! followers, yet the" Church ha.. Coal dejyKj Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It arenas of death, through the hav,b"::t. . ! fire and water of persecuti m 2 ! i ! and the gates of Hades have not th t J m Saturday. April 12. 1952 daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of til independen uecn auie to prevail against it i Yes, Paul was right when he jsaid that, If Christ is not raised there is no living Mediator be-itween God and man. The ei!f . prinre Rupert and Nortnern and ijenirai orinsn uiumuia. ." .Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations . 0 THE ' oL ETTERBOX i I P TO CITY COUNCIL Editor, Dally News: - It Ls evident that the opinions; of Mayor Whalen on civic prob-! leros shall not perish for want of i eftort on his part to Impose them on the public as evidenced by hU appeals to outside bodies when the city council dissents from his viewpoint. First, an appeal was taken to the Liberal executive on the a Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. (more . raA. HUNTER. Managing Editor: H. G. PERRY, Managing Director THE PI, EVANGEL B at ( C i V 1 purii I " III'K ffthft.. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier, per week. 25c: per month, $1.00; per year gfTJgj. $10: by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. tiiH&s f Published every afternoon except Sunday by 'Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. between the soul and its Creator is still unbridled. God Is still unappiaaehable. Man is y.t in his sins. Everything hangs on the Resurrection of the Lord' If it can be proved, that n0 nv-. ing Christ ever came forth from ;the tomb of Joseph of Arima-ithea, then that tomb becomes not the grave of a man only bu. 'Saturday Sermon (By REV. FRED ANTROBUS, First Baptist Church i "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" 1 Cor. 15:1-26. 1 Cor. 15:17 "If Christ be not raised, your faith Is vain; ye arj ye'. In your sins." Great Pork Mystery Sunday m,,,, ; ' ' Cassfs lot ' '!it!:oi iied as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. - ! I ALWAYS ffet a warm power question and then to the. also oi me nrisiian alth, with feeling when I read liquor store deal. about some 'hard l't'hrm t'nme i V- Something happened over nineteen centuries ago 'ai' the hopes based upon it, and i lie ara r, Th(gKiGus speech by Percy Wright, ; know which body direct civic1 in Judaea on the morning of the third clay which iachlp ttens!Srnd MP from Melfort, Sask-iKShaniN the whole current and flow of history-thel Jut Paul nw atchewan. jail. lives of men, their homes, the rights of children, the and bL.come he ,irsl.,rUj.f 7. Percy was one of the two best While ' , lot 0f slaves, the position of women, and the Whole; them that slept . , Christ, me cuy council approves 01 or r sergeants that I ever knew. I shall all be made alive; but everv was lucky enough to Inherit him p'i;ed interest in civic affairs,; orcler 0f SOCiety. . , , . . , . t , , man in his own turn, Christ the corporal in n the final analysis the respons-. diminished. -(Acts 4:12. 13) inil.Um when I quit being a k aitcrwards they who the 23rdq Battery of the Second , U tha of the city coun-, fXg b . new . ! rlsf8. at His Com,nI,"h 5 -J- . , ( i' .TV. '3 " r y. V - "Not forsakint u, "aimer of Canadian Division ana went as "'""V J resistless movement . which s'.lll .."-... , ,! a lieutenant to the 33rd in the eU. lnte lectuals or comblna- "sale" he crest of Its ad- '? heh a"d rfalUy l Third Division. Our horses were tlon of both. 1,1 tS hon of the llr beliefs. For there is no ex- FULL GOSPEL TABERN? 202-SiMh WW (aeros, from '" Armani, utvKun u. DASti ' r- pianaiion oi me cnurcn oi Alderman, i world 5 W.ure-. . Christ apart from His Resurrec- , Peter and the early preachers .. . . hao hn t i Slot the church made the Resur- olherwiw And tllis alone ecum one oi ur .c u. e ,alns lhe contilluance and in their messagH. Paul rarely ,ctore, 0, the cnurchi In Ue ray... mentions me oeaiu oi , . h,r. , ,, ,h Sl'NDAY SKRVKF.S 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class Op.'n Session All Parents Invited .1 :30 Morning Service "Resurrection" 7:30 - Evangelistic Service without also mentioning the fact IooltenneM and weaiuie of lu dying like flies, for the German submarine campaign almost' succeeded in the winter of 1916-1 17. My first job as an officer was' to go around each morning and shoot the starving horses which: were too weak to stand up. But1 I noticed I did not have to shoot so many In Percy Wright's sub-! section. For Wright was the most 1 ingenious prairie farmer I everi met. He could literally keep guns shooting by making hay- D esWrifif -rA of the Resunection. One would Chrlit Crucilitd Christ Rfsurrf.ej Christ Ever Lvft To rr.akt Lv: For us. -H First Presbyterian Church a I IVJ i be Incomplete without the other, n . . They cannot be separated In KeiTliniSCeS God's plan of Redemption. The hope of the Resurrection would r- - - '"' be no hope at all if it were not I'HIXCr. KU'Kltrs EVAXCEUSTIC CtSlr :fcr (irecn 331 Fastor C, i What Is known as vernal hyp- for the Sacrifice of Calvary; It wire repairs m a pincn. Ana ne;erDvreXia strinp- fever to von .would be a resurrection to iuds- i could keep hungry horses alive : ls described as a starnge disease, ment. Calvary would have no by some mysterious process I it is never fatal, and ls always guarantee or power If it were not never did solve. He was the only accompanied by a feeling that for the fact of the open sepul-sergeant who never swore very , any other place ls better than'chre on the Resurrection morn, loud, anyway. ; where you are. Cures listed In- In this ereat resurrection chan- THE OTHER DAY going over clude complete rest, change of ter. Paul speaks like a man scenery, fishing or any other certain of what he says, and he form of relaxation or inxt lvlnf mmmnrlion th vlripnee her 'Sin -'A old clippings of wartime years rCo, 3 am with itou a(u I came on a speech by Percy; back in the sunshine and watch- telling of all those who say the iva ii '51 SUPER TV POWER CHAIN Si A Liqht ONE-MAN SAW with HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER Its er.durar.ee and dependability art "fMd-prr.vc' Whatever the job, your . . . Easter wrignt, Mf. tie was putting up ing the clouds go by. Lord tn His Resurnection body this proposition to the govern-1 after the victory of Calvary over ment: Some candid folks are trying to in. death, and the devil. "You are asking the people to make the publle believe that pol. And the Christian Faith and buy Victory Bonds when prices ! iticlans have taxed everythinn the Church of Jesus Christ are fixed and stable. But will with the exception of their stands or falls with the fact of you guarantee that when the ; Judgment. the Resurrection of Christ. There time comes to pay back the ' is no explanation of the apostles '51 SI mi TWIN takes In It Its stride Some of th features arc: i money the dollar will be worth visits irom Canada and the Part from lhe ,act of HU rbiing i what It is now?" lunitprf states . m t r, i again from the dead. The Resur- Dyna-Torque .sinii- etiKine We extend a cordial Invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Ave. East Minuter: Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D. Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and John Currle. APRIL 13, 1952 EASTER SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 11 a.m. "Enter Into His Oates" "Easter Llllles" "Alleluia" by Junior Choir Sermbn: "If Christ Had Not Ris n. What?" Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright. That was many years ago ! that, having viewed Edinburgh, rectlon u Proved by the moral and we all know the answer. ; that's all they need to see of and sPlrltual lesulU that have M SEE IT! rigure out now many dozen eggs ; Scotland; But this strongly df- 1IU e""-'""b your dollars were worth when agrees witn tne recnt survey Pened to the apostles after His you bought those war bonds. made by the Scottish Tourist death for tnul erouP of defeated ; between 1939 and 1945. Then Board to determine the mast men were suddenly revived and i figure out how many dozen eggs popular place for a holiday Ab- anlmated with- a faith, hope, you can get for the same dollars . erdeen comes first then Roth ay courase and certainty which , now. Or take-bread; butter, beef- Dunoon, Oirvan and Oban. Eifin- ftartled the world. They could Uteaks, cedar shingles or any- burgh away down the list Well not 8i'enced. n their real INSPIRED by the great Christian anniversary of I the divine Death and Resurrection, the Easter season -of hope, and faith symbolized is with us again. In this country the occasion synchronizes with the time of year when Nature awakens and the drab winter changes to the stir and freshness of spring. It is a time when we arelifjirecl byour external surroundings and conditions are auspicious for us to he happy, hopeful and of good cheer. This spiritual resurgence is good and fitting. Happily enough, there appears abroad in the world today a tendency to return to religious thinking and action as a panacea for the ills' that beset us from without and within internationally and domestically. Another Easter still sees a troublous and un- A'.itnm.ilic i EVENING SERVICE 7:30 p.m. . j Solo Miss Barbara Tcng clutch and rewind starter. Anthem: "Christ Triumphant" by Senior Choir. Sermon: 'Many Infallible Proofs' Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright I) I RECTO It V ierrlie In all church at tl a.m. M4 ?:M p.m. HhhHmv HeUmrt at l'i:lS rtt'epl a htwir.- ! thing else real. well, here's something that Jusi i The fact is that the people cannot be helped. loaned dollars worth 100 cents and they are getting paid backj Signs are not lacking that dollars worth less than 50 cents. 1 British Columbia voters this coming June will have a wide NOW Percy Wright wants an- choice of candidates. Its only swers on the great pork mys-' APr11. but it's clear the urge to tery. He wants the government run ls growing in acope and num-to investigate why the drastic Ders- Nominations can somi-drops In pork prices paid to timfeS become contagious. farmers have not been passed! ' , on to consumers. ! LESS LAl'NDRY? Balanced d(sif?n for easy cuitiui,' and carrying. t Only 25 lbs. v.i!imut cutting attachments. Cutting attachments from 14" tu-H" . , Fill In and mail for full particulars: j N'ann.- I Address ' Christian Science Society Second Avenue West Prince Rupert. B.C. Branch of The First Church of Christ Scientist, In Boston, Mass. ANil.H AN ( tTIIMiHll. 4th AV W., at Dunsmuir St. Holy Communion jo a m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Canon Basil S. Proclcler. P-A., B D Rector (Illue 700) HllhT BAPl'TfT . ' 5th Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: He. Fred Antrobun. iCireen 613) wrignt snows that In 1948 a; Another round nf wao In. settled world but, somehow or Other, there seems to !Royal Commlsslo" excused the creases and there . 1h a fair (Continued on page 8) 'Continued on page 6) "EASTER SUNDAY" Subject of Lesson Sermon: 'Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" DEALER: SUPERIOR AUTO SER.VICE LTD. I'rince Rupert, B.C. IMC MVi Dist.: I'IKVKS bu'"" " Kl". Rnrrard Street, VW" ; Services Every Sunday at 11 a m. Wednesday Eveni.ig Meeting I Second Wednesday of each I month at 8 pjn. I Reading Room Open Wednesday HIWT PKKfcnVTF.IIMN 4th Avenue Kajtt Bey. E. A. WrlRht, DD I Green 982, f'lllHT IMTIJI cm etn Ave West Kev. L. CI. 81:iier (Green 613) Salvation ahm Fraser Street p.O. 8r, Capt. OeorKe Oystryk Sunday School 2 JO pm (Black 209) ST. r.ll fit I IT 111 B AN 8th Ave. at MoBrlde 8t. Pastor; Rev. H. O. Olaen i Black 610) A NEW WASHER . . . THE INGLIS Model 159' Check .thesf ffftturrs Automatic pump 0 Porcelain tnnmrl tub 0 Lifetime lubrlcatkm 0 Quiet a a whisper 0 Lovell Bufety wrinijer 0 Year guarantee lie a will to get back to spiritual and moral values by which way alone, after all, can peace and goodwill be restored and the ways of discord and conflict removed. Something tells us that there is indeed a trend today towards better things in men's hearts and minds. Easter lfr2 somehow seems to bear promise of , better things to come. Each and every one of us, by the way we act and feel, can aid in that great movement toward a better world and at this Easter season is a good time to start or continue. i frirlav from 2 to 4 p.m. HT. r-KTKM'M A-fil.l'AN Seal Cove Rectw: Rev. H. Godfrey Bird .Sunday Scbool 1 1 OU am. (Blue 827) only $159.00 J At Jt RUPERT RADIO 5 & ELtCTRIC ? HM.tlAK KAfTIHT Sunday School 11:00 am. Mornlnit Worship Service 12:15 020 6th Ave. E. Blue 323 Pastor; Rev. Leonard A Tluwpe 5 Q Provincial Voters List Economic Levelling Off Closes in Eighteen Days INFORMATION On How To Prepore YOUR 1951 INCOME TAX RETURN ill be c( On April 30th, 1952, the Provincial Voters List1 In order to vote in the coming e lcct,0Jnfe application for Registration mode in 1 with the Provisions of the Provincial tiew ( Act, must be filed with the Registrar on or April 30th, 1052. SIGNS are not lacking that a turning point is commencing in the economic cycle. A general decline in prices at last seems to be setting in. As public buying resistance increases, there is more competition in merchandising. Advertising activity confirms this factor. Basic cause of the current levelling off would appear to be two-fold. One is a lag in defence production which has failed to sop up manpower and metal. The other is the resistance to high prices. What seems about to happen is for both wages and prices to level off and for the economy to shift back into high gear with consumer demand rising when prices come down. . In the meantime business is cautious about its buying, spending and expansion. The trend of the day is wholesome this move away from inflationary pressure so long as deflation does not set. in too strongly. not . t :.u Hoes Official representatives of the Taxation Division, Department or National Revenue will visit PRINCE RUPERT on APRIL 24TH TO 30TH fur the purpose of assisting taxpayers in this area in pre parinf their 19S1 Income Tax returns and answering inquiries en other Income Tax matters. These representatives will be available for consultation at the NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE KILLAS It CHRISTOPHER BUILDING 3RD AVENUE, PRINCE Rl'PERT Registration on the Dominion or Municipal Voters that your name Is on the Provincial VK Having voting qualifications docs not automol fi . Va.. mi.cf mnU SUI8 VOU Ore 'e9 . DO IT TODAY MAKE SURE ,ot colled on you, be certj" If the canvasser has n ist by getting in toucn vour name is on the I Taxpayers in this area are invited to take advantage of this free service to the public. DnnH F. lira BeL'tSHi" -.Lt ..i I HHP- W. SHIELDS ORR Registrar of Voters STEWART, B.C. OR r' prinM Court HISC f fn tfl . ni Scripture f-aSAage or oJaij VV. SHIELDS ORR, R BC LET YOUR INCOME TAX OFFICE HELP YOU Atlin Electoral Distrui., - "The son of God loved me and gave himself for me." Gal. 2:20. (H)