JLpilaf WloL Prince Rupert Daily iNewi Wednesday, May 21, 1952 ron fo operative Home 'or Elderly Women .Voves Successful Cjiucn arewelt - J 250 Visit Dental Clinic Figures given out officially at the regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Preventive Dental Clinic told of success of the scheme to date. Pupils of Grade Q:ie, from VITAL ARTERIES HISTORIC CHAMBER Close to 30 000,000 tons of j The first parliament of Up-freight were moved by boat per Canada met at Niagara-on-tbrough Canadian canals last! the-Lake, Ont., in September, year. ! 1792. Special to the Dally News TERRACE. Twenty-six guests attended a farewell tea for ML " 1. .1,. i;.i 1 1 , . Souvenir Gifts For Visitors Handsome souvenir gifts of "Totem Pole" spoons were given to each of the 11-member tourist hureau team Monday night at the Chamber of Commerce executive eounc dinner. - , Gifts were a personal gestuie by Hugo Kraupner, chairman of the Chamber tourist committed. Following (he meeting the nine women and two men, including Mayor Harold Whalen and Chamber representatives drove out to Mr. Kraupner's summer home at Prudhomme Lake. TORONTO C-An experiment j co.opcriUive Jiving for old jifsnns undertalfen In January, gi at Hill House ha been so instill that Its sponsor, the j,, Grcenshields Memorial DRESS PUMPS 'jme, Pliins to Pe a second .), home. J 4 i , 1 Borden Street, Conrad. Annun-j elation and King Edward schools,! are taken each Wednesday tore-j noon to the dentists' offices and examined and given necessary; attention. More than .80 child- j ren have had their teeth treated,' and as some have visited the 1 dentists thive or four times, more than 250 visits have been; O. Keswick, matron at Terrace Hospital, who leaves next week for her home in New Brunswick. The tea, arranged by the Ladies Auxiliary o the hospital, was served on the lawn , at the home of Mrs. Ivan Frank, auxiliary president. Miss Keswick was presented with a corsage of spring flowers. v Mrs. Sandover-Sly, recent bride of the Royal Bank manager, was also favored with a corsage. Vis. G. F. Boyer, president of I .. i1 ' Ah- ' ro&. j Just Arrived LADIES' WHITE AND COLORED SHOES Former Old-timer Re-Visits City Jack Miller, who has not been In Prince Rupert for about 31 years, arrived here yesterday on his way north. He has a son in the United States Army and will visit him in Anchorage, Alaska, where he is at present stationed. Mr. Miller, who makes his home in San Francisco, formerly lived in Prince Rupert and many old timers will remember him. Once he operated a cigar store, and served as a timekeeper at the cold storage plant. I A !,.,, made. " Care of pre-school six-year-old children U to 'follow. Included among recent donations was a cheque from the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion. Ae few other organizations have yet to forward their promised donations. A letter of congratulation from the Unit Boaid of Health on the organization of the local clinic was read. Co-operation of parents in supplying transportation lor the children from the schools to the dental offices and the help given by parents in escorting the children to and from the i-linlc war. "greatly appreciated." Those present at the meeting were John 8. Wilson, chairman; Frank Dvny, secretary-treasurer; Mesdamex L. M. Greene, S. Anderson, A. Bussanich, A. Hulli-day, E. Becker, W. Uowes, J. Bowman and Dr. Duncan Ulack and Di. Munthe. Fashion Footwear - ........ .. &. v Hospital Men Arrive For Conference Lloyd Detwlller, commissioner of British Columbia Hospital Insurance Commission, will arrive by plane tonight In time to open the northern division hospitals' conference here tomorrow. Mr. Detwiller will be joined by Percy Ward, executive secretary of B.C. Hospital Association, arriving by steamship tomorrow, and by other area hospitals' representatives. Conference, which opens at 9 a.m. at the Civic Centre, is expected to discuss regional standardization of salaries, collec home's board of manage-j, ( nld the annual meeting swi'tly that the new home al-iv has a waiting list of j,'.;'lv women. Further, the ju'rch of England In Canada Is f impressed by the results Sieved at Hill House that it jii. to sponsor similar homes Ja iliocesan project. J;,:; HuiKf was undertaken to fit the theory of its founders mt single women of limited fans can live together econo-fr.illv and happily on a co-native basis, sharing both the sp. nscs (or the upkeep and the Aking and other household Jtrs. wv stalled with 10 ladies and but one of the original Is still ,tiihe home," said Mrs. Boyer. ft n of the ladles look after the (iking each week which means 3' each one's turn conies every ,tf weeks." '.jjlir.KATE RENTALS .uh guest pays $25 a month her room except for two jiiis on the top floor which are fed at $JU In addition each fiiibuics $5 weekly to the gen. purse for food. U i. Boyer said the women are fi'iitted complete freedom of isvi-ment and the home Is 0i -iy a residence, not a super institution. They take part intside activities and each has f own key They have separate . s. but share the well-fur Hi'd sitting room and the i s and garden. r, addition the women of Hill ai e are permitted to entertain si r- friends at tea and may Hi- guests for dinner for a f 'inly 25 cents. The SWEATER Ql'EKN Betty Nerien. 19. five-foot. nine-Inch girl from Clarkson. Ont., has been voted Canada's "SweaU-r Quee V In the finals of a country-wide competition. Second of the 10 finalists was Fernande- Gtrpux of Quebec City. Betty bor l In Lethbrldge, Alta, won a complete wardrobe, trips to Montreal and New York and a week's holiday in Jamaica. The contest (sponsored by the Gralld'mere Knitting Co.) attracted 1,400 entries. , ,pt unni'Ai The label to loolt for when eating out or Jill) tions and credit, X-ray charges and labor policies. Prince Rupert General Hospital will be represented by D. C. Stevenson, administrator, and board members. Terrace Guides Hold Mother-Daughter Day Special to the Daily News TERRACE. A Mother and Kissing Couple Irks Neighbors in your home SLOUGH, England (CPi The Weekly Star prints a fea- Neighbors got up a petition to rfii.. . j. Daughter banquet sponsored by u.a, u. uovem poies at stop a young couple Jn this Buck-Kitwancooi, near Prince Rupert, inghamshire town mm k. FIRST USAGE First application of the rule in the Canadian parliament was in May, 1913, debate on a naval bill. I good-night over the garden gate. A large gathering of friends l ne petition asks that a home 1 Vin fnnnrl ... r 1 m m a , 1 he home of Mrs. Jack McRa? c . "u lul mr. "i irs. aruiur me Guides was held Thursday at the Credit Lnion Hall. The Guides entertained their mothers. Each guide introduced her mother to the group and presented her with a corsage, after which a lovely supper was enjoyed. The toast to the Queen was proposed by Guide Joan Gaven. The toast to the mothers was "roposed by Guide Barbara Hagen. and was fittingly replied to by Mrs. A. J. McColl. last night, following the acn. 1 ie 80 ,tnev won 1 have to say ijy Attorney-General Gordon Bo-n'Bht at the gate. Wlsmer at Civic Centre. I For the four Vears of their ! married life, both have been liv-Among guests were Mr. Wismer ' ing with their respective par-and two visiting newspapermen 'ents because they cannot find a Jack Webster of the Vancouver house of their own. They have un, ana u Arcy Marsh of the iwo children Province. The newsmen are ac The petition has been referred 1 X V 'tie cost for board and room 4 each resident Is about $50 bw. Buyer said that when Hill K. was oened it was felt it could well be the fore---r of similar establishments. led on the principle that iy persons capable of func m tig independently should not ':;i;iit in institutions. It was I. she .said, that the success liill House would establish a (in lrich wilt be followed only by the ulla Oreen- ids Foundation but by other nizations as well. companying Mr. WLsmer on his northern tour. to the local council by Fenner Brockway, a Labor member of parliament. 7- ! T. Norton Youngs, district Liberal Association president, Allen Armstrong, Liberal cam Washington M ' V paign manager, and Gordon Wlsmer, B.C. attorney general, drove to Terrace today for a Time to Give Your Home a Lift BECKBURY, England (CP) Lt.-Col. Byford Jones told a meeting 111 this Shropshire town that ridicule is ruining the Homo Guard. His appeal that radio comedians be a.sked to avoid "malicious humor" concerning, the organization was backed by' Home Guard commanders. j special meeting and will return Vote ... J. D. AAcRAE LIBERAL CANDIDATE Prince Rupert Electoral District readers 't ynur strawberry plants dahlia bulbs at the Rotary Country Store. . (120c) College Elects Laila Husoy i (Special to the News) j CHENEY, Washington Joan Coffey, Pendleton, Oregon, has been elected president of Eastern Washington College's chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, educational honorary. ! Vice-president is Laila Husoy, Prince Rupert, B. C Others elected Include Marilyn Daugh- tonight. Roy Mackenzie, formerly a member of the Dally News staff, is back from a visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. MacKen-zle, whose home city is Vancouver, is impressed by developments going on in Prince Rupert and Skeena. George Furniotis arrived a i with MODERN FURNITURE from Gordon & Anderson ' Phone 46 Vote Liberal June 12th To the Thrifty Housewife Get your Hollvwood Patterns All Ur.si;;.is and sizes at the Rotary Tea Country Store A Nickel a Piece vnVERTlSINO IN THK OAiLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS few days ago from Toronto and will be here for the summer, the f L,- 1 1 I r it: . . ''1 j I n - II Im., r , 0 v I, t '. - ! ill ; .V ! : guest of his parents, Mr. andierty, Spokane, secretary; Kent Varty, Spokane, treasurer; Mr. Mrs. John Furniotis, First Ave intention all Elks Don't t't our social Friday night, $1 00 per coupled Mera-I and iiussu only. (122c) I f "hard Sephton, of the Mu-I ufr Uf Canada, Is In the on mi,,. 0f nis periodical I Phune Savoy, 37. (tf) frHINWBKFORE YOU VOTE! ?"tin People everywhere T wlUl the policy of the I '"ssivc Conservatives, (ltc) I Jane Morgan, Spokane, histor-tan." Advisor to the group is Omer Pence, faculty member. nue, and Second Street. He is Interested in photography, and has been In Toronto for about two years. C. H. Orme, campaign manager for the Progressive Conservatives, spoke .' over the air 't miss hearing Tom tie, your PifjressfvV 'Coft last evening. Mr, Orme,; who Make iiicald into somcilliiiig special pave ranriiriatn "nv )too (ItC) established business in Prince Rupert 44 years ago, described the lender, Herbert Anscomb, cabinet members in the former coalition cabinet, and the. candidates in this riding. Pr,n't miss 01 (IIP VrtQf 'TKnr.n.. l ". 2 .30-5 p.m., at the Civic Hire. Mi n's Fashion Show and f Prizes, (120c) SERVE 1 ! iff ?;tenti(. HI. T.nHiocI Pnmom- ''fl's Koturv Ton TViiiro. To compliment yoiir good taste ., . . a distinguished selection of fine, Canadian Rye Whiskies and Sterling; London Dry Gin. 4 I Mllv. 22. at Civic Centre. M"' 's. Country country stor store i I -wens , Fashion Show. (120c ) 1-0 SimpljTOfdw whatever food fleases yoij the most and then add, ... ice-cold Coca-Cola.': Enjoy it right in the bottle. This WHEN yOU SERVE ' CtfEESE . The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited New Westminster, B. C. 'utterless iMOH m INOtlSH QUAUTY USTARD 5AUCE lceunu $ k 1 UCIOUS VITIIIS I lEMN MUSTARD SAUCI ln!onDaVe,!C,a1b ""kin. liquid r .iiu simmer du ;.i cup. p .... at S I -"H II , 25 ym U&Hv1 DIGESTIVE Mi 11 L s i mwm i U"' C'"W"' Mu..v i '"""poonwlt EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY UltlUte IMTUXI AM MmiB M MM m 1 faim? II ng of Ml CANADIAN WHISKV " nonnini 1 11. i ?zr,i,m,n"" 14 OllkCO IN IOND SLju e-L-im fun., j. uid?idieftt into veKwbU .a."d PuUr V" " ,0- with fist-tckt? 'M bKk,et "rite to W3 DEFTJ u. V Ad, Si.. tunu W"f hdml S.l mi lull rM t S "'n T, Montreal. MADI tV PEEK FREAN'S The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited has greatly Increased its facilities over the past few years and has built up its stocks to keep pace with the rapidly growing demand fur its products both at home and in world markets an expansion program that keeps pace with British Columbia growth and prosperity. 'Authoilud bottlW of Coe-CoU und.r oontraot with Coca-Cola Ltd. NORTH STAR BOTTLING VORKS Phone 133 . rrinre Rupert, B.C. This odvertisement It not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board o.t by the Government of British Columbian