until, i i'T'TriMt-;t , S" r--,"rk " Britain u. As I See It Prince Rupert Daily News a" insiders ployed in Britain tta against 371,000 in Canada on February 28, 1952. As Britain has over three and a half times Canada's population' the above figures speak for themselves. Why then the fierce ami- i am Thursday, April 17, 1952 0"P corr M- They t r- f Ft more 1 Dl be I guveriuneuii swing in Uritain? I think the answer is obvious. The ; Labor government's policy of ! "fitfl employment and fair shares" was an overall plan. Thf claim was that if everybody in the nation would consent to live on the strict austerity rationing j system, the whole population opposed have argued tarllv .tZ.10"' UK Tories on Skids THE British people have adminis t e r e d a resounding rebuke to their could be kept at work. By our standards their pay was woefully "low but the point was that just about everybody had a job and every family could get by aomchow. It had worked. new Tory government. ... 1 nUlnal T rr independent, daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year gHx $10: by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. Sis" Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Authorized as second class mall by Post Office Department, Ottawa Our Blessed Weather I T HAS RAINED and it has blown in Prince Rupert r-trre last few days. Indeed, it has. But who are we to complain. The rugged slopes carry our torrents safely into4he sea. They do not accumulate to flood our streets and our homes, to full scale disaster. - What if our highway does get washed out! What if our telegraph lines go down for a few hours? What if a few trefes blow down in the gale and the waterfront gets shaken up a bit! ' We never have death, destruction and desolation" such as the Mid West states are suffering fb"(Tay with the Missouri and the Mississippi and elation: There' to 'been an j gf X1 h b tidal' bo th anti-Conservative swing of , ?""b1; , wiio vi lauui iayca snaro wave proportions. The Question Is; Will the "TOU"lc" 100 mun motive ii utuiKiiiK oil Lite eiwltnn cnurcniu when It wa told was to be one American 1 PHILADELPHIA J "an. author ofte'l- 7". said the cS?; Ptoiu to teath Mr- Trumnn k. "!nun of teanST hutorywhetihete;; Hof "Mr. m:; -inference. tends to lecture." 1 w live out iu i...:u ljump ah(.ad of thf. erUlg j do My guess is that before many not suy tnat U)th wln(1 of the months have passed we shall; Iabor party wantcd Ua. see some new move iur a cuuu- election for plainly they did tion government. Readers may , not But tne ouu,,, of tht recall that I reported fromt!ectUm put tne conservatives Liverpool last fall, after Mr- back .into office .where they were Churchill's opening speech, thai) he seemed to be aiming at a PRINCE RUPERT (D1J PROGRESSIVE -COMM lesser streams going on the rempage as they are doing now. If we are inclined to complain about a wet, rainy day in Prince Rupert let us consider ourselves in comparison with others less fortunate and count our blessings! new coalition rather than for a mere Tory party victory. The real stumbling block to such a move right now Is that the belligerent Nye Bevan would have no part or parcel In it. THE BRITISH Tories seem to me to be getting their Just dtierts, for tns plain fact of the matter Is that they won th? election by sharp practises. They plainly told the people that they would Improve living conditions, above all by increas lng meat rations and building ! 300.000 houses per year Instead of the 200,000 which Labor had ; actually constructed. Lord Woolton made it more vivid when he told the peopl-; that they would get "more red meat." They are of course getting less red meat and all other IctnriK nf mpat. Moreover, more ASSOCIATION MEETING CIVIC CENTRE LOUNGE TONIGHT AT 8:30 0 . All r- f n Lands Not So Tolerant Other "HARBINGER OF SPRING" By Charles Bell In Regina Leader-Post. 'HEREVER the Doukhobors or Sons of Free dom may go, assuming they are permitted to Quick Canadian Quiz nil r luyresiive-vunst'rvaiives in Kmc; Rupert Electoral District ore requested Public Education in Driving Is Safety Urged at Jaycees Meet Hugo Kraupner Calls for Better Law Enforcement and More Publicity , Showing two enlarged photographs of a demol America's Britons are out of work than attend a meeting of the District Assoc; 1. Name North fifth largest city. for many years. dwell there, no new location can ever match the treatment always received in Canada. Nowhere on earth will they find a policy of patience equalling what it has been their good fortune to experience. This they can never forget. This they vih doubtless, remember if, in South America or somewhere else they meet authority that does not understand certain forms of life and conduct and what is more cannot be said to have the slightest desire to learn. 2. Of this country's newprlnt tion for the purpose of nominoting In the northern English tex- production, how much is used by' jie manufarturinv towns one candidate for the forthcoming Prcvki. anaaian aany newspapriB.- third of all the workers are 3. Canada's Eskimos are be- again on the dole. The dire pre ished car, a local businessman appealed to the Junior , Chamber of Commerce last night to "help educate , lleved to have come from where? . election warnings of the Labor Election. W. D. LAMB IE, President. 4. When and where was Can- speakers have already been vln ada's first cotton company es-',dicated. tablished? 1 What Are We? 5. In the U.S. there are 45 UNEMPLOYMENT in Britain Is people per square mile. How j stm far below that In Canada many in Canada? I or the U.8.A. The latest figures the public to observe safe driving rules." Hugo Kraupner, senior Cham-' ber delegate to the meeting, sign near the approach, suggested the Jaycees form a Of 57 cars counted, two stop-; traffic and safety committee to ped, two came to a partial stop aid authorities in making high- and all' others, including four? ways and city streeis safer. buses, went through without' "If the Motor Vehicles Act. the stopping. ' Highway Act and city bylaws Meanwhile, Jaycees will write 1 For quick results fry a Doily News Cos! (Answers on Page 6) t show 433.000 registered unem- 'were enforced, it would tend to to city council catting its atten- lfmit hazardous driving," he tion to "the very dangerous sit- ; said. uation" of Conrad Street inter y "And instead of hiding a short section with Eleventh Avenue, j report of such accidents 6n the t with strong recommendations i inside pages of the newspaper, for action between now and the .they should find a prominent winter months. I place on the front page," Mr. Don McDonald, Jaycee mem- Kraupner said. "Not nearly ber, told the meeting that sev- 1 1 line lie J ARE hardened to the fact that a resident WE of Halifax calls himself a Haligonian. It seems logical that people who live in Montreal are Mont-realers; in Toronto, Torontonians; in Winnipeg, Winnipeggers ; in Vancouver, Vancouverites. , (In the last case, the suffix can perhaps be justified by the fact that civic pride in Vancouver is something ' of a religion.) . ' We believe that people from Cambridge are Cantabrigians; at least they fasten that label on with the degree when they graduate students from the university. But what should we call the citizens of Prince Itupert? Prince Rupert-ites? Rupertians? Or what not? , ; These sort of problems are always interesting. What do our readers think "about it? enough" publicity was given in eral buses had slipped off the such cases. steep hill In trying to make the High insurance rates in intersection on Icy road condl- FRIDAY and SATURDAY-APRIL 18th and 19i Prince Runert were due to the i uons- wnlle lne snarP corner always proved a hazard for ve hicular traffic. Pic & Pic, Worsteds, Gabardines. Regular DUiir- Small.sizes only. Reg. values iU DI0US65 to $5.95 Dollar Day Special 1 Suits value to $65.00. All izes Dollar Day !20-00 high, accident rate here, he said, mentioning causes of negligence, driving to the common danger and under the influence of liquor. "I think that drivers convicted of carelessness should receive the maximum penalties." Mr. Kraupner called the Control In South H r.Aumf Small and Medium only 54 1 Kayon uowns D.nr d. r Dresses All niw spring styles In Prints and $Q A A Crepes. Sizes 12-24'2. Dollar Day 0,UU Prince Rupert-Port Edward; JACKSON, Miss. The SouUi highway "very dangerous . and ; for the first time since 1936 hold C7 ft or Jodai cripiure Jpauage faiAage not a speeaway. ne saia tne the balance 01 oolltlcal Dower. O grave, where is thy victory?" I Cor. 15:55. RCMP , had. promised reduced bqth within the Democratic Par-speed limit signs' w6aTd""Be Ihty'-tmfl -irr'thc 'nation, "atcDrdln stalled and a limited highway, to Senator Karl E. Mundt iRi patrol would be instituted. j of South Dakota. "Hardly any driver observes "The South faces an opportun-regulations on the highway in ity such as no other segment of this area, but a police patrol our country has ever faced and . to be just another seal only ; larger and with points of Interest not usually noted. This will never do for Victoria. Having developed a marine mystery, and played it up for years, this alert ray ... Reflects and may limit certain hazards, es- ' such as Dixie has not had since pecially speeding," said Mr. (the Democratic National Con-Kraupner. vention in 1936 repealed the 'two He told Jaycees he had made thirds rule,' " Senator Mundt de community cannot allow it to fXfoirnfWi&tvim 12 to 18 only. Reg. values $0 Aft Cllwr Small sizes only in Crepe. , !. UlCiiCi to $19.50 (No try-ons Dollar Day 0,UU jlip$ Reg. value $3.95 Dollar Day Sp'l Gabardines, Plaids and Alpines. Sizes 12 to 18 , , t,0s Hf Skirts w '2.oo Half Slips TtSi. - v Lace dimmed Crepe Slips .sizes 32 to 44 ) f 1 Anu nUjJ UrlfAfC JP irvi- Reg. values to $5 95. Colors Tearose, I I J Ull I V lU IU JuLACIJ . I jLll J white. Black. $9.00 f 1 100 V Wool. , "' ay SPWial Reg. value $22.50. Dollar DayJpWi - iti die. Remi nisces WHEN SIN IS IMAGINED We can't see where It would be an Investigation of Prince Ru- clared here in a speech before pert traffic problems. j the annual meeting of the Mis- "As a result I feel definitely ; sissippi Economic Council, that some organization inter-1 Senator Mundt, who for two The dropping of bodily tern any more sinful to buy openly a y-rature, says a Chicago psy- government legalized sweep- ested in our community should , years has stumped the countiy rhologist, can lead to a divorce. 1 stakes ticket for the benefit of ; give safety in traffic a lot of advocating a liberal-conservative Dropping of a hint, sometimes, i hospitals In Canada than to i consideration." He said he had i realignment of the nation's two can do as much. - sneak around a corner and slip j taken a count at Galloway Rap-j major parties, said that such u , somebody something for a ticket Ids bridge to see how many shuffle could result -from tin The Titanic sank forty years that has been smuggled In from , vehicles stopped at the stop , 1952 elections. Clilr Gabardines, Alpines, Worsteds. x . SnKiai W JiaCKS ollar w Regular value to $8.95 aco Tuesday. Of those who were ' ireiana via me unnea states, in, pri:ice Rupert on that bright , saVs a Toronto contemporary, spring morning, few indeed are i - WitVi nriPr hf HQ Rhno 1A tn id . .,nlii .i" (omort and .Sltjfe President Moves 'i Aft bird m Corselettes 2: Sneeial sUll here. Of these, none can forget the shock of sorrow, coupled with anxiety as to the luture of the railway yet to be completed, and the terminus on the north coast of British Columbia. For Charles M. Hays master mind and dominant personalitywas no more. To Curb Patronage j WASHINGTON, D.C. President Truman has asked Congress ' to place customs collectors, Uni- 1' Dark seams, every pair perfect, cperisl LADIES' SHOES j1 1 j j NYLON HOSIERY Sizes RU. tn 11 "" A BEHOLD THE SEVENTEENTH! I teA States marshals, and post-Ireland is said to be a verdant i master cMl service and land. If the Isle is any greener 'fTovL thf,lr offices from tne than Kaien Island, it won't be i fie'd of PUUcal patronage, the fault of thP wM:hPrnar. i He proposed a similar civil NO REFUNDS - NO EXCHANGES- ticularly during the past three j ff1" mf,rl svstei selec tion of all of I Pureau Customs that ore . quality made and design ed for long wearing and comfort Tops in looks Annette AAansell's Ladies' Wear officials, Including collectors, comptrollers, and surveyors "who are now appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. His pwnisal aifecUttg the Justice Departarent woujd abolish all present offices p United States marshal aad re-establish. new nnsit.lons Thev wmilrt h HOW IT MURMURED! There were moments last winter when we smirked at sunlight gleaming on ice, a blue sky and spotless miles of snow. But oh, the yearning for soft air, freedom from shoveling, and of rain. Yes, we felt it, and didn't you? That deep sea creature caught Fashion Footwear Tomorrow We Lead Others Follow filled by the Attorney General ! off Vancouver Island turns out' under classified civil service.