1'iince Rupert Duily News Thursday. I'rbruaiy 14, i'J'.a ALL SEATS IttSLKVI l News of the District Film I Ml 1 i... KliSI ItVtl SKAT TICKETS MI ST BE I'ltKtU I P Ill tOIII; j p "v THE INTERNATIONAL CINFMA GUILD OF O A N A n s r Of Suspense Telkwa Skating Rink Does Well I sheeting to insure continuous heat in order that the water in , 'the boiler will remain hot. The I installation of these facilities : are quite an asset and will en- Vanderhoof Wins Three Puck Games j Charged with suspense and full I of action is "No Highway In The Sky." a story of scientific Inves ffELKWA J ALKS... , able the ice to be flooded witn Ir.LKWA- Willi a surplus in plenty of hot water which will revenue it was made passible to: undoubtedly so towards making have the pump room at the local the Telkwa rink the finest shut skating rink lined with plywood of ice along thetine tigation upon wmcn me raie oi a great air liner holds in the in in nre which comes to the SM1TI1ERS The Vanderhoof Pee-Wees Journeyed by train to Totem Theatre here Friday and nut. L Vt C. P. Bussincr arrived by car from Vancouver last night. He ' 1 ' V S.. J On the same program Smithers wnere they played the Smithers team two games and on Saturday played the Telkwa team. The Vanderhoof team was victorious in all three games. The ladies served hot dogs and coffee at the rink. iHU -HtlLmJ .11 J . mi; .1 I or his best &roHit In n unuitl mo vl - stated that there was plenty of snow and high banks on each side of the road, the road was heavy in places which caused some delay, but he took his time in returning. Mrs. Bussinger did not accompany her husband. It may be another two months be-foit sh-j is able to leave the city clue to further" treatment for her Ballet Festival One SliOM in t; Only Thurs., 8:3U p.m. I'WWIS Ult'll It I Telkwa Favors Incorporation 9 7:45 p.m. Saturday. Starring is James Stewart, an eccentric researcher, whose grave discovery leads to doubt and peril, and Marlene Dietrich, a glamorous International star of the screen who becomes Involved with Stewart during a critical trans-Atlantic crossing by air. It is a drama of intrigue and danger. Stewart Is also supported by the British actress, Glynis Johns, who has the part of an ingenious young air line hostess whose laith in his cause comes to count heavily against prejudice and ridicule. In addition to the supercharged thriller, "No Highway To The. Sky" also contains the attributes of an exciting romantic story. The picture has a back-grotmd of authentic exteriors in huglawl. TELKWA The committor M THIS SPACt g IMPORTANT H I mm m TOTEM nasi vsstcr m mm oa tmt m mm mm m rn Sia iNu isa.us mail urn m m RUPERT : PEOPLES f STORE : GOING : OUT OF I BUSINESS; SALE! ; , see I FRSDAY'S S PAPER ft A FAMOUS Pl.A i ritS Till; ATltl' a a. V.. Hluul. recently of London En:;' A, arrived here from Vancouver with the view in mind of yettl'iiR down in British Columbia if he can find something attractive in the way of a position. Thv prospects for positions in both Victoria and Vancouver were at a low ebb he stated, es which was appointed at, the last Telkwa Citizens' Association meeting to inquire into the town's incorporation went Into action on Saturday last .week. The various canvassers worked the town with a petition for signatures of tho.se In favor of Incorporation. The plan was a landslide with 94 2 percent In favor. Ship s Plaque rink but soon picked up later on, ' and everything was sold at the home bake table. Those in charge were Mrs Lowe and Mrs. Bates kitchen: Mrs. Dando, tea tables; i and Mrs. Clarkston, bake table. pecially at this time of the year. He heard of this part of the country and decided to look it over. His wife, who remained in Montreal, hopes to join him soon. At present Mr. Blunt Is with .the office staff of C. P. Eussingd's Ltd. , The United Church Ladies' Gu Id held a Valentine tea and sale of home cooking on Saturday afternoon in the library.' Business seemed slow at the start due to the hockey game at the iciEiiKEjiEiiaaat iiiiiiiiini Jack McRae Speaker to Catholics At the monthly meeting of the Home and School Associatioa last ni,u;ht, Jack McRae. M.L.A., uave an Informal talk on organization and procedure in the provincial government. The recont breakup of the Coalition government, Mr. McRae said, was inevitable. Reason foi the formation of the Coalition Goes Ashore HALIFAX A bronze pla.'.;'.' from the famous CJun.ird hner Aquitania was presented to the Canadian National Railways today nt a special ceremony attended by leading government, business, military, shipping and port officials. The plaque wl'. be given a place of honor in til.: Nova Scotian Hotel, owned and operated by the National system. The plaque was accepted on behalf of the CNR by Stanley S. Chambers, until recently office manager of the Hotel Vancouvei, and now manager of the Nova Scotian. It was presented to tiie veteran trans-Ailannc ship by the Canadian forces. The Inscription reads: "Presented to HMT Aquitania in appreciation of her service as a troopship in two great wars by all ranks of A number of Telkwa citizens attended the Board of Trade banquet held In the Anglican hall in Smithers last week. Walter Burns, president of the Associated Trade Boards, gave a brief report of the activities during the past year and It was announced that the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade will be held In Smithers tills year. in 1941, the member said, was to avoid the expense of an election at that time. In 1945 the coal I JUUM PACKEO Pacific Milk it recommended by doctors for infants' formulas. BUY 0. C. PRODUCTS ,!"PO RAT60 John Greene of the Moadow Brook farm returned from the south where he had attended the Dairymen's Convention at Na-neimc. He reports that both Victoria and Vancouver were very wet, and It was good to see some sunshine. Winners at an auction bridge party held in the library on Wednesday by the W.A. of the St. Stephen's church were: ladirs fi'st. Mrs. Mapleton. second Mrs. Cunningham; men's first, Mr. Pritchard. Consolation was rwarded to Mr. Hughle MacLean. Hostesses were Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Cunningham. . ition government was again re- I elected but since that time ha.sl been under continual fire ofj criticism especially from the; press. j A year and a half ago boltii major parties openly announced I they would not slay together.! The recent Esquimau election was another step toward the split' of coalition. The Premier's re- j quest for the resignation of the' Minister of Finance a month aj brought the final break. , Mr. McRae made it clear thai,1 Canadian Armed Forces, Halifax, Nova S:otia. January, 1947." The Aquitania. familial lv known as "The Grand Old Lad,' of the Atlantic," was launrhed in 1913 and retired In late 1949. Besides carrying thousands of service men In two world wars, the Aquitania sailed more than 3.000.0O0 miles, made 834 trans-Atlantic crossings and carried l.loe.OUO pissentjers during her long sea career. in VAicoij i;k use an OF II Inllil i II YIZLDS A II P0UHD0? i - EDIBLE if ill P.QQD l fe? m tc j .i:ok;i: dawks I AUCTiONEER I I'limiL (irecn SHI and Itrd NOTE The Totem Theatre will be op;:i Friday cw: 15th ns usual shows 7-9 pm The lie carnival, scheduled to it was not strictly a Liberal gov- eminent because some coalition-' ists stayed. The coming .se.ssiun' take plucv on February 15, will be TOTE Cvrllillti Minns 7 - !i p.m. Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. 4 will see a Coalition government held on February 22 instead I but 9a' of the members will Dot STEAMER Prince George A I AMOl'S I'LlltM' mrm u drive Sp:ciol Low Rotes for day, week or month For reservations contact: 4 BROADWAY U DRIVE LTD. Bflywiiw 1616 Broadway at Oak VANCOUVER 9, B.C. Liberal. Speaking on the actual work' facing members In Victoria. Mr.' SAILS FOR Vancouver McRae said there were innumerable problems that the .public knew nothing about while they ! r. c conversant with controvci ; sial questions. Special church services will be he'd here Friday morning In memory of the King, as W(fl as a service in the Town Hall In the afternoon. A Muho'im. secretary for the school district, and Mrs. Muhelm. accompanied by Mrs. P. Davidson, secretary for the Smithers .'chool board, and George Shepherd, representative for the district, and Mr. Ingot, Principal, tourneyed to Houston on Sunday on business pertaining to the. rhool there. ! Referring to education as al . 'tit 1 ticJ Intermediate. Ports Each Thursday it 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN i LDNESDA V M!I)M(,II ROBERT DENISE DARCEL i'V? ;fJ V v V V J I Luxury at Low ('cm! l''"r Kcsci vatlons ways a contentious question In government, he pointed out that the Catholic students were granted free textbooks In the last session. On dual taxation he .stated that other minority group were fared Willi similar problems. He added that minority groups must first attain the support of the majority groups !n order to attain their objectives. Father Rayner, on behalf of the Home and School Association, thanked Mr. McRae for his Interesting address. Walter Lahtt was in the ehalr and an audience of about fiftv heard Mr. McRae. Write or Call CITY OK UL'POT OFUCK PRINCE RUPERT, DC. TODAY and SATURDAY '" Saturday Sutinfo f.OTF, The Canit.d Thcatic will he OPI N FltII- T February l'llh as usual Shows 7 - ' 21. John Gilbanks, Veteran, Dies John Gilbanks, a well Known army velvran of two world wars, died suddenly last night while vtsting at Canadian Legion headquarters. His body was found lying near the entrance of the building as a waitress went off duty at midnight. A physician wa- called who found that death had occurred a short time previous. I Coronvr E. D. Forward was . called and an Inquiry was held, establishing that death was due lo natural causes. Deceased was born in England 59 years ago is survived by his , mother in the Old Country. CIVIC CENTRE NOTICE The Civieit'cnti c will observe I he general closing T day id lite King's funeral, except for the M. niori.il Si 11:00 a in., which will be held in the audloritim. VANrorVF.R anil VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Chilcolin 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Cainosun 12 linon alio: arm, si iwakt and port simpson Sunday, Oinio.sun. n p.m. FOR NORTH ((I'F.F.N (TIARI.OTTK ISLANDS February 15 and 29 ss. Chllcotin midnight FOR SOI TII Ql'F.KN I HARLOTTK ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin February 22 FRANK J. SKINM It Prince Rupert Agent Third Avcr.ue Phone 5G3 We Specialize in USED WIRE ROPE For The Logging Industry "Each line is carefully graded and tested before It leaves our warehouse to assure you of complete satisfaction." B.C. Wire Rope 6t Supply Co. Ltd. Rear 549 Taylor St., Vancouver, B.C. TAtlow 381 8 H von want to e:i it, advert i iL News classified. Iff -IN NOW Do You Ask Yourself Questions I ! Tl 1 ) ' H MOM MM har? u '?,,:;v I till If J WHIIK If M 1.1 . rfvrl LiKe mesej MORE ! fit Seagram's St I Kings Plate Trade-in CU. ft. . DELUXE Allowance Rcfrigcrotor $499.00 $100.00 Q'z cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator $461.50 $ 70.00 8'z cu. ft. STANDARD Rcfrigcrotor $432.50 $ 65.00 DELUXE Range $519.00 $100.00 STANDARD Range $388.50 $75.00 DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 $ 50.00 Northern B. C Po wer Co. L td - ltesncr Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. 1 Is my car worth repairing? Shall I do it now? -1 Why ore my tires wearing unevenly? 3 Why docs it miss when I wont auick pick ups? 4 How con I cut down on qosoline consumption? IT'S TIME TO SEE US FOR A GENERAL CHECK-UP Superior Auto Service Limited Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 1! 0T Scagmmwl This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . J h . . J . rweu This advertisement it not published or "' ' p ' in liquor control board or by the uovernnmn.