Prince Kuperr Ddiiy hew': Tuesday, January fl,- lflsa Clocks Check PIGEST M,prlans Tour Time Playing how to identify j 'Down Under' rt i l y ,V"j .St. ( i. i Of Leaf Men A BEAR CUW if ' I is pliinniiw tu mm,. .' m ... ...... wwi'ih; . -- i. TORONTO Take a pwd,' - aM8S'-'!5ii Ja j AU.'.iruiu. i! flons. i firm grasp on your rockliiR-1 ! chair arms. you. old-time 80-1 A CUB MA A STUBBPP. Ay FACB ANP FIN6 SILKV MAI. AN AOOLT'S MAiR IS HEAVY ANP COAKSE. Size NOT a, jlM BELLAS! C f v . ;...! ft,, ' " ', ,- , BCACK minute hiokey player, and listen , ; to this: They now have indi- j vidua! clocks for earh player t. ' ensure h doesn't pia? . more j ' thun 20 to 35 minutes a game. I Hurry Mcn!, fc Ogt'llt, It WDIK'.ll". trii t Curutta of Aiistraii, w . fir I.ouui in t Apiij or Mr, i ; ready has i-ntit;i 3 '. jdl A'urklutid aiiii Tiling, i Zealuiul. Tiin;.!u ,j -fy ' on of tup li.te e.j r ; nion secAose a tAKGS cub MAy Be AS BlQ AS A KUNTY AOOLX A BLACK W AH CUB MAY WEIGH Uf TO 90 tBS. A HEALTHY AlAjLl" AVERAGES ABOUT 25 LS. TwB V. I Honest, Toronto Maple Leafs i ' are operating an elaborate dork- ; ing system to ma!:e sure the ' players won't be overworked, j is. . f A teems Leafs think .it might; tR . ;k r -A' it -7 i "hM-tcn their careers. It worics this way Two men sit in a booth before panels of electric swiU-hes. Each man Is assigned 1o a panel reprfs-.'r.ting the Leafs or the visiting team and there is a switch labelled with the name of each player. As a man steps on the ice his switch Is thrown and a clock in TONIGHT 1 NENT V j CAHINfe TEETH XAR6 AN INCH CM 1 MCX ( ( pMfiTH AMD THE BA-lfe r5LmOAU-y TAiNet. il I A CO MAS Ny j? j .WALU -MICK" fcA??iv! CANtNR TEETH r j' ABOUT A TO INCH IN LENGTH. ! TMESS WILl. 8 H E PL AC. O AT I I aAToWTV by rrMieNT teeth. I If M POU9T, LET SMALL BEAM i I SO- TAKB OWY ADULT T ("- j Infer B 6:30 a small room starts ticking. When I he Sfeps oil the ice ttie switch U ICE TIMRRS Severe physical demands of mod;rn professional hockey led Toronto Maple Leafs to establish a system of clocks to record the actual playing time of each player. Leafs and their opjioiients, in each game at Maple Leaf Gardens. Controlling the 31 clocks 16 for Leaf players and 15 far the visitors are switches operating the individual clocks as players take the ice or leave it. The clocks are connected to a switch at the timers' bench and are stopped when play is stopped. The Leafs bench receives progresiive reports on playing times to help prevent overwork that could shorten a playing career. Here Shanty MacKenzie, star lineman of the Canadian football champions, Toronto Argos, anj an employee of the Gardens, relays time figures. The only other such system is at Pittsburg, home of the Leafs' American Hockey League farm club. (CP PHOTOi cut off and the clock stops. All, I clocks are wired into the timers! IclooK so that, play interruption CYRl'S EATON'. Canadian-born Cleveland Industrialist, relaxes with a bit of skiing at Lac Beauport. Que . 15 miles from Quebec city. Mr. Eaton, wlwe Cleveland-Cliff. Iron Company controls six steel concerns in the United States, said In an Interview a geological survey crew reported "Iniinnuse; medium-grade Iron I ore deposits in Quebec's . -.orthwestern Ungava dtstrkt. Mr. Eaton. General Molori Sport shaf Intcr-A 7 30 t'rawr & p,1lw n X rth SUf . ciood Substitute j STOCKHOLM LP--A Swi-tlb.l are taken into account. In the clock room a ihiiu main records each players times at, the end of each period andj 69. is a native of Pugwash, N S. He is president of the Portsmouth S'eel Corporation ur.d chairman of the Wmid of Steep Rock Iron Mines. Ltd. iCP Photo) 8:30 tenior bloixl plasma aubaUtute kjsoi a - maerodex." deveio; d bv two Swedih clentLstJi, no Is beini maAS-produced for emtrxency sBocli piling in the United State ! It haa been used with Aiirre.w in j Korea. Manwn n ( .union k hnimm Outdoors With Marty Sea Ducks' Make Good Eating if Hunters, Cooks Give Them Right Kind of Treatment rushes the iniormation to managing director Conn Smythe in his box nearby and to coach Joe Primeau. Here's how the Leafs find the information valuable: lr, a recent game Ted Kennedy's clock at the end of the first period showed the Toronto captain had been on the ice nine minutes. Former Olympic Track Star Named to Top Sports Honor NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBES That would mean 27 minutes for! How long is it since you ate a etc., and the Salmon Derby for i printing "5,000 copies of its Sal- mon Derby folder this year. It'tne game, considered too muchl iw- Horucr . suwi ApuiMui.iiniup uuung wr tc vr ..n f h lrvii: for Kennedy. Primeau held him1 A.-henfelter, the determined FBI year." feed of wiid duck that you truly 1953. enjoyed, or perhaps you are one Just stop to think that Ket-of those who have quit duck chikan, twith a much smaller sportsmen to get get moving moving along along off ff t!e ti,e l lc enough enough for for his his clock clock ' man man who who became became Olympic Olympic chain-; chain-; A-henieiUr. A.henieilcr, ft good co'.lrg' lots faster than an hitherto, hitherto, and and;10 " record record only only 22 22 minutes minutes and and 31 31 ! pion pion sieepiectiaw steeplechase runner runner aimas; almost. Stance jis:ance rumi runner but untried In population than Rupert) is If you have missed your popcr, please phone your newsbov. If you do not know your newsboy's name, call the office before 5 p m. bring some of those f ar-travel-1 seconds of the game overnight, has been nameo as - the teeplechase before IhU yes ling sports anglers here. 1 The cloclt system Is also iiseni1" '' nlo,r "! " beat out nine ot'ter Olympic Many of the faithful were out! t regulate the Ice time of a Sullivan Memorial l.ophy champions named im cdWale hunting in the wrong belief that sea ducks are just naturally poor eating? Since these local ducks are almost all excellent at table, let us get a few points straightened out. First, a good general rule is that all square-billed ducks are surface or near surface feeders, and consequently are suitable for human consumption. The long pointed-billed ducks, (whether or not the bill is saw-toothed) are the fish-eating ior the award even mo' easily than he beat R atria's fa-ored Vladimir Kasan!-sc for the Olympi; title in the record time of 8 45 4. after the salmon in the harbor pmyer wno may oe gooa ior tu; mis award, cue oi the mt.,i last week-end. A few fish were! minutes or so and fades after j coveted in air.a'eur ports, is taken near the Oil docks, and that. It shows up a player who presented annually by the Am.i several 20-pounders were seen!0" of condition and wilts after teur Athlotie Union to the "ami breaking the surface while feed-!0"1 or e'Bht minutes of j tear athlete who by performance ing on herring near the Yacht P'3?- example and food infiuen-e did club floats. - j 'The Leafs don't say what In- the mot to advance lis? rne of tMarty worked for some hours j formation they get out of the! Canuck Teaches Ice Hockey To Englishmen By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press SlaS Writer and took lots of coarse fish, but! clocks .devoted to i the visiting i OLD TRAFFORD. Cncland P) broke leader to the only salmon jteam. la"'n' rJL London get up each week-end not for you bo eat. Virtually all Rocky Starts ! Members of the Lancanhire : County Crizk-.'t Clu'j hre weie' ! asked to ceae betting on hi r- I ses at the club timund.s. Com-) plainants charged that club tele- i phone booths re monopolized ; by members betting on hot v j races. I strike he received while casting. Clumsy!) Eric Speers diligently seeking salmon in his newly acquired outboard outfit; the Fred Johnsons after ducks; the Doctor at dawn's early light to prove a T FLATTtRf WONT HURT YOU A BIT AS LONfr AS Training For Wacott Fight OOO OLD MAT STIU. UTS. ducks have great diving ability, Mallards and other have frequently been takeTi in nets set fifteen fathoms deep, this is because they have been seekinj deep water vegetation. Many species of ducks, and peese too, will sometimes feed .upon rotting salmon, but even these may be rendered fit for ,tuble use. Here is how: Gather up some short ends of jour old fish lines, cut them into two-foot lengths,- tie the ends pet theory that Englishmen can learn to play hockey. Every Saturday and Sunday about 8 a.m. young Bob Corn-forth of Montreal rolls out of bed and over to Wembley Arena to pass along hints on hockey to some 50 Londoners of high school age. They're as English as afternoon tea except for one thing they prefer hockey to cricket. Ordinarily that's as rare as a Laplander allergic to reindeer. By and large John Bull, Jr., Greenes with full crew and supercargo trying out the Marin II: and it is good to have Len Nix circulating again. Rae Johnson is wistfully looking over the ship and talking salmon; Whit Lewis is impatient to have the Alma rolling across the harbor and doing the next-best-thing by row trolling NEW YORK (API Heavy weight champion Rocky Maul ano will go to training camp a Grosiingers, N.Y., Monday to gei ready for his return bout wit? Jersey Joe Walcott. Al Weill, his manager, said th' champ would do road work a the mountain camp and star boxing "in a couple of weeks." together to form loops, and put doesnt go for winter sports, them in your duck-hunting When he talks about hockey, the and hand-hauling grey -cod, Kevin Shannon is developing a latent ichthyological interest by studying the fishes that surface-feed nocturnally near the In jacket. As soon as you retrieve Weill said the date and site r- lander, this column will appre the Walcott fight still are noi Bet. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. ciate his report. Remember When W il ftt bail con in tow with lh bttt lirti ivtr . . 4 Dominion Royals of court DAN'S SERVICE STATION chances are he means the field variety. Bui the boys Cornforth tutors are different. "You don't really think of them Is English, thoy seem to bring a Canadian approach to the game," says the 21-year-old Montrealer. "They wear equipment just like the kids in Canada and they put just as much pep in their efforts." EAGER YOUNGSTERS Cornforth, now in his second a duck slip a loop over its head and hang it up in the blind or boat; bear in mind that some of the pellets which killed your bird have almost certainly torn up its intestines, obviously this releases certain objectionable juices which quickly permeate find taint the flesh. . The head-hanging trick causes ail those parts south of the diaphragm to settle low down in Fred Perry, three times win ner of the all-England tennL ROt'TE t-Rilly Sevnxmr, Red 151 Herman Strwt; HflQ Cih KaM lo fteul Oie. ROrTtk' J Vii lur MaOtulak. 1st Ave West 248-1071: 2ml Ave Wm MI-HCS ne lh Slrwt; 3rd Ave. KneU s Mi.,r Weirt. HOITI. 4 Wilfred Fritkuin 7th Ave West 704-1427; Ph Ave W5 UK M f Fulton Street 700 UIikK, TjUow Su t 8ijC3 u Aw. ROI TF 5 John WrMhrsd Vh Ave West 100-4f.. 5th Ave Vc. Ov5!5 Wot 3(M-Mf, Diinotmilr fci-m 211-". T 5iS. Emrrnon I'l.ire. Attnr Pure lUH'Tl ft Raymond Kklapsky flth Ave Weit 105-537, 9' h Ave Fait 1 ! T.9 K: fctrwt 113-708 IIM TF. 7 Prtrr Bron, Hlu 91 1 All of BM-tlon 2 ROlTf. t Arnold Prlron. Waterfront and Pacific Place : C'NR r;" FloaU. ROl'TF. S MrWin Rjurnkon. t.rn 111 8th Ave. East, Mi-IUlle to Hay Cove Cirrif nol'TF. 19 Richard Macllonald. Rluc JT 4th Ave E;ist 237-730; 5th Ave Fi -I 301-719 '-; Eat 119-545. 301 -2: H:iva Cuv Circle S7 'V, i Street Mi-516. Oreen Street 411-416. "' Young 8!rret. ROITF. ll-lomiv Rlake PlftRott Ave.; 1st and 2ml Ovcrltmk. llermai PlKliott Place. hOl'TF U l.lovd t(ual llth Ave. Eal 333-1385; Frederick St.: ShH ROI TF 14 Drrrk Allen, Blue 124 ( 1-H E;ivt 225-247; 2nd Ave We' 137-341; 131 324. Market, Place. 3rd Ave. IaIf N'''4 ' Motor. -' ROt'TF IS Robert Jcmcn. Black S5S 5'h Ave West B35-735. 741-745; Borden 8:re?t, r Strert, BlKRar Plare. ROl'TE 16 C harlie l lmWrom th Ave East 124-234; .Vh Av. Eaal Hil l'1 " East 108-o8; Bowser Street. Rol'TE I7-Manrin Strrrltt. Black 20S flth Ave West 210-539; 7th Ave Wv-st 128-531. t West 221-528; Lotblliier St. 721-728, M1 Hf;" 704; Tallow St. 025-733 ROt'TE 18 Allan Smith. Black 718 Cth Ave. Eaat Block MO; Rth Ave. Ext 'HVPTf '( Fast 1000-1144; 101 h Eat 9U0-1UU. A.lrm Bacon Street; Donald Street. ROL'TF 19 Jimmy Johnson, (ireen 6C1 tth Ave. East 870-1140; Ambniv.- Ave. ROI TF 26-Ronny lladland Dth Ave. East 1036-1944. ROITF 21 Clifford Valentin. Red 272 2nd Ave West 1135-1314; Park Ave. 1005 -fHreet; Water Street; Beach Place. ROl'TE 23 Don (iranlham. Blue 2!J ,. Pth West 615-735; Summit. Ave ; Tavlor Siref1- Fulton Street; 600 and 700 IJlwkii 0th Ave, ROl'TE 21 Brian Roberta. Black 489 v championship and backbone o the all-conqurring British Davi. There is no reason in the world why rifles carried aboard boats cannot be protected from rust with an ample coat of grease, the barrel requires merely an occasional pull-through with oil, particularly after firing. A little grease on ones person is a, small penalty to pay for those infrequent but rewarding shotu.. while at sea, when all the time you know the rifle is safe from damage, and the light oiling in the barrel Cun team the previous foui Phone Green 60S year", trade hU r"ofcssionl d3 tht . fwltv ' Havitv. whence thev but at New York 18 year.; a&r. nay lie easily removed and-the ! season in Britain, plays goal for today. He defeated Ellnvorti" hin piece of abdominal flesh t,wc"'uley u"s ui me wibumi cut , .-as'' ref use. Do not ever i National League. He started giv- Vines, regarded as the world's ZL ing morning classes out of sym best professional, in iuur sets. will not cause noticeably erratic pathy with the number of young sters who wanted to learn to! shooting. In any- case, there fling your ducks down into the bottom of the boat, where they pick up gasoline and bilge oil to make them even worse. The first move to make when preparing for the oven is to skin wowld likely be time enough to clean barrel before firing anyway, If the spine was willing! shoot and stickhandle, but had no facilities. Ice was available at Wembley only from 7 a.m., so Cornforth the bird entirely, this is done and his kids have t0 go t0 tne with the feathers on of course, 1 rink wnUe it's still dark. For all and is easier than one would that onIy a few ever mlss a sps. suppose. By so doing you will 1 Sjon remove practically all of the Cornforth finds that his small fishiness, which is mostly con- fry, ranging in age from 12 to HOCKEY SCORES WHL Edmonton T, Seattle 1. Try Daily News Wont Ads Something New! The Amazing . . . NECCHI SEWING MACHINE Stitches and Finishes Without Attachments. Learn to be a sewing expert . . Watch the Necchi Demonstrator in our store on Friday tained in the fat immediately 16, skate pretty well "But put a stick in their hands and they don't seem to know what to do with it," he says. "That's why I had to (five them all the coaching I could." The kids made such progress, and turned out in such numbers. beneath the skin. Make up your usual poultry dressing if you wish, but for man-cooking, a good stunt is to place a couple of hen-egg size onions inside the bird, lay two or three strips of fat bacon over the breast and roast in that Cornforth divided them into medium (375 degrees) oven 35 1 'our teams and drew up a weekly 01 JM schedule, with all the big-time trimmings. The clubs are the Lions, Panthers, Monarchs and Rangers, named for senior clubs in the English League, and so far the Lions look best. TOP PROSPECT One of the top prospects Is a fast-skating youngster called Rocky Eaton. Cornforth thinks minutes. It is not necessary to soak ducks for long periods in salt or soda water. In our house it is usual to use as little water as possible when cleaning birds, a damp cloth is generally sufficient. Do not fail to go after the Brant and Bluebills that are now around in fair numbers, treat them properly from the ..... th-.t. ng-,nu n-. tin.. " - ,th gl NUketwios West Daily News-Watta rrizzeii g Motors. and Saturday, January 23rd and 24th. , ?k Warone our Necchi demonstrator will be here on the above dates to demonstrate for you the many outstanding features the amazing Necchi sewing machine offers the home sewer. WE INVITE YOU To come and see how easy it is to sew on buttons . . . embroider . . . make button holer; . . . mend . . . blind stitch hems .-. . applique and monogram on the Necchi without attachments. Prices s ow . $139.00 Gordon & Anderson Ltd. Phone 46 ROl'TE 25 Cordon Boake, Black Bfifl Cth Ave. East 1141-1476. he might make the English League if he perseveres. On the whole, though, his charges are Just about up to midget standard in Canada. That doesn't discourage Corn KOI TE 2-Freddle Bellis, Red 322 moment they are picked up and you will have good eating. You are strongly urged to get through reading this paper and head down to the Moose Hall by pa" 1103 Ridley Hm,,; 7th Ave. East 981-1080; Ave 928-1154. forth. He coached peewee and eight o'clock this evening where j h!ln,,m ,-am. ln ,.i.v tMe. ln ROl'TF. 27 Christopher Harvey, (ireen 8" Cth East, McBrlde- Hays Cove Circle. IW . t Stonds Suptettu TANQUERAY, OOP DON ft CO. 1TD. . . . th torgaat gfn tiitfillar (it th wtid THESE ARE THE DAILY N' LITTLE MERCHANTS a very important general meet- j Montreal and he doesn't mind of the Prince Rupert Rod ing starUng rom scratcn over here, and Gun Club is to take place. And tnree of nis team-mates It matters not if ynu are not I wlUl Wembley Lion A r t h u r yet a member, you are needed oreen, Roy Sheperd and Kenny to bear your share of various un- Barnes are English boys who dertakings. At the moment ar- made good in the big time, rangements have to be made for Green, now 28, was spotted while the soon forthcoming Annual fooling around in a Werhbley car Game Dinner, the Trapshooting ; park with a broken puck and a Department with its contests I discarded stick. THEIR SUCCESS' DEPENDS ON YOt Thin advertisement u not published or displayed by the liquor Control i Board or by the Government of i Britthti Columbia, i n