.4 WtMnesiiay. April 2, 1D52 Easter (J3uSincSS f ft Cards i PRECISION SAW (CLOSl'HE TniE 10 .m. on dsy or publiaUn) , FILING J H ... . Claimed AdiertUlng Is payable in advnc. Ple refrain f rom phoning Clal"e Sep Blue 59t l!x 1 1X5 Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ol Thanks, Deatb Notice.. Funeral Notices, Marriage, and Engagement Announcement $2.00. Agent: Bus Terminal SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE 1'KICIE. Island City Builders BLACKWOOD on (J3riclge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD . ... ... I -. 3 FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS Margaret P!!0 BLUE P-O.bo:: Chur RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycle Spring WANTED Small 2 bedroom i house, centrally located. Phone Presbyterian Sr.le, April 3. CFPR ' Confusion Over 'Reverse Kidding Utile Green 825. sap; John F. L Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 (Subject Ul Change) Can Result in the Defeat t)f Contract Why didn't you liass my .two-spade bid?" asked ..TV HT llHZl FOR SALE - White cast iron Rotary Rummage and Auction, sink, left hand drainboard Sale Auril 5. ! complete. Nearly new. Black lT- 154. i80p Conrad Street School Par- ' , ent-Teacher Wlute Elephant FOR SALE - Chesterfield and For a wide selection of first quality EASTER CARDS order early from Mr. Muzzy angrily, after Mr. Ahel had gone set three tricks at three no trump. 6ale, Conrad School, April 5. ELECTS I "Because you reversed, telling me you had a big- scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE Dirt lor garden or fill. $1.00 per yard delivered. Phone 6. Hc Canadian Legion card party April 9. WEDNESDAY International Commentary Have You Hiiird Question Box Supper Srende Huwniisu Mekxlie MuMc-al MeUKlies Smiley Burnettc Show CBC News C'BC News Roundup Alme Vim Barelitn. piivnist Caesar's Friend The Psnlm of David CUC News CBO News Supplement Djbb Printing Co. hand," Mr. Abel answered M. Muzzy then made a sen- j RALES Clt-aj-.erj p. Rf! Models t Phone Bije g Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Mm Le;ioa Auxiliary Spring Sale, poH SALE Trailer, two wheel, April 9. 4x7 ft. bed. new 600 x 16 J tires, complete with hitch for Job's Daushteii tester tea. bumper. S47.50 total cost. En-April lfl. . (mire to Sat. Haven, Room 0. sational statement. "I don't play I the reverse," he said haughtily. ' The word "reverse" has caus- ed more confusion among bridge , North dealer Neither side vulnerable iii ( Mr. l ) s -A J io a H A 10 7 6 2 D- K 4 U 5 3 (79pi Westholme- Rooms. P M 5:0 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 6 SO. 6 45 7:00 7:15 7:30 8 00 9 30 10:00 !0 !0 10 15 10 30 11 110 A M. 7 00 8 00 8:10 8:15 8:30 8- 4,5 9 00 9 15 9 30 9:50 9- 55 9 .Si.1 10 00 ft vtcaiiivr Reixrt and sikh-oS 'players than the double squeeze. Queen Mary Chapter daffodil ! tea, April 14, Canadian Legion. CARS FOR SALE I i GEORGE R0RIE&C0. ACCOUNTAN TS A: AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 THURSDAY Kast bidding two "natural" oi- It simply means suits out ol their Cliamiiloii 8 7 2 FOR SALE r '51 Austin sedan. Excellent condition. Only 1700 miles. Owner leaving town. Call 212. 9 to 6 p.m. Ufi Vef ( Mr. Hale) ' S 4 H Q 8 3 D J 10 9 S S C K J 7 Women of the Moose Spring Bazaar and Tea, April 17. Cathedral Spring J3ozaar, April 17. HAND HOME;; GENERAL c: Building ani : fc feOOFS - our H K J 9 5 I-A H 2 C 7 9 der. . BID HEARTS FIRST In today's deal Mr. Mtrzy bid hearts first and 'spades on his next turn. This constituted reverse bidding as thafe term is ; used today. But the name which FOR SALE 1950 Austin A-40 i sedan-, excellent condition j having travelled mainly on first class roads. Priced at i Vancouver. Price $1250.00 cash. .oOll (Mr. Mm'I) S K 9 5 H 4 DQ 7 6 C A 10 8 6 4 2 The bidding: HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 St. Peter'i Spring bazaar. April 24. Girl Guide tea and sale, Anglican Cathedral Hail. Saturday, April 26. DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW- SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Phone Mr. Fraser, 477. ttfM j FOR SALE 1941 Ford Tudor, PHC po. Bji in 10:15 Knot South Puss 2 C i has been assigned to tnis se-.nu oup--ie-. has nothing to do i i h West Fa All pas? 1 4 i motor. live euuu urcs, nrw in-sn A. rin: 2 S Pk-ss 3 NT i with it. You could call it any- ! United Church W. Bazaar May 1. br.ikes. needs paint job. $775.00 105 or best offer. Phone Black 508. 'it oo 8ac i Lome- thing. The point is that when , , Mr Muzzy bid as he did he in- I should have started with one idicated a big hand. spade and bid two hearts -oyer mat; L.O.B.A. Spring sale, cooking, etc.. May 3. 11 :w 11:31 1 1 :33 FOR PENT Musical Cloclr CBC News Heres Bill Oood Mmning Song Morning Devotions Mule Concert BBC News and Commentary Music for Moderns Sunrise Serenade Dorothy Douglas Show Recorded Interlude Tune Signal Morning Visit Riders of Purple Sase This Week's Artist Musical Priwram Kindergarten of the Air Roundup Time Weather Report Message IJertud Recorded Interlude Scandmavton Melodies Mid-day Melodies CBC News Pro.'nim Resume B ;. Farm Broadcast Recordl Interlude AVternoon Concert The Perils of Junior: Comty Schcx.l Broadeoct Records at kmiaon The Music Box Surprise PacKage Novel Time Sunshine Society Around the World in 80 Days Stork Quotations: Interlude . riC News till Ishlster Trio UPHOI WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 FOP. RENT Uenernl Electric ; ' ' Ai Phor.e Blue IT flruir n.ilihiT. $1 ner daV.iH-M Sonja's Tea, May 10. Presby teria n Misslr r. a ry May 14. Tea Ihone Blue 092. Pacific Electric. (tf I JOHN H. I Prince E Abel and' he had a fairlv weak i opportunity to choose between 1 UiA l..f c-l,., n chnnlo llftCt. Eastern Star lea, Masonic HOUSEKEEPING room for quiet P.O. Box non-drinking man. BULGER i83pi Temple, May 15. Cathedral tea and ru sale. May 31. .aui;',e 12 00 12:15 12 25 12:30 12:55 1 00 1 45 2:00 2 30 3 00 3:30 3:45 4 (K) 4.30 4 45 ELECTRIC portable sewing ma preference. Nine tricks! That Ori, QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Secund Ae. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL H. G, HE U' KEALETATi Phone 96 Iv fotmlrt.i miyht be too many, j Mr. Champion came to Mr S Abel's defense in this discussion chines by th week or montn. i Free delivery. Singer Sewing j Machine Co. Sew and Save, i Phon 864. (81ct j HNEK.AL NOTICE McINTOSH In the city. Mon- riav M:lreh SI IHn Aniv V) 1 iai: t? L 'rr oH ko.-a! - ' TVI. 1 BHU . McLeod, "Cliffsyde," Prince Ru-j (or two men sharing. Separate! b:00 John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue When he heard Mr. Muzzy say-he didn't play the reverse, he ' couldn't keep quiet any longer. I "Muzzy." he said, "your state-: ment is the same as saying you i don't use opening bids When ' you choose to open your hand with one heart, which, incidentally, I consider the wrong opening, you can't afford the luxury . pen, .., oeiuvcu wue 01 iue beds Kcd 19-'. (til late Robert L. Mcintosh and ! sister of Mrs. J. R. Wainwripht, STVn ' TO KENT " i Oakvillo. Ont. Services were eon- j . .. . . .. . ducted at St. Andrew s Cathe-' WANTED TO RENT Sleeping ! Germ War Train PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STI'DIO 216-4: h S'.reet B ix 645 Phone Green 389 Prine. Rupert dral at 2:30 p.m. Wednesoay, ' room, close to Pacific Soorts April 2. with Rt. Rev. J. B. Gib-i centre. Box 342. Daily New Fur the fast- Daiiy exefp' From the Ea- Duiiy exccji' 'Disbelief son and Rev. Canon Basil S. ! i70o Prdekter officiating. Interment i of bidding spades on the second JJp. round. All you can do is to rebid 1 . I i n J 9 A I U two. hearts. The way you han Russian Charges Not Given Much Credence Outside Iron Curtain in Kalum Cemetery following WANTLD-Small ;partment, or service 2:30 pm Thursday at house by well-known local St. Matthew? Aneiican Church.1 couple, non-drinkers, no chil-. Terrace, B.C. B.C. Undertakers : drr i. (J.uet. e'ose-in surround ! in charge cf arranaements. . Itv) '. in;;s desired. Green 81. tf-ne j ILL1 If'P 1 1 died it, you are guaranteeing tVip saftv nf a t.hrpp-he.irt. pfin- For the MEAL that NEW YORK IAP) Soviet tract if Abei shows a simple WASTKD .charges that the United States PIIISOWL TOP MARKET is waging Berm warfare in North preference for that stiit." Mr. Champion was riKht again. With a bare opening, Mr. Muzzy i Korea aria iwu wmu a c '" Easter PRICES PAID for scrap iron, AVOID the rush, set you - ' );-' j ; jjjjfjr iB-nrTiT T"f- '"' V -n-'Hiinii i imt i " tM ' PLUMBING and HE A TING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE 74 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Lid. P.O. Box 271 steel, bra.ss. coup.-, lead. etc. i ing in general wnn aisoeuei out- . BEST OF FOOD Honest eradin;. Prompt pav- side the Iron Curtain countries,! . mrnt marip A'1a. rrnn At ar. Accnrintpri Prp. survev in-: With the exception of the COI11- Perm now. Luije st.x-k to' choose from. Phone 855. Jerry's i Beauty Salon, under new man-! agement. ' tfi 654 MetaLs Ltd., 25C Prior St.. Van- 1 dicates ' i munist organs ridicule the So- , couver, B.C. Phone PAcific ' viet germ war charges. '! is lmnosslble ImpossiDle to to tell ttii wna what CS57. 'tf) ft, BrUi.sh officials and the press f I OODLES of Poodles for Easter i! ... i, .- ' t , t 11.- f?. -'I i H - ' ' ' - , r i i :- Sit .v. xi t, i - -.j-ri? .,.v " " ' : - v la !. I v: t E ' .. ' 5. J .t, " Z'-rt ft t iPj ; s' ,1 .(! ... k. t'J . M.:S W It :! 4i ' it ' ' ' t , , ..i.. . i SS 5 1 1 I 8 t ' ' . 5 ! effect the Soviet charges are Jerrv's Beautv Salon. Phone FOR TAKE OCT OKDEKS PBOM have hammered at red charges j SSc pet doicit Pid far nptit . PtctM hava the rav wKn tl. driver clli. Having ui. me " baseless lies intended to win BROADWAY CA 855 1 80c) 1CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop- - 1 per batte iM and radiators WE PAY cash for burnt out I , phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue motors, any size or make. Wil- I West Citv 'tf' ford Electrical Works, Cow! Bav. Phone Blue 391. itf) i WANTED Used piano. Green the communist countries, iney propaganda victory ln Asla. : tu .a.., .. p-W,.Hd MW b, get only the Soviet s.de of the , .. L cJ 1W . b, . itory- . ! been the same. , Bci a. One of the chief aims of the' , ...... . TTC ; 923. 85p HELP WANTED MALE REAL ESTATE RE-ROOF NO CjOOlllJ Soviets is to sen the mi ions of officials in paris think people in Southeast Asia the F'h Dublic as whplc idea that the western powers ; l have no comp.ncUon again. t , seriously J Qne lefti st, non Com-using germ warfare to furthei ( W ANTFDYniinp' rr.nrripH mntl ' . lijear to work in sawmill. Write! FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, "The Greatest Name close in. Furnished or unfur- Group Mills, Oona River, B C. munist paper ever has satirized . , (82;) nished. Harbor view. Prince Rupert Reaity Co., over Broadway Cafe.' (tfc) "western imperialism." The United States and Britain demanded that the lnterna- i the reports in a cartoon showing North Korean soldiers equipped : with flit-guns. WANTED Welder mechanic, also heavy dutv mechanic. Tod VOl U ROOF may not last throush We will give free estimates m ASPHALT or CEDAR SIIIN' GREER & BRIDDEH Ten rooms, ,ir,ntll Rpd cross or the World wages, good working condi- HOUSE FOR SALF, tions. Renlv in writing civimr fully furnished, four rooms for i Health organization be permit in Rubber" Hose Belting Matting Tires ' Tubes . Batteries Airfam Products Wholesale Only NORTHERN TIRE & RUBBER CO. "12 2nd Ave. P.O. Box 1181 Thone Green 992 ao. exnerience. Qualifications owner, remainder brings in ted to send experts into Com - and where last worked. Box', $184 per month. Price S5500 85c: i Terms can be arranged. Phone '345. Jteily News. 215 First AvrnuelV. STEAMER , Prince Rupert Phone 909 Red 816 ' (79d) munist China and North Korea and report what they found.' The Communists replied with a scornful No. MALI-. OK ItAIAlt Ili.Lf -iFOR SALE Nice home in dandy CALL ON PROPERTY OWNERS location. Wartime four, lovely SAILS FOR British Foreign Office officials believe the Communist refusal to permit such inspection has blunted the effect of trie Red propaganda on the Earn big money taking orders for remarkable product that saves building owners 70" on maintenance. R. C. ' Patton started with us fn January and earned Si 1.754.60 condition, has unstairs and back porch. Seventh Ave. East, near McBride. Exclusive with T. Norton Youngs. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 451 or 648. 80c) WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS BOUGHT And SOLD New and Rebuilt Generators 6-12-32 volts Box 1307 Ph. Blue 391 Mmi"f'-n CartJF ; Comp'e Cient Serves Canada" L-for 0xy?-; welding aw WHY WALK? It's Cheaper to Ride! CLEANING I P THE LOT These are not new but are in good running order first 10 months. Manv other equally exceptional' money CARTAGE AND CONTRACTING Vancouver and Intermediate Ports j Each Thursday at 11:15 pm. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations WELDING Government Certified Operators Hign Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 223 1st E. I'hon.- Green 884 makine records. If 25 or over KAIEN TRANSFER General 1948 Monarch Sedan New UNDStfjl anu wniing to worn iun o nour days, write Vice-President, Dent. CA, Box 789, Ft. Worth 1, Texas. iH) marroon paint Job. Only $1385 contracting, lots cleared, stumps pulled, rock, pnrden dirt, general hauling. Phone Black 503. (84p) & STORA- minds of Asian peoples. But the officials admit that counteracting the "big lie" tactics of the Soviets is a tough task, and the Communists will have a victory even if they raise doubts in enough minds. Newspapers in French-controlled sections of Viet-Nam, where the French are heading the fight against the Communist-led ' Vietminh, view the 1947 Willys Station Wagon GEOKGE DAWKS AUCTIONEER Est. 1910 I SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES i Phone Green 810 and Red 12 Nicv utility and family car $1375.00 1910 Ford Sedan Doesn't look so good but runs like a Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, LaSalle Extension University 3743 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. ;i 102c) PUBLISHERS GUILD of Canada require young man or eirl in twenties for sales work, fall training. Many earning S100 00 per week and up. For full details call on Mr. Lennox, Room 23, Commercial Hotel, evenings, dtp) 1i clock . $573.00 1937 Ford Sedan Economical ACCOUNTANTS germ charges as ridiculous. Saigon newspapers have pointed out that the Chinese Communists killed off many of their PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income transportation $299.00 Ladies or VlU'CK BARGAIN Tax soeci,aLst. S. G. Furk. Stone Building. Red 593. (20ml FOR SALE 1948 Chev Pick-up Al motor. good rubber. Very useful . truck 1193.00 "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 27 ) W RAT HALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES ?hone Green 136 Box 478 HINESE DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 jn- HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Prion 13S FURNITURE for Sale Bedrrom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co.. Third Ave. (tf) best physicians in purges, are undoubtedly short of medical supplies and are undergoing epidemics. In India a top-level official summarized his government's reaction to he Soviet charges the NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE. Notirp Is hereby given that on the ?2nrl tiny of April next, the under BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service' Phone 93 i sixth s NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining Sawmill, Locuing and Con as incredulous horror. - Some followers of Mohandas Gandhi, however, are inclined signed Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 1074, Issued in tractors' Fjuinment,. F.nnuir-ies invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) to give the Chinese Reds the respect of premises beinK part of a j builditiR known as Commercial Hotel. siUiute at 901 First Avenue West. In ! BLONDIF Feorher Merchant! benefit of the doubt until an inquiry is made. Indonesia's press, concerned ''ijjii'ill'Hiji'Ml " DADDY WMICH V.'CIGHS) 1F DPOPON vaiu M.mnn. GUARANTEED r e c o n ditioned spwine machines. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. (81c) r with a cabinet crisis, has paid almost no attention to the Com r1 r- I w j ; TWi3 frjUnD OF MtTAL f i THE MOST-A POUND THEV OF FEATHFPS OP A f - BOTH the city of Prince Rnpert. in the Province of British Columbia, upon Hie lands described as Lots 13 and 14, Block 9. Section 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration Di strict, in . the Province of British Columbia, from Harold Willard Hel-K' rson to' William Hurvey Murray, of 005 Eighth Avenue Fast, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, the transferee. nuted at Prince Rnpert. British POU'-'O OP K'ET."!.3 FOR SALE 30 If. cilln'-ticr "Neechemus" as R Can bo seen at Dry Dock. Phone Grcon 489. i82p) sat ; Buy n mm FOR SALE Oil heater, small coal and wood stove hotnlate. -7W1-0- . f vJr munist charges. Responsible observers of public opinion feel, however, that the constant Red reiteration of the charges has aroused "widespread doubts" among many Indonesians, who usually tend to be suspicious of western sincerity. RIDICFLOCS CHARGES In western Europe, as expected, officials and the press ",r-...:- - i t'fi. Columbia, this 24th day of March, l!i.')2. WILLIAM HARVEY MURRAY, Applicant and Transferee ( lOtifc) r nictnres, dishes, kitchen tnhle. bedding, radio, etc. Phone Reel 738 after six. 82p) FOR SALE Washer, rocker, chairs, record player, records. $120. Phone 613. . (32c) Classified advertising In the DAILY NEWS" bring results.