S I'-. s. 1 r Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. January 6, 1953 Correspondence Coronation Seating May Come 1 h.ess ruey Mrs. Strand Named Son ja Club Prexy .. Mr. Curl Strand .i,.,.i..i k.-v'--v.v-.'.( ft Up For Voting Among Peerage Calkd T. apttial lo Jfit- uuiv Kei e' V lAsnuun iAJ'i. M're peer., .md pc -re-sn to attend th 'Coronation next June than cat) ;. se-itrd in Westminster Abor-y Tt '1Ual r chel tot -t.Jic o 1 ce eDuke of f Nor- J ? r.immi, sponsored oy the B C it lf7u"Vry T mar; ' f-on. sets under way rfial of Enslanrl has charge uf Jan. 15. it was ar..v,an-d hro ; dU" ! :da' cy Jam" Win. . . nt- ri!!.icult -o...a today. In charge .... Jla !onU and ladSe Former puni.-tlpants a, well ai Ithe a? if "r.f, k',Uf'Zed ",t0 new are -heartily wv-0-- One Spanking v It.-.-Wf-- president of the Bonja L,"ti'' Club last night to succeed Mrs Ot-o:g Morgan. Other officer eatted were Mr i. Morgan, vice-president; Mm. 0 ar Giske. secretary; Mi's Armand Lund, treasurer; Mis. linns Knuiiwn. pubilctty chairman; and Mr4 J()ln Caru(.nl,r nd Mrs. John Peterson, sick oinmltt?e. The an lual meeting wan held at trie home of Mrs. John Peterson. Retiring president Mrs. Morgan S. J,r..,.r ... A .,.. ... . i May Correct Child Manner : J . ' ' K" 'fiJ 1M ' to .V. 1 'tJe 'ou.nt-. aiifl . a v....; iitiiu in jrar.ia- "no sncial skiil Is ieprf.r! ! meut ( Bq:.,-re out.de t i"'" Mr. Wi'i.n -4 9 LONDON AP A British -hli psychologist says just one earner, - -for :n errmmi-. Today there are 801 adult peers in Britain ICS more tha.: Entries shoiiid be made to J. Wilson. 230 I.l.iple Avenue, ChilU-wa:k, B. C. f OI,I.VIP,E OF SPRING Is t.H-n In the., Canadian h.,e -hl-h 'pansinj may be enough ta put have been deslg led w fiaiter nd comfort many a winter weary ' any child on the etraieht and fool. Oay Kpianhea of coi.jr ths eiltter of rhlnestnno trim .narrow. stiver cream and (sugar net with tray f r her oiiii:.nHi.,f. ...i. Mrs. Wes McKnight Puts on Blue Bonnet in 1538 hen King George VI iivAiied. With wives tdded, this could mean an attendance of mor; han 1.200 at the Coronation, not counting dowager peere.sses. -luring two y,ar as head of the 1 -v For all Events! HUD. Tl. monthly raffle, donated by delii;!itfiil!y chic combinations of suede and kid and guede and Aiiiikc.-.kin &re Italia introduced to make the wearer truly (eininine. lower left, read! ig ctorkwike. a high hecjd, sling-back, tjien toe fchoe In a combination of suede and snakeskin. The contrast of dark on liRht makea It adap table lo all costunve color rhemes. Medium low heeled shell pump In sued with fllthtly round 'd U?. is the lairt word In comfort. 8 very plain but such Rood txittc. Striking open pump with high heel in a combination of suede and kid. Colon of deep violet and lavender ; Ir. V. R. Matthews told the jonfcreiicc o! Education Ai-rwia-' ;ion.-i Tue.duy night list a talented e.macker waits for the .' ri(?ht moment to get that wallop 'home:' "The moment when Ihe child plU its who'e jif a-an. t all authority." '-Then give U a Kocd. hard smack and you may give it a p.oper j-riukt t:i moral 0 nosiess. v.ti.i won by Miss Myrna KnuUen. Refreshment were wived by the hostess. Next meeting u ill he hM 1 2. al the home of Mr. Hans Peterson, on Borden Street. . rcrpjmibSiny for the rest o! it? (life.'- nuvc o-.-u ivduivu up 10 mane mid a real eye-catcher. A shoe for a leading lady In a two.vme or in a crowd Is this black suede pump with the very bare hx.. The ramp t matb up of narrow strips of black auede tudded with rhinestones. . 4 - r. ; There were a tout! of 41.133 ! post offices in the United States and Its possessions as at Julv l, irjil. AAs Increase Membership 'In City Group ?tart Hie New Year right with a quality A-l TJ.ied Car nr Truck A Test Drive of any of the fol-o-.v!ng selection will convince Au iiiai do Mrii better used mw a-:d trucks. J i19 Plymouth Sedans Jus! the car f ir the iamily ... SH23 ! 19,51 Kurd Fordora Everything to be tlo.sired in motoring pleasure. Your choice at $1825 TRICK MARKKT 1946 3-Tonner, complete with Rat deck ..... $693 1949 3-Ton. 178" WB. A very useful truck , Si 1 225 Call In at 'T!r? Home of F'riend'V Service' for n er;nr- Canadian Girl Lands Job "rev King Antique " ' V-W' ' '1 I WCI V Mrn.hrn.hln ..f ...... Mrs. Vtex Mehmght, wife of ttie weil- l m may be mode to have this antique ciiair. sjW to ban- hom Ontario. But m Jar I haven't seen iume 1 know;' ,hc '.Ud wi.ri lauch. ,: ay jumi i i at tv.i j.si c'MtmaUon a.. Kina of Hcutlatid. V ' F,.iti:i!Ml, frim I aurit r iluuu, Ottawa lioine of Uie . I C'.C.F. Club ni tin?, fl-tro-" I !e Mall,. Tuesday. Jan. 6. 8 Pri -hp Mu.Ki-r Mm ki n,e Ring. Mr. Ki :ib ixiuslit ti. ek.ir P.m. (-ii Beverley laivk-rl her wh iw PYinc; ' " UX-XABKAW A,f on-ott In Rupert ha, netted from three a.i Wr-Ur to M m . the wgani.atlon wM tfan,,)1,10"1" CH-io.kmi- fyr here iwt July, it tlmirman re-1 Cuf0"aU'm m-jmnmlatton? II i ported today ! rh.m. M an you. ,i?i:;ri- 1 -The value of AA In Into cityfe ,may hM-:iic 1 by n C3"-jU beromlns more evident all the: ,..", . . ,, ,., time.- the chairman .ld. 'We 'J" a 1,1 ,c've"',r have now rc-hed a pom, 't1 .7; f;0'0 c !'' are able to rrnige an aeUve Z, rl, v . . U Lj""1"11 I 'n.,, 1 Uct- nt UwouiU letters wr-jcram of event, to interr-.t ehanee. Aion? with a "firendj St. Andrew ; Cathedral Men's 6:15 p.m.. Wed- ir)one Tra-K of Alma. Ont.. ! Ciub merlin? t o-rm for the curonatlon of Kits 0'-tge VI The i (ii, di.-pl.iy in Iiuiier tiuiinr. willed to the Oinadliin : by Mr King who di d In 13i0. With the chair i Edouard rutuior of I.durter JIouw and formerly Mr, King privat H CP Photoi teous demonstration of a ly of the above and many more to Krmwn I simdian fiKirHeaster, uses, 'IJki,cxb Hlib Boknl-t Margarine is always my choice for formal affairs w well as for evervilsv use." Vou, too, will love Dk lcxi Bu: Bonnet's frpsh, sunny-eweet flavor jut as delirious when melting-bot as iien freeh from tiie refrigerator. YouH h delighted with the nutritiousness of this fine quality all vegetable m&rgahna. And it's so handy . . . each goideiv. yellow quarter pound is individually wrapped in pure aluminum fod witk an inner parchment lining. Just unwrap what you need and serve. Be sum to Dr.i.uxE Blcs HoNsirr, aad you'll get Ullcis quality. sf.e jeit Canada lo 'see name- nesday, Jan. 1. Iliil'i ( t EurODC." Thru na.5i.jT choose lrom. thaush London en route to such Carpenter' Union Mcetin I h i h I I . : Wednesday. 8 p.m. Fraser Stre.H. 1 Kfin V7W)IM I ff fl f om Canadians ami A;r.:r.cai..-. Carlo. Home and tj,iI4. k.. Business imuorlant )5 I 0V M,,vl niversal Prayer Week' Phone 83 S present m. inbrr and to encur-i agr others U ilti. On Christ ma j Day we had a imrty for 24 child- TlieHome of Friendly Service- i-n ana ineir parenta and on bend by City Churches rrw yer Eve r had a party attended by 12 couples. Nothing ha want to coiae to Biitain for 'their $200 capital ran low' and . , . the Coronation ceremony. they came back to "uZ Ui' " ub general With u compretitn.'ve card- .vareh of Job,. uJhl ' index aystc-m and telephone at! Luckily. Be'verley walked into: S u, her eibow. Misi Pollock m.it:-ht.i ; the Coronation accommodation1 MeMing of the Ptiii.e U--! vacancies ajai&st requests. j Mice Jts&t when it was iiiritw i pert Fishing Vessel Owners' ; 'T. f trouole u, tiiat every day additional staff lo handle in- 1 Association will be held in thi e have lo go farther afield for frtasing correspondence. Ai . Civic Centre, Tuesday, Jan. fi. the type of hotel space or other bout the fame time, Miss Trask at 7:30 p.m. Me.nbers please at-accoiiiuio'Jaln rcq ieUed, ohc.fui.nd a .stcnozrapht't'c job i.i tend. ( Uild a ren irt. ! an evrmrt. nffw consumed excent mrt part from the frtuit row of text ntxl iho rh.Ar't' was . 1 . , idrmiu" .... .. ,-. .,w -.,w..K uciuiiiiliotiaiion It'll at the Im-reM h AA became pariicu- be sure to get nai'lIM l ItUlVn .MOIKlaV evenill" When t ie iris- - apparent, immediately after Last week ii t i i . . , . . ' i lne nuiuiay season uMitiiu i mi tiiuoDUt, called the oncninir produced a U LAe- Than- lint' 01 fif thi lhC 1lV? 1Ml I Ll11 'nivi.cw.1 fhdl U',,,1, U(tk , f 1 preeUve members and the A A led led ring ring on on an an ofiiee ofiiee map nutp de. de. i i Then Tl:en they they found found a a tour-rir.' tour-rir.' '"tnl0 AtUrntlon all Yaci .J1! f' ra'fr t'l.rWuU mefUnf t,Vow i"ht itom tonU-,.. ac fbl ia Ch,l.ea. Sharing ouarur. m. n. la,dicf tauten .u,c,udc "iiieiuueu 4 ! Oi'tiiT. i expected to have a large turn- ommodatiun can be sought. AJ- i with them is 27-jear-oid R.,.h on nav.gatmn everj cvery .I . ! tv-ii h-rn "love fiiviti -i0"1- ready it atreUiws CO niilca north! Weistead of St. Cathaine. Onl., f' '."""t"!'?' J Jan- 3 'NiV' '" IVa DreSS ;.V lledVy '.una prayer .We the Wednesday night. N,irthampUin outh and eatt " Brtai pxrtel -. ; to the coast M, Pollock Mti3 WeLstcaj U Thursday, : Lii Lb 111 Annex. ,6i a teacher meeting eiich week, there I th.it cxp!f j,ed the desire of the sign Copied tit London eoynty cun.-i'. The gi- i hope: t. j.uy in L i.i ion for the Ccroiiatma. "makm :i"k ' for Innie next ;iteni 'j.r Events to be hid bv the . Y.P.E.A. Club of Port Simps. : . Jan. 6 B if ketball Marehanfs of Metlakatis. Alaska vs Y.PE V 1 - i Its. Modellers 11 ro-workr.r. ai.a h. r o:.:-e i officially called the Coronation accctutm: Ja! inn eleoirtuient. O.VT.tltlO RtQl ESTS Klosl Canadian letters handled by Mw Po.lok. a rrry-eyrd girl who staged her waiging days in a Toicnto aiiiines o!f..e. cum; ..r ' f t y . r f t4 i 'h t, V . '""V'.'t-S 1 3 ',- i- h ... .1. F w ' y v ''-. ' V. - s5 ' ' i i 'if.. i t ; 1 1,4 ' I ? ' V 1 i)) , -v - .i, iJ ' - A , ' 3 . Tl. , . v. i jl - ' - "V Its- 'V L f ii' ir- -1 S ,v t' , "-S. !i ' 4 I I ,, H- . '!f . ,:? . 3 ..,.',V'fe , : v : ' 1,5 , 4' . ' "I -f r - s 1 1 is". - 5 v' . ' j I-' CPl A I... ;. ;U.,' ftiiet';.t.im Uuh.vea "elowr "'s " l.d. a calm and lt ..v i.'v f. i:i D- I- A. Wil'iht h-d the eon-tfc.s,!t(.n ;j p.-ayrr. fuiiowed bjr Mi eh.i':.i..n ft !h. Prince fij-l-trt MinKU-iial AKMirlutlon. Peverri'd l.iwrenre O Slenrr, iio wcl.omed all lo the L'nl-! ! Work if Prayer and i.i-'''' " tl Cie Huest speaker of lb week pastor of First Lulh-er.-n Church ol Vancouver, Rrv- .tudy period on Monday nipht t.J a social gathering ol Saturday night. At the end of this month members heijie to hold a public meeting which wili be addressed by a speaker from Vancouver. One of the undertakings of AA in Jrriivre Rupm U to have member of Its volunteer bvsird it at night with patients who have been hospitalized as a result of alcoholism. Two sncli natients receot !v loined il, irrAim I iiifii bus ii, en ci,j.a :i geiu-rai muik.-t. It u the Quei'ii :h'te !a..t yeat . ai...itun , ur ttn 1 ,. 'urii ti,.!.y tiii,i Aince ''"P-v ls a Wule.blu I, V.f pt'lced at 122, while ihe ttr. i wa m.- tiii- . t-'ISIIT i COIDS crend ... Arnold ,mtxu.. Haeen" Mni;rii j . " f GOOD MEWS! THE PRICE OF 7 " f 'a,:- uiicif-r a full len'h V .Sin.k,ng on the topic fur the 8,1(1 r! no' members In gcxHi Cnivrrsui Week of Prayer, the Handing. ' Lord s Prayer," Reverend Kagen A small group of AAs In Bute- ' reit.-r.ted t.i" bMe. truths nf tljje have attached themselves to the ChrlMtan Faith as he took t'1 Ual unit, and efforts will tT his firit address the oixiiintj ahortly pet underway to enrour- ro: "Our rather which art other neighboring cntnmunl- l.i Heaven " Hes to loin the movement. Man is a religious and mora! Started 18 years ago by a man U-Ut'i as well a a pliyir(J on. who now lives near Nelson, B.C.. I'tral, he said ' The great Church AA has a world membership of P.ithor. .H' Auiisline Ix crrt!!e:l tnore than 300.000 and has be- wilti Raying that man was rest- come established In 41 countries lea until he found rest in Cod It doe not endeav.ir to pronvvie 1!ii, in turn re-affirm tint snv political creed or religious "S eoat ion wriler Eve IVrri:-' that the I.ick or public-the ,ej).!ci, ; "n might lie traced tj .' Ui,it t.ie Queen rarely ' drey wit.urtit the coal tTu-pk.'e tiiM-ntbie w.t ""'" inj-t-worn r.u-'' 'I"' Ciui.ii.i,in u.ur," ;i Perrlck. -Canadians Hie coat but not th, MAD A Take a HOT MUSTARD BATH Diuolvr 2 of J ubtepounluls of niusurd in s li.tlc cold witer md pour it inio ;wr h.M ba.H. Alter ihe kuh... s brivk ruiniown...theii o9 so hoi lor J gtod niglu'i ictfk viifi u tonrcrm tl ubotil man-: laun. its one otiicrtive Is to f kind. strengthen the observance "! is a iNi'Mmai Hod. mid ! "obrieiy. TO THE GROCERY TRADE HAS BEEN , tdoor Grouo Plan Major pnuadon Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10. S'oii" B'lllt'ing Phone Blue .W3 1 e.inKof major impoi Uuire J en (idled for Ihe ex cu-1 Hie pru.ee Rujeri IdKi Si 'ui) fur tontvht to lav . h'r the annual general ' " Hi Baiue dinner and to lal'-sh')o;ing learns. ' lOT Ihe la3 wllmon lll . Osrusw-,1 ' preslilcnt Jim re,e,. i, r.'il an i.li.r.iet dogma, or si y t. in of iihikiM.phv, nor a way "f life. He Is life!" M' V. U n;iii siild in lemembci-ii.:; tht 't)i,, jK a unlVeiiiil we. ?; cf prayer we are reminded I hat ihe words Our Father' are: i t en. ? proof of the calltolle-: 'tv of (it J, ail men are Ills mvji He belongs to all men." In view of all these, farts. Rev. Huyen asked the con'tre-S'ail'in to remember that "Prayer must not become men's last lesort. but rather his first re-spon.sibtlily If Owl is Father, then let us tell Him our joys and our hem tai lies at once, im i not after we have cried on every, ones shoulder. Oivc Ood Ilr.it chance," The series continue, t.mlch: lit the First Bapthst Church when Hi v. Hagen will tulk mi M ",!IIIV youth and lathes REBATE ON STOCK PERMITS YOUR GROCER TO PASS ON THIS REDUCTION TO YOU ""lien ll. tores' e, n )rnp. K In nil., ,.l v. 4, . , '" non-nil ill- r weiromp. t. u . ..ii. ..ai ,n 1 , least three teams of, ' n In nrrler I.- . i SHARON'S UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION SALE: Sleepers . . . Dresses . . . All Winter Coats, ol! sizes . . Winder Shirts Sale Starts Wednesday, Jan, 1 1953 'Hit .(imi,n it trap-llOtltil1ff runn. ....... f 'y I lie nil,' l'11' nose of Of braver, prayer, ns ns opened V,w bv the V consider.. L 1 e 2 'li"'n in the necond phrase of; at the i.,..Z, ; ,s:'h U-rd's Prayer, ; Hallowed be f):i " "venue , Thy Wiime." t , on I... the outskirts ..f SEE BELOW ' f"r,,l!l'' annual game i Tl-" it :tt uty.i mountain." . lotT.t t!ie in- t caviled hl-hliUHl aj-.ttcm In thi world.. : Jhviii -"""" oi new otn-f stilt s meeting, as well the l'J53 salmon TO THE GROCERY TRADE: Rebate forms ore in the mail. Fill in your stock on hand and return the form to SALADA. REBATES WILL DE AS FOLLOWS :- ".muuth. England ih Thank You I wish to thank, my customers who patronized the Sharon Shop. I hope you will drop in to meet Mrs. J, Lorsen, the new owner. (Signed) EROWN LABEL lb. pkt. 4c per pkt. Vi lb. pkt. 2c " Ulb. Dkt. 1C ' YELLOW LASEL 1 Ib.pkt. 11c per pkt. jlb.pkt 5c " ATTENTION ODDFELLOWS lii-t:tii;iiton of ol fleers, P. nice Rupert Lodyv, No. 03, a'. 8 p.m., Tuesday, January 6 AH members and sojourning Oddfellows please attend. J. DAVIDSON, Swrotary.' TEA BAGS Per Pkr. 30's 2c " 60's 4c " 120's 8c " ORANGE PEKOE NO ' CHANGE IN PRICE K' xm uf '" iihu -"umps ! .lp. !. but the en- " Wre ft,ltr copie.s of Van Diemen s Land 2 oz. pkt. no change. '."""P. cancelled at. UJrS. r JJoL e-mr.nta ,, rM ant if -. . t1