t . Prince Rupert Caliy Newi Tuesday, January 6, 1953 Hollywood MSSfll Fly PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN Denies" Second lonq' Story PHONE 743 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD - TAKER BLACKWOOD on DEADLINE! FOR CLAoSiriEQ ADVERTISING 4:30 PM J. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY -DeporH Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. ' 'Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. : "ound'trip $27.00 iqe 3y EASLEY BLACKWOOD wood U takiim ar.other whirl at 1 Huy Lous ltgend, aithouKh i tnere ur the uitut! !n!!3 t.iat : there in any rent-mblance to the lnUi Dmisiana snauir. i Tlie laat flim which fc.mei 1ol parallel the Huey Look career j "All the Kirijj's Men." When was made, iu .sponsors clatmt'd J wag ihe kind of story which i ;could happen anywhere. Trie,. .Mr. ?uuzzy Pulls Ronchcad sLLIS AS I'lay, Won't Admit Error Mr. Muzzy plays a wrong card he often ihi. "Wfeir. it didn't make anv difference Contact QCA ... or your loco! trcvI agent -' Phone 476 local of the film was clouded, sol would appear to be even j th south. K'ov- the c:nmy brothers are fliininK ar.o:::.-r famous novel, j A I.!:?! I" I" U (i the story of an ambitious pou-; ti wno set a whole state on ear. i -Tliis Isn't Hii'-y im's story." assured Jame Cagiiry. who is, piayini? tb lead.MK role It's the j-iory or an um.rupulous nnii- itlelan who u.v whatever means necessary, to further hU e are-r. "Ai tually, the wh-ile storv takes f 4' my. v. ' i ' . 1 ' 1 fr. i i r J i t ' v V' s . 7k -4 is i . 1 . . I . ' I iit" - - i a le '1 "I ' u v . ' .) r.. ; , H . , 1 : , if h t AlKl'r v. When uses the a what I jdayed." Somttimes - There is a certain situation Aiteie better piuyeis loan Mr. M; - ??y figure that their playl makes no difference. I refer toi the casP where vr.y Brc ainine! cn t;ie u.rt ct dummy and your) partner leads a small trumn j sy you bss the doubletonj liUM,n or doubleum jack and! (iummy has two or three low I car;lg in ue ,uit. Do you auto-! . ! i-,i.. o.. -! deciarer has a long trump suit inciuamg an ine otner non- ors i.as !s often ihe easel, it is true that playing your honor will make no difference as far as taking this particular trick Is concerned. But what about later tricki? Usually it is better to play low in this situation especially where you are short in a side suit which declarer will apparently try to ruff In dummy. Today's deal Is an illustration this principle. Mr. Abel won the first trick with the king of j diamonds. Then, to prevent j spade ruffs on the board, he I shifted to a trump. The trey j was played from dummy . and j Mr. Muzzy unhesitatingly play- the queen ! Later he stubbornly Insisted made no difference. True, if ' he had played the four spu lilac ir. tjf. lliu; fellow he .s to bo 1 governor. So he picks out a i hvavy the owner of the coltoo mill -and mates him tn butt of ihe whole campaign. Oh, he's a wily one, all rht." Capsule review: -Moulin Rouse" is a rare and beautiful arhieverni-r.t. As a piece of art. DAY (RUVTOUS ..Hiifclect to Change) ! RADIO DIAL I'tie CFPR 240 Kilocycle I 1 'il'I-.'JAV ! H M jwas 41,-4 f nr tf-w Weather H-ixirt t it ,!,-H -e-:o Otiw ! it 1IO- 1 -i ',iiiii(i liMirv 6 I.'-, il.i. k in.- Yrari , i,t A Vim; Wui. liic 'lr i; ui I it 0 t Mir ir-itl Viiifetlii 7 IO. ( : New . in 7 l:- -;: HiHitiiliiu i ;.( Enifl'5y ; Mi - NiUli.li lltll(-d is ;i - I,y ii tr H'(-rtll 8 Ml A Cutr. (,u! ai.tl A Hnnil is lt I'lili- (.nlineiil,l I u Hi Mr Miun.tni-.uit r-& its ( - nc N. w m lir N. j i, f-'uih Haua M ti'f Y.Hir fir.iva! 1 . 'rtrjilhrf K'n l Mu tc 'I Mlilnliiht tj wi.iCTf TAT ! A M 7 tut-1 14 MoMr.1l I'll k 1 WJ-1 l, Sr, WkUW tUpiirl I I. Mll-Kl (."I'M k H imi - m: Nr S !U - Ht Kli! n.iud is-. M iriHtiK K..1H! II ' Mm;iliiK llevolujiul 8 (.Vl.it 1 1. (...nrrrt V ( Hsu Nrwj nr.rl Oiinmeniary 6 1 MllilC tH( MirflTltK 0 !--- I iinr Htunal jo - M'iriilhit Vilt Ik Mu-.nt Hrinim jit so - t l.n W. k a Arutt 4 - M'hlml KU4.bii ( K ...-.-ruit f the Air 1S lt,.411Ul.ff '1 Utli. ithe Vi, iurr fo.fM.rt ;n- Miwc H-iiixi 33 lu UK 4V -4x .iiiiiiui an MfkxllM j .IT " Ul1 ., , ,. v. !j T "hu J? u 4.iT-m Ru.-.. '' JO B C 13 Si Kee In'. 1 m. The Cmcert Hour . B C Si hn.il Bf.lcat tUxlkf Luvroiax 1 .00-. R-J1 Uw You 1 ( Ttwm ;.utod Jtlai.ti.OT 4 IJ-4 Youin Man Wild t Song Miitnc MMf,'lo ' Jtf? F.( rr . , V ranks with the work of the Thousands Flee Red Germany In Illegal Migration to West ' BONN (API Ninety thousand; of thousands will bolt to the ; East Germans braved the Com-jWrest during 1953. munists' frontier "death zone"j Many will be scurrying away to win freedom in West Oer-1 from service under Russian of-many in the last six months of j fleers in the new East German 1952. More than 88.000 others : army. Since Jan. 1, 1932, more fled to beleaguered West Ber- j than 2.200 men from this Red this Is true and sometimes South duiltr Kn-f-We-r v .r.crauc ..r ( Hr. iiamii(Hf ) S- a a H 10 3 I-7 6 3 C- in g 7 4 3 .. . -i (Mr. Alwl) (Mr. U77t) S Q J B 4 2 H 7 1 It Q 4 I - A K J r--g io s 4 a O A Q J C K 0 6 2 s.miHi (Ml llra.l.l S-A K 10 7 H A KJtll D The bidding: onth West North Eat I H Dbl Pass D as Paw 4 H Pass Piss Dtol All paw Mi.a Brash .".till would have won the trick ', Bv she would not have made itv.4r eontract. When she tried to ruff a third round of spadesv J-th, dummy's 10 of hearts, Mt.jKtuzy would have been able to over-ruff with the queen. Mr, Abel could still win a spade and a club and that would be enough, As you see, when Mr. Muzzy played the queen of hearts at trick two ne was leu with the lowly four and thus Miss Brash ruffed out one of her spade los- er and wrapped up her doubled contract. Wehrmacht . have deserted to West Berlin. Since June, 1.716 have bolted to West Germany. There are good reasons why this flood of desperate migrants is expected to sweep on during 1953: Complete police rule has been clamped on East Germany. Draft-are boys are being fired from their Jobs and driven into the army. Women are being recruited to replace the young men in industry and coal mines. Politically - untrustworthy families have been forced from their border homes and deport- ed eastward for resettlement, And a warlike "death zone" has been built along the 600-mile East-West border. Russian soldiers and East German Communist police patrol constantly with orders to shoot " ' ' ' , i fay j fl Ijl pasties I r 1 e UMf Cel M Cm I professional JOHN H. BULGER C)jllllH'ltL't! John Bulqer Ltd. Third Avenue John F L. .Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:C0-5tV) Eves.: by appointment; only. '21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 . H, G. HELGERS0N LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phorre 96, Evenings Black 81)9 LING THE TAILOR Tailoring - Alteration!; and Clothes Made-tn-Measure ' 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 6C8 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert. B C. Phone 347 P.O. Eox 374 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tatored Furniture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue iis 330 2nd Ave. Vt DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe PRINCE RUPERT Luxury Sreomcr SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Writ or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. . rviVTYVvni By CHIC YOUNG BPEAC KN1VE3 J AP EASV ??r.-73r In - . Vf-ta.iV (SuSuieSS & DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Dupl iOting-Clrcular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 icrs than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Kupert, B.C. Give us your mailing list ' . W do the rest. Shipping and General' Moving, Packing, Crating, Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene whJ all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910, Phones 60 and 68 GREER tc. BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. .. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 v PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows Sharpened 215 1st Ave, W. Phone 90 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200- Broadway Cafe Chop Suey - Chow Main Open p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 O.EORC.E DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 4 and Red 127 Train Schedule STANDARD TD18 For the I art-Daily exc-cpt Sunday....8 p.m. From the East-Daily except Monday 9:Sn pja IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Ciiissnied Kates ; k.;.'.e 4 30 P"i. day pre-, t,j pubii.'B Hoil. .;. a. 3 ct'if Pf word per ii, iniii.iuuii rriuiKo 50 Jcitinn. 50 eerU, Cards 'i 'i.tnhs. Dentil N"'jUce. t.;,t!ci', Marriage aiid Arr-junrpincoti. I M.slay d-iulie prtrt, ANMu'nT I.MKNTK i i' I A C...-U Party Jan- ti:i, Ol THINKS (,..,rt'e DiivK and Mm I1, : km and family wiNh ,k l)riirs I. W. Kci-Rln. Krrcin and Oakley and rk sunt fi lor Uii'lr utten-,ii iu',', iii the lust illix-s ir mother and Kraml-Uie Life Mi. Emmelina to thru many friends uty arid Fort EuiKton ii kimlnc-is and vrii-(Itpl ( Utli OF THINKS l i.i.i!) Perkins and family tliaiik Oofturt L. W. W 8 Kerijin. and nic-ii the n r: .!!! utaff of IMp. rt G 11' r.U Ho.pital ir kiniini "..s mid attention gloved husoand and our Us'T in bit last lilnew, tliiir fre.ndn In the city rt f irit-toii fur their h and floral UlbuK't. Hpt IM "JlM?iAI..S MAS iV ('hiniiity Swcrp-i -,iM- I'iione lilue !HG. ' (6p i 'AS (iLV OL'YATT. ! Wums; and Merti iral ,. .i;, 14'J iUl Ave W-t. j Bed 11S 27 fl.ih ph'itm taken at! t h.ii'ili r s huidi'j 1 i (9pi j JiUiVS l-iurR) STUDIO j if .Hi h.i..l l'Httire tnkeinl t - hrlstmat. Iwtij't, VVed-l ! etc K ason.'.bie. 4 1 1 p 1 - -. -1 t, , i run i i I'.i name home 1 ' i t I) 1 m n e y .TC1. : 1 i .illli'i;, ( U I'hoi... j : .'1 :NKH. no-.-lhes, Kddif'i ' .Stand 10 j '.M, Machinery Cj. IJrn- fitftrlbulors hir: Mining,1 ill. Ii'iMng and Con-j ' EquitmMr.. f.nquir-ivited On-nvi:i Mand.l (ivcr 1. U.c. (tfi I ' F INr HT Ct EANPfi if'I.fX I'll Green WW (its. Fairs, servire. tel iNU, automatic nil heat-'et ni'tai work fhniw U 6tli West. Ui bill rue. in (tfl MU Klerlrical Works. Mo-'-Jiivslit, soiu, rewound and "! (tfl Taxi .'i,rvici phon 48 t" O i; Uaiiier .Shop. (l4) I'HiSON . ' Will do limivework by ' ur Phone Red Dll. i4i!t f H INI I'll J-'CMAi'k Ii TeniHirury nurf.e-f ijuir.-d for baby irirl, i month.-, while mother iiital tvuktibly perniuii-'"-iti..i. i.ive in prefer-Modcrn tij,t Ajitly lljt "ally News. ,5i H ri FRKTi'mf ' re steady emnluvment ' '1"X h3. Daily News, W ! " (HrNTa ' A('('OUNTAn'inTm7 J'list. S. O. Fuik. It'll (lino cm iu... 'MTKRV si kvui: Phono Blue 126. r .tiarRir.rf and rebulld-""rlc r.uAianted rl tAliS I )11saT.k " i.e-4": it. III II... . , I7pl Chevrolet '52 li- Panel. Apply 909 lst Avr 9pl SAI,E 1QV cijui, Srrtan Pi.iu. -..i . ' Sacrifice at 11,000 S!" chase price Phone 667 I 'n Ml pm. fvcnlnp.s, 6 'OR SAI.I? K'8toek and 'j 11 Invoice prlw. Hest n in eltv. No trifleM, 1 1 Bx 587. Daily News. (81 A Z ?ry klndllnn ' livery. Phone TMC ' ALE HollunhnM ff.'J..1! J2 BKKar iIaf(. Grp,n vninc " uner l p.m. (6pi HfLtiS (sootlessj coal I"" 651. J'hllpott, Mil. Evltt & (c) FOR SALE FOR SALE Urge Chin Carvrd Cfmphor Wood elst I'liune hi.ick 3a6 ii,! MK HALL-Orey buby btlrj'V $20 0!). lliuf HI. 1-OK BALK Aincri -an lulihu1 bout "AI)ilA." u-rn'lh 5ir bi.im 13', (10 II P. "ATLAS" 1 DIENI.L. Interior of engine-room and forecastle damaged tv fire. Pilot hirnw rle.uroycU Main i-iiK'iu- now placta m K'Hd running onit r. '1 rrult-r will he received by (in- under. muni lip to tioOII, January 10, tf:, tor 111 pu'- IM," subject to owner debts to reject any of nil bids f Vcwl muv be wen and Inspected id at tie Canadian Fli 10 and fold KUirufie Im kn, ht ul i hi Cove, and information obtained III from 11 Ward, M irlne SiK-j 1 vevor. Phone 6H0 or Red l!if,, 1 Prince Pupcrt. IK.', I 12 -II Ward. 'Hi I OK KKN'T K')K RKNT-fileepinR room. 5-id 6th Kst. i5m i FOR KKNT Sleeping room I Blue 02. 141 : ICR KENT Office spnre m fire proof building. Immediate oc-rnpanejr. Phone 8(17. 181 10 Hi K)l Kf- NT-.Sleeping room r Iom-' III In tilt Beach Place Phone 10 Blue i 11 11 ftJK KKNT Koom und Iv.ai d or ' 11 kitchen pi IviU ei -t, 1323 8' hi II F.ast P.O. Box ia 'Up' I 11 II tOR HKNT-2-room rabln f-tiit-l fblr for working rouple Apply! 7th Went. I ltoi i ' i flirt niux i Bleeping room on Ut'ht hou.'keepmg room, 5 '1 west 8th. (gpi TAXIS And Tlt lNMritS Srort the New Year Right Change to BLACK and WHITE For a Clean, Dependable Taxi Service, Coll 65. rvrrttnikily Why ii-t n-f CITY TRANSFER Long Distance Furniture Movers OR ATI NO and PACKING Fl'RNITVKE B10RAOK Ilnusrhold Effects Moved to or front any point in B C. Phone 950 First Ave. and Millrkie WANTMI TO KENT YdUNO COUPLE, no children, dcnircs 3-rom furnish'-d suite Or n 268, (9pi WORKINO COUPLE require smali house u rent. Write Box 5ftS Oaiiy News. iSpi WANTED Four- or five-room house. Blue 331. ( 12pi SINGER SEWINO CENTRK rent portable inaclUnes. Phone 1194. c ANT.U CASH for acrap Liasa, . copper, batteries and radlutors. Phone M3. Call 30 6th Avenue West City lN Tiri TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copjier, lead. etc. Honest grading Prompt payment made Atlas Iron li Metal Ltd . 260 Prior ttt Vancouver, DC. Photip PAHfir 6357. H REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Wartlma Four In good condition. Phone Green j 062 after 6 pm. (9! house for sale Beach! Grove, Vancouver. New house, two bedrooms, wardrobe, linen cupboards, modern Hollywood style fireplace, up to flat kitchen, bathroom. Front and back porches One b'ock from golf course. Fifty yards from good bathing beach. Close to store, school and public swimming pool. Vancouver bus passes house. Further information Box 589 Dally News. t5pi WHY PAY RENT $2000 cash gives you Immediate possession of this four-loom bungalow, completely furnished. Purt basement, patent roof. Priee $4200. $1750. cash buys this new four-room hunpulow. cement posts, fully Insulated. Pembroke bathroom." Close to city centre. Price $5750. Immediate possession. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Black 197 evening .. ' subject it portrays, Toulouse-ITlauirec. The flav6r of Paris in 18'jos, ii captured convincing by the gi thus of John Hus-; of ton. Jus Ferrer is precis and authentic it the dwarfvd artUt, and the supporting ca-st u studded (with memorable performances. (There is little that can be criticized i about tills film. Some of j ed vor ui ninaiit Kfnrs arc over-j i.-'.iK, hou die w y i nui always i. . pleasant to those who dislike; realism. But the film remains a1 triumph for Huston, who hasi reached the peak of his creative' powers I h i 'J? "VI. A . v ; - S-V' CITED BY Ql'FEN Cpl Jean Baptiste Trudel. 31, of Levis, Que., has been awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queen's New Year 'honors' list. He was cited for skill in the maintenance of aircraft and devotion to duty which "contributed immensely to the efficiency with which the Korean airlift has been conducted." Cpl. Trudel, is stationed at Haneda air base in Tokyo. (CP from National Defence) Centenary Coin SALISBURY. South Africa P Sliver crown coins nre to he MO WINNER Lieut. F. R. Freeborn of Calgary receive the Military Class froin Oovernor-Oeneral Vincent Massey. Lieut. Fipetxirn Is on the staff of the Royal Military College at KKMon, Ont His citation said he directed th laying of a minefield under heavy fire from Communists in Korea Nov. 5-9, 1951 and his "bravery, ciol iess In the fare of heavy enemy interference, ami determination to complete the task was an Inspiration to hU mei.H (CP from National Defence i lin. This illegal migration may swell to even more fantastic figures in the new year. Increasing the heavy economic burden on West Germany and heightening its security problem. With the Communist vise tightening on the 18.0C0.000 East Germans, officials of the Bonn government forecast that tens LONDON (CP A man la custody for -'loiterins with Intent to commit a felony" was said ii j have carried a revolver, a still-etto J and a walking stick which i ?ould bo extended Intc an 11-foot ladder. j I SWALLOWFIELD, England (CP) Maj. David Treharne. who died ; leaving property valued at 7i,- ; 828, bequeathed 1200 to the pro- i prietors of kennels at nearby BUrgniieia on tuiiuiuun mo look after his eight-year-old fox ter. ler for me. USED CAR BUYS 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan, Fleetline . $1250 1941 CHEVROLET 5-passen-ger coupe $600, :950 MORRIS Minor convertible S650 1952 1 1 4-TON COMMERCIAL pickup (newi $1850 HEPPNER MOTORS Phone Qreen 605 Mt Bride Street BLONDIE 'X . i 1 tf v i 11, v. - I j w it- ..t , f r J i . . 4"( t , ,r t V, . ,4 t. t ' ? ( ' 1 . ' ; L- i 1 r ' e- Turpin Angles For Title Bout LONDON (APi Randy Tiir-ptn, iTirnni!! at a pniible w.irld middleweight title fight in the .summer of 1953, has .signed for two bouts in his finht-a-month training campaign. On Jarj. 19 Hi former world champion meets Dennis Powell. Wei h liKht-henvyweipht champion, aa on Feb. 13 Turpin will jight an overweight matcn aunin.'t South Africa's Dtrsjrir-Miller. HE.Ii. iiSTATE HARBOR VIEW IOT Close to schools, hospital and downtown 65 by 150 feet. Priced for quirk talc with terms if desired. Armstroiitr Airenoies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197, evenin ts (5) FOR SALE Immediate occupancy nicely decorated four-room Wartime house, insulated, with storm windows on 7th , Avenue East. Electric range, oil heater, Venetian blinds. Full price $4,200 Terms. Furniture as new, for i sale. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Avenue. Phone (91 IIMIIIR SMfc XSSS3S BcbImI ti-mlers will be received by inr miuw-wr in ohtow nuri, lir- not inter than 11 m. ou (ha anih rtiw or January, loss, fnr the ' pitrchuse of Lli-cnre XMKIt, to rut CIO ooo ruhlr feet of Sprut-e, Hcm-k.k . i-l Ctdur ou an area comixu-Ine viicitnt frown land, slltmtctl on the easf rm at Dawson Creek. Queen (.Hanoi i !iiiu vioi-ii. i Five (5) yeti-i will be Allowed for removal of timber, pur her particular of the Chief rVrenter. Vlemrl. BC, or District Fireier, Prlnre Rupert, BC. (D39.J0) No Trouble for a Good Man gs!lssu,, ta mar1' Rhodes ccn- t Tht HANDLE v ( IS GENUIME BOKZ ) -S VO THE 9'.AD5 -L. IS FINES -Is it v 7 n . : I r-iin.Y veuuraiioiis ana exniol-i tion of 1953, Th coin will haw th uncrowned e-ffiev of rh Queen on the front with the in- w oP.,n. - l'P""" - 'Quecn Elizabeth the Second." The reverse side will have an effigy of Ci-cil Rhodes. KARACHI (CPi Pakistan ha nearly doubled its production Of textiles during the last 'our years. From 88.000.000 yardstn 1948, production rose annually to the present rate of 175,000.000 yards, r n, -'-,' MrtkjJ , .y. TTy?f??! .,nir