PflOVlNOiAL LIBRARY i PROVISCIAL LIB2ART, 113 lf3 1 1. , VICTORIA. B. C. ,: ES I. ; . ' DRUGS1 i i TABS mm DAiLV DELIVLRY " NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'B NtWSPAPF.B Published of Canada') M ) Strategic Pocil'e Port "Prince Rupert, the Ker to the Grcot Northwest" Phone 81 1 VOL. XLI. No. 87 p'RINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY. APRIL 12, 1952 TEN CENTS (Including comic section r V In "( j I ' H 4. : '" I. ., . I . ; a 1 M V ' V ' , ). ' '... '('.. , .rM i hi;i I RuDert S Use Makes Suicide Kill's I J 4 !minate ilcRae i rans-pacmc mark Jap Freighter Makes Round Trip in 23 Days Postwar record for speed and service time Pacific Coast of North America and Japan Liberal MI A 0 f J D. McRao. Legislature, as j.,.,. lor riiiH.t election was J, in vvas set up by the K Line 't!lt when! , ,. third , . freighter Kiyokawa Maru, , . 'fLrai Assoeia-' now loading a cargo ust round trin vnvui'r !.t.wn Inwr. Puerto Rican ! Crash Kills Many People j SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (CP) ' A Pan American airways plane, , carrying 64 Easter holiday tour- ; isLs and a screw of five, crashed Friday in the sea outside San Juan harbor shortly after tak- , lilr off for New York. . reue wolkeis leUolUd there, were 17 known survivors, 13 kill- 1 ed and 39 listed as uil-vin. i The plane was piloted by Cap- ; tain Jonn Burn, husband of the singing star, Jane Frohman, life he had saved in a titrillin3 rescue from a similar plunc crash in the second world w. Among the survivors weri liyrn and his four crew members. . Coastguard seaplanes searched the arc of lifr blue Caribbean after dropping life rafts. One plane landed on the w.iter and sent out boats to pick ,miy i,i.,l acted its jn ,.,)i,! l him at the i ! 2 Other Men VANCOUVER (CP) A 61-year-old man who committed suicide Oood Friday accidentally carried two other men to death with him. '' Police withheld names of victims until relatives have been notified. Police say the man uncoupled the gas line In an rast end room In? house to kill himself and the inns KfPllfifl ltlt tlift rnril fill 'the floor above, taking the lives of two 05-year-old men. Can Help Atlin, He lie ves : "Atlin riding has not been sharing to the extent it should In the present great industrial , "'- --'4 ' ' - r k A. 4 a. Ike Gives Up Post WASHINGTON (CP) - The of grain litre this season and 1 TlnCC iiUpert. The 0308-clcadweight ton ves- mu completed a voyage in 28 rinVH Ofl I ' Vl fill to fill tic run between Japan and Prince i Rupert. The cargo ship, sailing at 8:20 a.m. on February 29 from Kobe, reached Prince Rupert at 7 a.m. on March 11, and, loadini? 8280 Actually, the vessel used 11: days lo'2 hours on the outward; .... v White House announced Friday tons of wheat, returned to Na-fjeneral Eisenhower will give up soya 10 minutes .after 6 a.m. his European post by June 1. March 20, ana cleared off the five weeks before the Republican goods at 4 p.m. March 28. National convention meets to nominate its candidate for the presidency. At his own General r.iscnnowcr wui wmu up nis mi.- 'on as supreme anica coin- voyage (Kobe-Prince Rupert .; development, that is now M up? survivors while three others na 11 days 20 hours on the i progress In other sections of the circled overhead to direct opcra-humcward (Prince Rupert-Na- I province and it Is my Intention lions. - goya, totalling,23 Hays and IUjI io devote my efforts and en- 81 children were among the nours on the round voyage of i dcavor to focus the eyes of the '64 passengers, most of them be-, about C000 miles through the people on a section of the prov- lug Puerto Rlcans on their way. Great Circle course. While she ; Incc that is one of the last un- to New xom ior i,aser. used five days ZSi hours for i explored frontiers of the world," .. Burns romance and marriaee iiliim:i in fcuiu anu ll'buill w inactive military status free to enter personally Into the thick of battle for the Republican f-7 i nomination. General Eisenhower made it clear in letters setting forth reasons for his resignation that he feels a uroundwork has been competed for the defence of EuroDe aaainst the threat of So says Thomas S. Mackay who Is to Miss Frohman grew out of in the city after being noml- a plane crash off Lisbon, Portu-n.Ued at Stewart as Progressive gal. in 1D23. Miss Frohman was Conservative candidate in the enroute with a troupe with a ouhcoining provincial election, troupe to entertain soldiers. "With the vast undeveloped ; Burn, co pilot of the plane resources of Atlin riding, there held her afloat after the crash is probably no area in the prov- until rescue came. The singer mce which stands to gain so was confined to a wheel chair much from free enterprise sys- a a a result of Injuries suffered win of government based on in the crash. Burn himself suf-ound business-like policies." t fcred a broken back in that Mr. Mackay, who has been in- ; crash. Miss Frohman married tcrested In the development of : Burn in 1948. '; u lo.u'.ing and unloa fling. CCF Attacks Vote System Opportnnity For Trickery Seen Socialists Given riatform VANCOUVER I" Some 100'' delegates today were hammering oul lne piatform for tire June 12 provincial election. 1 The annual three days con-i ventlon of the B.C.-Yukon sec-tion of the party will tonsklcr , forty resolutions and draft a, party executive program.' 1 ( Yesterday the provincial pres- 1 j viet aggression. "As of now 1 consider the specific purposes for which I was recalled to duty have been largely accomplished." General Eisenhower wrote Defence Secretary Robert Lovett, in a letter formally requesting his release. He aiso maae it ciear ne is coming home to take an active role in the political campaign his sup-; porters have been compelled to wage by proxy In recent weeks, while he remained silent. Bolivia Revolt Proves Success LA PAZ. Bolivia P Bolivian CHILD CITY CHOIR poses here In a symbolic cross to sing AUred Gaul's cantata "The Holy Cityll an American eoast-to-coast broadcast taster Sunday. This 150-voie.e choir of fa'her-Vs children of Mooseheartj Illinois, will pre ;nt Jheir program from the lamed House of Ood located on the campus. , Detroit Wins Hectic .. Stanley Cup Opener ldent. Grant McNeil, told the -convention it was principally for preparedness of the movement to 1 lace an election. The main theme of the program calls for the ex-I I 1 r 1 - i"'a i ": ' ) ' -it T 1 ?.tu s i ft;; i A 1 . ' if -1 "'v -r ; ll " j " ,4 ..I - 1 ff . ' , , - ,v i 1 . 4.l', , '1 " : ! 1 ;p 1 , I 'flu , ',- ,1 "1 1 I. 1 t ' 1 . A . . .11 0 it" " 1 f ,,v, 1 rebels are claiming that their N-4V1U,N 1 HhjAL (Oanaaian ness; ueiioit new Wjn g def eated Montreal Canadiens .3 to 1 in the ! . . . : ooener of the best-of-seven Stanley Cup hockey tinai revolt to overthrow army officers who had seized power 11 months itllllli convention f mglll. : j, ond candidate; ri. id. CCF have . llB i d Aid. George , 4 i Conservatives ,.d u nominate next ; jD, Harold Whalen ! .-he may run as t (:ididu'c. . iJ.s Ul ( H l Sllic .!ii)ort instruction Mr. Mi 4n minus paid t .iiovn qualities ','ind member. O. , funded the in-oo d. thT.Kccl Uic meet- oiifidene.e ana C WditlU COIHIilU-.' i ix-st of his abil- , 'I' named dele- i j.j, A M. Martlnu-ia ii v William Bey-Hu.t'dale, Douglas Dt Kit. hie, William i.Ueeim MrLeod. Mr. J. i McRac. George . Jiijii Laurie, O. C. G f L'yons. Robert r, ;Ui;o Kraupner. Mi-. W l). Smith. Walter A T.W, Speers. discussion of the 'i yfi the transferable h afll be used for the .n this election. JcKiy stressed the im-)I at active campaign. " association presi-A Liberals to get for a good man A'lrable to keep. . '!! ad-vised ae.tiw t ail possible vot-i list now that the i -n called and the ration was short. -i brought up the a fequi'st which had tlio Liberal exeeu- nt meeting that B c. Power Co. sured of compen- i i event of transfer lor a cncsei power 0(h may be in- ' -9 provide adequate "r. Feeling seem- this would be a ! keep hands off Ui he city council to f , : f decided to make '''ilalions to Hon. ' minister of re-' n "d supply at Ot- T! Appiewhaite, :mcdisite and cf- 'n cxpcditinii the' housing scheme fl"'-c might be ex-' 1 feeline ni-eviiinH as primarily to bunt. Maybe later ,.M Soulli be converted j 01 a rental-pur City asses n pioneer " d in Prin, oV. 2Iospital yestordav I Jean Mcndes East r65;-0 apcrt as a ou 3 iShc was born In Wa.S an a . 1 1 .. "'iny years of the Orancn nr,.. atloii and past the fairs' Orange 5 Victor. .w. both in Prince 4M'-s. Mrs. Gun-lTmPf,n Rupert, 1 ra". Vancouver; iDave Rum. Boston ago was a success and that Bol- ivia's most popular politician soon will return from exile t0 lit' u ; i 1 S - -Jt - 9 . v r 'x k v rP .:t.r T5 X t U 'M: f- US to Al Queen Keeps Name Windsor Frrpetuated the House of Windsor as the ruling family of j ' . au ..,uu..u.. "'"j f.cial London Gazette said she j will retain the name of Windsor instead of using Mountbatten, her married name." Her children, too, will be Windsors. The Windsor family, although not the name, is traced back to Egbert, King of Wessex. Two important family matters still remain for the . Queen to !de;lde When to confer the title Prince of Wales on her three-year-old son, heir to the throne. He already is Cornwall whpn shp will move a snecial decree giving the Duke of Edin- burgh precedence next to her- Del Flanagan Wins in Upset 1 NEW YORK (CP) Del Flana- gan came from behind Friday night in an upset 10-round, de cision over Arthur King of Toronto at St. Nicholas Arena. King. 14 to 5 favorite, weighed 139'4 pounds to Flanagan's 145. Alberta Vote in August Expected EDMONTON. The Alberta Legislature prorogued Thursday after what """" Is " believed may have been ,ast sess.on bef0,.e a general election. Voting is ex-' pected In August. ; win nooinson. mpeuumij- magistrate and coroner of Ter - 1 race, is a visitor in the city on . official business. head a new government. The revolutionary party, is ex- pected Monday. Rebel leaders Friday agreed to halt the battle that was taking a hvavy toll of lives and destroy- ing many homes on the city's outskirts. - 1 t 1- 1 rapper in orifi Los TELEGRAPH CREEK (Special Daily News 1 A white trapper, Woods, is missing from Sev- enteen Mi!e Lake in the Nahim district, 75 miles north of Telegraph Creek on the Atlin trail. Aerial searching has been started. ' Woods' tracks were last seen February 20 by five Indian trappers. Pete, Matthew. Ray. and Rex Henye, and Gibson Quock who returned from their trap- "arch U Constable Dick and Pilot H. fe.erson, acei'inptuiica uy yyiui.i Brown, native of Telegraph creek, went out searching by air fQr f .trl.. day. The search lasted for three hours but not a trace was found." The search party returned home at 6 o'clock last night. Former Local Dainmao Dies Holgar Bjorn Valentin, who for many years operated a dairy business in Prince Rupert, (lied suddenly last evening at Miller Bay Hospital while on shift as an engineer. Sixty-lour years of age, Mr. Valentin was born, in Copenhagen, Denmark, where ho learned his trade as a creamery operator. He came to Canada in 1912 and workvd at various dairies in this country and the United States. Serving in the Canadian Army in World War I he came to Van- UUU VCI UlLCi lilt v ivai i un 11 went to Vanderhoof to operate a creamery. . . Deceased came to Prince Rupert in 1925 and went; into the dairy business on his own. -This business he built up and operated until 1949 when he closed down and went to work as an engineer. Mr. Valentin is survived bv his widow and two sons, Larry ai.d Clifford; and daughter, Claire. He lias four sisters in Denmaik as we'd hs iiit.-o& ud nc)!i(.v.x. TIDES Sunday, bunciay, April April 13 u. iuoj High ias Allien 15:36 18 4 ttef i,ow 9:19 2.8 fee; i 21:13 7.2 feet Floods Drive series here Thursday night The teams will meet hero; again tonight and . then will move to. Detroit for three games. Little Tony Leswick had scored twO goals for Detroit and Tom Johnson had batted in one for the Canadiens when along came !2 455 fans thought was the final minute. t With about 45 second suppos edly remaining, Irvin hauled goalie Gerry McNeil from the Montreal nets and the cana diens piled into the Wings jnth six potential goal-getters trying to tie the game. About half a minute later Ted Lindsay got the puck from Sid Abel, with a yarning net all his, Tony fired the puck in. When the second hand of the clock crept up to 60, the auto- natic siren did not sound. In - stead the second hand complet sd another full cycle. When it struck 60 again, the siren operated. ' By this time the dazed Irvin sent McNeil back into the nets inA fVia i.ntuH was in unrnar Dovn Missouri OMAHA, Nob. P Tons of niU(Jdy w'ater rolled relentlessly at fluod lrvcls ftntl higher down "O'tncrn uriusn toiumDia since expressed conviction that nie rroKressivc .onservauvc party can supply sucn govern mcnt- Old Country FOOTBALL ; . TODAY ! ENGLISH LEAGl'E ! Bolton Wanderers 2, Arsenal 1. ; RnrnW n Huddersfield Town i Charlton Athletic 1, Wolver hampton Wanderers 0. is Fulham 0, Sunderland 1. Manchester United 4, Liver in pool 0 Middlesbrough 3, Aston Villa 0. New Castle Unitea Manchcs- ! . ter City 0. 1 Preston North End 1, Chelsea 0. Stoke City 2, Blackpool 3. Tottenham Hotspur 3, Porte m""1" l- . . . ,,., w Bromwlch Albion 1, Dcr- K bv County 0 , , "'""""H " , B rmlngham City 1, Queens Rientforrl 1 Barnslev 1. - ' rarriiff Cit. 1 Ni!.t Countv - Doncaster Rovers 2. Sheffield United 1. : Evcrton 2, West Ham United 0. Leeds United 2, Bury 1. Lciccster City 2, Blackburn Rovers 1. ' I Nottingham Forest 4, Hull City , 0. i Rotherham United 0, Luton: xown 1 Southampton 2, Covtntry City 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division "A" Dundcci 0. Partlck Thistle 2. Morton 0, Motherwell 2. Third Lanark 3, Celtic 3. Amateur International Scotland 2, Ireland I. Other Matches St. Mirren 0, Hibernian 3. Arbroath 1, orfar Athletic 1. Aberdeen 3, Dundee United 0. GOOD FRIDAY ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I Blackpool 0. Arsenal 0. Burnley 1, Manchester United 1 1. Fulham 1, Bolton Wanderers 2. Manchester City 1, Liverpool 2., Newcastle United 0. Middle-i borough 2. v ' i Portsmouth 3. Derbv Countv 1.' Sunderland 7. Huddersfield TVmrn 1 : Division II Birmingham City 3, Cardiff r ICity 2. ...... . . v "... - i. Brentford 2, Sheffield Wednes - ; O Bury 4. Swansea Town 1. 1 Everton 5, Hull City 0. Nottingham Forest 1, Leeds United 1. West Ham United 2, Notts! County 1. j nearly 1.000 miles 01 Missouri River todav. An unprecedented flood crest, which dealt a smashing blow to: ' the South Dakota cltv of Pierro at mid-week, was two days away ' Strip Teaser Tries Escape SALISBURY. MtvO"-.- -C- dlan-bora trip-teaser, who mar- ned a roofing contractor, will be returned here amn'Wew tfork to face charges of illegal entry Into the United States, officers said Friday' Jeannette Velma Luisa Ruth Wilby Murphy, 18, who says she came from Prince Rupert, and : known as "Black Venus" in Miami night clubs, was arrested New York where she fled with her husband's car. She was free on 52,500 bairat the time. Her husband, Richard Wallace Murphy, whom she married in Georgia, said he "assumed" she was trying to escape the hearing set for April 17. He posted the bond. United States Commissioner Lewis C. Merryman said he had been advised the girl would be returned here in time for the hearing. rs. Murpny is cnargea wiwi conspiring, with five men to snc&t inlQ tne Unltcd states from Canada in 1949. Sne aIso faces charges in Miami where she Is accused of illegal entry from Cuba In Janu- ary 1951. ' Britain; to Fight Also Will Guarantee Aid If Other Western Countries Attacked LONDON (CP) Diplomatic sources reported Friday that Britain soon may give iron-clad legal assurance that British troops will fight If any member of the proposed six-country European army is attacked. In effect. This would extend present pledges or automat i military aid to West Qermany. The New York Times says. In a despatch from Paris, that the British cabinet is expected to announce the pledge next week, probably April 15. The promise Is expected to have Important psychological effect in thp narliaments of six countries, some of which have had grave doubts about the treaty now beine drafted to link the six countries In a European defence community. SWINDON, England (t After an inspection parade in tnis Wiltshire town cadeU of the Air Training Corps marched away so quickly they passed the town hall before the mayor could taki the salute. He hired a car and took the salute fuither along. tension of public ownership and 1 0f public utilities and defending 2. of essentials for the mainten-; ance of employment, the protec-i tion of living standards and pro- vision of social services. Th convention was addressed by President MacNcil and Harold w mil. L-cF leader in the legislature. IWacNcil attacked the preferential ballot which giws the voter more than one choice of candidate in ridings. Increased opportunity for trickery In the conduct of election will demand the utmost vigilance on the part of the CCF, said Mr. MacNeil. Mr. Winch, attacked Premier Byron Johnson for. bringing the $142,000,000 budget this scs- .Sion, aiwr saying uic govern- ment haa no manaate io aeai with all business. " - .. . . It f-ppl LUCKV Afor "VjjrA I illCF .fQH 1 Two local men who miracu- trol yesterday consider themselves "very lucky" today. , Facial lacerations were suffer- ,cd by Howard Haugan and oniy minor scratcnea 1 oy Hero Mor- ga" P Prk bridge approach u which u nun v ft iiiniiii'd nil uiiiiii a ihlc ' " lliuiici ucoyj cat. WEATHER- Synopsis It l.s wet and windy, on t. ip nurtl'coast as a Pacific disturb- morrow. Although today will be sunny in southern British Columbia and showers will spread to the south coast tonight and will accompany the disturbance through the interior on bunoay. rnrti chnuprv ennriitlnn conditions . ftre - - -'u. expecteu a uiuns " ; Sunday. , GALE WARMING from Sioux City, mwa, its next , lously escaped serious injury 1 Sheffield Wednesday 1, Swan-major target. It is about five i when their car went out of con- sea Town 1. 'days away from Omaha and Council Bluffs. ' ! . r.'mm inn! ; miles below Sioux City, but al - secondsUelf, thus making him "Britain's Antics of the final 60 played considerable hob with ! First Gentleman. ready hundreds arc homeless In these down stream ari'as' 1 n-HD0 , ,r.-f Hch' tarm lands are desribed as j awash. ' . Damage runs Into the millions. I TK PmCK nctlniQt thrtt more than 3,200 families have oi.onri kd offooioH hv thp mis-1 flood in the Dakotas and Minne-i sota and another 1,496 families nsd as flood sufferers in bioux,ancc approacnM, The sy6um c'tv ' ' will move Into the Interior to- the debut of the Stanley Cup final series. 1 New Billion Dollar Plant To Make Atom WASHINGTON (CP) The Atomic Energy Commission announced Friday it is planning a new billion dollar plant to pro- duce' Uranium 235. key atomic substance in war or peace. Sites in the Ohio River valley are being studied. It is said the Dlant will require about 6,000 acres of land It will need about 4,500 oper ating workers and will eat up .., 1.1, ,KDr, IWraillMmiA,.,! running at capacity Mrs. G.. G. Withers, who has been in Vancouver attending a Daughters of the Empire ejn- vention. returned home ffom the south on yesterday's plane. Railway Line Cleared Again niii.i irnrtin Viae hppn rp- ln .vuiinu, biuuii. ia j ari. in hj OB sioiea vo normal loiiowuig ui;- tnarge of B.C. railmcnt at Inverness, 10 miles ,east of Prince Rupert. The line moo lr.nKn i?.Mnu mni.nlnir The Mrtw rYvast. Rppion Gale!" Rlnfkhiirn Rnvprs 9 Rarnsmv " l-H nil U c 1 1UCIJT llllli nnift. El Hi !i,u ...... :. . . i mi, , u ' 'train lor tne east went out on " Wa0 hnillrht - I, 1 11 - . . . -1 l.. imi .11 - Q 1 , , . it... ti.. warning in eiiki. jwiu waij. 1 1 IW .kii.1111.0 Cimiloil iuuuy wuu ivi".io u" J . .14.1.. !.. O..I -,1.1,1, IVInHil i. "bin. a. u- nme at 0 o ciock last eveums '"II In tk,ln ,m, ... . . .... 1 .... - mis war- ano tne lnnouno train arriveu n. utue cwki ij. ""'""luuy ' .d the.sign on time at 10:05 p.m. During southeast (35i In exposed areas ust h s cm- the tie-up, passenger, mail and today, becoming southwest (15) e sb nis Iul1 express traffic was moved by bus about midnight. Lows tonight "! (r etlds "John and truck between Prince Ru- and highs Sunday at Port Har-i t lol)m Kettle pert and Tyee, detouring the dy 40 and 4ii; Sandspit, 40 and J .blocked portion. !4; Prince Rupert, 38 and 45. '.