BIGGER DEVLLoI'MENT Continued from Page 1) V. IS, Agency Plans Aid to Women Workers Prince Rupert Daily News U"U wr villi Unless welt merit." ave 'libit As I See it liie uppoltuuilj, lu luv, alll tl "Mark your first vote for Mr McRae and give the other free enterprise party candidate the second choice. "We must develop the Peace River country too," said the at-tornev-peneral "Wo ,.n . Wednesday, May 21, 1952 country Is ,t dream,. Now ,ct": An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Ctinpdian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited J. P. MAOOR. President H. Q. PERRY, Vice-President - v nave uii una gas there and there's enough ft to lnct lit, n ln. tt to run things" and said "Social Credit n?ver was and is not even now being practised in that province." Then, he took a dig at the Progressive Conservative party method of drawing up a policy. DIGS AT TORIES "At their convention in Vancouver recently, they pushed through a platform In four hours 1 "But o ct 1U1I5 tunc. "1 herp's nn t-rw, f., 1 . f fV.J ft , l J Of ni ore a4 f 111 J Kress h ,...'1,rlintY Wf J , ' ft i i unjoin in L ttre Boing aheacl "w - "t.U.e wl .... - - Subscription Rates By carrier Per week, 25c; per month 1 00; per year, (10 00 Bv mail Per month. 75c; per year $800. Authorised as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. 6 J ''( ' l I 1 ,-. j k$ p f K. --" H'. j-p - Can Liberals Last? Dishonesty in the Services m RADIOS REFRIGERATORS TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS ETC, I ; . 'i i OTTAWA: Candor compels me to report that one reason why the parliament of 1952 is less exciting and colorful than the one' I first saw in 1115, or those of, say, 1525 r 1933, is because the liberals nave things so much their own wav. The Liberal regime has been in power now lunger than any other save one in history. Tha old master Siv John A. Mucdim-ald came in in 1879 and his party went out in 1H96. But here to have an investigation made of the AMOVE federal defence organization, with particular reference to fraud and thefts was thrown out in the House of Commons Monday. I. Perhaps these irregularities in Army personnel behaviour as reported in the news of late can be explained, but they do not indicate that Canadian military men are less trustworthy than any other class of citizen. The large-scale thefts of government property does indicate, however, that there is more opportunity for that kind of thing in the public service than in private industry, because government prop aft'?r, only brief discussion. j "They actually spent two i hours getting it through and '' then spent two hours patting ! each other on the back for u fine Job. I "Well, they may think it's sound, but you'll find it pretty weak all the way." Speaking of reports of a split in Liberal ranks, Uie attorney-general said, "Mr. Johnson is the leader and everyone is behind him." "That's one thing about the Liberal party. We reserve the right to disagree and we do plenty, but that's tlw only way to reach a decision. We don't push policy through like these others." I'KAISKS McRAE Mr. Wismer praised Jack Mc-Rae, Liberal member for Prince Rupert in the last legislature, who is seeking re-election. "It was through Mr. McRae'a efforts that we brought down some very Important amendments to the Labor Act and the Liberal party, at Us convention l ist month, approved in principle these amendments." "Thj Liberals regard Mr. Mc-Rae as one of the fnet men that has come out of the north coun Rupert Radio I Ekk A prupusjl tu grant at least 12 weeks maternity leave before and alter t'oiitiurment tu women workers in industry, commerce and utiier nun manual jobs will be considered by (overment, worker ami employer delegates at the general conference of the International Labor Organization (ll.O), next June. Under the proposal, work-1 ing moCliers like the one above would receive cash beneHtg as well as pre-natal, confinement and post-natal care. Benefits would be paid by compulsory social insurance or out of public fund. I is a remarkable amerene erty is probably less zealously guarded than private Wnen Macdonaid died in i8ifi ..,-,. ms party oegan uj go w piecta When King passed off the scene the ljbera- -ariy went ahead with no sigfi whatever of a an emotional issue when the atmosphere is electric enough. That was just four years before a f f "-- Less Taxes Help Auto In private industry the rule is "attend to business or go bankrupt." All responsible officials know ; this. . r.". Executives know that their own prosperity They say the one thing in f4'1''" sta8ed .a mammoth pub lie meeting to celebrate Tim Buck's return when the ban on tlus world you can't beat is the law of averages. The law of I f fipnpnrlsi nn thp nrnsneritv of their emnlovei'S. and averages should be workin him was lifted. r1 Exports r ' against the federal Liberals now. v i W:.. .i i- oi t imk uitEAi contrauiction o ' SsA3 "A Olll., 11 u, (.uric .- no aibn i:.i i r-Mt.. j . i. ,1 it. The by-elections may give some surprises. But this government dies not act to me like one that thinks it might be beaten next year. What ic nuiro irk thp nriint. the CC'F is the advance guard! f tTT" "r'","' V""'1 In Canada and rt-They or left wing of the Liberal party. I restrictions Action of the excise tax on urge today what Uberals automobiles from 2 cent per p enact tomorrow. All but one of two of the CCF MPs are liberals,' P'F fe"1 ?re expe5t6ft.L p ' V, 7 10 try. He is one of the best debaters In the house and ia well versed in affairs of the entire: province." "Mi. McRae asked me to speak to you on many things. Among them the benefits of the Hospital Insurance Act." J HOSPITAL INSURANCE ",la" dbiuiicc - ut - i;uiniia Yet the the OpposiUon parties do not without,th capitf L' mey act accuiumgiy. ;" In the government service there is no such incentive to do one's best, for government enteric prises don't go bankrupt. No matter how inefficient T they are, they always have the taxpayers to fall '-back on to make up any losses that might arise out ;of their negligence. ' These are things we should think of when we '"are asked to entrust our industries into the hands f of the government. DUiue. vJ:. act hke groups which really " " 7 Automobile associations, trade , Saskatchewan where it it is . ' , war v,,-,o in ,,( cnri nuortiimoj , hope to upset and ovei throw Journals' newspapers and a between the Liberal the government. .2! board of trade spokesman here and CCF machines. all welcomed the Canadian gov- The Social Crediters, of course, will be the subject oai address by importance of Voting YET the picture could change are (with one exception) Con-, ernl?fnns A7nr,Lin.v ' ,L by next year. Suppose the servativeS-and the mast right 1 :ouW ,almost f rti) n CCF were to be beaten in Sask- wlng. not left wing, of the Con-j Eha,rpt1"" n Brlllh C8r atehewan. Or suppose (some- servatlve party at that. pons to vanaaa. thing more improbable) that The best thing that could1 Shipments to Canada sagged Social Credit were to sweep B.C. happen for Canada would be to last summer when inslalment-Either one of the above upsets get things back to the sincere buying restrictions were made would have profound effect in two party system Unfortunate-1 more severe. Cars already sent the federal field of politics. cnada were returned here iy we .seem to be moving to-lto Any marked gain for Social wards the French system of,for fe-P"rt. At the end of Credit Drovinciallv in B.C. will nh-,n r,. u,rH H.-iticW to,,.. 1 1851. British sales in Canada HON. NANCY HODGES Mr. Wismer said hospital In-' .u ranee is very necessary and "lik. anything else that's new, there's bound to be complaints at the start." Only two hours before Mr. Wismer's address, Mr. McRae spoke over the radio from his hospital bed in Vancouver Oen-eraj Hospital, outlining treatment he has ivcelved through the hospital insurance. He told how "all these heavy expenses are borne by the hospital Insurance and are available to everyonq. Mr. Wismer urged electors to re-elect Mr. McRae. lie then urged listeners to use their prerogative in voting this year under the new alternative voting system. "Vote for a free enterprise party . . . the party in which lies totalled fewer than 40 cars a month compared with 8,597 In ! May the same year. . strengthen ueorge urew s way-road stability. chances of winning the federal election of 1953. That is not because of the implications . of f,lrQ. CAf!n4u Mr. Solon Low's remark in par- VaUnter JOtlUly liament a few days ago that the T t". Opposition parties should gtt.,wK MuvlU Speaker of the House Thursday -2:45 400 p.m. IiiM-rtcd by Liberal Cimpaign Comroitut The increased Canadian pur-chaws now expected may help to make up for loss of markets elsewhere in the Commonwealth, THE secret ballot is the lifeblood of democracy. It 1 is our shield against political oppression. So long Z as we have this right, we maintain the power to Tchoose the kind of government we desire. Z'Z But if we lose this right, we loose freedom. More than 9,000 citizens in the Prince Rupert .-. riding are on the voters' list. They have the opportunity to exercise their right June 12, day of the -.'British Columbia provincial election. Every eligible voter who is physically able to do so should cast his or her ballot. Not to vote is an indication that we do not appreciate our rights. This is very dangerous, for we may lose them and our freedom. together. It is because any ma- : ! particularly In Australia. in : The Austin Comnanv. lareest uifU t- ..tin : iters in B.C. must be at the long """"'6 u' i , Canadian supplier, nas aeciaea range of the Liberals, .Rulrt Slety exrcS to exniblt tlle Austin Seven as who are the dominant federal ' ef "ubscrJbe the,r quot;l b s the A40 Somerset at the party. I am far from sure that George Drew's chances of win lu o'1"1- , Vancouver motor snow starting I Quota is $2000. They now June 16. Twenty British motor have $2814.68, said Campaign firms will be represented at the .Manager V. C. Stevenson today. Canadian National Exhibition in ning the 1955 election are as slim as one might imagine from 1 Ca"lpuigni"g ended April 30- Toronto In August. Everv Canadian voter is free to cast his ballot the atmosphere at Ottawa, stui i , .... , , , . , . less do I figure, that the public " 1UI ally LilllUlUdLC UI jJUllLlCttl JJcll iy Ul Illft cnuiut. The' all-important thing is that he vote! opinion polls accurely show up the chances. The latest figures show that the Liberals have , about 44 per cent of popular support and the Conservatives only 31 per cent. But if you adJ together Conservative and Social Credit support you get quite Scripture f-aisage for iJoJaij "God ihall supply all your need." Phil. 4:19. VOTERS LIST Now avoi'able or J. D. McRae's Committee Rooms (Next to Royal Bank) Check to see if your name is on - f - - Wfurf Smoothness 1 ESSO and ESSO EXTRA-therVs no better buy! Backed by Imperial Oil's 72 years of refining experience ... by the most extensive research . . . the most modern refineries. Buy anywhere in ( . Canada at the sign that says quality tb JSSO siira. " " " : ' a different picture. , words, it is forbidden to pour It seems certain that George' anything, with the exception o Drew still holds the same ideas gasoline, into one's tank. about banning the Communist party and all its fronts which IT'S WELCOME he held in 1949. Would such a ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces Black topping is at last making platform gain him votes or low-more of an appearance in the him votes in the developing business district, although this WOrld situation? Would it help does not apply to 2nd and 3rd him crack the solid Liberal front Avenues. The short streets, tor in QUebec in 1953 as Bennett example, are being taken care of. cracked it to bring down t he-Yesterday, 5th Street was fin- Liberals in 193C ished Instead of roughness, and Tne politicians nere might a scattering of hundreds of good remembcr the astonishing Mitch sized stones at the corner of 2nd Hepburn somersault of 1937. Th- Glad I suitched. How long the blocks of concrete, formerly part of the wartime warehouse in the railway yard will remain where they are, no one appears able to tell. ,v.., .v. i, .,, ,m then premler of Ontario was n FRIDAY May 23rd, 1952 WILL BE OBSERVED AS "CITIZENSHIP DAY" IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. H S. WHALEN, Mayor. ,u"n "ru " ' in V " ",t"-e, T a nasty jam with his own party of size and w-eight .u they could be, ahke to anyone on foot or in car. ag' wno were m reDellion Uil""1r"n; Mitch's tampering with the PIODUCT5-OF IMPEIIAl Oil S :r.:r.":, , Z? WOKING WOKING Eneland England (CP)-Her- (CP) Her- always-sleeping always-sleeping furies furies of tlw af the first president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. bert King did not appear In court S(,parate scho1 Question. ,,. . ... ,1 Mitch abandoned the separ- :neni:w,vsb,I, overnlghl ana went to the province on a snap much over a iarra wivn iuu pigs, election platform to "Keep tht- Communistic CIO out of Can and 200 chickens, and if I leave them I shall be liable to a fine for cruelty to animals." ada." Whatever else he did, he showed what you can do with (fan The Air Force A frame, two storey building, j containing Mr, Hays' realty ana i brokerage office, with residence, 1 and other wooden premises once I stood near where today there's 1 nothing much save ungainly ; looking chunks of cement. One , whistling cold morning every stick burned down. The only change since then has been the 1 arrival of what will once again, I be building material. Anyway it i should be, for the stuff has never been anything else. PHONE 210- Recruiting Offier Citizens Ceremonial Day Concert Fourteen divorce application'! were awarded at the May A-slze in Prince Rupert. There was one in 1868 and that was for will b a the . NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFflCt Forlhal New RANGE, REFRIGERATOR I WASHER or SMALL APPLIANCE I G. E. KETTLE NOW !4-50 all CJanada. How the country grow. in Home coming troops from China wear a touch of color. Vancouver's cheering thousands, Sunday, saw plenty of blue and white, and blue and yellow, in-' i dicatlng the United Nations as the erect ranks marched smartly past. PRINCE RUPEKi MAY 23 and 24 TO INTERVIEW YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN INTERESTED IN AVIATION - FRIDAY, MAY 23 - 8:00 P.M. at the Civic Centre EVERYONE WELCOME Special invitation to immigrants and new citizens ADMISSION FREE : Northern B.C. PowerCo. Ltd. Ynur Care Phone 210 ' Comes word that in some sec-l tions of the west, the license of an automobile driver is taken I away should he be found under i (the Influence of liquor. In other Besner Block Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C.