1 i j i fhuViNCIAL LIBRARY REMEMBER CITIEN' PROVINCIAL LIE.?.Y, IB 169 1 Vtr;! I DAY MAY 23 CTCRIA, E. C. i:a 2 ORMES 1 pj DRUGS r DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND tENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I V . rr CABS nrrk Published et Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' Phone Phone 81 81 j fl)ll IMN"fl 1 vuu aw, no. 120 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS w Ii V. wen'-' Hi m if bin Mil ssing u IColt Bigger Development in Store For BC, Says AG Calls For Free Enterprise Support Construction of a gas pipeline through northern B.C. "in many ways is a bigger thing than the $6oOr 000,000 Alcan development," according to 3-C's ascription Four Bodies Found Search Continues anadian Ice: Claxlon attorney-general. iti'Al. CP iMieuce V ? I III III III fcW.ffln-Y-VifMdl clHxton told the Can-ion Tuesday Canada ..Minutely protected by No Sign of Wreckage I5MXINGHAM (CP) Wind whipped wake one of Puet Sound's worst yachting tragedies has revealed the bodies of four of seven persons who were aboard a 35 foot sailing sloop Prelude when it van MANAGING EDITORS Managing editors or Canadian newspapers this year held their annual conference at Winnipeg. Those attending Included, left to right; R. 3. Churchill, London Free Press, president of the Canadian Managing Editors' Conference; D. B. Rogers, Reglna Leader-Post; J. Grand-Landu, Ottawa, Agence France Presse; J. M. Murphy, Truro News; R. A. Far-quharson, Saturday Night, and William Forst, Vancouver Province. (CP PHOTO) Union Dispute Flares up at; Kemano Bay VANCOUVER (CP) A jurisdictional battle over union work at the Aluminum Company of Canada project at Kemano came to implied, she can flic it without conscrtp- f j), Leui'm national con-itlirwlinK toward a de-1 1 tie (-(inscription rcso- A NEW DAILY NEWS FEATURE ished Sunday. Extensive search for the other three persons flow presumed dead and the wreckage of the mysteriously missing boat. Is continuing today. Bodies of Mrs. Helen Fordyce, her son Kenneth, 12, Ed E. head here Tuesday when one union started picketing an em Speaking before more than 200 persons at a Liberal party meeting In Civic Centre last night, Gordon Wlsmer stresned the importance of "returning a safe, sane, stable government at Victoria In order to guarantee continuance of the great development program now taking place in our province." Mr. Wlsmer, attorney-general for the past 10 years and right-hand man of Premier Johnson, said that while the proposed pipe line will not come to Prince Rupert Immediately "our main drive at the present is to get the line through B.C., and not through the U.S., to the Pacific Coast." He told of appearing before the Alberta Conservation Board and Federal officials In Ottawa to press for a B.C. route "In opposition to those great U.S. interests who want to grab this Juicy plum." He read a telegram received only a few hours before he arrived here by plane asking him From Under Our Roof Comes New Adventure For Daily News Readers ployer's office. Involved in the dispute Is Lo Jukes, and Mrs. Donald W. Card cal 692, International Associa miniMf'r hlrjjjjru ill involved in de-l )j.d,1p it :oi(l their depend-4ri',i(ly comprise more Of -tenth ot the popula-iil that, there aren't ij tarrocks to absorb Sup troops. ti!fcct. tlio.se arguments . nn the I'Rion's view 4 f.ir-riitming consrrlp-$ ntlnn will emerge Wed-. Thmsday. are the convention (I'lini Us Hi.'iO compul-jji um ot-inil. A new adventure Is in store were found yesterday In waters between here and Orcas Island, some 15 miles to southwest. Still missing are Paul Fordyce, owner" of the yacht, Donald Card, and Mrs. Jukes. Only mattress, lifeboat paddles, two seat cushions and an ice box door from the Prelude have been found. for the readers of The Daily News for coming to them four times a week from "Under Our Roof" will be the loves, laughs and trials of the Sturdy family. From 1945-49, Mr. Sturdy was public relations officer for Canadian Pacific Railroad In Vancouver, then returned to freelance writing. His screen plays include such outstanding features as "Cor hold begins on this page tomorrow. Watch for it. Read it. Rollick with laughter. Take away a smile. Or a lesson In human behaviour. John Rhodes Sturdy was born and educated In Montreal, Quebec, and since 1945 lived In Brit tion of Machinists (AFL-TLC), which put a two-man plckat Una outside Morrison-Knudsen office here, and Local 115, International Union of Operating En glneers (AFL). Machinists said that they have been trying for the last year to sign an agreement with the construction firm over certain jobs being done in connection with work at Kemano. Operating Engineers, who have a contract 1 from June, The Sturdies live In a country home on The Island, their once-normal home life Interrupted and Invaded by unpaying, un- vette K-225" and "The Cariboo Trail." to go to Ottawa on June 12 to I V l iWlfci Immmmmmmmmm ish Columbia. He is the author He now resides on Salt Soring argue B.C.'s reasons for the pipe Dead in in V reck movable guests. The Sturdies ,ot hundreds' of fiction stories, Island. line at a hearing of the Board of Transport Commissioners. add aa o to VI the 1 B,' 7- ! magazine articles, ' and has writ aggregate population, ten .pveral iflVS Church Votes Against Aid For Schools The attorney-general stressed of the house on Salt Spring The column "Under Our Roof" first appeared in the Montreal Gazette, but was suspended at the outbreak of the war. Mr. Mr. sturdy entered newspaper work In 1930 with the Montreal island. that "big American capital,, will not Invest in B.C." unless we Thirteen p-ersous HON. E. T. KENNEY, minister of lands and forests, passed through Prince Rupert today enrout to Terrace to conduct his campaign for re-election to the B.C. Legislature. He travelled by Canadian Pacific 1351, to end of 1S52, said Machinists were "trying to horn in" on Kemano work. "The work in question U outside the scope of the Machinists' union," spokesman for the Engineers said. A Morrlson- Gazette and In 1940 went to the have a free enterprise government." CRITICIZES. WINCH Sturdy's short stories and novelettes have appeared in most American national magazines. Matter of fact, Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy have been crowded out of their home, forced to live In the shed. John Sturdy, former newspap Chicago Tribune, as a member of that paper's London staff. He remained In England dur VANCOUVERBrltlsh Colum bla Conference of United Church He criticized Harold Winch "-nuasen sportsman sam ais-CCF- leader In the Legislature-; pue must htl settle1 ,br . tl- From "Under Our Roof" come promises of writing packed with Jul Tuesday night when if mil tank cars loaded fc'.'mr- crashed Into an tmih near Santiago de i. h Oallcla.. ts'm burst into flames. two other persons were I jM'verPl v. I V "''Hired when 11 tank containing gasoline i'(tio. broke loose from In Canada ' has voted against government financial aid for ing the fcUU of '40, then returning to join the Canadian Navy, serving on corvettes, destroyers and cruisers untl retiring at NEW YORK (AP)-John D. Rockerfeller Jr., 78, was In New ror his socialist ideas and speech-1 bc rtHn that a WW cnMrn. ADOUt 500 workers are covered action, seasoned with wit and erman ana at present a freelance writer, has produced a column with his home as a back, ground. An Introduction to the house- parochial schools. Resolutions adopted at the an under the Engineers' contract at wlth subtle satire to . keep youment would take over big in York Hospital today. The reason for his going to the hospital i . i i. . . .. . . .. war's end as lieutenant-com looking eagerly for the Sturdies dustry If elected. Kemano, but only jobs of eight men are ln dispute. nual conference sessions yester- mander. I every other day. u.,-,1. ...But ....ou. . r-.., riPCiaml government aid to but a hospital spokesman said It' l,., i,i ,,.u parochial schools would mean checkup." t't ami hit, the express. '"could he for One-Day Halibut "The Socialists say they are going to increase taxes on the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company and H. R. MacMll-lan, but it's impossible to raise taxes on the big companies and not the small operator. "Mr. Winch says he's going to soak the rich, take over big com- "i ',.'1 ' S , 1 f i f; ( ii t . -.! . "!':!, . If a ' I 'l ' ., i. ,.. . i I 1 ' 1 1 " iff - Jack McRae Returns To Direct Campaign Inventor Wins Praise and $100 From Railway Special to the Dally News LONDON Ont A Canadian ree Warships Due :re This Month-End "Inevitable discrimination against Protestants." Resolutions, adpoted by 500 lay and clerical delegates to the conference, opposed the Roman Catholic bid for financial help for separate schools from public funds. " . The conference endorsed findings of the church and Its public education committee that "integration proposals (of Roman PntUnllnPi mnlrn v. n t-on 1 nnntrL rpanles and a lot of other fan Landings Total Million Pounds Halibut landings zoomed over the million mark here today with sale of 1,140,000 pounds, although prices slipped. Twelve boats sold catches on the Halibut Exchange. Average paid to American boats was 18 cents for heaviss while price to Canadian fishermen was a fraction lower. One boat, the Arllce, with an National Railways office clerk here is $100 richer today. I Sioux, Keaeon Hill, Antigonish HI rea v p Navv Dav in Prince KUDert this Jack McRae arrived home today. The popular Liberal member for Prince 'Rupert in the last Legislature was flown home by Canadian Pacific Airlines to recuperate from a leg injury suffered in an accident at Kemano Bay May 10. The man, Don Telvin, was tastic things, but since both national and International currency is controlled by the Federal government these moves are out of the question." Regardless of whether it's possible, the attorney-general said, "It's statements like these that frighten big capital from wanting to Invest In B.C. unless they are sure of stable government." presented with a cheque by N. A. Walford, superintendent of transportation in the southern Ontario district, for an idea. flEATHER - j F'trprast - Coa:,t Kfninn Oal Dr. J. R. Naden of Vancouver moilth-end Put' threaten immediate harm ', .. J and potential danger." Three Royal Canadian Navy Coerence als0 endorsed re-warshlps are to arrive, led by I ,ts home mlsslons com. the destroyer HMCfa Sioux, yet- tM tnat ..Mparate schools eral Korean war-front battler. of christian hmder progress our expected at Ocean Side docks 4 .. way o ljf e The, award is top prize for an General Hospital said he was satisfied with progress of his Improvement suggestion. estimated 50,000 pounds in her Telvin suggested use of plas p.m., May 29 "I'ltmued. Rain today. vl'li showers tonight ' jy niiiinly on west- right leg, which was broken in the accident, although Mr. McRae will have to return for treatment. He quoted figures to show j hold, didn't take a liking to that value of new construction ln i prices and left for Seattle. A total this province Increased from of 363.000 pounds of halibut were $53,000,000 ln 1945 to more than brought ln from camps. tic material for the familiar linen headrests used on seats of railway cars. The idea was accepted by the CNR, and the new equipment now is being used. John F. Magor, publisher of Here are sales: Two others. Frigates Beacon Hill and Antigonish. arrive 10 a.m. May 31, and will stay three days. The task force Includes 30 officers. 150 cadets and 315 embarked on a 25-day training $381,000,000 last year and "our wages are higher than any other American the Daily News, who was also injured when a ramp crashed. f" Little change In Wind southeast 15 to 40 in exposed parts '""mi hiuI shifting to ' ,!i 'his evening. Low 'i''"11' hmli tomorrow at Simdsplt, Prince and 55. Howard B, 27,000, 18.1, The plastic headrest becomes 15, 13, province." will remain ln Vancouver Gen Mr. Wlsmer scored the Social Booth Fisheries; Swift II, 82,000, eral for further medical atten 18, 15, 12, Royal; Frisco, 32,000, ? Defwiller Here For Hospitals Conference Hospital financing and administration were described here today to delegates attending the one-day Northern Regional Hospital Conference. a permanent part or the chair back. It Is washed with a detergent when the car Is cleaned and means an enormous saving tion. v . Mr. McRae was met at the air 1 P Derailed port by his brother, Duncan, and his wife and child, and after greeting several friends on hand was brought' by ambulance to his home, from which he will direct his campaign for re-election in the June 12 election. cruise. The group left Esquimau harbor this afternoon and will spend five days at Bedwell Harbor in the Gulf of Georgia, then head north. The ships will be at Prince Rupert until June 2, at Juneau from June 4-8, then head back south to return at Esquimalt June 13. Local corps of sea cadets, Captain Cook, will take a major Injured Montana fc A 'rth,.m "Streamliner" Credit movement for bringing ln Alberta people "to tell you how (Continued on Page 2) Parachute and Skeleton Found RCMP here today received a report that the fishboat Collln-son had hooked a parachute containing human remains while fishing off Ashdown Island. No other details were known at press time. It is believed the remains may mil ut. t,n mllnu t "I'm, sure sold on hospital In Tuesday and lo of its 12 v" rails with a ir.it tht 18, 15, 12, B.C. Pockers; Pierce, 20,000, 18.1, 15, 12, B.C. Packets. Canadian Silver Horde, 28,000, 17.6, 15, 12, Atlin; Barbara Jean, 24,000, 17.8, 15, 12, Atlin; CampeUa, 80,000, 17.7, 15, 12, Bacon Tlnkle, 36,000, 17.7, 15, 12, Bacon; Snowfall, 52,000, 17.9, 15, 12, Royal; Island Queen, 45,000, 17.8, J3, 12, Pacific; Invercan II, 33,000, 17 8, 15, 12, B.C. Packers; Good Hope I, 27,000, 17.7, 15, 12. Royal; Ben-tinella, 27.000, 17.7, 15, 12; B.C. Packers; Ispaco II, 68,000, 17.9, 15, 12, B.C. Packers; Olympia II, 27,000, 17.6. 15, 12. Booth; Margaret I, 62.000, 18, 15, 12, Atlin. Sold to the Fishermen's Cooperative: Gustav, 28,000; Ollvik, 25,000; Advance II. 32,000; Sable R, 19,000; Sandy S, 13,000; Vel-ona, 28,500; Taplow, 55,000; Hau- surance," McRae said during a brief Interview. women 1 Parl ln olnc,al ceremonies. oassencers !? awakenPX tal Cdr' P' E- "addon, captain of in cost of laundering. Tough Guy Actor Dies NEW YORK John Garfield, 39-year-old actor noted for his "tough guy" roles, was found dead of heart ailment In his apartment here today. He played gangster rotes in Hollywood films and was starred ln a number of Broadway productions. Navigational Lights Out the Sioux, will make tne annual insnectlon of the corns, for JACK McRAE, Prince Rupert's representative in the last B.C. legislature, arrived home today. He will conduct his campaign for re-election as Liberal MLA from his home, while recuperating from a leg Injury. I which the youthful sailors have ?Y heen working all year. H I D t S Captain Cook Sea Cadets are ; n rp-nrpnnlzerl rnrns first vear be one of the crew of a U.S. B-36 Lloyd Detwiier, commissioner of the B.C. Hospital Insurance Service, answered a bevy of questions by the delegates who came here from hospitals In Fort St. John, Dawson City, Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake, Vanderhoof, Burns Lake, Smlth-ers, Hazelton and Terrace. The conference was held In the Civic Centre. Mr. Detwiller told delegates about Increasing costs and the problems , faced by the government In financing the scheme. Huge Haul By Robbers of Postal Truck "The treatment I have gone through would have cost plenty. I would say treatment alone during my first 24 hours in hospital would have cost at least $225. Yet all I paid was $35." Mr. McRae stressed the Importance of obtaining the best medical care and treatment when Injury strikes and said "my concern was to get the best and that's what I got." Mr. McRae said that on leaving hospital this morning, he asked to pay his bill. y Mav 22. IBM! bomber which crashed off Princess Royal Island February 15, 1950, with 17 men aboard. Some of the men were picked up by fishpackers in the area. In operation. Commanding officer Is Arthur Ogilvie; Sidney Alexander Is executive officer. Inspection will, take place 7:30 lc Standard Tlmei - feet 12 45 18,6 feet Pearson, who did a neat job of getting Mr. McRae home. Mrs. McRae did not go to the airport. She welcomed her husband at the front door. na S, 5,000; Dicky Boy, 20,000. 0:27 18:2fi 2.3 feet p.m., June 29, at the Navy Drill 7.0 feet Hall. All sea-going vessels are ad vised by District Marine Agent N. A. Beketov the following navigational aids are "not burning" but will be relighted f FROG, LEAP' CALL CROWDS soon as possible: CROAKERS EYE CIRCLE Cape Caution No. 2352) elec tric beacon; Watcher Island (No. 23435) acetvlene beacon Holiday For Pupils And Banks To Celebrate Queens Birthday: VICTORIA O) Monday, June 9, will be a holiday for schpo! children, federal and provincial civil servants and bank employees. Labor Minister John Cates said Tuesday the holiday n?ill not be proclaimed under the Factories Act or Shops Regulation and Weekly Holiday Act. - Commercial establishments, tvtrept, banks, may remain open. By federal proclamation, June 9 Is design a ted lo celebrate the Queen's birthday. Her actual blrthdate is April 21. l -AMP, CaMf. LONDON Seven masked men ambushed a postal truck today and made off with loot estimated at up to 100,000. (APt A California frog was do- Olivia May File Divorce Soon NEW YORK (AP) Actress Olivia de Havilland's lawyer says she has separated from her author husband, Marcus Goodrich, and will soon file divorce papers unless differences are reconciled. She and Goodrich have been married about five Legge Point (No. 2361.21) acety "All I got was a bill for $35 that's what co-insurance cost me." Tllot of the plane which brought Mr. McRae home was Charlie Wilson. First officer was Ken Sorko and Marl Chadwick, pretty. CPAL stewardess took care of the patient. Walter Smith, who has handled campaign work for Mr. McRae, and Hugo Kreupner also were on hand at the airport. Ambulance attendants were Gilbert Trumpour and Jack lene beacon. Three guards attempted to fight off the robbers. They were blackjacked into submission by two of the gang. Then they HUGE LAKES In Of annual Calaveras County Jumping contest H,.rl?f"" cloakp'' ws disqualified. Bix Six, handled by i'k GllHtine- ca''f-. won the event made famous by t I iUmWa'n sto'-y with a leap of 14 feet, six inches. The w H fCet 8Ml inches y Pancho, entered from iihl o- !P But' Pancho was ruled out because he edged C'e before his Jump. Canada has no fewer than 11 drove away with the truck, fol lakes which each have a surface area of more than 1000 square years and have a son, Benjamin, lowed by five accomplices in a miles. two years old. black sedan. I