i more afraid of an anchored ves- I BIRMINGHAM Envl'it.,1 a . AS I SEE IT (Continued from pajje 2) ' nl than one under wav. This Ls i t.lnv ti.li.uUi,... ... .. ... a Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, April 12, 1952 RiciiM0s.a .- -.-.. . j ....uii oi v !iu a one- Volunt,, because, if another vessel is un-i inch screen displayed at ar, V wist dcr way, it can do its part in hlbltlon here is no tov T" ofhl.1 lackers for instantaneously passing on higher pork prices. what it called "substantial for- business' to let them come manufacturer claimed it tuitous gains" by instantaneous- down? rhe British bacon contract had WATERFRONT - WHIFFS Using novelty. S'MI opini,.. ,7 any necessary manoeuvres whereas, if It is anchored, it cannot move and takes considerably more room than its own length because of its anchor ! cable. suddenly raised prices paid to i lv jacking up the price of all Canada has in storage over 42 farmers. Before you could say j Pork tnen in storage bought at million pounds of surplus unsold Jack Robinson" the packers. ! tne low('r Price- pork. The government is talking join us in rfi cur, at. .r? W holesalers and retailers had I .of selling It BELOW COST orj mnini vtKSARY Ki passed on those inrrcases to j IF IT was fair business for pack- giving it away to foreigners. Canadian consumers The com- j crs. wholesalers and retailers' Wny nt bring retail prices L, , . . . . ....... ., . dnvn here at home? How many mission saul this was just nor- j instantly to .lack up their prices f.u,lilies can afford ham and No fewer than 15.000 uf rases i ru,( A . Lcnnard nnrl-lr,i Will n c clams, from the north coast and,ChCt Serve Coff 0a I from 9:30 toru:rB inal business practice. It admit-1 when they were raised to th eggs now not just at Easter, around Prince Rupert, have been : shipped to the eastern markets , by the B.C. Packers. It's been! an unusually good winter In the Jed that the puckers had made fanner why is it not also good but all year round? 7-9:0. p.m. "Rt'S trade. For the first lime in Prince NO LOVE BUT YfiiiD 1 I V V$I w If m htMtr..Maiam EVER BE MORE RAPTUROUSLY J0Y A. iSfl J1 B B a M Dry Dock Could lie liusier Heavy Ch'.v Shipments From Here More activity is noted at the dry dock yards but most is in the repairing line, practically all of the jobs being yniall ones. The dry dock plant, originally established when Prince Rupert was founded, is large enough and sufficiently well eiiippl to lake care of any SZul contract 11 tom.sned man at the trc- ''" "w aJo-.is eNcit-tnent worked up shipbuilding here was on a most ,1 iy by ljy as the news kept important scale, but nu.......,, roliini: in of the progress of the 'eiy important seems to come its attempted salvage operation, jy these days. with Its final climax sounding I he ilifh note. A normal, modest Writes Captain Kettle con- m.:.i.-r. he probably would be corning the gallant but unsuc- the llliU1 to 'P---t or s cessful attempt to save the ""V sl,cl) ballyhoo. One must freighter Flying Enterprise: siippo.-e therefore that the pub- 1o anyone versed in the tra- ''( demand hr such drama has TJon of the sea, the extraordi- resulted from the desire to con-nary and widespread furore v' ' '4,"ics ,l' a P"blic nurtured vhi-h aeiornpynieu the valiant on sensationalism " fight must be attributed to the aemand for dramatic reporting strangely enough, the master Captain Cariscn was probably a proceeding in thick vrni,hr ,3 bar A YOUNG AND Rupert's history, the handling j of barley in shipload lots Is about , to begin. The winter has been a ' busy one in the shipment ofi wheat, the last of tl: grain I boats, the Klyokuwa Maru, Capt. I Mashlma, salllnR from here this' week with 310,000 bushels. Al-ready, barley awalU the first of: the four barley boats. The time ; Is somewhere about the end of; April. The Klyokawu Maru. com- j Inir for the fourth time this sea- ! son, will bo bat k for barley. ! Every morsel of a .-saiuion irj halibut is made use of in these' more or less high cost of living days. Nothing is thrown away, wasted or destroyed. Nothing is discarded or left to decay. Material not acceptable for the table Is prepared and packed, and sent to other provinces or more distant markets where it Is utilized as mink food. WELL DRESSED HOLIDAY WALLACE'S i NV A f DEPARTMENT STORE Cult as (lie Ittiiiny liinisrlf . . . colorful a-, raster ses the happiest, most pleasinr conibinalion of all! And n"ll d!'.covi'r it riglil here in our (onipYtc fcVrtion of toe for young Paradcrs! 1 r- 4' n M M M m m a M U 11 PI u u M H PI u B m m M rtusi i;n nv monstmi Dr. N. M Carter, a form t resident of Prince Rupert, und for muny years identified with the fisheries experimental station hero, has Ixrn nnswerln'' Arthur KENNEDY' Peggy Oi'g lames IDWARJS Will CEER Julia ADAMS fj its?;) liny jacket suit with ..uiir pioatcd skirt. Navy Vw Clii't wool iluuble-br?;i'ite(1 coat; crisp n'lii'.c p!qiir collar. Plaid and plain 3-piece enst iniile; bolero, skirt, h'ouse. questions put to him by a fish- Monday to Wcdncsdov ertnan of Vancouver, where Dr. ' TOTE Evcninq Snows 7 - 9;00 p.m Cartor has been moving from the fisherman thinks pursued by nouic livinij since north. Ttie he has been marine inon- it's Mi&A Cr n Aristocrat TODAY 6:50-9 JEAN I'ETEKS - LOUIS J0L7X! "ANNE OF THE IND ster and ennnot figure out just what it might have been. Dr. Carter says lie declines to; state there are no such creatures as sea serpents. What the fisherman was scared of mlijht hnve been a wolf-eel which looks like an eel, but isn't. It is rarelv more than cluht feet, with a 1 111 I : - - Sunday Midnight Monday MotinrtH XL ., s FENNY SINGLETON r C-E'E l.Ut in r is Aristocrat "BEWARE " OF BLONDIE" IS u w n H M a E'S The ultimate in real Re V Whiskies full-bodied, full- r flavoured. Distilled in the ancient manner and fully t' matured in oak casks under f Controlled conditions. I fioM coast ro coast it's at WALLAC OF COURSE iHhi STARTS MONDAY j vicious looking mouth. Or it ! could have been a basking shark. ' or the thresher shark with an felons;ated tall. It will be remem-I bercd that, when Dr. Carter was a Prince Rupert resident, dls-1 covcry of a weird looking sea I creature on an island shore near ! here occurred. Great and far-j reaching was the excitement, j Speculation as to its identity I even got Into the London press, j Eventually, after examination in Victoria, it was established as I a basking shark, some of which grow 40 feet In leng'h. told his I fisherman friend. 4.iXIIIIIII 'VlirllHlllllllllHllllllllllllMiiimiirsppi "I do'l cart,,. I don't 't . I I can't bt Mt ohr MtLCHERS Yqu pay Jor age! See tha t you gel it. No three worth ever meant so much to to many people.. Melchers Distilleries, limited This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. rfiri Amazinq New ft irrr Gives W . LflSTINS BEAUTY P rovincia! Voters List LA ' Reckoned one of the most ! jx)werf ul tugs In the world, of , Its size, the Brynn Foss of Ta- j coma Is now plying her power j in her home port. She Is fitted i ; with an 800 h p. Nordbcrg direct 1 i drive engine tdicseli. The new ! tug operates on a 24 hours a : , day, six days a week basis, with , three different crews runnlm; i ner on each eight hour shift. ' COS? U -aJL vnur rnnrrxzi CI oses in Eighteen Days Populor Steamer Prince Rupert On April 30th, 1952, the Provincial Voters List will be closed !P super! WILTONb eornu the mstt nii( t nI Here's Marshall.Welli revolutionary RUBBERIZED paint-mado from latex rubber base that dries to form a tough, easily-washable film on your walls and woodwork 1 in order to vote in the cominq election, your application for Registration mode in accordance with the Provisions of the Provincio! Elections Ac, mus; be filed with the Registrar on or before April 30th, 1952. SAILS FOR Vancouver tint Inlermekiiatc furls Each Thursday it 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WI.hM-.SHAV MIKNKilll Comfort and Service For Reservation II I ON THE SAME PROGRAM . CARTOON NEWS SHOWS 7r00 - 9:05 mW7 ODORLESS S'intr W.ll-Tont dne wit hout fTen-Mivn odor no MuKy paint until I READY TO USE Just lt!r brirfly, thtn imooth on I No mixnm thin ONE COAT Jurt one cut of Super Wall Tone rruh-d for moit urfacei. DRIES QUICKLY Super WII.Tone oriel in minute .o velvet nnlh BRINGS RE W rite or Call CITV (lit DEPOT Ot'FICE j PRINCE RUPERT,; RC. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS ning required. No tre.k. or lapa. lleislrat in on the Dominion or Municipal Voters Lists docs not mean that your name is on the Provincial Voters List. Having voting qualifications does not automatically entitle you to vote. You must make sure you are registered. MAKE SURE ... DO IT TODAY. If the canvasser has not called on you, be certain your name is on the list by getting in touch with: GORDON F. FORBES, Registrar of Voters I'nnce liupert Weoloral District, Room No. 13, Court Ifouse, Prince. Rupert, l!.f. GORDON F. FORBES, Registrar of Voters, Prince Rupert Electoral District, Prince Rupert, B.C. r HEtl Aik for free folder on lovelier home color harmony MARSHALL-lELLS A. P. GARDNER &c! PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS 139-P II . i TTFTilJ SOLD DY -!... ountants CHAKTKKKIJ AH. Kaien Co-Op Hardware ALFRED L". BELL, CA- Krnid-t.L I'n.ln,:r .-P.lm-eWrt 251 3rd Ave. Phone 179 ru.n 3 25 I oiii lii Ave. East THi'iilicim'. ili il S';l Mission Terrace Prince Ucoirc layer's siiffiinnrii Bq0 Public are made better, smoke better, ARE better VANCOUVlilt anil VICTORIA SUNDAY ks. Camosun 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. CoquiLlam 12 noon U.ICE Al., STF.WAUT AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. , FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE INLANDS April 11 and 25 s.s. Camosun mldnlRhl FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun April 4 and 18 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Afjent rilifcr Avenue Phone .rsa CSViC CcNTtf 9 ft" SATURDAY, APRIL 12, Good Recorded f e of Mel Thompson Master llobk Ref reshments Admission: Members 50,c i .