom. 1MB I'HKV. 5-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater, seat covers. Onlv 19.000 miles. S 1735 Used car guarantee Fly ... 1940 CHEV SEDAN New paint job. Interior ... . !i r 5 -i . S l "l '1 i,- '); y "f "t ' 1 -t'- ;m ix. , , ' - ' " . ' I V ,J , '485-00 who, when handing over hts ; first visited Canada: Cartier, ca- jT JS downright cruel to apply tithes of grain to the Roman ' bot, Verrazano, de Fuca, Cham- the continuous re-check tax collector, said In his best plain? means test basis for the burnt Latin: "To Caesar, with mv! 3. Canadian women use on the out WVA men or their widows, compliments," and in his own average how ma-iy pairs of full on my desk is a whole pile of language, "I hope the bread fashioned hosiery each year? letters from such people, some chokes him." What I do object 4. What metal Is part of or is of which would bring tears to finishsd in leather. Heater J ,v , ' ' 1 !" 1938 PONTIAC New '51 motor, excellent S '545-00 tires. Body repainted to is the way the Government used in me processing oi ui the eyes of a stone. Tney au goes about the thing, I feel I'm manufacture of virtually every- boil down to this: playing a part in a dastardly , thing Canadians buy? ; They can't live On the $40.41 scheme to deceive the public. I ' 5. How does per capita produc- per month they get. But when wouldn't mind if it wasn't lor the tion of Canadians compare with they go out and earn extra fact that I realize my part Is that cf Americans? money' maybe by scrubbing SPECIAL 1950 CHEV DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN COUPE Look at these accessories: Heater, radio, sun visor, white wall tires, seat covers, grille guard, trunk guard, fog lights, special stopping ltghr,. chrome wheel discs and a host of other accessories. Come a..d see it. 90 Full price dOUO 1948 CHEV "i-TON PANEL New partial motor. Complete ANSWERS ON PAGE TEN floors-or such like, the DVA of- ALICE ARM STEWART 53 MON. THURS. 54 body work and new paint job. Heater. $ 1395 PM Full orice now only Prince Rupert Ar.i 1:15 Alice Arm i F A.M.: 8:00 Lv. P I " 10:15 Ar A.M.: 1946 CMC 2! j-TON Long wheelbase, 2-speed S7Q 795 axle, r.ew partial motor. New low price m ii V Stewart Lv. 12:00 that of a mere pawn. You see, it isn't by accident that the Ot-' tawa foxes demand their cash on April 30. They've been study- i ing Freud. Why don't they col- J lect in January? It's because they know that January is the month of potential revolt. People are wondering how they're going to pay for the gifts they've handed out the month before They're kicking themselves for sending gifts to those whose only reply was a belated New1 Year's greeting. Their stomach is still behaving as though it had suffered doliberate maltreatment. The weather Is foul. PM 785 191G CMC 1-1TON PANEL Nice shape. Reconditioned. Now reduced to ... t IV i I t:i j e i t V -:A 'nm-ir'Ht- . 'ft ' itk'"' c - v r- t&' Kll IMAT KEMANO 1919 FARGO 2-TON 2-speed axle, vacuum brake : boos'.er. boos'.er. short whwlbase. Ideal for dump work ibox and and hoist hoist available. Has van body at present. Price now onlv 1535 TUE3. r'rtl. SAT. First Baptist Church MSTprlESTirJV SUNDAY, Morch 30, ot 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, March 31, ot 8 p.m. Tills Is another in the scries of scientific motion pictures, pioducvd in the Moody Institute of Science, Los Angeles, by Dr. Irwin Moon. A dramatic presentation of inexplicable miracles of nature. This film depicts wonders of the human car, eye, heart and hand. In the animal realm, there is shown the remarkable homing instinct, of the pigeon; the flight of the bat, guided by its own radar; the incredible spawning habits of the grunion, a fish laying its eggs on dry land. These scientific marvels show unmistakable evidence of a Creator, Who is also the Redeemer, i . '5.H. ' ' : I 1. . J !" -ft r "i i 1 ' ' f ' . i : m ' 1947 FARGO FLAT DECK 2'2-ton, short wheelbase. lbase. 2-speed 2-speed A.M.: 9:00 Lv !1345 axle, uox and hoist available. Only , 1 P M ' Prince Rupert Ar. '12:45 Kltlnmt " Kilcialft ! Kcmimo Lv. 1 1 :00 VM There is no joy in life and j Spring is too far away to con- j sole. The cunning Government knows that at this time of year j FORM Tl SHORT would be mcti 1919 CMC 1-TON PICKUP 4-speed transmis- S- inr sion. A sound truck in good shape. Full price JL Tt V tJ We also have privately owned cars and trucks at owner's prices for immediate sale Sc -;ur budget plan for financing repairs and accessories TRADE-INS ACCEPTED ON ABOVE UNITS Phone 871 See John Benner Queen Charlotte AIRLINES Hill jo..M.kA.. . K, ,M1,airi,M.- mr-i-JJ1 with a slightly hysterical laugh) and used to light a cigarette . butt. But in April that's a dif- ferent story. The young taxable is too intent on poetic thought to waste time arguing about a. few dollars. He'd rather give his last dime than be distracted by (INni .... X u- . wn' n the crocuses begin sprouting around vr M 1 'hoi lal, it is a sure sign of spring. Sheila Watters Phone IK '1 n . PRINCE RUPERT F-O. Box 280 416 In ,,h ch, , np "eight of the crocuses 4 iiinBh. some of which (CP PHOTO i the harping voices oi elders